• Published 23rd Feb 2013
  • 2,851 Views, 63 Comments

The Machine - ADRNEL

Adam Gray, 19th century scientist, Time Travels into the future and ends up in Equestria.

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Chapter XX~The Date~

Chapter XX

The Date

Day 142

Another beautiful winter day in Ponyville as many of the residents were getting ready for the annual Winter Wrap-up.

At town square, a young colt with a helicopter hat was buying a juice box from a vending machine. He grabbed the juice box from the machine and happily began drinking it, just as Lyra followed suit and also decided to buy what the young colt bought.

While drinking the juice, the colt saw a tag reading "Are you a winner?", and with wide-eyes quickly pulled the tag. Only to be disappointed when the tag beneath read "Looser!".

"MOM!!!" whined the colt as he sprinted off crying.

Lyra was too busy getting and drinking her juice box to notice. After finishing, she also noticed the tag and out of sheer curiosity she pulled it to reveal to her surprise; a tag reading "WINNER!!!"

"I'M A WINNER!!!" yelled the mint unicorn to sky.

"I just won a two day, one night stay at the Canterlot Hotel & Resort for me and one other guest!" told Lyra the news to Bon Bon, who was busy making candy.

"Usually you're not excited about staying in hotels, much less resorts." stated Bon Bon.

"I know...but this is different."

"How so?"

"The Canterlot Hotel & Resort is home to the biggest and most wildest indoor water park in all of Equestria...duh!"

"Okay..." sighed Bon Bon. "...when are we going?"

"Tomorrow." answered the unicorn.

"Tomorrow?" stated a shocked Bon Bon, "I have to help out with the Winter Wrap-up tomorrow, I can't make it."

"Oh come on Bon Bon!" exclaimed Lyra. "You've been my best friend and roommate through thick and thin...at least let me show you my gratitude of you helping me out all these years by taking you to a night of fun!" she begged.

"I only let you live with me because I felt sorry for you...you promised me you'll get a job and move out of here!"

"And I will!"

"That was FOUR years ago Lyra!" the cream pony exclaimed. "We've been living together for so long that everyone in town is suspecting that we're lovers!"

"You're exaggerating Bonnie."

"A young curious filly came up to me asked how it was like being a lesbian!" exclaimed an offended Bon Bon.

"Well...I guess that explains why stallions keep avoiding us...but who else will be willing to go with me! I can't go alone!"

"I'm sure you'll come up with something Lyra." flatly stated the cream pony as she continued with her candy making.

"You want me to what?" exclaimed a confused Adam to Lyra while he was out on a walk with Fluttershy.

"Please!" begged the mint unicorn. "You're closest thing I have to a friend besides Bon Bon, and it won't be fun to go there by myself!"

Both the human and Fluttershy gave her strange looks.

"But I have to help out Fluttershy with winter wrap-up tomorrow." explained the human.

"Uh Adam...can we talk for a moment in private?" asked Fluttershy to the human. The pegasus quickly took Adam off to the side so the could have their private conversation.

"What is it Shy?" Adam asked.

"I want you to go."


"You have never once been on vacation since you got here nearly five months ago...and I don't want you to be stressed out." stated the pegasus with sincerity in her voice.

"Oh...okay." reluctantly agreed the human, he didn't want to upset his marefriend.

The next day, Adam and Lyra met at Ponyville town square.

"Ready to go Adam?" exclaimed and excited Lyra, happily bouncing up and down.

Adam, armed with his travel bag, agreed. "Sure...so let's go to the station before the train leave-"

"We're not going to use the boring old train to get there silly!" giggled the mint unicorn. "We're going to teleport there!"


"Place your hoo-I mean hand, on any part of my body!" instructed the unicorn.

Adam does as told as placed his hand on Lyra's back.

"Good, now all I need is to concentrate, picture the location we're going to in my mind's eye and POOF! We'll be in front of the resort in a matter of seconds!" she exclaimed. "Now hold on, count to three and keep all limbs near me!"

Adam braced himself as Lyra closed her eyes and her horn began to glow. "One...two...th-"

Almost instantly, both Lyra and Adam disappear in a flash of green light.

Adam looked around in complete shock, shivering with cold steam coming off of his body. He couldn't believe that he was in front of the resort, just as Lyra said. Suddenly, the human felt nauseous, he quickly ran towards some bushes, and threw up behind them.

"Oh yeah..." giggled Lyra. "...nausea and vomiting are a common side-effect among-st first timers, but your body will build a tolerance to it."

"NEVER AGAIN!" exclaimed Adam as he finished vomiting. He just sat down on the ground to get his bearings.

"Oh...sorry...I kind of forgot that the side-effects are more pronounced and potent among non-equine species." sheepishly stated Lyra.

Adam got back up on his feet. "Let's just check-in before my head starts spinning." he picked up his bag and leads Lyra inside.

Both the human and unicorn reach their room for the next two days and a night. The room was a standard hotel sweet, with twin beds, a desk, bathroom and a small fridge holding the mini-bar.

"COOL!" Lyra ran to the bed nearest the window and bounced on it. "I CALL THIS ONE!"

Adam just smiled at Lyra's carefree and fun attitude.

"Now put on your swim trunks, because we have an indoor water park to enjoy!" beamed Lyra.

Luckily, Rarity made the human a swimsuit for such an occasion.

Adam and Lyra reached the indoor water park, only to find it packed with ponies.

"Are water parks usually this crowded?" asked the human.

"Only the really popular ones." answered Lyra. "Come on...we'll go the water slides first." the unicorn used her magic to grab Adam by the hand and take him to a nearby water slide.

Adam was nervous, having never been down a water slide before. They reached the top of the slide. "Okay, just lay on your back and keep all of your limbs near your body at all times." instructed the mint unicorn.

"O-okay." nervously stammered the human as he got on the slide and did as told.

"Good luck!" the unicorn suddenly pushed the human down the slide.

"LYRA~~~!!!" he yelled before reaching the bottom in a big splash.

Back at the hotel room, Lyra was bandaging Adam's hand, having sliced it while going down the slide. "Yeah...sorry about that."

"That's okay. I should have followed your instructions more carefully." stated Adam, trying to cheer Lyra up.

Lyra couldn't help but stare at Adam's hands, she has never seen such a thing up close before. She quickly regained her focus. "Hey...how about we take advantage of the complimentary room service and minibar?" offered the unicorn.

Adam thought about that offer.

3 drinks in...

A server came into the hotel room with some fine meals, only to be met by a slightly tipsy Lyra and Adam. "FOOD HAS ARRIVED!" exclaimed Lyra

Normally, Adam never drinks, but he decided to make a slight exception to cheer Lyra up.

The server revealed a meal of fresh fruit, raw oysters for Adam, and plum pudding. "YAY!" yelled the unicorn.

Both Adam and Lyra dug in as the server left.

2 drinks and a meal later...

Lyra is laying down on Adam's lap, as he fed her grapes.

"I guess I have been trying to figure out what to do with my life since my parents kicked me out of the house." explained the unicorn, telling the human her life story. "Tell me Adam...back in your home world...did you have a special someone?"

"I did actually...her name was Mary."

"What happened...did you guys broke-up or something before you left?"

"She died." answered the human ominously.

"I'm sorry to hear that...do you still miss her?"

Adam just sighed. "Yes...I miss her so much, so much so, that I built a time machine just so I can prevent her death."

"But you still love Fluttershy right?"

"Well...I don't know actually...I love Fluttershy with all my heart...yet, my heart is telling me to not give up on Mary, not loose any hope in saving her."

"So...now you're conflicted?"

Adam just quietly nodded in agreement.

"I know how it's like to be stuck in the middle between two loves. It was horrible, I didn't know what to do, so I just made a decision that made the most sense."

"And what's that?"

"I chose none of them and left, if I couldn't decide between them, then I should not be with either of them. Afterwards...I dropped out of the academy for gifted unicorns, but unfortunately, that's what caused my parents to kick me out of my home, so I was stuck with nothing to do and nowhere to go."

"What did you do?"

"I got an offer from Princess Celestia, she was shocked that one of her best students in the academy would just drop-out like that, so she offered me a two-year membership to the 'Brotherhood of the Fourth Sphere' a secret organization tasked with protecting and keeping the political status-quo of Equestria." Lyra continued. "I naturally accepted, seeing as I had no other options."


"Yep" agreed the unicorn. "I did my two years, Celestia gave me enough bits for a train ticket to any city in Equestria I wanted to go, and then I met Bon Bon...and the rest is history, although I still haven't found my special somepony yet after all those years." Lyra looked sad and Adam couldn't help but feel sorry for her. "That is...until I met you..."

Lyra got up and suddenly began kissing Adam on the lips, the human was stunned and quickly pushed Lyra off of him.

"What's wrong?" asked a sad Lyra.

"This isn't right..."

"Come on Adam...please!" begged the unicorn. "Just this one time! Haven't you ever wondered what it's like to make love to a pony?"


Lyra grabbed Adam's hand and nuzzled it. "For just this once...make me feel like mare...make me feel loved." she then seductively sucked on Adam's index finger. "How long as it been since you lasted rutted?"

The human was still in shock. "Over four years..."

"Six years for me." Lyra got on top of Adam, gently and playfully nipping his neck. "Just for tonight. Fluttershy will never know and I'll never beg for you to do this ever again."

"Just this once?" asked Adam for clarification.

"Just this once." Lyra returned back to suckling Adam's index finger. "Show me what these digits can do."

Adam just couldn't find the will to say no to such a cute and heartwarming site. Plus it has been over four long years without release. "As long as we never speak of this afterwards...okay."

Lyra just smiled and kissed Adam with passion. "Now tell me something first...how long can you humans last?"

"Several minutes."

"Jackpot." grinned the unicorn as she tongue kissed the human.


The human slowly opened his eyes to find himself on the bed, naked, and with the bright sun shining in. Adam looked around only to find the room is cleaned, his clothes in a neat pile on the chair across from the bed, but no sign of Lyra or her belongings.

"Lyra?" Adam looked around only to find a sticky-note on his hand. "Huh?"

The human took the note and read it.

Dear Adam,

Thank you for the best sex I ever had...I never knew those parts of my anatomy could be stimulated like that. Anyways, I have left for bigger and better things, so don't bother looking for me. Thanks.


P.S. Check out time is at noon.

Adam looked at the clock to see that it is 10:30am. Suddenly, the realization of what he did last night set it. "OH NO!"

Adam returned back to Ponyville as quickly as he could, the first thing he did was run straight to Bon Bon's place.

"Bon Bon! Bon Bon!" exclaimed the human as he saw Bon Bon grabbing the mail in front of her house.

"Oh Adam...welcome back!" chimed a cheerful Bon Bon.

"Where's Lyra?" asked the human.

"Haven't she told you? She got a job offer in Las Pegasus for the Las Pegasus Symphony Orchestra." stated the tan pony.

"Job offer?"

"Yeah...you and her were out enjoying the buffet at the resort when you met some key members of the orchestra and Lyra showed off her skills on the lyre." she explained.

Adam realized that Lyra told Bon Bon a lie. But he decided not to say anything. "Oh...yeah, it was a wild night. She was good...especially in the bedroom." Adam mumbled the last part under his breath.

Bon Bon then brought Adam into a hug. "Oh...and thank you for being such a great friend to Lyra...it's rare for her to warm-up to other ponies."

The human said nothing, but return the hug.

Adam quickly ran up to Fluttershy's cottage. He knocked on the door and is quickly met by Fluttershy.

"ADAM!" exclaimed the pegasus before the human kissed her passionately. "Oh my..."

"I missed you so much!" exclaimed the human as he brought the pegasus into a tight hug.

"I guess you really did miss me." stated a smiling Fluttershy.

Little did she know, but a single tear of guilt ran down Adam's cheek. "I did."


Author's Note:

My passion for writing as returned!

20 chapters down...19 more to go.

NEXT TIME: The Apple Family Reunion!

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