The 4th Wall

by PegasisterFireboom

First published

Sweetie Bell is a troublemaker, no doubt. But is she bad enough to disappear from the universe with her two friends and appear into a different dimension JUST to get away from her sister? The answer is yes. She's just that evil.

After visting Twilight, Sweetie Bell is almost certain that her destiny is in the field of magic. But, after sneaking out of the house to a Crusaders meeting, Sweetie Bell teleports her and the others into a different dimension! With the help of an old friend and a new one, they embark on an epic journey through dimensions to get home.

Cover art by the very awesome Guardian of Books :3

NOTICE: While I am not continuing this fanfiction. That doesn't mean I'm going to delete it. In the future, I may finish and/or rewrite it. But for now I cancelled it. I'm working on a new fanfiction that is probably going to go on for... a while. So bear with me. :)

Magic, Celebrities, and Consequences

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The sun was shining in the small town of Ponyville. Ponies roamed the streets; basking in the daylight the pegasai had brought them. Other then the particularly nice weather, the day was normal for most ponies. They worked on their everyday things, and even bumped into a couple of surprises every once and awhile. One of these surprises involves a certain unicorn and our main character.
Twilight Sparkle was busy in her library. She levitated her books around her in an orderly fashion. Today was “Clean-Up-The-Library Day” and she had much to do afterwards. Twilight’s focus was broken by a loud knock on the front door. She trotted up to the door and opened it to see a small filly at her doorstep.
“Sweetie Belle!” Twilight exclaimed. She let the filly in. She seemed awfully excited about something. “Do you need anything? I will be pleased to help you!”
“I’m gonna get my cutie mark in magic!” Sweetie yelled. Twilight was taken aback by the sudden outburst. “Besides, you have a cutie mark in magic, right? So I bet I can get one too!”
“Aww… your too kind Sweetie Belle. I’m glad your looking up to me!” Twilight blushed slightly but quickly snapped out of it. “Now, lets see what I got for you.”
Twilight and Sweetie Belle walked around the large library. Books scattered the neat shelves. Sweetie Belle was very impressed by the countless books and tidy room. Twilight halted and levitated a book from one of the shelves.
“This book is the first in the series. It will certainly help you in your studies.” Twilight handed the book to the filly. Sweetie read “Magic for Dummies: Vol 1.” She smiled and thanked Twilight.
“Don’t you worry, Twilight! When I see you next I’ll be sporting a brand new cutie mark!” Sweetie Belle called behind her. Sweetie Belle skipped away leaving Twilight in her library. Twilight rolled her eyes and went back to her work.

Rarity looked up from her dress to see Sweetie Belle gallop into the boutique. Sweetie greeted her sister with a quick “hello” and dashed into her room. Rarity, puzzled, stood there and looked at the filly slam her door.
“What was she all excited about?” Rarity thought as she climbed the steps to Sweetie Bell’s room. Rarity knocked loudly on the door and Sweetie Belle opened it.
“Hi sis! Whatcha need? “ Sweetie Belle asked.
“Hey, Sweetie. I saw you rush in, were you just so rude to not tell me what you are doing up here?” Rarity accused Sweetie. Sweetie Belle lowered her head slightly.
“Well, I went to Twilight’s and picked up a book. I just couldn’t wait to read it!” Sweetie Belle dodged the specifics, Rarity would murder her if she found out she was going to do magic!
“Oh.. well…” Rarity pondered if she should go on. But, she decided she had better things to do then interrogate her little sister. “Okay then but keep it down will you? A celebrity client is coming later this afternoon and I must finish her dress.” Rarity went back downstairs. Sweetie Belle sighed in relief and shut her door.

Rarity rummaged through her cabinet, looking for the right thread. She located a beautiful teal thread and picked that off of the shelf. Suddenly a knock on the door made her drop her thread on to the floor. Rarity groaned as the thread rolled onto the floor. She left it there, for she knew who was at her door. She opened the door to see her celebrity client.

The celebrity had a dark brown coat and elegant eyes. Those were brown too. She had very long, white, hair that was curled at the bottom. Her cutie mark was a spotlight. Rarity gaped over the mare’s appearance, she looked amazing. She had never seen her client before, and now that she was in front of her, Rarity felt more nervous by the second.
“Ma-Madame la Coco!” Rarity sputtered, still flabbergasted by the mare’s beauty. “Your early! I-I am not done with your dress yet but don’t you fret! I’ll have it done in a jiffy! Just.. sit yourself down and make yourself comfortable!” Rarity motioned to her drama couch. Madame la Coco smiled and sat down on the comfortable chair.
“Rarity, darling, I was hoping that you would be done by now. My world tour is starting in a day, why aren’t you finished?” Coco had a hint of disappointment in her voice as she watched Rarity roll the roll of thread back up.
“Oh, you know, I have been busy with my friend’s needs! My friend, Rainbow Dash for example, needed a dress for a Wonderbolt convention!” Rarity said as she got her thread back in order. “Please be quiet, however. This stitch will make the dress more sturdy, so if I fail it may fall apart.”
Rarity concentrated on the one stitch that made the difference between if she failed or completed her dress. Suddenly, an earsplitting thud from upstairs cut her concentration and, as she said, the dress fell completely apart.
Tears welled up in Rarity’s eyes as she looked at the mess of fabric on the floor. Rarity fell to the floor, weeping. Madame la Coco, however, had no empathy for the failed dressmaker.
“I suppose I can take my business… elsewhere.” Coco strutted out of the boutique, leaving Rarity on the ground.

Rarity rose from the floor and looked at the clutter. She started to wonder who made the terrible bang, but another thump made her remember exactly whom it was.
“SWEETIE BELLE!!!!” Rarity screamed at the top of her lungs. She galloped up the stairs and slammed the door open so hard it fell from its hinges.
Inside the room, Sweetie Belle sat with a book open in her lap. Around her, her room (if you could call it that) was a disaster area. Lamps, Windows, you name it, it was broken. Sweetie Belle had a most guilty expression on her face. The silence only lasted a few moments, the moments afterwards were absolute chaos.
“SWEETIE BELLE! DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE DONE?!” Rarity yelled at the top of her lungs. Sweetie Belle stood up and took her chance to fight back.
“I KNOW I KNOW I BROKE MY BUCKING ROOM!! DO YOU HAVE TO RUB IT IN MY FACE?!” Sweetie roared back. Rarity was taken back by the young filly’s language.
For the first time in those couple of moments, silence occurred. Sweetie Belle started sobbing, she knew she had to come clean soon. Rarity was not as moved, however.
“Sweetie Belle. Tell me, what the hay were you doing up here anyway?” Rarity lowered her tone slightly, but she was still very angry at the little filly.
“Um… okay! That book I picked up at Twilight’s… was a magic book. I was trying to learn the levitation spell and as you can see…” Sweetie Belle dumped everything she had done that afternoon. At the end of her lecture, Rarity just stood there, unfazed. After a long pause, Rarity broke the silence.
“Sweetie… I told you magic is not your forte. Plus, you are too young for magic.” Rarity scolded Sweetie. “Give me your book.”
Sweetie Belle gasped, “No way! This may be my chance and your just… no FAIR!” She jumped up and down, angered by the prospect. But, Rarity would not listen. She took her book and placed it into a cabinet where Sweetie Belle could not reach. Sweetie groaned.
“And, for cursing at me, you are grounded for a week.” Rarity trotted out of the room as Sweetie Belle started stomping her hooves in rage. Grounded! No way! She had a Crusader meeting tomorrow! Suddenly, an idea popped into the filly’s mind. She was going to get to her meeting and practice more magic, and she knew the two perfect fillies who were going to help her.

Escapes, Teleportation, and Our First Major Problem

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It was early. Too early for anypony to be up. But, that is what made it more appealing for Sweetie Belle to wake up at that time. She peeked out of her room and listened as soft snores come from her sister's bedroom. Sweetie closed her door lightly and turned to her window (which was still broken by the way). She brushed the pieces of glass out of her way. She gulped and started to doubt herself.

"Okay... on three..."Sweetie Belle thought,"1...2...3!!!!" She jumped from the window. She landed in a bush underneath her window. Blood trickled from her hoof. She put pressure on her hoof until the blood clotted up. Sweetie Belle placed her hoof back on the ground and started to make her way to Sweet Apple Acres.

"Sweetie Bell?" Apple bloom yawned as she saw her friend pass the apple orchards. "Your early." She took a break from bucking the apple trees and walked up to her friend.

"Where's Scootaloo?" Sweetie Belle wheeled around, looking for her favorite orange pegasus. She was extremely anxious and Apple bloom just couldn't put her hoof on it.

"Not every pony wakes up as early as you do." Apple bloom smiled. "I could always call her with our 'Emergency Meeting Flugelhorn'." She held up the brass horn and bellowed into it as loud as she could. Just minutes later, Scootaloo raced on over to Sweet Apple Acres. Sweetie Belle grinned when she saw her come over the horizon.

"What's up guys?" Scootaloo hopped of her scooter with a dazed look in her eyes. She yawned very wide."Sorry guys. I... just woke up after I heard the Emergency Flugelhorn."

"No no no it's FINE! Listen, I need the two of you to come into the clubhouse, I have quite a predicament in my hooves." Sweetie Belle trotted as quickly as she could to the clubhouse. The two other fillies looked at each other in confusion and then rushed off to tend to their friend.

"GAAH!" Rarity sat up in a start. She whirled around, looking for where that noise came from. She figured that somepony set off an alarm somewhere. "Hmm... I wonder if Sweetie Belle heard that dreadful noise too." Rarity pondered. She creaked the door open, she didn't want to wake poor Sweetie. Rarity trotted down the hallway at a fast pace, she knew something was wrong. She peeked into her little sisters room to see a small lump under the covers of her bed.

"Hah. What was I thinking? There she is right there..." Rarity took a closer look at the lump. She noticed it was not moving up and down. In other words, Sweetie wasn't breathing.

Rarity lunged into the room, fearing the worst. She tugged the blankets off of the bed to see a doll standing in for Sweetie Bell. Rarity's face reddened as anger started to well up inside of her. Finally she cracked like a teapot.

"SWEETIE BELLLLLLLE!!!!!!" Rarity hollered at the top of her lungs. She galloped out of the house and to Sweet Apple Acres. Oh she was going to get it!!

"Wow! Your own sister grounded you?!" Apple bloom asked in disbelief. Applejack had never grounded her in her life!

"Yeah.. it's stupid isn't it?" Sweetie Belle slumped down onto the floor. They were in the clubhouse and Sweetie Belle just told them everything that happened.

"Well... can you try magic now?" Scootaloo changed the topic. She didn't exactly have a biological sister so she didn't understand what the other two fillies were talking about. "I mean, it's worth another shot..."

"I know!" Sweetie Belle had an idea pop into her head, but she couldn't share her idea for a small tremor shook the treehouse. Sweetie could make out a faint noise of her sister screaming her name. Uh oh! She found out!

"What was--" Apple bloom shrieked as Sweetie Belle tugged Apple bloom and Scootaloo closer to herself. She motioned for them to shush as she saw a faint silhouette of a fuming Rarity come onto the horizon.

"Be quiet... I'm going to try something" Sweetie Belle closed her eyes as her horn started to glow. The three fillies got enveloped in magic. Apple bloom was terrified at the prospect of magic being used on her, but Scootaloo was quite excited. Sweetie tried and strained her horn until it just about burst. Blood leaked from the small crevices of her horn as she put all her blood and strength into this one spell. Sweetie Belle suddenly felt a snap in her horn and everything went dark.

Rarity galloped at the speed of sound towards the treehouse. She knew Sweetie Belle was in there, she saw her! Just before Rarity could reach the door a bright burst of light shone through the windows of the treehouse. It was so powerful even Rarity, a teenage mare, was blown back by the blast. The magical blast ended as quickly as it started as Rarity got back on her hooves. She pushed forward, knowing that it will all be worth it when she can finally put Sweetie in her place. Rarity kicked the door open and found an unpleasant surprise. Rarity gasped as she saw who was in the clubhouse, or more accurately, who wasn't in the clubhouse. Yes, you guessed it. Sweetie Belle and her two friends were gone.

Accusations, Quotes, and the Canterlot Archives

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Twilight Sparkle basked in the warm sun as she lay on a hard bench. The bench was very rough and rugged, but it didn't matter to her. All she came for was the sheer joy of laying in the sun and watching the sun move across the cloudless sky. Suddenly, Twilight's ears perked. A soft scream from across town caught her intrest. At the same time, a very tiny sonic wave brushed atop her coat. Now, she was concerned. Twilight strained her ears to hear what was going on but she got no answers. Twilight shrugged and lay back on the bench and in no time at all, she fell into a nice nap.

Twilight jerked to a start when she heard the panicky galloping of hooves coming her way. She turned just in time to see a silhouette of a mad but scared Rarity. She blazed down the hill to where Twilight sat. She looked quite troubled. Rarity paused to take a very long breath.

"TWILIGHT... YOU... MAGIC... SWEETIE... MISSING... help..." Rarity spoke in jumbled sentences trying to form words about what she just saw. Twilight tried to calm Rarity down. Soon enough, Rarity calmed down enough to tell Twilight her wrong-doing.

"Sweetie Bell used your magic and now she and the other crusaders are GONE! It's all your fault! You know Sweetie can't use magic! Why give her that book? And now she and her friends are GONE." Rarity accused Twilight of making Sweetie Bell go poof. Twilight pondered at this sudden accusation. She giggled slightly at the remark. How funny! At the sight of disgust on Rarity face Twilight stopped. he got off of her comfy bench and stood to face the worried unicorn.

"Ah... Rarity. A wise pony once said 'You can't blame somepony's actions on their teacher.'. I find it quite amusing that you blame me for such a crisis!" Twilight said. Rarity tried to comprehend why Twilight was so calm the incident. Didn't she know that her little sister may be dead?

"What does this have to do with Sweetie and the Crusaders?" Rarity asked, wondering where the unicorn was going with this.

"Nothing!" Twilight laughed. "I just wanted to share with you some of my knowledge that's all!" Rarity's face turned fiery red. Smoke came out of her ears in absolute disgust.

"THE CRUSADERS ARE MISSING AND THEY MAY NEVER RETURN!!!" Rarity screamed at the top of her lungs. "How dare you treat this as such a... a... a REGULAR INCIDENT!"

"Calm down. I know exactly what to do. I'll go to the Canterlot Archives and to the Records wing. There they have all the record of teleportation, levitation, just all magic spells period. I'll be able to find out where they went!" Twilight trotted away from the distressed unicorn. Rarity stared in the direction of the purple pony. Rarity called out after Twilight,

"I'll call the others! Maybe then have some options!" Rarity called. She galloped in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres to tell Applejack.

The Canterlot Archives were silent. Twilight trotted through their long halls trying to find the Records wing. It was next to impossible. Winding hallways and dead ends made it this way. Nearly half and hour later, Twilight found the Records wing. She clapped her hooves in joy. She was soo happy the long search was over. She pushed the door open in sheer excitement. Too bad she didn't know what was waiting for her.

Twilight gasped when she saw a familiar looking alicorn stand in front of her. The princess had a dark blue flowing mane and looked quite concerned. Twilight had no idea why.

"P-Princess Luna! Your highness!" Twilight bowed, scared that the all-powerful being might get angry for her sneaking around. Luna smiled at the nervous mare and chuckled.

"Twilight, calm down. If i would hurt you, I would be quite mean to do so. Considering you helped me to become popular with the younger culture I must be of assistance." Luna talked sweetly. Twilight mentioned her nice voice, but Luna just looked away, thinking that being cute was a sign of weakness. She motioned Twilight to follow her, and Twilight got her first glimpse at the Records wing.

The wing was packed with scrolls, hundreds coming in at the second. Ponies, mostly earth ponies, opened the scrolls and tossed them to another pony, who tossed those into a big vault. There were more then 6000 vaults, all very big and all very packed together on one wall. Twilight blinked as she saw another vault just appear in-between two others. She blinked again and saw another one near it disappear. She guessed that those vaults stood for each pony. As the two mares made their way up the wall, Twilight saw her own vault as they made their way to the S's. Her vault was bulging. She paused Luna and did a short levitation spell on a vase nearby. As she predicted, a pony tossed another scroll into her vault. She didn't get a small glimpse of what it said, but it said something about levitating a vase, thats for sure.

Finally, after a long time of walking (apparently lots of ponies were named "Tiffany". It explains the sudden burst of jewelry cutie marks) they made it to Sweetie Belle's vault. Luna levitated a key and pushed it into the lock. The vault creaked open and Twilight peeked in. She stifled a laugh at how little scrolls there were. Only about 20 scrolls were in the very large vault. Most of the scrolls were dated yesterday. Twilight scanned them and found the one she was looking for. She read the scroll and gasped. She couldn't believe it! Twilight galloped out of the room, scared for the fillies. The scroll floated down calmly. This is what it said:

Time of Casting: Yesterday
Type of Spell: Teleportation Spell
Destination: The Edge of Equestria

Arguments, Confusion, and an Unexpected Reuinion

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All Sweetie Belle could see was black. She wasn't sure if her eyes were closed or open. They seemed closed, but when she blinked, she knew they were open. Sweetie Belle sniffed the air and gagged at the terrible smell. It smelled about as bad as burning tar and rotten cottage cheese. Sweetie held her nose in anguish and swirled her head around, looking for her friends. Suddenly, her eyes seemed to find some light and the world lit up in front of her.

The ground was covered in hard sand and rocks. There was no other life form except for Sweetie Belle and her two friends next to her. The 3 fillies had no idea what color the sky was, for it seemed like a dust storm was occurring thousands of feet above them. This storm seemed to go on for miles too, while they couldn't feel the dust, they did find it irritating. Sweetie Belle squinted, trying to see into the distance. The ground seemed completely flat for miles on end and not a single hill or village protruded on the horizon. Not a single noise disrupted the silence except for the faint whirling of the wind above. The fillies were too intrigued by their surroundings that they could not say a word. However, this didn't last long for, as I just explained, there was not much going on.

"Where are we?"

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo whirled around to see that Applebloom was the one that uttered the first words spoken. Scootaloo shrugged her shoulders and Sweetie Belle hung her head in shame.

"This is all my fault. If I wasn't for me getting that book this would've never happened. I'm a bad filly." Sweetie Belle stated. She slumped onto the ground and stared at her hooves in depression.

"By hay it is! Now that we are here we will never get home!" Scootaloo yelled. Sweetie's eyes started to tear up as Scootaloo continued tearing her out.

"I mean, if you knew your sister didn't approve of that, why did you take it?! By Celestia, that's not ignorance! That's stupidity! You should know better then that!" Scootaloo continued her rant. Tears started running down Sweetie's face and she buried it into the sand like an ostrich.

"And, don't even get me started on the fact that you-" Scootaloo was cut off by Applebloom shoving her. Applebloom stared at her with an intent look.

"Sweetie, it aint your fault. By Celestia I think its Rarity's fault here." Applebloom consoled Sweetie, stroking her on her back. Sweetie Belle lifted her head from the ground and looked at Applebloom with "Thanks There" written all over her face.

"Y-You really think so?" Sweetie Belle sniffled. Applebloom nodded.

"Well, she was the one that overreacted..." Applebloom reassured. Sweetie Belle giggled and sat up. Her eyes then opened wide at the landscape around her, for she had forgotten the situation they were in.

"But... where are we?" Sweetie Belle asked. She picked up a small rock from underneath her and examined it. However, a rumbling in her stomach made her drop it and clutch her hungry body.

"Ugh.... I am starving!" Sweetie moaned. Scootaloo nodded. She too had realized how hungry she was. Applebloom looked at her two starving friends. Unlike them, she actually had breakfast so she wasn't hungry. But, she knew that she would get hungry any time now.

"Come on! At the very least lets try and find some food somewhere" Applebloom lifted her hungry unicorn friend onto her back. She had done work like this before so she was prepared. Applebloom and Scootaloo trudged along, following where their instincts took them. Both of them knew that this would be a long trip...

It had been hours, or at least it felt like it, since the Cutie Mark Crusaders started their crusade across this strange plain. None of the landscape had changed one bit. The sky looked the same and not a single hill protruded the horizon. Applebloom's knees felt like they were going to give out any moment. On her back, a sleeping Sweetie Belle was on it. Her marshmallow colored body would move up and down from the hoof-steps of her carrier and her slow breathing. Scootaloo was ahead of the other two crusaders, scoping out the landscape for anything interesting. They had not yet found any food, the closest thing they found was a dead rat. ("At least something used to live here." Scootaloo had said.). Since Scootaloo was the one who found it (and was the only one brave enough to eat it) she ate it and was a bit more energized. However, she was only a bit. Considering they found the rat early on on their crusade, she was getting tired, very fast.

In the distance, Scootaloo caught something that caught her interest. It was only for a second, but the sky to the right of her distorted. Scootaloo motioned the area and the trio walked over there. In the area, there were a trio of skeletons on the ground. The skeletons were about the size of all three of them. One was a pegasus, the other a unicorn, and another an earth pony.

"Wow! Does this place see the future or something?" Scootaloo joked. However, she was the only one who laughed. Applebloom held a look of disgust on her face and Sweetie Belle held herself from crying.

"Hey, I'm trying to make this a bit more enjoyable." Scootaloo defended her harsh remark.

"Well, you absolutely failed at that. If ya'll gonna make us feel better, at least say we are gonna get outta this alive!" Applebloom stated. Scootaloo scoffed and continued walking.

"Well, I'm sorry, okay? I thought something was here but... it seems like there isn't-" Scootaloo started, but was interrupted by her running into an obstacle. She looked up, but didn't see anything there. She felt in front of her and wore a look of awe. Nothing was in front of her but yet... something was there. She ran her hoof across it. The invisible... thing... felt like glass or something else. Whatever it was, it felt solid.

"Feel this, Applebloom." Scootaloo suggested. The yellow earth pony walked over and touched the invisible wall. She jerked back when she felt it. Sweetie Belle felt the jerk and fell of of her friend's back. Of course, like any sensible pony, she was annoyed about her comfy rest being disrupted.

"Hey! What happened?" Sweetie Belle asked. She slowly walked up to where Applebloom was. She banged into it and stumbled backwards. Then, she too started to feel the invisible wall.

"W-What is this?" Sweetie Belle asked, while continuing to feel the wall, She never got an answer and looked down to see Scootaloo staring at a particular part of the wall. She had her ear on the invisible surface. Sweetie Belle stumbled over to her pegasus friend (she was still woozy from her nap). She felt her way to the wall again and put her ear up to it. She heard a loud humming coming from it. It was like some kind of intro for some kind of show. Maybe Trixie's but... who knows? The humming got louder and louder and soon, it sounded as if the humming was coming from right in front of her. By now, all three of the Crusaders were up against the wall. Sweetie Belle stepped back a fair distance, afraid for what might happen next. She waited many long seconds, waiting for something to happen. The two others looked back and smiled.

"The hummin' is gone now. What's ya problem?" Applebloom asked. She cocked her head slightly to the side.

"I-I have a feeling... that... something is going to happen. Be careful you two." Sweetie warned. Applebloom amd Scootaloo grunted. Scootaloo walked up to the the worried filly.

"You're being parinoid. Nothing's gonna happen!" Scootaloo reassured. "Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to see what other tunes are going on in this wall." Scootaloo walked back to the wall. However, when she tried slamming her hoof back on the invisible wall. However, Scootaloo pulled away quickly. Something was going to happen. Something she nor the other two crusaders would ever expect.

It happened in an instant. As soon as Scootaloo pulled away, the wall exploded. Glass and other particles flew out of the wall. The highest flying ones joined with the sandstorm raging above but most of them scattered across the plain. The explosion ended as quickly as it started. Across the ground, the particles lay, jutting and sharp. Sweetie Belle got up and looked at the after-math. She was the furthest away from the wall so she was injured the least. She whirled around, looking for her two friends. However, she didn't see them. She called out their name multiple times but she didn't get an answer. Then, something caught her eye. The wall... was open.

The wall was still not visible, however the part that exploded, was now visible. Or at least, Sweetie Belle thought it was. The wall had a big hole in it now. Inside the wall, was black. It looked as if an artist painted a big black blob on the wall. Suddenly, a pink bow appeared from inside it. Sweetie Belle's heart flew, for she knew that was Applebloom.

"Applebloom!" Sweetie Belle ran to the blob. Applebloom popped up from behind the wall. She smiled and waved at Sweetie Belle.

"Heya! Come on in!" Applebloom waved her in. Sweetie hesitated, but ultimately jumped in. She looked around and what she saw, amazed her.

The inside of the wall was entirely black. There was nothing in it. The only living beings in the wall were her and Applebloom. Sweetie Belle whirled to her right to see Scootaloo, looking like she had just come out of a war-zone, slowly walking towards her. Sweetie smiled, knowing that everything would be fine now.

"Sweetie? Where is this place? Why is it here? How did we get in here?" Scootaloo rambled out all of her questions. However, she was stopped by Applebloom poking her on the shoulder.

"Guys... look over there..." Applebloom pointed to her left. On the front wall, slightly to the left, there was a huge portal. It looked like the blob that brought them there, but different. This one was much bigger and the inside wasn't black. From where the trio were standing, they could see a slight blue glow. The sounds of a bustling metropolis echoed in the blank blackness.

"This is so weird!" Scootaloo held her head in confusion. "We're leaving! We don't have any business here!" Scootaloo turned to leave through the portal in which they came from, but she stopped. The way that they had come in had vanished, and now the three crusaders were trapped.

"Horse-Apples!" Scootaloo cursed. She scanned the area for any hole, but she didn't see any. She sat down, befuddled.

"Shoot, now what are we going to do?" Sweetie Belle asked the group, only to be answered by the sound of silence.

"I don't know... All I know is that we are never getting out of-" Applebloom started, only to be cut of by the sound of hooves, slowly trotting their way. At first it was faint, but the clopping soon got louder and louder. The Crusaders slowly moved backwards and backwards, only to be stopped by some type of wall behind them. The three of them gasped and tried pushing against the wall. Finally, the figure emerged from the shadows.

"Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo? What are you guys doing here?"

The Crusaders slowly turned their head around to reveal that the pony was...