• Published 23rd Feb 2013
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The Machine - ADRNEL

Adam Gray, 19th century scientist, Time Travels into the future and ends up in Equestria.

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Chapter XXIX~The Creature~

Chapter XXIX

October 1899

Adam was at his study as he busily typed away on his new typewriter. Two months ago he had the most vivid of dreams while he was in his temporary coma from his machine that got destroyed shortly before he was due to travel back in time to save the woman he loved.

It was a dream that involved a world inhabited by ponies and where mythical creatures and magic exists all around. He soon reached the last thing he remembered before waking up, the first time he made love to one of his new pony lovers; Fluttershy.

And it was the most magical night of my life so far...

He looked on in silence.

"Adam?" interrupted a voice, he looked up to see his friend Henry run in with haste. "Oh, thank goodness you're okay!" he exclaimed with relief. His friend was gone on a lecture tour across Europe the last two months, but returned home as soon as he could to be with Adam.

"I'm fine Henry, don't worry, slightly burnt but still alive." Adam explained to his friend as he got up from his desk. "Just disappointed that four years of hard work went down the drain." he sighed.

"What were you working on?"

Adam knew that his friend would be disappointed in him once he gave the answer, but he did not care. "Working on a way to prevent Mary's death."

"What?!" his older friend in complete shock. "You still haven't gotten over that!?"

"What else was I supposed to do!" Adam snapped. "She was the only girl who ever loved me!"

"And you really think preventing her death will fix this?!"

Adam remained silent.

"I hate to be blunt with you, but Mary is DEAD! DEAD!" he emphasized. "Dead and never coming back!"

Adam stood there as he took the verbal lashing.

"Now, you have been locked away in this room for the last FOUR years, it is now time for you to come out and finally face the world again!"

The younger man just sighed with defeat. "You're right..."


"You're right okay? You have always been right and I have always ignored you, you're right and I'm sorry." he said with some shame.

"So, does that mean you are ready to come out?"

Adam just quietly nodded his head.

"Good, because you are coming with me to attend the debutante ball Mr. Lancie is organizing for his triplet daughters this weekend."

"I don't know...I have a book to-"

"Adam," Henry pleaded. "please, come, for your sake."

The young scientist did not want to further alienate himself from his only true friend in this world. "I will come." he assured his older friend.

Both men smiled at each other with new hope.

Mr. Lancie was the richest man in town, and also its biggest employer since he is the owner of several steel mills, railroads and newspapers across southeast Ohio including some holding across the river in West Virginia. The debutante ball he hosted was held in his large classically designed mansion on top of a hill overlooking the town, but unlike other balls, this one's main attraction was his triplet daughters; Adagio, Aria & Sonata.

Both Adam and Henry, along with many other guests are escorted to the mansion ballroom upon their arrival. They looked around to see that there was a full orchestra performing as everyone danced, talked and dined their night away. "You know I am not a big fan of these formal parties Henry." Adam said to his friend, he did not look forward to this.

"Just relax and have fun for once." Henry implored as he grabbed some glasses of wine from a tray for himself and Adam.

"You know I don't drink Henry." he turned down the glass of wine.

"Then go grab some punch or some of those gelatin molded fruit things the rich people always rave about."

"I believe they're called Jellies." stated Adam before he walked up to the table that held the punch bowl. He grabbed a glass and the ladle to pour himself some of the punch but he was suddenly shoved by someone, spilling his ladle all over the table.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry!" exclaimed the person that shoved him.

"No, no, it's okay." he said as he turned to look at the person. But what he saw caused time to stop, a beautiful looking girl in a violet ball gown. She had long hair tied up in a long ponytail and had a pure face, Adam was in awe.

The girl also looked back in awe.

"Ah, I see you have met one of my daughters." interrupted a voice.

"Daddy?!" exclaimed the girl who was startled. Adam looked up to see an older gentleman in his sixties and with a graying goatee, but his full head of hair was still brown despite his age, from what he heard, this man was Mr. Lancie himself.

"Uh..." Adam did not know what to say.

"You must be Mr. Gray, the scientist, nice to meet you." Mr. Lancie placed his hand out for Adam to shake.

"Mr. Lancie I presume?" he nervously shook his hand, he did not expect this meeting.

"I see you met one of my daughters, Sonata." he wrapped his arm around his daughter's waist.

"Oh?" he turns to Sonata. "Congratulations on your social debut." he bowed.

Sonata curtsied back, but was too in awe to say anything. "Yeah, one minute they are learning to walk, and the next thing you know they're 17 and making their social debut." Mr. Lancie stated with nostalgia.

"Actually, we won't turn 17 for another two weeks daddy." the girl clarified.

"Yes, of course, anyways Sonata, you better go join your sisters on stage, it's time to perform and show off how talented you have become." stated her father.

"Yes daddy." she nodded. She turned to face Adam and blushed, but quickly walked off to not miss her cue.

Adam had a feeling that he'll see more of this Sonata later on.

"And now, singing their version of Mozart's Popoli di Tessaglia! is Mr. Lancie's triplet daughters, Adagio, Aria and Sonata, who will also be going under the name 'Dazzlings' during their upcoming European tour, please put your hands together for these teenage operatic prodigies!" announced the orchestra conductor as the three sisters walked up to the stage.

Adam watched with disinterest from the crowd. But soon the orchestra started to play and the sisters began to sing.

Popoli di Tessaglia,
ah mai più giusto fu il vostro pianto;
a voi non men che a questi
innocenti fanciulli Admeto è padre.
Io perdo il caro sposo, e voi l'amato re.
La nostra sola speranza, il nostro amor
c'invola questo caso crudel,
né so chi prima in sì grave sciagura
a compianger m'appigli
del regno, di me stessa, o de' miei figli.
La pietà degli dei sola
ci resta d'implorare, d'ottener.
Verrò compagna alle vostre preghiere,
a' vostri sacrifizi avanti all'are
una misera madre, due bambini infelici,
tutto un Popolo in pianto presenterò così.
Forse con questo spettacolo funesto,
in cui dolente gli affetti,
i voti suoi dichiara un regno,
placato alfin sarà del ciel lo sdegno.

Io non chiedo, eterni dei
tutto il ciel per me sereno.
Ma il mio duol consoli almeno,
qualche raggio di pietà.
Non comprende mali miei
né il terror che m’empie il petto,
chi di moglie il vivo affetto,
chi di madre il cor non ha.

Adam was dumbstruck and impressed. His jaw remained wide open in shock as everyone around him applauded. The sisters bowed before they left the stage. Adam was especially drawn to Sonata, he decided to quietly follow the girls to a backroom behind the makeshift stage.

"I still think I should have gotten more lines, I can't believe 'dumb daddy's girl' gets all the lines when I am the one with the most talent!" complained Aria to her sisters.

"Daddy gave me all those lines because I can handle that register better either of you!" spat Sonata back, offended.

"And you believe everything he says, you're nothing but a suck up crybaby daddy's girl and you know it!"

"No, you are!" Sonata got angry. "You are nothing but a...a...uh...mean person!" she was always known for being horrible at coming up with good comebacks. It's why her two sisters, especially Aria, take advantage of her, she's a dumb klutz who can't defend herself.

Aria just laughs. "What a looser, no wonder you were last to come out of the womb, now if you excuse me ladies, I have men to charm and bed, see you later." she grabs a bottle of wine and walks out.

"But I thought we were supposed to save our virginity for when we got married?" asked a confused Sonata to her sister Adagio.

Adagio also laughs. "Yeah right, there's no way I'm entering a marriage as dumb and helpless as you, being married is nice and all, but the only way a man will ever stay married if you is if you learn the ways of pleasuring a man, and they only way to do that is gain first hand experience." she explained as she fixed up her large hair. "Now, if you want to remain a virgin to stay on daddy's good side, go ahead, but don't come crawling to us when your husband abandons you because you are horrible in the bedroom." with a cackle, Adagio walked out of the room, leaving Sonata alone with much to think about.

Adam heard the entire conversation from outside and felt bad for her. He took a deep breath, straightened out his suit and walked inside only to see Sonata crying and covering her face.

"I'm a failure!" she cried. Adam placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Everything will be okay." he said to comfort her. Sonata looked up and wiped her tears away.

"What do you want?" she asked confused.

"I thought you were amazing." Adam smiled.

"Whatever..." she sighed, dejected.

"Do you always let your sisters pick on you like that?"

"It's been that way since we were born, Adagio was the strict boss and Aria was the enforcer, and I am the one that has to follow the rules." she looked at Adam with sadness. "Maybe I'll just be a looser with no career and no husband."

"I think you would have a husband and family some day." he assured.

"What kind of man would have a talent-less looser who can't pleasure him?" Sonata looked at Adam confused.

Silence fell between the two of them, Adam had an idea, he did not like it, but he was willing to try if it meant making someone's life better. Forgive me for what I am about to do Mary

"I think I know someone who would be interested in showing you how." Adam offered.

"Who?" Sonata raised an eyebrow.

"SO GOOD!" screamed out Sonata as she collapsed on top Adam, her vision clouded with stars, her mind at bliss. "Wow...amazing..." she panted.

"I can't believe...we did that..." panted Adam, he stared at the ceiling with a look of shame and shock at how this night escalated. "How did you think I did?" he asked, he looked down only to see Sonata was fast asleep, her soft snores coming from the most beautiful sleeping face he has seen. "I guess that answers it." he quickly got off the bed and began to put on his clothes. He felt bad that he was going to leave her alone, but he felt it was for the best, relationships are just not his specialty.

After he got dressed he looked back at the sleeping Sonata one last time and kissed her on the lips. Sonata gave a small moan in response but did not stir. He quietly left her bedroom as rain began to fall outside.

February 1900

"You know why I summoned you here Mr. Gray?" asked the dean of the university, Mr. Faust as he looked over Adam's file.

"I was told there was an opening in the physics department after one of the professors died unexpectedly." he nervously answered as he sat on a chair in front of the desk, he felt like he was in an interrogation.

"You're lucky your friend Mr. Wotton is married to my daughter." was all Mr. Faust said as he put away the file. "Welcome once again to the University family." he stuck out his hand. Adam, stunned, got up and shook it. "But remember, just because this is my last semester before retirement, does not mean I will go easy on you."

"I...understand sir."

Adam calmly biked along in the local park as he took in the crisp winter air. Everyone else was out and about walking or in their carriages, business as usual. As he took in his surroundings, he caught a glimpse of a most unexpected sight; down by the frozen lake, there was Sonata herself taking photographs with a new Brownie camera.

Adam was so stunned, he failed to watch were he went and immediately crashed into a snow bank. "Augh!" he landed face first in the snow.

"Oh my goodness, like, are you okay?" exclaimed a concerned Sonata as she ran over, but she soon recognized who she was trying to help. "Huh, Adam?"

"In the flesh." Adam groaned in pain as he slowly got up from the snow and brushed himself off. They both awkwardly stared at each other in silence.

After a minute of silence, Sonata spoke up. "So...about that night-"

"I'm sorry I bailed on you!" the man blurted out. Silence fell again.

"Uh...actually..." the seventeen year old began. "I just wanted to say thank you for that night."

"What?!" he was dumbstruck.

"Yeah..." she blushed sheepishly. "I kind of was the only one that got any...uh...luck last night, unlike my sisters." she explained. "It felt great being the one that bragged that time."

"You're...welcome?" he was unsure what to say.

"No problem at all." she smiled. She quickly got up to Adam and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Uh...if you want to, like, talk, just come by to the mansion and I'll see you there." she blushed and awkwardly walked away. Adam suddenly grabbed Sonata by the hand.

"Why don't we go and talk at the local coffee house instead? Get to know each other over a cup of tea or coffee." he offered.

Sonata blushed in response. "Sounds nice..."

It was the start of a new relationship.

June 1900

Adam read the local newspaper to catch a glimpse of the latest book reviews for a new story that was being serialized in Harper's magazine; My Journey in a Land of Magical Equines by Madam Mada Gris.

What everyone did not know, it was Adam himself that wrote the novel under pseudonym. He did not want any attention, especially since some of the content can be considered 'erotic' at best and 'bestial' at worst.

He was so enthralled with reading the review that he did not notice his girlfriend sneak up behind him.


A startled Adam quickly turned around and closed the newspaper. "Sonata?" he exclaimed while he caught his breath.

"Why are you reading?" she smiled.

"Oh...uh..." looked down at a random newspaper headline. "The results of the Republican National Convention." he nervously read. Adam had no clue about politics, in fact, he never voted in his entire life. "Uh...it looks like President McKinley has a new vice presidential candidate in a...uh...Mr. Roosevelt of New York." he had no idea what it meant.

"Anyways," Sonata changed the subject. "Daddy has invited you to go duck hunting down in Marietta this weekend."

"Uh...why?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Well, ever since I, like, told him that we are a couple, he, like, wants to get to know you better." she explained. "He wants you to meet him early tomorrow at the mansion."

"Like I have any other choice." he sighed with a tense look.

The very next day, Adam rode on one of his trusty horses up the long driveway of the mansion. He reached the front portico only to be met by some house staff trying to start up a brand new automobile. Adam looked on at the sight as he dismounted from his horse. "Rich people are their toys." said Adam as he looked on with disbelief. Why would anyone want to buy those noisy and dirty things?

"Well, I am rich and I have every right to buy whatever toy I want." chimed a new voice as Mr. Lancie stood at the front door. "In fact, last month I invested my savings in a studio that specializes in moving picture film." he walked down the portico steps to meet Adam. "Glad to have finally met the man my daughter talks so highly about." he smiled and shook his hand like an expert politician.

"The pleasure is the same." he responded with some apprehension.

"Anyways, while my staff get the automobile ready, why don't you come inside for some tea?" offered the older man. "I got some of the best stuff from the Orient." leads Adam inside.

Mr. Lancie lead Adam into a large study room filled with Medieval artifacts and tome sized books. As the older man poured himself and Adam some pre-made tea that was brought to the study from the kitchen just minutes earlier, the young scientist's attention was drawn to a large triptych that hung over a fireplace.

The center panel was flanked by two smaller panels depicting the sun and moon, while the center showed an epic scene of a lone wizard facing three large sea monster like creatures. Behind the creatures was what appeared to be a portal that was sucking in the monsters.

"You like it?" asked Mr. Lancie as he interrupted Adam's thoughts. He gave the young man the tea. "I commissioned Ford Maddox Brown to paint me that about 30 years ago."

"Well...it's very...interesting." Adam could not find the proper word to describe it. He took a sip of the tea. "Did Mr. Brown come up with the subject or did you?"

"No, I did." he clarified with a smile. "I was inspired by the very interesting story that I remember long ago." he began as he sat down at his favorite leather chair by the fireplace. Adam did the same as he sat in the chair across from him. "By the way Mr. Gray, how's the tea?" he gave a sinister smile.

Adam suddenly started to feel light-head. "Huh?" confused as the world around him started to distort and voices started to be heard.

What's thy nameth dram colt? What betid to thy parents?
Thou mayest refer to me as Discord sir... and I don't has't any parents.
I shall taketh thou in as mine student and assistant. I senseth great charm in thou dram colt.

I don't care what thy father sayeth, love looks with the heart, not with the mind, and therefore, Cupid is blind and we shalt beest together!
I must protect thee, for if 't be true mine father findeth out about this affair, that gent could killeth thee!
My dearest Celly, your father cannot control your destiny, he also will not control mine!

Adam suddenly woke up to find himself back on the floating iceberg. "Can you believe I have been waiting 50 years for me to do that?!" laughed an all too familiar voice in disbelief. "My greatest prank yet!" he rolled on the floor laughing.

"What's going on?!" Adam was confused as he found himself facing Discord again.

"Nothing a little chaos and patience can't fix." he chuckled. "Anyways, I hopped you enjoyed a small dose of my memories before you woke up, what a life."


"Yes, those ye olde voices you heard where from my actual memories." Discord explained. "I wasn't always this good looking, long ago I was just another orphaned unicorn who had nowhere to go and no destiny to speak of."

A portal suddenly appeared showing a bearded unicorn wearing a wizards hat and cape walking up to an orphaned unicorn colt. "That is until the great Starswirl the Bearded took me in as his apprentice."

"Although over time, I started doing more and more of the work as the great and powerful Starswirl became a shell of his former self, he became nothing but a perverted old stallion who grew senile by the day."

The vision changed to an adult unicorn Discord working spells as an older Starswirl slept on his desk.

"What's worse, he would always get the credit for all the work that I do because no can believe a lowly apprentice can do such things like find a more efficient way to teleporting or coming up with new techniques and spells against the dark arts."

The unicorn Discord looked on with anger and jealousy as Starswirl got showered with praise and gifts.

"But I did manage to get the attention of one pony."

The young Discord looked on with shock as a younger looking Celestia walked up to him and personally thanked him for his efforts.

"Celly was the only pony that saw that I was the real brains behind Starswirl, as appreciation and under her insistence, I decided to teach her about the dark arts, the kind that her father forbade her from practicing."

Discord and Celestia were in a secluded part of the castle grounds learning several defensive spells. Soon, they both started to get romantically close as the two eventually kissed.

The currently Discord gave a sigh. "That was the biggest mistake of my life, because that single kiss would lead to me becoming the draconequus I am today."

Adam looked on stunned. "Why are you showing me this?"

"Because when there is love...there is death." answered Discord. "How long do you think you and Sonata was going to last?"

Suddenly, the portal began to show a dying Sonata on her bed.

Monday October 22, 1900

She lied on her bed, extremely pale and occasionally coughing up blood, Adam sat by her side as he held her hand tightly. "Please my love, don't die."

"I'm...sorry..." she said weakly, her eyes lost the spark that it usually had. Her sisters and father look on with sadness but trying to be as brave as possible for their ill family member.

A tear ran down Adam's cheek as he felt his love's hand go limp. Sonata suddenly breathed her last as the candlelit room slowly went dark.

"After about a month, that revolver you owned started to look extremely friendly to you for you had no one else to fill the void."

Friday, November 30, 1900

Mrs Tuppence happily washed the dishes as Adam stumbled through the front door with a police officer. The old woman heard the commotion and quickly reached the foyer. "Is this yours ma'am?" asked the officer.

"Why...yes...what's going on?" she asked with worry.

"Unhand me officer!" slurred Adam.

"I found him drunk trying to molest my horse, luckily she gave him a swift kick to the stomach." explained the officer as he lets him go. "Tell him when he sobers up, that if I catch him attempting such an act again, I will have to charge him with some serious offenses."

"Oh, we are so sorry for any inconvenience officer, I'll keep a good watch on him next time." apologized the old woman.

"You better." the officer pointed at the two sternly before he tipped his hat and left.

Mrs. Tuppence turned to Adam. "What's going on Adam? Getting drunk? That's not like you!" she scolded.

"I don't need your sympathy!" he drunkenly snarled. "I don't need anyone sympathy because no one gives a damn about my life!" he shouted.

"Mr. Gray-"

Adam suddenly pulled out his revolver from his jacket pocket and pointed it at his housekeeper. "Don't you dare 'Mr. Gray' me! Don't you dare!" he cocked his weapon as tears formed in his eyes. "You only ever lost one love in your life...I lost TWO!"

The old housekeeper was stunned but kept her composure. "Fine then," she said incredulously. "if you are going to shoot me, go ahead, I'm just an 80 year old Scottish woman who lived a full life, now, I suggest that when you do point a gun at some, have the common decency of pulling the trigger!"

Silence fell between the two of them. Adam quickly aimed his gun somewhere else and fired it at a mirror behind the housekeeper. The shot rang throughout the house but Mrs Tuppence barely flinched. Adam, with tears in his eyes, ran into his study with the gun and slammed the door shut.

"Wait..Adam-" she was quickly interrupted by the sounds of another gunshot from inside the room. "ADAM!" she ran inside to only be met by the most heartbreaking sight of her life. "No..."

Adam opened his eyes to find himself alone in a cave. He looked around with confusion.

"Adam?" asked a familiar voice. He turned around to see Fluttershy standing in front of him. "Thank Celestia, we found you!"

The human was confused. "What...happened?"

"Discord kidnapped you and took you here to mentally break you." she nervously explained.

"Glad you came here to save me then." he sighed with relief.

"That was my original plan, until Discord told me and showed me what you did." Fluttershy's tone became angry. Adam backed away stunned. "You cheated on me with that whore Lyra!" she snapped. "How could you!"

"Now Shy...I can explain..." he continued to back up.

"Explain to Discord himself!" she yelled as Discord appeared behind her with a rusty scalpel and wearing surgical scrubs. He laughed evilly.

"I never castrated a human before." he laughed as Fluttershy evaporated, a fake.

Adam prepared himself for the worst when all of a suddenly, a blinding flash of rainbow light enveloped the draconequus. "Wait...no...Celly, we had a deal! No!" Adam shielded his eyes as Discord's screams of anguish echoed throughout the cave, it was quickly silenced by a loud thud.

The human looked to see Discord on the cave floor, a statue again. Behind it stood the six mares with their Elements of Harmony, proud of their win over the god of chaos. "That should take care of him fo' good." commented Applejack, her five friends smiled in agreement.

Fluttershy quickly ran up to Adam and enveloped him into a hug. "Oh Adam, we finally found you, we thought you left." she cried tears of joy into his shoulder.

"What's going on?" the human was confused, was this true, or is he still dreaming?

"I managed to track you down using my magic the Elements of Harmony started to act up, and it only does that when large amounts of disharmony is detected. We immediately followed the source all the way to Discord himself." explained Twilight.

Adam gave a loud sigh of relief. "Thank goodness it was all over." he held Fluttershy close and smiled. The shy pegasus smiled back and gave the human a tender kiss on the lips.

Later that day, Adam walked back to his home with Fluttershy flying by his side, he still had something that nagged on his mind.

"Is there something wrong?" asked a concerned Fluttershy who saw Adam being distant since his rescue. Adam stopped in his tracks and put his head down. "Adam?"

"I had sex with another pony..." he mumbled.

"What?" the pegasus was not sure if she heard correctly.

"I had sex with another pony besides Twilight!" he raised his voice, he was tired of keeping what he did a secret.

Fluttershy landed on the ground in front of him stunned. "W-what?"

"During the trip with Lyra, me and her had sex, and we went all the way too, even climaxed inside her..." he admitted with shame. "I am sorry, but I really want to move on and be happy with-" he quickly interrupted by a swift kick to the stomach. He doubled over to the ground in pain.

"I gave away my virginity to you and this is how you repay me?!" she angrily snarled with tears in her eyes. "I HATE YOU ADAM AND I WISH YOU NEVER ENDED UP HERE!" she screamed before she flew off to the sky as her cries echoed across the landscape.

Adam stayed curled up on the ground with shame. "Maybe I should leave..." he thought to himself.

At the cave, Celestia flew in to see Discord still where he was left in his statue form. "I know we had a deal Discord, but I just couldn't risk you blabbing on about our past, that's personal." she walked up to the fallen statue. "Part of me still pities you for what my dad and Starswirl have done to you, but your antics have nearly ruined everything I worked hard for." her horn began to glow. "But I think it is now time for me to let go of my past. You have been a thorn on my rump for long enough." a beam of magic shot out and hit the statue, pulverizing it. "If you want something done right...you better do it yourself."

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoyed the third and final installment of the Discord trilogy.

Tune in for the next trilogy; Chapters 30, 31 & 32.

This took forever to write.

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