• Published 28th Mar 2013
  • 840 Views, 22 Comments

Highschool - vinylcloud

a story about our two favorite ponies vinyl and octavia and there wonderful journey through the hell that is highschool

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Opening up

Vinyl stepped outside of Octavia's house noticing that the sun had long since set and that the streets were empty. The walk home was long and with no distraction but the music coming from her headphones Vinyl could feel the exhaustion of the day begin to seep into her bones.

She approached the apartment door a sense of apprehension welling up inside of her she could already smell that something awful was being smoked inside the small confines of the apartment. It wasn't that uncommon for Vinyl to come home to find a few other ponies in her house some of which might look familiar but most of the time she just ignored them and went to her room. Today she was in no mood to be dealing with her brother or the myriad of other people who could be in her apartment hopefully he kept them out of her room this time. Taking a deep breath Vinyl used her magic to turn up the already obscenely loud music coming through her headphones hoping to avoid any confrontation with Dimitri or any of the other ponies inside of her house. Using her magic she swung open the door a powerful skunk like odor filled her nostrils as she barged into the small apartment.
Peering through a haze of smoke that had stagnated in the air she saw the two responsible for the assault on her senses. Her mother and her brother sitting on the couch red eyed with a bong nestled between them currently sitting down on the couch in the middle of the living room. Vinyl spotted the source of the foul stench

"Hey honey where ya been all day."

"Um it was the first day back at school." She said a slight frown quickly forming on her face that she hid as soon as it appeared.

"Oh right right." She said as Dimitri used his magic to hand her the bong the two of them had been smoking out of. Using her magical grip to grab it Vinyl's mother lit one end with her magic as she inhaled through the other.

"Sup Vines." Dimitri chimed in thick smoke exhaled with the words. "You want in on some of this." He said taking a swig from a water bottle and motioning towards the bong. A hoof sailed into his chest causing him to choke on the water he was drinking.

"Dimitri! you know Vinyl doesn't smoke." She said pulling her hoof away from Dimitri's chest who was still coughing up a storm. "So how was school sweetie?" She said passing the bong back to Dimitri who had stopped coughing.

"Oh you know the same as always." She said cracking a fake smile and walking past the two of them into the kitchen. "I actually met someone new we're working on a project together she seems pretty nice." She said rummaging around in the empty refrigerator. "Oh hey mom do you have work tonight."

"Mhm." She said after inhaling from the bong. "I've got to be there in," She paused focusing, magically making the time appear before her eyes. "Fuck ten minutes." She said hurriedly standing up from the couch and rushing to the back of the apartment. Coming out a few moments later in her nursing outfit. "Alright see you two later." She said rushing out of the door.

"Hey wait are you going to be back tonight?" She called as she walked past her and out the door.

"No sorry I'm working the midnight shift I'll be back early tomorrow morning." She said closing the door behind her. Vinyl's smile fell as the door shut there was no reason for her to fake being happy anymore. Her mother had left and she knew Dimitri didn't care enough to notice. She left Dimitri lying down in the living room still working his way through whatever was loaded into the bong. Walking into her room she closed the door behind her she wanted no needed time alone.

Retrieving her headphones from her neck Vinyl slumped onto her bed. She was worn out, the day had taken its toll on her going back to school and dealing with Lyra and the constant fear that she brought was exhausting in its own way. And to top it all off the ever present nightmare that had been plaguing her dreams was keeping her from getting any rest at night. Vinyl was tired not just physically she was tired of having to deal with ponies at school snickering behind her back making off handed remarks. Most of all Vinyl was tired of coming home to a family she could hardly interact with. She would love to vent and open up to her mom but Vinyl knew with the long hours she worked and the stressful job she had that she didn't need to come home only to hear about Vinyls problems. Dimitri was different he was home almost all of the time but was hardly the person Vinyl wanted to open up to. He was harsh and his solutions to problems were often found at the bottom of a bottle or the end of a joint.

Vinyl had to face it at school and at home she was alone with no one to listen and no one with the time to care. Grabbing her headphones she stared deeply at the dark purple tones and the overpoweringly striking blue stripes covering the whole thing. I hate these things so much. The overly big ear pieces and flamboyantly loud and obnoxious way they were designed. They were only used by Vinyl as a part of the facade she would put on daily to help further the divide between herself and the other ponies at her school. VinyI liked that divide in some ways it helped her feel different and far away from those who had tormented her but at the same time she hated it. She was alone on her side of the divide completely isolated from her tormentors along with everyone else. Vinyl liked the feeling that came with being separated from those who tormented her it helped to numb the pain. But the isolation that came with it brought its own kind of pain she was so alone all thanks to that divide, that mask, that show that she put on it kept her away from everyone friend or foe. She hated it she completely despised the solitude that she had forced Upon herself. Staring back at the headphones still held with in the grasp of her hands she felt all that frustration and loneliness begin to well up. She couldn't handle it anymore all the loneliness and frustration that came with it taking her frustration out on her headphones she sent them sailing across the room. As they weakly collided with the wall and tumbled to the ground She took off her glasses and threw them towards the wall as she started to cry. Tired and frustrated at her isolation she wept into the folds and crevices of the blankets on her bed after a long while Vinyl could feel herself falling into a deep cold sleep.

Vinyl was woken up by someone vigorously shaking her as she opened her eyes she saw two deep pools of purple staring back at her. Not knowing what was going on she began to scream frantically looking around her for a way to escape the crazed pony who had been shaking her as she quickly got up from the ground taking in her surroundings she noticed all of the houses seemed to be blurred and misshapen.

"Calm down you're safe don't worry." Said the grey mare calmly as she backed up giving her some space. Vinyl getting a more clear look at the pony in front of her realized that it was Octavia.

"Octavia what are you doing, where are we?"

"Shh be quiet you don't want them to know we're here." The area around them had suddenly shifted now she was behind Octavia following her down some street she had never been in before.

"Octavia where are we, whats going on?" She asked letting a tinge of fear escape with her words. She felt around her neck searching for her headphones. Nothing, That was strange Vinyl always left the house with at least some pair of headphones groping around her horn and her hair she realized she was without her trusty pair of shades aswell. Not paying attention to Vinyl's question Octavia quickly ducked into an alleyway motioning for Vinyl to follow her. looking around the corners she said "Alright the coast is clear."

Vinyl felt a chill run down her spine something was wrong something was very wrong. She could hear the breathing of someone lurking behind the two in the shadows of the alleyway. There had been no one that they noticed on the way in but Vinyl had the unmistakable feeling that someone was watching them now from the shadows of the alleyway. Turning around quickly Vinyl saw Lyra behind the two levitating a knife with her magic pointed at her and Octavia.

"Run!" Octavia screamed bolting from the alleyway and grabbing the unicorns hoof dragging her along with her. The pair raced through the streets following Octavia's lead as they rounded corners and sprinted down streets. As they ran through the blurred streets of the city Vinyl began to regain her bearings and noticed they were running towards the school. "Come on we'll be safe inside." Octavia said rushing past Vinyl into the school the front doors slamming shut behind her.

Running inside after her Vinyl questioned. "Octavia what are we doing at the school?" She faxed around her at the familiar school foyer and found it empty. "Octavia!" She called out to the darkness to no response. Beginning to panic she started to scream out the name desprate for someone, anyone to reply to her cries. "Octavia! Octavia where are you! Where did you go?" Vinyl collapsed in the foyer amidst tears and sobs. She could feel the foyer begin to melt and blend with the darkness. It was the same never ending darkness that she found in her nightmares. Bracing herself for the onslaught of abuse that she always felt in her dreams Vinyl curled herself tightly into a ball. But it never came all Vinyl could hear was the sound of music playing somewhere far off in the distance. Vinyl let the soft tones gently carry away her worries as she drifted further away into the darkness free of any fear.

Vinyl opened her eyes slowly to a world of darkness she wasn't even sure if she was truly awake. The only thing that separated her waking world from her dream world was the soft yellow light filtering in through the blinds. The music hadn't stopped it was still playing loud and clear in Vinyl's mind it was one of the most soothing melodies Vinyl had ever heard. Rushing over to her mixers and laptop she set to work composing it. She reached instinctively to her neck for her headset forgetting her earlier bout of frustration. Realizing they weren't on her neck she looked around the room. She saw them lying on the ground next to her glasses. Disregarding them both she strode over to the shelf that housed the rest of her headphones. Scanning the shelf she searched for her favorite pair they were completely white with two double eighth notes on the sides of the earmuffs. They were missing scanning the shelf again she confirmed what she already knew. Her headphones were lost. In a panic she rushed around her room upturning cabinets . Any other pair it could have been any other pair. Why those why did it have to be those that went missing. "Fuck!" Vinyl said giving up the search lying defeated on the ground.

Hearing the door open Vinyl rose from the floor to see Dimitri standing in the doorway. Suddenly something clicked She would never somehow lose her favorite pair of headphones and seeing Dimitri, Vinyl realized what had happened to her missing headphones. She could feel the music inside her begin to change, she was pissed. Dimitri must have taken them at some point. She stared at him with seething anger.

"Hey Vines you want something to eat I'm going out to get something."

Ignoring the question Vinyl replied, "Where are my headphones?"

With a clueless expression Dimitri stared at Vinyl. "What?"

"I said where are my headphones I know you took them," she said pointing a hoof accusingly.

"I have no clue what your talking about, what headphones." He said trying and failing to look innocent.

"You know the white ones with my cutie mark on the side." She said her voice rising with her anger. "You know the ones I played my first show in, You know my favorite pair of headphones," She said taking a step closer to him. "You know the ones I've had the longest," She said walking into the hallway backing him against the door. She could see that he was getting uneasy. "Those headphones, ringing any bells," She said shoving a hoof into his chest.

"So," he said pushing her hoof away from his chest, "what do you want to eat." Dimitri said desperately trying to change the subject.

"Don't, fuck with me Dimitri what did you do with my headphones." She said bearing her teeth angrily.

"I really have no clue what your talking about." Dimitri said trying to defuse the situation.

"Oh come on Dimitri don't play dumb you've taken things out of my room without me asking before. Now where the fuck are my headphones!"

Sighing in defeat he replied, "I sold them."

"You what!" She screamed. She was an inch away from his face now forcing him to back further against the wall. "How could you fucking sell them do you have any idea how important those headphones are to me!"

"I don't see what the big deal is you have plenty more pairs of headphones in your room." He said trying to save his skin. Vinyls hoof sailed swiftly through the air into Dimitri's face and landed with a resounding whap.

Vinyl was angry and she wasn't about to stop ripping into him."Those were one of a kind they were the pair I got my cutie mark while wearing, they were the pair I was wearing when I wrote my first song! How could you just sell those how would you feel if I sold your first guitar." Vinyl was angry but she could feel the tears welling up in her eyes not wanting to let him see her cry she stomped into her room slamming and locking the door behind her with her magic. As the tears began to flow she drove her head into the blankets and sheets covering her bed and screamed. Her scream was wordless it was filled with sorrow, anger and pain. Crying into the blankets of her bed for the second time that day Vinyl began to feel herself drift away into the darkness of sleep once again.

Vinyl awoke to the infinite abyss of darkness that she knew was a dream searching around herself she saw nothing felt nothing she was hanging in the darkness. Fear flooded her mind, alone in the darkness Vinyl curled into herself knowing that it wouldn't stop what awaited her she hugged her legs close takingp the little comfort they gave her.

Vinyl waited for the voice to come from the darkness but when it did something was off. "How pathetic look at yourself all crawled up and crying." It wasn't Lyras voice calling out from the abyss it was her own. "It's no wonder why you're so lonely It's not that act you put on at school or all those flashy colors that make you stand out. Its that you're a cold distant and angry person to anyone who gets too close."

"That's not true." Vinyl called back to the darkness.

"Really, is that so because as I see it you just smacked and yelled at your brother and if I'm remembering right you had to put on an act to keep your mother distant."

"That's different Dimitri deserved what he got," Vinyl said still feeling the anger she had felt for Dimitri. "And how am I suppose to act when my own mother forgets that today was my first day back to school and has no idea what's going on In my life." Vinyl was beginning to cry again She hated that she could never get a good night's sleep and now on top of lyra being in her dreams it seemed like even her own mind was turning on itself.

"Oh you pathetic little thing." Lyras voice had joined in with her own and soon the two voices were tearing her down with harsh words and insecurity vinyl had.

Vinyl awoke from her dream to a world that was still dark. Not knowing if she was still in the dream or not despite the lack of voices. Vinyl curled up and wrapped her hooves around herself for comfort. After several minutes of waiting to see if the voices would start again Vinyl decided it was the waking world. Rising from her bed she glanced at the clock Vinyl frowned 2 o clock great it's the middle of the night. Wandering out of the hallway and into the kitchen Vinyl noticed a muffin next to a coffee cup with a note on the side.

"Sorry about the headphones. I felt bad so here's your favorite coffee and a blueberry muffin - Dimitri" Vinyl frowned no amount of coffee and blueberry muffins could ever get her headphones back and that was what she really wanted. Vinyls stomach grumbled, looking in the fridge to find nothing she sighed and looked back at the muffin and coffee. Well fuck it I might as well. Grabbing the food and heading back to her room.

Setting her drink and muffin down next to her laptop on the corner table she opened up her laptop. She knew she would be tiered in the morning but after that nightmare she didn't want to go to sleep again. Grabbing a pair of headphones from her shelf she set to work on a song that had been giving her troubles.

Leaning back in her chair she had noticed that a couple hours had passed and that she should start getting ready for school. Getting out of her chair she felt her vision blur as she began to stumble but caught herself mid fall. Placing her feet firmly on the ground she could feel a great throbbing sensation in her head and it felt like a great weight had been placed on her back. She was used to this by now of course. Vinyl's near blackouts were a side effect of the lack of sleep the nightmare had caused her. Standing still and steadying herself Vinyl continued albeit it very shakily getting ready for the day. Grabbing her phone which she had forgotten to place on its charging stand the night before she loosely trotted her way to the bathroom.

The hallways of the school were deserted just like they often would be when Vinyl arrived at school. She enjoyed this time of day being able to walk around freely in the hallways which were normally chaotic and filled with other ponies. Turning a corner Vinyl caught sight of a mint green pony Vinyls' heart skipped a beat, it was Lyra. Quickly turning back around the corner Vinyl trotted in the opposite direction. Not paying attention to her surroundings she turned another corner running face first into somepony sending her headphones and glasses clattering down towards the floor.

"Oh my god I am so sorry I should really be more careful." Vinyl heard the familiar voice of Octavia say. "Oh Vinyl, Here let me help you out with that." She said bending down to pick up Vinyls' glasses and headphones.

"Thanks." She said Grabbing her headphones and glasses in her magical grip. A look of concern washed over Octavia's face as she re adjusted her headphones and glasses.

"Vinyl are you ok. You look terribly sleepy."

"Oh don't worry about it just a bad nights sleep is all."

"Ok if you say so. So where are you rushing off to this morning." She said reminding Vinyl of why she turned that corner so quickly in the first place.

"Just trying to avoid running into someone." She said starting to walk down the hallway.

"Well if it was me you were avoiding you've got some terrible luck."

Vinyl chuckled, "Don't worry it wasent you."

"Then who was it?" Vinyl sighed.

"Do you know Lyra Heartstrings." She said hurriedly trotting past Octavia and walking down another hallway away from Lyra

"The name sounds familiar but I'm not sure." Octavia said matching her stride and quickly walking beside her

"Green coat, greenish hair, snarky attitude, insufferable bitch. Ring any bells?"

"No but it seems like she's done quite a lot more than just ring your bells. Wait isn't Lyra that name of that girl who sits next to you in orchestra? Octavia questioned.

"Yup that's the one."

"Well if you dislike her so much why do you sit right next to her."

"Trust me I've tried"

"Can't you just talk to the teacher or try switching instruments so you'd be in a different section. oh, I could try teaching you the cello sometime."

"Nah it's pointless I've already tried talking to the teacher and if I changed instruments she'd just follow being the daughter of the principal gets you some 'special privileges' " Vinyl said rounding a corner.

"Well that stinks. Why does she ha-" Octavia said getting cut off by Someone calling out to Vinyl.

"Hello Vinyl." A sickening voice called out from behind the pair.

Vinyl froze she could hear her footsteps behind her but she couldn't turn she was petrified

"And who's this?" Lyra said eyeing up Octavia, "your newest hookup no doubt."

Octavia looked dumbfounded "Excuse me, latest hookup?"

"Oh my, your telling me you didn't know. Oh," She said glaring at Vinyl, "I see how it is you lure in the unsuspecting ones then when you have them all alone that's when you ponce on them."

Vinyl turned gritting her teeth. Lyra cracked a sly smile she had struck a nerve somewhere and she knew it. "Well I guess I'll be leaving you two to it you probably want some 'alone time' before class starts." Vinyl glared at her with a hatred that could melt steel as she left.

"What was that all about?" Octavia questioned more confused now than ever. "I mean latest hookup what was she talking about Vinyl." Vinyl sighed.

"Come on I've got a lot to explain." Vinyl said walking further down the hallway. Octavia hesitantly followed behind her. Finding a nice corner of one of the hallways Vinyl sat down and motioned for Octavia to sit down next to her. "Where to begin." She said lifting her glasses onto her head and rubbing her eyes. "I guess I should start with what you want to know," She said looking at Octavia. "So, shoot."

"What was she talking about me being your 'newest hookup'." Octavia said sitting down next to Vinyl.

"Just promise you won't be too angry with me." Vinyl said as she looked away from the other mare.

Octavia was taken aback "What could I possibly get angry over it's not like you've done anything to me." She said staring quizzically at the magenta eyed mare.

"You might not feel that about me after I tell you this." She said as she lifted her eyes to meet the other mares.

Octavia could see the conflict present on vinyl's face she was really wrestling for the right words. "Vinyl I don't think something is going to change my opinion of you. It's ok tell me."

" You've probably already pieced it together from what she said. But well I'm... I'm a lesbian." Vinyl said flinching away and looking towards the ground as tears threatened to poor over.

"Oh," Octavia replied. Vinyl waited to hear Octavia leave, She waited for her to start yelling curse words in disgust she waited for the worst to happen but nothing happened. Looking up from the ground she saw Octavia still sitting there looking straight at her no look of disgust or hatred on her face only the same gentle face that was always there. "Was that the big deal?"

"Well, yes aren't you embarrassed to be around me? I mean when people first found out everyone sort of just started avoiding me."

"Well I know why they did most of the students here are born into noble families or try to adopt their way of life and growing up in one I can tell you anything out of the ordinary is not something you want to be or even be associated with."

"So then why are you okay with it?"

"Pft come on look at me Vinyl," she said rubbing her forehead. "I'm an earth pony in a family of unicorn's How much more out of the ordinary can you get. Plus your an awesome person lesbian or not."

There were tears welling up in Vinyls eyes she finally had someone who would be there for her somebody she could count on. "Thanks Octavia it means a lot to me." She said leaning in for a hug that Octavia returned without hesitation.
Vinyl noticed the disapproving glares passerbys were shooting her way but she didn't mind for the first time, in a long time she finally wasent alone anymore she actually had somebody she felt comfortable with. After a few seconds the two of them separated.

"So speaking of you being a fillyfooler are you actually interested in me?" Octavia asked

I'm not even sure of that myself I mean I like Octavia but I barely even know her. "No I'm not."

"Oh thank God."

"Jeez you don't have to sound so relieved about it."

"Oh sorry it's just I've never had somebody be interested in me before."

"Really, nobody?" Vinyl said. Even she had some experience before she got into highschool

"Yeah well its not really been by choice nobody's really been interested or at least not to my knowledge."

"Well I don't see why not your nice you've got a good looking body and anyone would be lucky to go out with you. I mean you are a noble are you sure they weren't just too intimidated." Octavia scoffed

"I doubt anybody has been intimidated by me I'm not really all that intimidating. So wait there's still something I don't understand why does Lyra hate you so much?" Vinyl sighed.

"Well I guess it all started in freshmen year she came up to me in the cafeteria one day and just asked me out. I didnt know too many people here and at the time I did think she was pretty hot so I went along with it. We talked for a while and when we made plans for our first date I showed up and Lyra didn't I was confused so I tried to call her to talk about it but she didn't pick up and then when I went to confront her about it she told me it was her plan to Expose me to the whole school as a fillyfooler. I didn't really know what she meant I thought it had been fairly obvious before. But as the day went on I saw more people whispering behind my back and calling out some terrible names by the end of the week I was known as the schools resident outcast. Its like I wasn't set apart enough so Lyra decided to come along and set me more apart. Freshmen year was really tough but as things started to die down people started to forget. They still avoided me but that was better than the constant pestering of other students into my private life. But Lyra, She didn't forget she kept that with her and for some reason still vividly hates me."

"Vinyl I'm sorry I had no clue people could be awful." She grabbed the other mare who had barely managed to keep tears from spilling out and pulled her in for another hug. Vinyl could feel her face turn a bright red as she was pulled closer by the grey mare. Ponies were now filling the hall gazing questioningly as Vinyl realized she had lost track of the time explaining her situation to Octavia.

"Oh well I better be going I need to get to class. I'll see you at lunch." She said sliding her sunglasses over her now bleary eyes as she steeled herself against the exhaustion another day would provide. Leaving Octavia behind Vinyl pulled her headset over her ears and let the blaring beats and rhythmic synth fill her ears. The day blearily passed by, Vinyl fighting to stay awake and before she knew it it was already lunch time.

Vinyl was sitting alone working away on a song at her table in the corner of the cafeteria when Octavia found her. "Hey whats going on Vinyl." Octavia said. Vinyl didn't flinch she couldn't hear Octavia through her headphones and was too busy to notice her standing next to her. "Hello Vinyl," Octavia said waving her hoof in front of Vinyl's face. Vinyl attempted to levitate her headphones off of her head but felt her magic start to falter and fade, sighing she used her hooves to pull them down around her neck. "What was that all about." Octavia said sitting down across the table from Vinyl.

"Huh?" She said using her hooves to lift her glasses up to rest on her forehead.

"Your magic it was all flickery and then just gave out."

"Oh," Vinyl said looking away, "I'm just really tired." She said facing Octavia again. Octavia could see dark bags around Vinyl's eyes which were laced with red veins showing just how tiered the unicorn really was.

"Vinyl are you alright you look insanely exhausted."

"Hmm," Vinyl said snapping out of a stupor, "yeah, yeah I'm fine just haven't been sleeping well lately."

"Are you sure I feel like losing your magic is a bit more serious then just not getting a few nights worth of rest."

Pft I wish it was just a few nights. "Yeah I'm sure, I'll be fine tomorrow." Vinyl said shakily.

"Well do you still want to work on the song today. I can't see us getting much done if you cant hold up your violin."

"Don't worry about that I'll be fine, I've played being more tired than this before."

"Well if you say so. Do you want to go get some coffee I know this great place close to the school."

"Sure why not." She said packing up her computer and getting up from the table."

Walking into the coffee shop Vinyl noticed more than a few students from their school some she knew were good friends of Lyra. Oh god I Hope that they don't notice me. She thought as the two of them approached a cashier with a thousand yard stare on his face.

"Hello." Octavia said seemingly not shaking the cashier.

"What will it be." He said hardly seeming to notice the two mares.

"Two iced vanilla coffees." She said while the cashier pressed buttons automatically still staring straight forward

"What sizes." Octavia took a glance back at Vinyl and then looked back at the cashier.

"One medium and one large."

"Name." The cashier said expressionless.


"Will that be to stay or to go."

"To go." Vinyl said chiming in. Octavia looked back giving Vinyl a confused glance.

"That'll be thirteen fifty." He said snapping Octavias focus back to the the cashier Octavia pulled a small purse from her hair and handed the cashier the money.

"Ok coming right up." He said walking of to the side of the cash register using a strange machine to brew the drinks.

"Why are we getting these to go we have plenty of time before lunch is over."

"I just don't feel like sitting down in here." Vinyl said glancing over to Lyra's friends who still seemed unaware of the duo. Vinyl noticing Octavia following her gaze attempted to change the topic of conversation. "I could have bought my own drink you know."

"Nonsense I'm the one who invited you here and plus I need you awake if were going to keep working on our song you know."

"Octavia." The cashier called out carrying the drinks in hoof. Octavia rushed up to the counter handing the larger drink to Vinyl and leading her out of the cafe. Casting another glance toward Lyra's friends Vinyl saw them mouths agape staring at her and Octavia. Oh no this isn't going to be good. She thought quickening her pace out of coffee shop.

Getting back to the school the pair rushed off to their next classes parting ways.

The duo met back up in their final class of the day and set to work diligently working on their project for the entire period. Sensing that the class was about to end Vinyl asked Octavia. "Do you want to keep working on it for a little while longer?"

"I don't know are you sure that your up to it?"

"Don't worry about me I'll be fine that coffee gave me a lot of energy." Vinyl said tapping her horn with her hoof. Octavia wasn't buying it.

"Well... Ok" she said hesitantly. "We can work at my place."

Walking into Octavia's house was different the second time there was no sudden barrage of questions and no snotty parents to deal with upon entering the house. There was only one sound in the entirety of the house the hum of some song on the radio coming from the kitchen. "Mom I'm home me and Vinyl are going to be working on our project upstairs."

Octavia's mother called back after a long pause. "Ok, work hard." She said to the duo from inside the kitchen out of sight. Octavia led Vinyl up the long staircase to her room down the hallway. As the two prepared to get to work Vinyl tried lifting her violin out of its case with her magic only to find that it would shakily create a field around the violin and then disappear.

"Come on come on work damn you." She said fruitlessly trying to use her magic to lift her violin.

"Can you play your violin without your magic?"

"I could try but I've never really needed to up until now."

"Alright can we get any work done without you playing your violin?"
We'll hold on let me see if I can do this." Vinyl interjected hefting the violin out of its case with a forehoof and grabbing the bow with the other. Slowly she lifted herself onto her hind legs taking the base of the violin between her chin and her shoulder. Carefully maintaining her balance she tried to use the bow to draw out a few simple notes of the violin only to hear the violin shriek in discordant tones. "Well that does it for that idea." She said teatering back and forth on her hind legs. "Plus I don't think I could keep my balance long enough for that to be a permanent soloution."

"Hmm well maybe we could write out the sheet music." Octavia said slowly setting her cello back into its case as Vinyl did the same.

"Yeah ok"' Vinyl said lifting up her glasses and getting out a sheet of paper from her satchel bag. Without her glasses to hide her eyes Octavia quickly noticed the gigantic dark circles under her eyes and the numerous tiny red veins that showed themselves in her eyes.

"Or maybe we could take a break from working on the project for now I'm getting preety tired." Octavia said feigning a yawn. "Maybe we should just hang out and relax for a bit." Vinyl was shocked Octavia had seemed so foucused on the project that she doubted that she wanted to stop working on it and just hang out.

"Um sure I guess did you have anything in mind." She asked

"Yes" she said jumping at the opportunity, "I'd like to hear some of the music you've been working on."

"Well that's going to be a little hard considering I don't have any magic to play on my violin." Vinyl stated tapping her horn with a hoof.

"No nothing you've been working on with your violin I'm interested in what you have on your laptop."

"Oh I can show you that I just didn't think anyone at that school would ever ask to hear any of the music I had on my laptop." She said sliding the aforementioned device out of her bags.

"Well you made it right? From all of your contributions to our duet I doubt it would be anything bad."

"Oh trust me it's all good just not sure if it fits your type of style." Vinyl said opening up the screen.

"Hey now, I like trying and listening to new things."

"Alright then let me show you a few things."
The pair spent the rest of the afternoon listening to the others musical creations going back and forth about songs the two had been working on and the ways each of them could improve or refine the style that they were done in.

"So Octavia, how do you keep that thing balanced the whole time your holding it dosent it get heavy and your arms get tired. So how do you keep your balance the whole time I was holding up my violin I could barely stand on two legs much less imagine playing that way."

"Well I guess you get used to it after a while it's not like I really have any other way to play, besides I'm sure that keeping your violin and your bow floating for such a long time must be very mentally draining."

"Oh believe me it is but I dunno I still think that if I had the option between the two I'd pick magic every day."

"What if you didn't have the option between the two?" Octavia asked

Vinyl was caught off guard by the sudden question she had never thought about it before. "Hmm," she said taking a moment to think "I'm not sure I guess I'd have to learn to play again by hoof and I can't imagine I'd ever be as good as I am now with my magic."
"Oh." Octavia said with a small frown. "So does that mean that someone who has to play with their hooves can't be as good as someone who plays with magic?" She asked her voice holding a slight quiver.
Vinyl seeing her new friend clearly distraught realized she had messed up and said something carelessly. She walked over to her and put her hoof on her shoulder. "Hey that's not what I meant. I meant that I could never be as good as I was before not that those with magic were just better out of the gate. Look Octavia the way you play is amazing it's perfect in every way you never miss a note and you do all that while balancing yourself and that big cello. Your one of the most talented cellists I've ever met. Trust me not having magic doesn't mean that your worse than anyone else hell your a better player than anyone else in the orchestra." She said attempting to cheer her up.

Octavia wiped the tears that had been welling up in her eyes away and looked at the tool deep pools of magenta that were staring at her. "Thank you Vinyl that means a lot." She said wrapping her arms around the mare and pulling her in for a hug. "It really means a lot to me."

Vinyl blushed for the second time today in this mares embrace as she squeaked out the words. "Sure anytime." Looking out of the window Vinyl saw the sun setting and realized that she'd rather get home while it was still light out. Breaking the embrace she said, "well I should really be going now it's getting preety late."
Octavia glanced out the window to the setting sun as Vinyl packed up her belongings. "Alright I'll see you tomorow." Octavia said as her friend walked out of the door.
"Ok see you tomorow." She said walking out of her room and down the stairs passing Melody on her way up the stairs. The walk home was a long and boring trek through familiar streets but to Vinyl it was a hard one. She hadn't noticed it while she was at Octavia's but she felt it on the walk home she was exhausted. And with every step down the cold hard roads she could feel the weariness in her limbs her head was drooping her posture was poor and the only thing on her mind was the sweet relief of sleep. The nightmare she had the night before still terrified her to her very core but Vinyl knew that she couldn't fight against the sleep forever and sooner or later she would lose the nightmare would have its way with her again. Walking straight into the apartment Vinyl could feel that she was about to give in to her tieredness moving quickly to her room and shutting the door behind her she threw herself into the bed not even bothering to take off her headphones as the dark embrace of a deep sleep took its hold.

Author's Note:

Wow it has been a long long time this chapter is a new years treat to anyone but me who's reading this next chapter is pretty much already all written out should be up in a few days thank you to anyone who's reading this

Comments ( 1 )

Yay cant wait ill have to give it a full re read

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