• Published 7th Feb 2013
  • 11,218 Views, 1,050 Comments

A Pokemon Problem - Solecism

It turns out that alcohol, Pokemon, and poor decisions don't mix.

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(13) - It Hurt Itself in its Confusion!

A Pokemon Problem

(13) - It Hurt Itself in its Confusion!

"I guess I'll just have to deal with you myself," Captain Waffles said, stepping closer towards me. I feebly tried to smack him with one of my oversized arms, but he easily sidestepped away.

With a sharp intake of breath, he flew into the air, flapped his wings a few times to get extra height, then dropped down onto my midsection, his entire body weight, power, and momentum concentrated on one of his hooves.

Have you ever accidently kicked a cinderblock, or something equally as hard? It hurts, doesn't it? Well, imagine that you were angry at aforementioned object, and you purposely tried to kick it, with every ounce of power you had. You might have momentum and emotion on your side, but when a force meets and immovable object, the object wins. I was that immovable object.

I heard his hoof crack and shatter, along with the roar of pain that followed. Captain Waffles let out a plethora of curses that would've made a sailor wince as he rolled on the snowy ground, causing powder to stick to his feathers and make him look like a fallen, waffle-coloured angel as he writhed in pain. I winced when I saw the bloody remains of his front, right-side hoof.

Let that be a lesson: always make sure you know what something is before you attempt to Falcon Kick something with all your might.

With Captain Waffles dealt with, or rather, him dealing with himself, I had all the time in the world to get back on my metaphorical feet and get to hovering again. When I finally had the whole floating thing down once more, I looked out and surveyed my surroundings.

From the large crater that was already there, to the one I had just created, all of the Pegasi were still out for the count, with the exception of two. Those two exceptions were on a B-line straight towards me, but I knew that they weren't hostile; quite the opposite, in fact. I held my aching head with one claw (my headache had returned, almost twofold compared to what it felt like after using Take Down the first time) and met them halfway, lowering myself to eye level.

I already knew who they were: Riptide and Undertow, the two Pegasi who were the only ones that didn't act like complete asshats to my friends and I. They looked a bit shaken and frazzled, but seemed otherwise hunky-dory.

Riptide was the colour of deep water: a specific tone of teal that seemed to get lighter and darker under certain situations. Her mane was short (it barely fell down past her head) and was a burnt orange colour, the very same that you'd see in the water as the Sun set behind it. She looked at me with a combination of nervousness and curiosity.

Undertow, however, was a stark contrast to his sister: where she was all flare and colour, he was placid and neutral. His coat was the colour of beach sand, an off-white, (which blended in very well with the snow) while his buzz-cut style mane was a clean blonde. He looked at me calmly and nodded almost imperceptibly.

Their thoughts were running, but they were cohesive at least: most of them were either considering what to say first to me, or what the future held in store for them. I decided to break the ice (oh God why) by thinking the first thing that came to mind.

"Uhh... hello. How are you two today?"

The look on their faces was priceless: they looked like a giant metal object just telepathically talked to them—

Ahem. I suppose that would be awfully unsettling, wouldn't it?

They looked at each other, wide-eyed, before Riptide answered. "...Hi. We're, umm, doing... fine?" Undertow nudged her with a wing. "Oh, I-uh, mean... we're doing great! Yeah! Just dandy."

I placed my right grasper over one of my eyes and slowly dragged it downwards. Evidently, the motion translated.

"What I mean to say is... thanks." Undertow nudged Riptide again. "Quit it!" she barked. "This is hard, alright? I don't know what this thing is, or what it wants, and it just asked us 'how we were!' How the hay am I supposed to respond?!"

"You can start by not speaking like I'm not here," I thought dryly. "I can understand your every word." I purposely neglected to mention that I could hear their thoughts as well: I was pretty sure that they wouldn't take kindly to that.

If anything, that made their eyes grow even larger. This time, Undertow replied in his token, placating voice. "I apologize for my sister and I. We didn't expect you to understand us, let alone speak our language. My name is Under—"

"I know who you both are," I interrupted, "and I know where you're coming from with the whole 'big metal thing speaks our language' deal." I was pretty sure that the only reason I could understand them, and they me, was partially because I was a freakin' sentient computer, and because our thoughts were similar enough to translate effectively.

Undertow looked at me like I had turned into a giant cactus while Riptide blinked repeatedly, her mouth hanging slightly open.

What was with these ponies? I decided to ask.

"...Is there something wrong?"

They each looked at the other, raised an eyebrow, then turned back towards me. "You don't... talk like I thought you would," answered Riptide. "For a... whatever it is you are—"

"Metang. I'm a Metang."

"—for a Metang (she pronounced it Ma-tang, rather than Meh-tang), you speak like... well, like a pony."

"I try."

Undertow opened his mouth to respond, but was forced to close it and jump back in surprise when a purple, triangular Ghost flew out of the icy ground between us.

"Holy crap, dude! You wouldn't believe what happened to me after you—"

The Haunter froze, his unattached limbs hovering at his sides, and his facial expression changing from one of joy to one of are-you-fucking-kidding-me.

I cackled inwardly: it seemed that I wasn't the only one to evolve recently.

Author's Note:

It has been brought to my attention that some people may want to use the universe that I've created for their own stories and adventures. I have this to say:

Seriously. Go nuts. Just be sure to check the story with me before posting, and try not to bring any ridiculously overpowered Pokemon in, would ya?

Damn, Haunter! You scary!