• Published 10th Feb 2013
  • 1,163 Views, 21 Comments

The 4th Wall - PegasisterFireboom

Sweetie Bell is a troublemaker, no doubt. But is she bad enough to disappear from the universe with her two friends and appear into a different dimension JUST to get away from her sister? The answer is yes. She's just that evil.

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Escapes, Teleportation, and Our First Major Problem

It was early. Too early for anypony to be up. But, that is what made it more appealing for Sweetie Belle to wake up at that time. She peeked out of her room and listened as soft snores come from her sister's bedroom. Sweetie closed her door lightly and turned to her window (which was still broken by the way). She brushed the pieces of glass out of her way. She gulped and started to doubt herself.

"Okay... on three..."Sweetie Belle thought,"1...2...3!!!!" She jumped from the window. She landed in a bush underneath her window. Blood trickled from her hoof. She put pressure on her hoof until the blood clotted up. Sweetie Belle placed her hoof back on the ground and started to make her way to Sweet Apple Acres.

"Sweetie Bell?" Apple bloom yawned as she saw her friend pass the apple orchards. "Your early." She took a break from bucking the apple trees and walked up to her friend.

"Where's Scootaloo?" Sweetie Belle wheeled around, looking for her favorite orange pegasus. She was extremely anxious and Apple bloom just couldn't put her hoof on it.

"Not every pony wakes up as early as you do." Apple bloom smiled. "I could always call her with our 'Emergency Meeting Flugelhorn'." She held up the brass horn and bellowed into it as loud as she could. Just minutes later, Scootaloo raced on over to Sweet Apple Acres. Sweetie Belle grinned when she saw her come over the horizon.

"What's up guys?" Scootaloo hopped of her scooter with a dazed look in her eyes. She yawned very wide."Sorry guys. I... just woke up after I heard the Emergency Flugelhorn."

"No no no it's FINE! Listen, I need the two of you to come into the clubhouse, I have quite a predicament in my hooves." Sweetie Belle trotted as quickly as she could to the clubhouse. The two other fillies looked at each other in confusion and then rushed off to tend to their friend.

"GAAH!" Rarity sat up in a start. She whirled around, looking for where that noise came from. She figured that somepony set off an alarm somewhere. "Hmm... I wonder if Sweetie Belle heard that dreadful noise too." Rarity pondered. She creaked the door open, she didn't want to wake poor Sweetie. Rarity trotted down the hallway at a fast pace, she knew something was wrong. She peeked into her little sisters room to see a small lump under the covers of her bed.

"Hah. What was I thinking? There she is right there..." Rarity took a closer look at the lump. She noticed it was not moving up and down. In other words, Sweetie wasn't breathing.

Rarity lunged into the room, fearing the worst. She tugged the blankets off of the bed to see a doll standing in for Sweetie Bell. Rarity's face reddened as anger started to well up inside of her. Finally she cracked like a teapot.

"SWEETIE BELLLLLLLE!!!!!!" Rarity hollered at the top of her lungs. She galloped out of the house and to Sweet Apple Acres. Oh she was going to get it!!

"Wow! Your own sister grounded you?!" Apple bloom asked in disbelief. Applejack had never grounded her in her life!

"Yeah.. it's stupid isn't it?" Sweetie Belle slumped down onto the floor. They were in the clubhouse and Sweetie Belle just told them everything that happened.

"Well... can you try magic now?" Scootaloo changed the topic. She didn't exactly have a biological sister so she didn't understand what the other two fillies were talking about. "I mean, it's worth another shot..."

"I know!" Sweetie Belle had an idea pop into her head, but she couldn't share her idea for a small tremor shook the treehouse. Sweetie could make out a faint noise of her sister screaming her name. Uh oh! She found out!

"What was--" Apple bloom shrieked as Sweetie Belle tugged Apple bloom and Scootaloo closer to herself. She motioned for them to shush as she saw a faint silhouette of a fuming Rarity come onto the horizon.

"Be quiet... I'm going to try something" Sweetie Belle closed her eyes as her horn started to glow. The three fillies got enveloped in magic. Apple bloom was terrified at the prospect of magic being used on her, but Scootaloo was quite excited. Sweetie tried and strained her horn until it just about burst. Blood leaked from the small crevices of her horn as she put all her blood and strength into this one spell. Sweetie Belle suddenly felt a snap in her horn and everything went dark.

Rarity galloped at the speed of sound towards the treehouse. She knew Sweetie Belle was in there, she saw her! Just before Rarity could reach the door a bright burst of light shone through the windows of the treehouse. It was so powerful even Rarity, a teenage mare, was blown back by the blast. The magical blast ended as quickly as it started as Rarity got back on her hooves. She pushed forward, knowing that it will all be worth it when she can finally put Sweetie in her place. Rarity kicked the door open and found an unpleasant surprise. Rarity gasped as she saw who was in the clubhouse, or more accurately, who wasn't in the clubhouse. Yes, you guessed it. Sweetie Belle and her two friends were gone.