• Published 14th Feb 2013
  • 1,487 Views, 36 Comments

Twilight Sparkle; Appleloosan Sheriff - Peridork

Twilight Sparkle becomes the sheriff of Appleloosa and has to deal with all the craziness that will come with the job.

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Master of Puppets

Twilight stared at the landscape surrounding her She knew of the bar. After spending a day or so in the town she realized how rambunctious its patrons could become. She hadn't yet needed to break up any fights yet because of Applejack’s strength. Even when intoxicated, she could control any mob with it.

Nearby the tavern was the airship port. The constant roar of the engines kept her awake at odd hours. Yet Twilight continually saw Rainbow sneak out of the airport like a thief. Note to myself- do a background check on these ponies just to be safe.

Outside the town there were two structures she wanted to look at today: the rock farm and the old fort.

Big Rock Candy Mountain Farm

Twilight trotted to the farm stopping at the sign.

“Why does that sign look so tacky?”

The sign in question said “Big Rock Farm” and in pink paint said “Candy Mountain.”

“What do ya find wrong with this here sign. stranger?” a brown stallion walked towards Twilight.

“Hello, sir. I’m just showing my face around here because I’m the new sheriff.”

“Oh you must be the new pony my daughter was talking about. She hasn’t stopped talking about you.” he cocked an eyebrow. “She seems to like you,”

“What? How do you know?”

The stallion chuckled. “I know my daughter. This happens with all her crushes. If you like her too, you better tell her,” the stallion’s voice grew quiet. “because if you break my daughter’s heart...I will hunt you down and lecture you to death.”

The tension was cut by the pink mare Twilight had seen the day before pulling a cart full of rocks.

“HIya there. What’s with your expression? Its like you saw a ghost.” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Nothing...nothing at all. Where are you going anyway with that?”

“Oh this here cart? Fluttershy said she needed some materials for something she’s making. Only she didn’t say what it was. Well, I guess I got to go, see you later Sheriff Sparkle.” Pinkie winked.

“Can I come with you?” Twilight glanced over towards Pinkie’s father, gulping as she did so.

“OF COURSE YOU CAN! I mean, uh, no problem. I don’t mind at all.” The pink mare controlled her emotions as best as she could on the outside. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.

“Great. Let’s go then!”

“So Pinkie, I’ve never heard of earth ponies doing rock farming. I thought that since unicorns have gem finding spells, ponies like you would go out of business.”

“Silly Twilight. my family has been doing this for generations. It just comes naturally to us like a fish drawn to water. You unicorns have your magic, but all ponies have magic.”

“All ponies? I thought that that was just a myth.” Twilight had heard of such a thing, but in her infinite wisdom she thought it was a load of crock.

“Yes Twilight. Pegasi have mainly weather magic and us earth ponies have geomancy. Not to mention all the variants those powers involve. Necromancy still is known around these here parts. Alchemy, and its variants are an art in itself.” Pinkie Pie continued sprouting out powers that pegasi and earth ponies had until they finally got to the front door of this “Fluttershy” everyone was talking about.

The sign itself almost made Twilight turn around.

Any Trespassers will be dealt with on sight. And unless I called for you, or I know you personally, leave these premises at once.

“Don’t worry Twilight, that’s just up for show except for those instances where those “Elder God cults” come around every once in awhile. I remember the last time that happened, she blasted them to their kingdom come. It was funny.”

“Whatever you say.” Twilight hoped Pinkie was right. Is everypony in this town insane?

The two ponies gingerly stepped over the scraps of metal on the floor and Twilight noticed multiple drawings of animals in this place. Models of them made with metal creeped her out. Princess Celestia had taught her the sanctity of Creation and this seemed like a perversion of that belief. She heard clanking coming down the passage and saw a yellow pegasus covered in oil and grease

“Fluttershy! I have the minerals you wanted.” Pinkie Pie huffed.

Fluttershy jumped at the unexpected noise. “Pinkie! What did I tell you about spooking me like that? If I was holding something explosive at the moment, I would have gone boom!” Fluttershy explained as nicely as she could.

Pinkie kicked a hoof. “I know but I wanted to surprise you a teensy bit.”

“Oh Pinkie how could I stay angry at you?” Fluttershy hugged her friend. Twilight noticed that when the two were standing close to each other, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie looked like sisters.

“Sorry to break this touching moment but I’m the new sheriff in town. Just wanted to make your acquaintance.” Twilight put her hoof toward her new “friend” and waited.

“Nice to meet you. I’m Fluttershy, the town’s mechanic. They ask for my help whenever we’re attacked by buffalo or those changelings that were flung out from Canterlot. And you are?”

Don’t say your name. Don’t say your name. How did we know where the Changelings went. It was for the best of the nation! “Twilight Sparkle.”

Fluttershy’s mood darkened quickly. “Oh I now know who you are! Your that unicorn that Princess Celestia has in Canterlot. I thought you looked familiar. I remember the last time you came here on one of your “royal duties.” I tried to show you my creations but you said they were unnatural and ugly things! Do you know how hard it is to hear that coming from the royal student?” Fluttershy had grabbed onto Twilight and was shaking her in anger.

Twilight held her at bay with her magic. “I’m sorry! I don’t even remember who you are.”

“Maybe this will remind you.” Twilight was thereby bucked in the face by Fluttershy.


Twilight’s eyes snapped open. She looked around and saw that she was still in the fort.

“Hey, Twilight. Fluttershy says that she’s sorry for punching you. I should have told you that she has some anger issues.” Pinkie Pie chuckled a bit.

“Understatement of the century.”

“Don’t worry Twilight. She said she wants to be friends. Just give her time.”

“You know what I want right now? Alcohol. Pinkie, want to go to the bar?”

Pinkie grinned. “I’d love to.”

Hours Later

Twilight was out of it.

“Hey, Pinks...who’s that over there?” Twilight slurred while waving her arm towards a pony she didn’t know.

“Oh her? That’s Rarity, the co-owner of this bar. She’s pretty good.” Pinkie was sober because she was a True Earth Pony and they didn’t drink alcohol. She just liked the party atmosphere.

Applejack was performing with her house band, the Apple Cores, and she was providing the music on this night.

“That’s the pony Rainbow was talking about.” She noticed the white mare walking towards her.

“Oh my darling. You look terrible. What happened?”

Twilight thought long and hard. “Let’s see. Princess Celestia told me to get a job and I’m the new sheriff in this crazy town. Oh yeah, I was punched out by your town’s mechanic. Now I just want to go back to Canterlot.”

“Canterlot, you say. I tried to be a designer there, but it wasn’t meant to be. But now I have a decent life here in Appleloosa and thanks to AJ, I have money saved up to send my sister to school.”

“That sounds nice. Sorry but I kinda have to go now. You know...all that law stuff.”

“Well nice speaking to you as well.” Rarity helped Pinkie with carrying Twilight to the Sheriff’s Quarters.

Twilight didn’t remember what happened next but she sent a letter to Celestia.


This is your student I like it here. I wish you were here so I could make out with you. Don’t tell Discord, he creeps me out. Just come over and we’ll have fun.

Oh and Spike says that I should ask you about Rainbow Dash, I don’t know why. Must be important.


P.S. I enclosed pictures.

Dear Twilight,

I read your letter and please never drink alcohol again. I had to burn the images that you sent me because I have never and will never think about you in that way. Do I have to send Natura to help you get a special somepony? Because I will, so help me I will. She says hi and that it might be a good idea for us to visit you in Appleloosa. See you in two weeks. Discord says that he hopes for a good dose of chaos.

Oh here’s the information you wanted.

In a Secret Base near Appleloosa

“The tyranny of the Equestrian nobility is at an end. My compatriots, it is time to say no more to rulers that don’t listen to us. Now with the technology given to us by providence and wisdom we can secede from this here nation and found a republic of equals. Equality is our ideal. We of the Republic of the Southern Frontier.” A brown earth pony with an hourglass cutie mark oozed charisma and the gathered crowd cheered. The clanking of machines droned out the cheers as he walked off.

“Equestria shall be ruled by me.”

Author's Note:

Yep. This was a fun chapter to write. And with this the overarching plot will be set. On the bad guy, I hope you guys know who the mastermind is. It's kinda obvious. On Fluttershy, this is an alternate universe (her change in personality has plot relevance. All the main six have different personalities. Rarity is the least changed...though I still changed stuff. Will they have the elements of harmony? I don't know. More a focus on technology in the story so shooting a rainbow of friendship towards machine forces or something just wouldn't work.

See you next chapter.