• Published 6th Apr 2013
  • 328 Views, 2 Comments

12 - Debonair

There is strength in numbers, and numbers I got. Somewhat of an Egregious self insert, Starring twelve characters that I've developed so deeply that I think of them as myself.

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Stop And Think. (As Read By Discord)

For one minute, how do we know what ideas are truly ours and not some grand scheme of things plotted by the thing that pulls the strings. Some of us Share our hearts with the ones we love, some share their minds with those they find suitable. If a man came up to you one day and asked you his name before he told it, would you get it right? How many names would go through your mind before you realized he was wearing a name tag that reads Discord. At first you find this puzzling but with nothing better to do or think of, you say it. He just smiles and snaps his fingers telling you, Good job as you lose consciousness.

A young man sat alone on the ground writing in a small notebook.That's how I, I should say We got here, that sum it up? He thought to himself, almost as if he was speaking to a friend.

Not really no. His eyes darted to and fro watching for the source of a voice he alone could hear.

Seriously what the hell did he do to us?

What kind of name is Discord, sounds like something from a cartoon. Little by little he scribbled a compete list of questions, strangely each in a different font and color.

Ooh ooh I know this one, I know this one, My Little Pony,I used to wonder what friendship could be,"

Until they showed it's magic to me!/Until they showed it's magic to me!

You mean that show you make us watch every Saturday morning?

I don't make you watch it you like it too.

"All Of You Shut Up!" He screamed pondering where this particular voice was coming from. Not knowing I was just behind him. He quickly turns around to find a Frankensteined creature known as Discord. Crap he saw me. Using my expert powers of persuasion I pointed over there. "Over where?" And hid in a bush. "I know you're in that bush." How is this possible he can see me and read me, is he psychic? "Will you stop talking Whatever your name is?" Discord season 2 villain reformed in season 3. I now feel like I'm being talked about but no one is speaking.

"Hey get out of that bush." The young man reaches for the bush's strange tail and yanks Discord out. Watch the tail man! "Stop talking about me and talk to me!" He said angrily. "Stop reading that damn book and tell me what the Hell is going on." He seemed surprised by his own outburst, in a voice unlike his own. "I'll give you til the count of three to say one thing in first person. One. Two. Three." His fist shot toward the Draconequus...

"Okay I'll talk." I stood up and dusted myself off. "I'm sure that there's at least one scrap of Brony in that thick skull of yours."

"What the fuck is a Brony?" It's a Bro that likes the Ponies Ergo Br-onies. He swatted his ear as if to shoo a fly that wasn't there.

"Bronies are Bro's who like the Ponies, Put them together and get Brony. A revolutionary concept."

"Every ounce of my body wants to punch your face, but my head knows that you can help. Calm down can I have me back now? He backed away almost unwilling, I could see his eyes and very stance change. As if he was a new man. "Now tell me everything."

"Are you the Brony?"

"The Fuck's a Brony?" He seems to have forgotten what I just told him. "Anyway I take it you're Discord?"

"Yes, and you are?"

"Chase Colson, among others."

"It's nice to properly meet you."

"Why am I here?"

"Well, there are some people that call out to me wishing something that is nigh impossible. To be able to come here though I personally prefer the human world. Deep down you had this wish in your heart and well you wouldn't shut up, so I just granted it. Now that I did it's not so difficult, provided that I borrow these." I reach into my nonexistent pockets and pull out the Elements Of Harmony.

"Wow are those, what I think they are?" His attitude had completely changed from serious to as giddy as a school girl as he ripped the tiara out of my claws and placed it on his head he is crazy no insane okay maybe both. "Ooh I'm gonna tell Twilight, no even better."

"Not her anyone but Fluttershy."

"Was gonna tell someone else more powerful, but thanks for the idea."

"What do you want from me?"



"It sure would be a shame if everypony found out you weren't really reformed, how would Applejack take it if she found out you were lying the whole time? I'd hate to be in your horseshoes if Pinkie Pie finds out you were laughing at her rather than with her." I was wrong he isn't insane he's evil.

"Fine, give me a minute. I hope you don't mind monologuing."

"Nope makes it more interesting."

"Good." As Discord turned his back on the one whom he thought was insane, and buried his true attention into forming something that no one before had even speculated. Piece by piece he fashioned a new jewelry ensemble. This piece would put all of the elements to shame for it has the only power that is standard in the universe, Chaos. He had waited for millennia to find any creature worthy to wield the powers he could bestow. Dissension, Deceit, Anger, Envy, Nature, and Love. He knew the last two would confuse any other than he. but care he did not. His finest creation, in all his years the Venetian Masquerade. The wearer is given the powers of each individual sentiment it was created from, ensuing Chaos the severity of their choosing. He knew that this creation would be the most fun.

"What's it do?

"Didn't you listen to the monologue?"

"I got bored after you said Ensemble, you use too many big words. Try to speak slowly and use less syllables. K?"

"Put it on."

"What's it do?"

"Put it on and find out." As he brought the masque to his face it lunged and attached itself. His screams were muffled by the masque as it slowly warped reality around him. The fabric of space and time stitched itself into a cloak before obscuring him from sight. Never to be seen again.

"Am I shorter?" A small human girl about age eight looked up at the Draconequus leaving him confused. "My God, I'm me, I'm actually me," She seemed surprised that she was herself obviously she was, wait a moment. "Yeah I'm more than one, more than two, I gots a lot of em. I'm Gina." What is this could this be the one who made the wish? "Maybe I did maybe I didn't, my money's on Larry."

"Who's Larry?" Gina pulled out the notebook and flipped the pages,

"Right here," She showed me a page written in bright blue ink. "Chase has the habit of writing down everything, The doctors say it's an impulse, and to just let him do it." She took a pen and started scribbling on a new page. Let me out please. Written in cursive and in black ink. "Looks like I gotta go , how do I?"

"Just take it off,"

"Where is it?"

"You have to imagine it on your face,"

"Oh I get it, you might want to explain it again cause I forgot to write it, since you used words I couldn't spell. She took a deep breath and a new mask showed on her face.

As she pulled it off it seemed like she stretched herself and grew more than a foot taller and once it left her face it revealed not a woman but the man known as Chase. "What the hell just happened?"

"Long story short, put it on your appearance changes, depending on your mood, or at least it's supposed to, but you are different."

"Yeah, tell me something I don't know."

"The alphabet song is really Twinkle Twinkle Little Star."

I Fucking knew it!

Comments ( 2 )


I tested the song thing and it is true.

My mind just broke.

Also interesting intro if a little hard to follow at points should be interesting.

2383581 Its easy, chase has multible personality syndrome and the mask is supposed to change him into the other personalities. DUH.

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