• Published 14th Feb 2013
  • 1,486 Views, 36 Comments

Twilight Sparkle; Appleloosan Sheriff - Peridork

Twilight Sparkle becomes the sheriff of Appleloosa and has to deal with all the craziness that will come with the job.

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Twilight grinned as she glanced over her blueprints for the machine that would let her peek inside that head of one ‘Pinkus Piecus.’ better known as Pinkie Pie. Though she had heard that the entire town had learned to keep their mouth shut about information of the phenomena that she had seen.

The Pinkie Sense.


Fluttershy stared at the machine that was sitting in Twilight’s office. Twilight had pestered her about her mechanical knowledge and, unwittingly, Fluttershy had helped her build this machine as a result. Its wires snaked around the room and made a mess of everything that was around it. Overall, Fluttershy thought it was probably one of the ugliest things that she had ever seen. And that’s why my dad said you don’t let bureaucrats near technology. They always mess everything up.

Twilight had other plans for the yellow pegasus. Through an extreme invasion of personal space, Twilight’s purple aura wrapped around Fluttershy’s body She tried to squirm out of the grip that the purple mare had on her body but she was stuck fast.

“Maybe I didn’t tell you about your other job Fluttershy...you see you're the only pony free today so I guess you’ll be the pony that helps me test what my memory machine might do...”

After a while Twilight’s spells kicked in and Fluttershy drifted off to memory lane. Not the happiest, not the saddest but the most

Fluttershy saw herself nuzzled up with her mother. Her mother always was the one to settle her father down after after one of his disputes with his work as a scientist. This was before the times of (hatred. fear, pain, feelings best kept inside) want.

Fluttershy remembered the drought that hit Appleloosa when she was a foal. Sure there were those few times she went to a new place. New Cloudsdale, Canterlot, even Ponyville. But it seemed from the moment she was born- Fluttershy felt stuffed in by the small town life. She always had that need to help ponies,

But it never happened. The drought took care of that. The Apple Family was hit hard and had to change business model. They went from owning just an orchard to owning most of the town and that was what set the Appleloosan Apples into land barons.Not without taking the lives of Applejack’s parents.

(Ring around the Rosie)

The worst of it was when all the grasses and food stores ran out. Then anarchy broke out between the haves and have nots began a civil war to take the food supplies for themselves. My mother, Posey tried to send a letter through some of her draconic contacts to th Princesses but it was already too late.

(A pocketful of Posies)

My mother, to stop the fighting marched right up City Hall and called out our neighbors about the violence but they tried to trample her to death when she made the mistake of getting too close to the enraged mob. I know that the hungry ate well that night and all nights until the drought ended. I still feel apprehension towards the townsponies after what they did to my body after they trampled it to near death and my husband-father brought me back to life.

(Ashes! Ashes!)

My father dragged my mother’s body back to his laboratory and didn’t tell me what happened to me mom whose cutie mark was defiled by bruises and blood from when she died. She would never talk to me again on how she would make her garden grow; her green eyes shining in delight as the morning dew reflected off the flowers. How with just tender loving care she could make the most ornery plants grow. How we would never have those bonding moments where she would teach me the “Windigo’s Sight.” My mind kept reeling off a list of things that I just could couldn’t do without my mom, Posey, and it hurt.

(And we all fall down.)

My father, who had been hooking up wires to my mom’s dead body, yanked me by a hoof and hooked me up to a similar machine.

“Dad, what are you doing?” I nervously asked since I had never seen this side of him until this moment.

“I think I know how to keep both you and your mother alive. In my university days, there was this professor that hypothesized that the personality of ponies lasts hours until they get picked up by the Night Princess in her duties...I am going to put your mother’s ind into your body, and since- by sheer coincidence you and her share enough similarities in body types...besides that you have wings that this might work.”

He yanked down on the lever and, for the first time in my life, I could hear my mother clear as day right inside my head. I was six years old, I had a still long way until that airship crash at Flight Camp (which was one of the few times I let Posey take complete control of my body. I had the knowledge, she was calm. Though she did come up with a stupid excuse as to why I knew all that technical stuff. Though I did meet Dashie...)


After that success, my father grew distant as he worked on his experiments I barely escaped after he tried to make me invulnerable to magic just like one of his own creations. Though he did train me how to create robots whenever I asked. After a few years of living with a father who couldn’t tell if you were his wife or his daughter...it got confusing. He finally trusted me enough to tell me that he planned to make a Southern Republic and wage war on the Princesses who never stopped the drought and killed his wife.

We- my mother and I- couldn’t take it anymore so we escaped in the middle of the night and walked by foot into Appleloosa. Nothing important happened until that robot my dad made attacked the town and I deactivated it since all the robots are attuned to the sound of my voice...


Fluttershy awoke with a start, punching Twilight out of reflex. “Don’t you ever do something like that to me again. I only scratched the surface of what my father did to me. I don’t even tell Dash what you just stole from me. Destroy that machine or we- neither my nice side. which is Posey, or my not so nice side, which is the actual me ever since my dad experimented on me for half my life, will ever talk to you again. Did we make ourselves clear?” Fluttershy used her Windigo Sight to make sure that Twilight would follow her rule to the letter.

The yellow pegasus stormed off towards her personal fort. Once Fluttershy left, Twilight locked all the doors, windows, and sent Spike off to play with the Crusaders as she began to dealt with post-traumatic stress disorder just from looking at Fluttershy’s (and Posey’s) memories.

That night, she destroyed the machine.

“Dear Princess Celestia,I learned that privacy is a great thing to have and that friendship is built around it. Without it, ponykind would fall apart into savage animals that would fight to the death to get ahead

P.S. Have you ever heard of a Posey near Appleloosa?”


“Dear Twilight,
On your question about Posey, she was one of my best friends. Well, we did have a business relationship. She was one of the Six Knights of Harmony and she helped keep Equestria safe. I hope you can weaponize up soon because we lost contact with the Crystal Empire and Cadance. Without the Knights, we can’t use the Elements of Harmony.


Author's Note:

Finally this took way too long. And it is mainly because of health problems. I wanted to finish this season 1 of this story by December but with how I feel I think I should take as much time as I need to.

With this short chapter ( I hate short chapters but it worked because it is set around memories and a secondhand account back when Fluttershy was around six or seven. Not everything is explained with that mentality. Fluttershy's control of the robot also kinda makes sense.

This came out of a five second but in canon. That machine that Twilight ties up Pinkie to in Feeling Pinkie Keen. This was TS;AS's version of it and it seems that I am trying to get further and further from canon.

Also the Knights of Harmony mentioned in Celestia's letter are this verse's version of the Element Bearers. I'm planning on bringing in Firefly and the rest of the ponies that the Mane 6 were based on later in the story.