• Published 28th Mar 2013
  • 840 Views, 22 Comments

Highschool - vinylcloud

a story about our two favorite ponies vinyl and octavia and there wonderful journey through the hell that is highschool

  • ...

The flame blooms

It was another sleepless night for Octavia, alone in her room she stared out of her windows to the streets that winded their way through the town. She sighed and wondered if that strange unicorn she had met was out on the streets that night. Her thoughts had been centered on that crazy unicorn and that strange night weeks before. She longed to be outside and feel the freedom that the open streets provided but she couldn't risk being caught on the night before school started. Octavia left her window and plopped down on her bed. 5:00 read her clock only 2 more hours and then I have to go to school. She thought her eyes drooping heavily. Closing her eyes Octavia waited for the sweet embrace of sleep but it never came. As she lay there eyes shut she wondered if she would ever be able to get a full nights sleep. An hour later Octavia heard a bang on the door it seemed that any chance for sleep had passed.

"Octy get up you need to shower before school." It was her sister Melody. Octavia got out of bed with a heavy sigh maybe I'll get some sleep tomorrow. Opening and walking through the door Octavia was greeted by her sisters frizzy mess of a mane that covered her eyes and most of her head. Octavia failed to stifle a laugh." Its not funny Octy not all of us can get a good nights sleep and wake up with a perfect mane like yours." Ahh yes a good nights sleep when was the last time I had one of those. Octavia rolled her eyes.

"Don't call me Octy you know how I hate that nickname." Octavia said walking past her sister.

"Well just make sure to be quick in there I've got to get this mess under control." Melody said pulling at her hair with her hooves and magic. "Agh, gah, just unknot." She said pulling at her hair as she stumbled backwards falling down the stairs. Lying at the bottom of the stairs in a cluttered mess of hooves and hair Octavias sister groaned. "Oooooooooooow." Failing to stifle another laugh Octavia walked into the bathroom.

Looking at herself closely in the mirror Octavia noticed darkened bags underneath her eyes. Only noticable if you were too close or looking very intently at the areas around Octavia's eyes. Turning on the faucet of the shower Octavia stood waiting for the water to warm up. As she stood in the middle of her bathroom hooves glued to the cold tiles of the floor she could feel the exhaustion that was welled up in her limbs and bones become more pronounced and slowly turn into a dull ache. Stepping into the shower Octavia felt the warmth of the water course through her body and relive her of the dull ache of exhaustion that seemed to be ever present in more recent times. Her exhaustion was replaced with a heat that grew and grew in her muscles until that was all that was left. Absentmindedly Octavia stood on her hind legs holding herself as though she was playing her cello she started to hum the few lines of a intro to a song she had been learning on her cello. Warm water raining down on her head Octavia felt her hair fall around her neckline as the last few lines of the intro on her imaginary cello ended.

Casting away the imaginary cello Octavia began to sing "When I was a child I heard voices." She sang on, lifting a hoof close to her head as if she was holding a microphone "Some would sing and some would scream." Octavia sang getting more and more into the music and starting to sway her body with the beat. "You soon find you have few choices." This line struck a chord with Octavia as she started to sing the rest of the song. "I learned the voices died with.-"

"Octavia?" Questioned the voice of Octavias sister from behind the bathroom door. "Are you singing in the shower." She said poorly concealing a small chuckle.

"Y-yes." She said coming to rest on the ground of the shower with all four hooves solidly rooted to the ground.

"How much longer are you going to be, I need to get all of these knots out of my hair." Knowing how long it would take her sister to get ready, Octavia knew she would need to get out of the shower soon. To give her enough time so that the both of them weren't late for their first day of school.

"I'll be out in a minute I just need to wash my hair."

"Alright breakfast will be waiting." Melody said leaving the bathroom door and heading down the staircase, on sturdy hooves this time.

Finding herself alone once again Octavia got on with her routine as quickly as possible, starting with washing her hair. Halfway through the menial task Octavia could feel the coursing heat that the water was causing through her being begin to burn, slowly at first and then turning into a fire that raged through her soul. It hurt, the heat was suddenly unbearable Octavia turned the faucet to a colder temperature to cool the burning heat that was now consuming Octavia. Feeling relief as soon as the cool water washed over her, putting out the fire that was burning within her muscles and throughout her being. Bringing back with it the dull ache of exhaustion and reminding Octavia how very tiered she was. She sighed she felt weak and worn she was so tiered.

Stepping out of the shower Octavia walked over to the mirror and with one hoof cleared off the steam that had built up on the mirror. She studied the strange mare staring back at her. Her mane and tail were messy and hanging loosely around her face and flank the dark spots under her eyes gone Octavia could hardly recognize herself. Grabbing a towel she dried herself off adding to the mess that her tail and mane were currently making. Grabbing a brush she took it to her hair all the while staring at that strange mare that resided within the mirror. Slowly brushing her away as she brushed her hair back to the same style it had been since she was a foal. Tying her bow tie was the last step to getting ready as she tied it she watched as the strange mare in the mirror disappeared and in her place was the same Octavia that stood before the mirror everyday, ready to get on with the arduous tasks that would present themselves. Except today was different something about her reflection was off. She stared into the mirror intently looking at her mane and tail finding nothing wrong with them they were perfect just like they were everyday she glanced down at her bow tie same pink bow tie fashioned around her neck. She looked at her face and found where the problem lied. She was scowling this confused Octavia she wasn't sad or mad about anything but she was still scowling for some reason. Adjusting her facial muscles she forced a smile onto her face and walked out of the bathroom ready for her first day back to school.

Octavia arrived on campus with her younger sister in tow about an hour early seizing the opportunity Octavia asked. "So what's your first class? I'll show you around."

"Hold on a second let me find my schedule." Melody said bringing her bag to her face in a hue of blue magic. After sorting through a few papers and notebooks she sighed. "I think I left it at home." She said.

"That's fine we've got plenty of time to go and grab a new one from the office, come on." She said pushing her way through the schools front doors. Walking through the main hallway and into the main office Octavia realized she had lost her sister somewhere along the way. Looking back through the window in the office door she could see Melody had stopped to talk to a few other freshman in the hallways. Refocusing her attention back to the task at hand she looked around the office and spotted a brown earthpony behind the desk staring intently at a computer screen. "Ahem." Octavia said clearing her throat.

"Oh sorry, how can I help you?" The earthpony said turning to face Octavia.

"Yes I need two schedules one for Melody Harmonia And the other for Octavia Harmonia."

"Alright let me pull those up real quick." The brown earthpony said typing the names into the computer. A few seconds later the printer on the desk whirred to life. "Alrighty there you are have a great day." Grabbing the two papers in her mouth she leaned over the desk and motioned for Octavia to grab them. Octavia leaned forward and bit down on the ends of the papers. Turning to leave the front office and opening the door with a hoof she approached melody who was still talking to a group of freshman students.

"Meloy." She said trying to speak around the papers in her mouth. Turning around to face Octavia melody grabbed the papers out of Octavia's mouth with her magic and after looking over the first one floated it back over to Octavia. Standing up on her back hooves Octavia grabbed her schedule and began to read over it in her head. First period new music theory 11, second period orchestra, third period classical music theory, lunch, fourth period music exposure and finally independent study. "
Ok Melody whats your first class?"

"Looks like its classical music theory." Melody said levitating the schedule back into her backpack.

"Alright then what was the room number?" Octavia asked.


"Alright follow me."

Octavia led her sister around showing her to her different classes until they got to her fourth period when Octavia noticed students filing out of the hallway and into nearby classes. "Alright see you later Melody I have to get to class I'll see you at lunch." Octavia said.

"Ok bye." Melody replied, As the two sisters headed in opposite directions. Octavia hurried to class barely beating the bell and taking a seat on the front row of the classroom noticing a piece of paper already laying on the desk.

"Alright class settle down." The teacher said from the front of the class cutting into some students conversations that soon went silent. "Thank you. Now that I have all of your attentions we can get started. Some of you may have noticed this paper on the desk in front of you. If not you must be blind." The teacher said with a long pause. "Come on people that was a joke lighten up." He said flatly.

"Yeah that was about as much of a joke as this class is." Octavia could hear someone behind her say. Soon followed by snickers that were quickly quieted down. Looking a shade redder than he had before the teacher stared into the back of the class and continued his speech.

"Anyways like I was saying this is new music studies and the paper in front of you is your syllabus for this class. You will find on it the schedule for the rest of the semester and I suggest you heed it. It will cover the different genres and styles of modern music that we will be covering over the course of the class. We will begin today with the most broad of our topics electronically produced music." A collective sigh was issued from the class as the teacher started flipping through slides on a projector covering the various techniques and methods of creating electronic music.

The class passed in a bustle of hurried notes and dazed confusion for Octavia. The core concepts were the same as creating any type of music. Melodies, accompaniments, rhythm, etc all things Octavia was completely comfortable with it was the concept of creating these things with a computer instead of writing notes down on a paper or playing them with actual instruments that was giving Octavia trouble. Remembering all the synthesizers equalizers and the way they all meshed and worked together to create 'music' was a hard topic for her to wrap her head around. She felt like this was a common feeling with those around her taking a look around there were many faces contorted into a look of frustration quickly flipping from their notes to the slides on the screen.

The bell rang interrupting the teacher in the middle of his lecture as everyone packed up their notebooks and pencils he spoke up. " We will continue this lesson tomorrow. And I hope you all bring better attitudes."

"Yeah like that'll happen." Someone said as Octavia exited the classroom. What a rude remark.

Thinking back to her schedule Octavia headed towards the Orchestra room ready to ease into the groove of playing her cello and relax. Walking through the double doors she set on her way down the steps and towards her seat on the left side of the semi circle making sure to grab sheet music off of the teachers desk on her way. Unpacking her cello from its case she started tuning the instrument focusing in on the soft soothing sounds carefully adjusting the strings so that they all played the right notes. Setting her sheet music out in front of her Octavia glanced at the music it was a classical piece she was already very familiar with. Octavia's gaze drifted from the paper as she looked across the room and began to play, drawing out the deep tones of her cello checking once again to make sure that everything was perfect. As they gazed out upon the world her eyes fixated on somepony across the room. She recognized her instantly blue mane purple shades and all. That night all those weeks ago came rushing back to Octavia. Her cello fell silent as she stood there in shock Octavia had wanted to talk to her again but this was the last place she expected to see her. She wanted to get up and say something to her but as she continued to stare across the room it looked as though she hadn't been noticed or maybe Vinyl had just forgotten what she looked like. Plus she was absorbed in a conversation with a mint green unicorn sitting next to her.

"Alright class since this isn't your first..." The teacher said as Octavia tuned him out she was still looking at Vinyl who still hadn't noticed her. Snapping out of her trance Octavia realized she had dropped her bow on the ground. Regaining her composure she picked up her bow and began going over the sheet music. The rest of the class passed by in a blur Octavia constantly staring past her sheet music at a certain white unicorn across the room. After what seemed like an eternity the class was finally over packing up her cello and music in a hurry Octavia quickly surveyed the room looking for Vinyl only finding that she was already gone. Octavia gave the room one more sweeping glance and quickly hurried out into the hallway not finding any sight of the white unicorn. With a sigh Octavia set off to her next class and continued on with the motions of the day.

Octavia focused on the task at hand looking around through the hallways she searched for signs of that unique electric blue mane and tail or a glimpse of those bizarre purple sunglasses. Finding no results as the other students filtered into their respective classes Octavia sighed and began to head to her class. There's always tomorrow I can get to orchestra early and talk to her then. She thought as she walked into her last class of the day. Finding a seat near the doors Octavia quickly sat down as the bell rang and the teacher Started to give his introduction telling the class his name and something about a project. Octavia was paying him little mind as she unpacked her cello and grabbed a stand from the side of the room readying herself to practice any pieces she had been working on as she usually would during her free period. She heard the teacher clear his throat looking up expecting him to be staring disapprovingly at her Octavia surprisingly saw him staring towards the back of the class. Following his gaze Octavia found the pony she had been searching for at the back of the class staring at a laptop with headphones encompassing her ears and purple shades covering her eyes . She was shocked, her mouth agape she stood there as the teacher cleared his throat louder than before. Vinyl finally taking notice looked up from her laptop screen and slowly removed her headphones letting them to rest around her neck and shut her laptop.

"Thank you Ms. Vinyl Scratch..." The teacher began but Octavia couldn't hear him she was staring at Vinyl thinking how she was going to do this."Hey remember me. I'm that pony that you helped out on the streets a few weeks ago you know the one that was knocked out on the sidewalk." No that would be a terrible way to lead things off. Maybe I should just go over and say hi. Octavia got up resting her cello on her chair and started walking towards the back of the class staring intently at Vinyl. Oh god she doesn't notice me. Maybe I should just go sit back down. Vinyl tilted her head towards Octavia. Oh no, she saw me, well no backing down now.

"Um, hey." Octavia said. To which she only got a blank stare in return.Ahhh shes just staring quick Octavia say something else quick. "Vinyl." She remained quiet and stared back at Octavia for a few awkward seconds. Oh god she doesn't remember you.Octavia thought as she began to turn around.

"Oh hey, Octavia was it?" Vinyl said.

"Umm yeah hows it going?"

"Its going good. How about you is everything feeling okay, no loose ends in that head of yours." She said cracking a smile.

"I sure hope not, none that I've noticed so far at leasy."

"So I'm guessing that you want to work on that project together."

"Project?" Octavia said clearly confused.

"Yeah... The one he just got done telling us about."

"Oh I must have been spaced out for a little while i was just getting ready to practice some stuff on my cello." Octavia said gesturing with her head towards her cello.

"Cool we can use that in the collaboration. drag it over here and pull up a chair." Vinyl said opening up her laptop and resuming whatever it was she was doing. Huh she must not be in the mood to practice her instrument today. Octavia thought walking to her cellos resting place to retrieve it. Walking over cello in hand Octavia glimpsed the screen of Vinyl's laptop and saw what looked like musical editing software on display,

"What are you working on." She asked staring at the computer screen.

"Oh just a little song of mine. Nothing big."

"Oh cool, are you adding some vocals to a song you made on your violin?"

"No its an original piece I created using a bunch of different samples and some editing and mixing."

"Oh so what kind of song is it, mind if I listen in?"

"Its my brand of techno its not really finished yet and still sounds pretty basic, I usually wait till my songs are done before I let people listen."

"Oh that's alright techno really isn't my sortof thing I mostly stick to classical." She said holding up her bow.

"Well got any ideas what you'd like to do our project on probably best to get it out of the way quickly."She said changing the subject

"Hmm well we could write a duet you could play your violin," She said motioning towards the violin case lying on the ground. "Or really anything I'm open to ideas."

"Nah a duet sounds cool, lets get started." She said using her magic to pull the violin from the case. The two of them worked on their duet for the rest of the class setting down a basic rhythm and melody. It had taken on a faster tone than Octavia was used to the violin carrying the melody and the cello handling the rhythm. Hearing the bell ring the two of them began to pack up their stuff Octavia storing her cello in its case and grabbing her bag packing up the sheet music they had been using to write down the beginning of their duet.

"Well I guess we can work on it some more tomorrow."Octavia said looking at Vinyl.

"Damn I was really hoping we could just get it out of the way really quickly today." She said slumping down in her chair.

"Well even so we got a lot done today."

"By the way class I would like to remind you all that this project is due Friday so keep that in mind." The teacher announced to the class as students were packing up to leave.

"Well shit it looks like we don't have a lot of time to do this anyways. How long were you saying you wanted this to be again?"

"Somewhere between 5 and 8 minutes." Hearing this Vinyl groaned.

"Alright then we've got some work to do after school. Do you know any place where we can work that's nearby."

"We could work on it at my house its not too far from here."

"Ok just let me finish packing up my stuff." She said shoving a few stray papers from the desk into her bag. "Lead the way." The two ponies walked through the hallways and quickly exited the school.

On their way leaving the campus Octavia spoke up. "So what exactly were you doing out all those nights ago I don't remember asking you?"

"I was just walking around clearing my head. What about you?"

"Really? Well I was just walking around I just wanted to be out of my house."

"Seems like a weird reason to be out of the house."

"I just had this feeling this, need to be out of the house."

"Yeah I get like that sometimes to it feels nice to just get out of the house and be out in the open for a while."

"Yeah I don't know if it was worth it in the end though."

"Yeah maybe not, but hey you did meet somebody new that's always good."

"I guess I did. Thanks again for saving my ass back their."

"Don't mention it."

The two of them arrived at Octavia's house as conversation ceased.

Walking into the house Octavia and Vinyl were greeted with a voice from one of the side rooms "Melody, Octavia is that you?"

"Its me mother," Octavia said "I brought a friend, were working on a project for school today."

"Oh, a friend?" Octavia's mom said with a hint of surprise creeping into her voice. "What's their name Octavia." She said walking into the main foyer.

"Mother this is Vinyl, Vinyl this is my Mother." Octavia said as her mother stared at Vinyl gauging her personality.

"Nice to meet you uhhh."

"Miss Harmonia is fine."

"Its nice to meet you miss Harmonia." Vinyl said her voice wavering.

"And its very nice to meet you Vinyl, you must excuse her but my daughter forgot to mention your last name."

"Oh it's Scratch."

"Ahh Scratch," She said pausing a moment, "I cant recall ever hearing that name before, by chance do your parents not work in the musical industry."

"No they don't my mom's a nurse and I'm not exactly sure what my dad is doing lately. I'm the first musically talented pony in my family."

"Oh, how curious to be accepted into such a prestigious school with no prior heritage, it must have been quite the challenge. There was always that worry with Octavia being an earth pony and her sisters musical talent being singing that neither of them would pass the entrance exams"

Vinyls look changed to puzzled, "Why would Octavia being an earth pony worry you?" She asked inquisitively.

"Oh you know so very few earth ponies are musicians it was terrible trying to find her a teacher and even worse trying to find a good one and there was always that fear that she would never truly develop it to the same level as a unicorn would."

"Oh." Vinyl said a hint of shock creeping into her voice.

"Anyways mother Vinyl and I are here to work on a project for school so if you wouldn't mind." She said trying to escape the situation.

"Oh, yes I shouldn't hold you up any longer. Your free to go." She watched as they climbed the stairs towards Octavia's room and called after them. "Work hard you two."

Closing the door behind them Vinyl said, "no offense but your mom seems a bit, harsh."

"Oh no that's just the way she is sometimes she might come off as a bit much but shes really a great person." Octavia lied.

"If you say so, well anyways lets get going on the project, We've got a lot of ground to cover."

"Well I better get going." Vinyl said interrupting their playing after a few hours working on flushing out the rest of the song.

"Alright let me walk you out." She said setting down her cello.

"Oh its no problem I can see myself out."

"No, no its no trouble."

"Well, alright." She said finishing packing up the last of her things. Octavia led her down the stairs and into the foyer. They could see Octavia's mother and her sister in the kitchen chatting idly in the kitchen. On sight of Octavia and Vinyl Melody smiled and waved at them from the kitchen. Opening the door for her Vinyl walked out. "See you tomorrow," She said as she walked outside.

"Octavia can I speak with you for a moment." She heard her mom call from the kitchen.

"What about?" She asked walking over.

"Its about your... Friend after speaking with your sister for awhile I'm still uncertain of her so I thought to simply ask you. Do you know what type of pony she is and do you know whether or not her family comes from the nobility or not?"

"She seems like a very nice person as for her family I'm not sure." Octavia said obviously confused.

"That's what I was afraid of Octavia even though these people may seem nice I'm not so certain you should be associating with someone of such a questionable upbringing. Did you notice that when she mentioned her parents she couldn't tell me what her father does. I don't want you to sully your reputation by associating yourself with those sorts of people." This only added to Ocatvias confusion.

What? why would she not want me to be hanging around Vinyl. So she might not be noble shes still nice and plus shes one of the only ponies I know at that school. Why would it be a bad thing for me to hang out with her. Sullying my reputation, what reputation. Shes only worried about herself. Octavia thought standing still in the kitchen, a fire slowly burning inside her.

"Octavia? Do you hear me. I don't want you hanging out with that street trash pony." She said in a demanding tone.

"No." Octavia said the fire building inside her.

"No? No what? Dear you must finish your sentences." She said with a glint of teeth in her smile.

"No I'm not going to do that." The fire now raging inside.

"What?" She said in shock.

"I said I'm not going to do that. Shes a nice person and I'm not going to stop being friends with her just on your say so."

Octavias mother sat there shocked by what she was hearing this was one of the first times Octavia had shown defiance and before she knew it Octavia was already walking out of the kitchen and up the staircase. "Octavia!" She called out. "Where are you going."

"To my room. If you still want to talk you can come talk up here." She said curtly.

"I'll go talk to her." Melody chimed in. As she followed her out of the room their mother retrieved a wine bottle and a wine glass from a cupboard.

Octavia could feel someone sit down on the floor outside of her bedroom door while she was sitting on the inside. She felt like crying she was angry sad confused and tiered, so very tiered. As she sat there head in her hooves she heard the voice of her sister from the other side of the door.

"So you finally did it, you finally stood up for yourself."

"Yeah I guess I did." She said. Her voice came across uneven and cracking.

"Good, don't worry about mom I'll try and calm her down although I can't say you won't catch some flak for this. I'm glad you finally stood up for yourself." Octavia could hear her sister get up and walk back down the stairs to console their mother who was drinking in the kitchen.

Octavia picked up her cello which had been resting in its case and brought it over to her bed she began to play softly the fire slowly seeping out of her muscles with the music. She awoke the next morning with her cello laying at the end of her bed. She couldn't remember going to bed or falling asleep all she remembered was playing her cello and then waking up. She couldn't believe it she actually felt rested and when she looked at her clock and realized she had slept through the entire night.