• Published 16th Jan 2013
  • 456 Views, 7 Comments

Discordant Job - Dream Reader

What do you do when your boss isn't just difficult to get along with but just plain Discord.

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In which Discord makes an appearance.

As the group walked down the main street of Steeplechase, Dream, Mic and Moon began to notice something was odd about all these ponies: none of them seemed to be doing what their cutie mark said they liked to do. They were shown a square kind of area that had 6 or 7 different buildings 5 were empty.

“The house doubles as a store front, if you want to open a store or something like that. If you do that you can use the loft area above as you home, mind you this is just a suggestion, I don’t really have any ideas about what y’all are going to be doing so feel free to look around and find the building you like. Oh and the 3 that are right smack dab in the center are Free, Zen and mine’s buildings. Have fun, oh and be careful,” said Glitter Shine, as she walked into the mint green Tudor style house.

“Find a nice house. You know, some of you can even share a house if it makes you feel a bit more comfortable,” Free Faller shouted as he trotted off to his and Zen’s brown shack of a house, obviously the 2 stallions didn’t like to take care of their house. The other stallions shuddered thinking about even asking to stay in that house.

Eventually the famous microphone was passed around again to decide who picked which house. Dream offered to share a house with any of them. Moon thought about it but then decided against it. Emerald mad a joke about them sharing a house together that made Dream tell him that if he even sat one hoof in her home it’d get chopped off. She saw an Industrial Neo-Victorian building that she immediately claimed as hers when she walked into the square. Lilly found a small Victorian with windows everywhere. Mic claimed a studio type structure, and Emerald asked to live with him, giving Dream a wink and a smirk. Moon saw a house built on what looked like stilts that was high off the ground. Thus they found their new homes.

As Dream entered her new house she felt as if she was not alone, letting out a hesitant and stuttered hello in to the gloom of her place. All of the sudden 2 yellowing red eyes blinked into existence so close she could see the mischief they promised her. As the lights came on of their own accord there in her currently empty shop stood Discord’s eyes, as she looked around for the rest of him she saw that his body was walking through a wall only to have his head hit and crack a window pane.
“Well hello and welcome to my little slice of semi-chaotic paradise, Dream Reader, one of 2 unicorns in your home town of Donston. Hm, now what could Princess Celestia have thought sending you to become my helper? Oh yes I know all about that, and I know that you haven’t even told your best friend, I mean what would she think if she found out that you and her were here for totally opposite reasons. I mean you’re here to help me, and she’s here to keep you in line,” Discord began, and looked shocked when Dream’s face fell, no one had told her Lilly had been sent here just to keep her from becoming like this sad creature, who had no purpose other than to cause chaos, and anarchy. “Well, don’t blame her I think she was told to keep that little tidbit to herself. I besides why else would she come all the way from a town she’s been living in since she was a little filly and you her friend seemed to be ready to pack up and leave all because of a stallion that assumed you and him would be together because of the fact you 2 are unicorns and did you ever set him straight and tell him there is no way he and you will be together, nope. Sometimes I think you would be better at spreading chaos than even me. Oh, well I’ll see you tomorrow or are you going to take that day to think about everything I’ve said,” Discord chuckled thinking he’d won, and left by just fading into nothing.

Dream sighed for what felt like the thousandth time since Discord had left. Her rooms were set up the way she wanted them, so there really wasn’t anything for the unicorn to do at her own home. She thought of Lilly and knew that road shouldn’t be traveled just yet, Mic and Emerald would be too busy with their equipment to notice her and Moon probably didn’t have a way of getting up to his front door without wings, wait is that a staircase. As Dream climbed the stairs she continually berated herself for interrupting him, he probably didn’t want to be disturbed, but she didn’t want deal with her thoughts by herself.
As she got to his door it opened and out walked Moon Light, both blushed and looked away for a few seconds. Dream started laughing uncontrollably, as Moon just looked on in a state of disbelief. “I’m sorry, it’s just I was coming over to see if you maybe want to hang out or something, but you seemed to be going somewhere, so I’ll just be going. See you tomorrow, Moon Light.”

“Wait; Dream I was just going to round up everypony, to see if we maybe wanted to grab a bite or something. Oh and has Discord come to see you yet? His visit gave me a lot to think on, he talked about my family and how sometimes I need to stop and think about things I said, and other stuff, I was just wondering if I was the only one,” Moon rushed to stop her and then turned sheepish as if admitting he’d eaten the last oatmeal cookie. She nodded her head, and he heaved a sigh of relief, just thankful he wasn’t the only one that had been visited by draconequus.

When the group got to Lilly’s house, she told them she was busy and didn’t have time to go get something to eat. However when Dream mentioned being visited by Discord, and that she suspected she wasn’t the only one, Lilly told them to give her a few minutes and that she’d be right out, she quickly disappeared back into her house followed by banging and one big crash, and then nothing.

Chuckling Dream asked if the guys wouldn’t mind helping her dig Lilly out of whatever just crashed, nodding all 3 followed her into the mess that was Lilly’s front room. Dream’s jaw dropped like an anvil, never before had she seen her friend’s home so messy, even back in Donston you could at least move. But there standing on top of a mountain of fabric was everyponies favorite draconequus, and below him was Lilly in what looked like an anvil shaped mass of cotton candy. Dream started yelling at Discord, right as he disappeared. She soon picked Lilly up and took her to the bathroom so she could get cleaned up. Emerald attempted to flirt with her but couldn’t think of any cotton candy related lines to feed either of them. Lilly sighed.

They walked around the square getting everypony together to go grab a bite to eat and talk about things. Each pony seemed uneasy about the little outing, but soon all worries were tossed aside buried for another day. They found an all-night diner were they could hang out till Celestia raised the sun if they wanted.

Author's Note:

All right! Here's the new chapter, apparently having a ridiculously long break has it's advantages, lol. While Discord does make his first appearance in this chapter, don't think we've seen the last of him. He shall be back and maybe with more anvils of cotton candy or Chocolate (Milk) Rain! As I was writing up his little bits I listened to the one Discord song everypony likes. But anyway, I hope y'all enjoy this chapter of Discordant Job, and yes they will start their jobs very soon.

Thanks again to Stauto who picked up on things spell-check didn't.
I've given up, on trying to make the chapters over 2,000 words, because right now I just can't do it, maybe later, or as I get experienced as a writer I can.

Comments ( 3 )

Good chapter, keep up the good work.
As a helpful tip, put a space between paragraphs, it makes the story easier to follow.

Yeah, I thought I did that, curse you Microsoft Word.:facehoof:

Should be fixed, now. I hope:twilightsheepish:

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