• Published 13th Jan 2013
  • 919 Views, 8 Comments

Far From Home - Donner Texas

After an experiment gone wrong Miles must find a way home in a a new set of surroundings and companions

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White sunglasses

As Miles and his companions strode into Ponyville they were met by warm smiles. New faces were a rarity in the placid town. Miles marveled at the sights. The pleasant sound of voices mingled with the noise of daily living on every corner. He turned to ask Applejack how to get to Twilight's tree, but was met by her open mouthed stare. With a pang of dismay he followed her gaze. Before him he saw something he was quite unprepared for.

A blur of pink bounced towards them like a Mach 1 paddle ball. "He's new! He's new! He's new! What's his name? Gee, he's big! I'm Pinkie Pie! Ha-oof!" Applejack's hoof put a swift end to the effusion of questions. "This is Miles, he's not from around here and he needs some help. He just got out of the hospital and can't remember how to get home. Ya know where Twilight is?" Applejack waited to pull her hoof out of Pinkie's mouth until she had calmed down. "I don't know exactly where she is, but I do know she is leaving for Canterlot tommorow. She said it was some new magic emergency thingy," her voice had retained its exuberance and began to rise with excitement. "I know! We can have a goodbye Twi- welcome Miles party tonight! Ohh, I'm gonna make this happen!" With that she bounced out of sight, making Mach 2 look lazy.

"Well it looks like you are in for a treat. A Pinkie Pie party is always unforgettable," Cloudchaser jested. Miles' wide eyed panic finally registered to Applejack,"he doesn't look like the partying type, but he should go anyway. This is his last chance to see Twilight for a while. Besides he looks like he needs to relive some stress, a party is good for that." Miles' look contradicted her last statement. "Cloudchaser, can you take our bewildered friend to go get cleaned up? I need to finish some chores on the farm before the party. I'll see y'all there." Applejack didn't wait for a reply, and began to trot back to Sweet Apple Acres.

Cloudchaser turned and looked at Miles. He was a sweaty, hay-covered mess with dried blood on his head and muzzle. "Well let's take you to Aloe and Vera's spa, they'll get you looking like new. Then we can go to Rarity's boutique. She won't let you in looking like that." Cloudchaser's analysis brought back Miles' troubled mind. "Did I hear spa? I did not just hear spa. You are going to need a whole lot more than yourself to get me into a spa," he reared onto his back legs and jabbed like a boxer. "How about we find a bar of soap and a spot along the river, then we can skip Rarity's and just chill until the party?" Cloudchaser did not look pleased with this plan.

"You want to bathe in the river, are you nuts? I have a shower at home. I'll cut you a deal though, if you use my shower you have to wear whatever Rarity suggests to the party." Miles imagined the possibilities, Rarity's outfits were known to become gaudy. There were many ways that it could turn negative. Yet, she was known for style. Miles put his faith in Rarity and took the deal.

As the last wisps of steam curled away Miles inspected himself in the mirror. The cut on his muzzle had scabbed over, but would most likely scar. His hair was back under control and he no longer smelled like he had gone 3 rounds with a gym locker in the middle of a cow pasture. Pleased with what he saw he struck a pose. From the corner of his eye he caught a flash of light blue and white. This deflated his majestic pose into a juvenile grin and an akward rubbing of his right fore hoof across to his left shoulder. Cloudchaser toppled backwards in a fit of uncontrollable giggling. His face was hot enough to cook on.

"I didn't spy on you when you were in the shower." His complaint only widened her grin. "Good 'cuz if you did I'd have to kick your tail!" He inflated his chest and extended his wings, with regained confidence he quipped,"just try me small fry." Her eyes betrayed an emotion Miles had been failing to recognize. "Now there's a stallion who can take me to a party! I should've left you dirty, now all the mares in Ponyville will want you!" The intended wisecrack came off much more sincere than intended. She quickly rolled up and exited the house.

As the pair strolled through town they noticed a lot more commotion than usual. News of the rapidly approaching party must have spread fast. The epicenter of the commotion, Sugarcube Corner, was like a crumb surrounded by ants. Judging by the amount of work going into it, the party was going to be massive. They flew over a jungle of wires being pulled in every direction by Vinyl Scratch, who was setting up her soundboard. "Wow, Pinkie must really like you or something bigger is going on. This is almost as big as the Gala, except not all fancy. Tonight is gonna be crazy!"

Miles was slightly worried by the first comment, but let his anxiety melt away. He was starting to look forward to the coming night, even if he had to wear a ridiculous getup. Coincidentally, they had just come into sight of Rarity's boutique. He arrived at the door, straightened himself up, and walked in.

His eyes were greeted by the pleasant sight of wonderfully crafted dresses. Their quality was sublime and their materials exquisite. Though Miles had only a small appreciation of fashion, he knew this was a temple to style. His gawking was ended by a sing-song "who is it?" He was face to face with Ponyville's fashionista. "He is here to represent you Rarity. Whatever you decide, no matter how flashy; he's all yours." Cloudchaser's explanation worried Miles just a hair. "Well let's get a good look at him then."

Without delay Rarity began to inspect, poking and prodding, while she muttered. "Large wings, large stature, large everything... well, he's not much of a little pony at all," she gave a little chortle as she continued. "Defined musculature, but not defined by his muscles. Quite the stallion indeed... what to do? What to do? Ah, yes!" A blue aura formed around her horn as things began to levitate around the room. Before he knew I he was standing in front of a mirror.

He looked into the mirror and saw himself wearing a black collared shirt with wing holes, a white and blue pinstriped tie, and a pair of white sunglasses with blue lenses. It wasn't his style, but he didn't think he looked bad either. He tried to gauge how Rarity and Cloudchaser felt about the new clothes. Rarity ws looking pleased as ever and Cloudchaser's eyes seemed to have been more interested in his haunches than his shades. Her eyes auickly darted up and she gave a nod of approval. "Wow, this looks great Rarity. I don't know how I'll repay you, it's starting to look like I'm going to owe everyone something by the end of the day." Miles' comment contained a hint of shame with his gratitude. "Oh he's so precious! Wherever did you find him? It's a gift darling, your thanks is plenty. Consider it a welcome to Ponyville run along now, I need to finish this if I'm going to make it to the party."

He and Cloudchaser thanked her on the way out, he was amazed at her generosity. He was amazed at how wonderful this community was. He had been here for almost 2 weeks and had recceived more kindness than in 2 years back home. He almost made a comment to Cloudchaser but stopped. He knew he shouldn't get attached. He needed to get home, it was where he belonged and should have never left. Yet, he knew his home was nowhere near as wonderful as this place. His thoughts were interrupted by bass. The sun had begun to set and the party must be starting. He gave Cloudchaser an eager look and they hurried toward Sugarcube Corner.

They arrived to a scene he had not anticipated. Ponies were everywhere. Pegasi danced on the ground and in the sky, gyrating like broken agitators. Earth ponies and unicorns packed the streets and an open bar. Berry Punch was already looking a little tipsy and the party had just begun.

Hanging above the the doorway was a sign that read "Bye Twilight- Welcome Miles". Cloudchaser and Miles entered the bakery to find it less packed than the plaza outside. They found Pinkie pouring hot sauce into a bowl of punch. "Here, the hot sauce gives it a kick the booze just can't," she stated merrily as she gave each a glass. Miles could taste both in an odd spicy-fruity drink. He enjoyed it and drank more. "That's the spirit! I like him already, hot sauce goes on anything!" Miles nodded in agreement,"you bet it does. By the way have you seen Twilight?

"Yeah, she's in the kitchen."
"Thanks, I'll see ya later Pinkie." With that he and Cloudchaser entered the kitchen. They were rewarded by seeing her tail as she exited the back door.

This set the tone for the next 2 hours. They followed her through shops and courtyards, always a step or two behind. Like a scene from Scooby Doo they followed her in and out, missing her by seconds. Eventually they followed her into the mosh pit in front of town hall. They were forced to fly out and had completely lost her. At this point they split up in hopes of covering more ground. Another hour passed and Miles was no closer to finding Twilight. With a howl of frustration he sat on a bench and brooded. He was tired, Twilight was nowhere to be found, and above all he was alone and missed most of the party.

The sound of beating wings raised his eyes. "Hey, there you are I've been looking all over for you! Aww, don't look so down, we'll find her." Cloudchaser landed and sat on the bench next to Miles. He took a breath and straightened up. "Yeah, I know we will, that's the thing." He looked back at the ground. "What's the matter? Can I help?" She moved closer and put her wing around him. He looked up, the moon was out and the stars were iridescent. The neon lights from the party looked like an epileptic's worst nightmare. "Let's have an unforgettable night. We'll worry about Twilight tommorow."

They headed back together to a different party. The wubs had given way to softer music and the area had cleared out, leaving only a handfull of ponies in the square. They stepped over a collapsed Berry Punch at the bar and called for drinks. A less than steady Pinkie Pie was happy to oblige. "Two punch, one hot slauced!" She slurred as she poured, most of the punch missing the cup. She then stumbled backwards and passed out. Deciding against the drinks, the pair walked to the dance floor.

With a flourish of his wings he bowed,"may I have this dance?" She reared onto her back legs and unfurled her wings. He did the same and put his hooves to hers. They moved slowly with the beat. Around and around they went until he noticed they were no longer on the ground. He looked down then back up, about to speak, he was silenced by Cloudchaser's hoof. "Don't think, don't talk, come closer." He went with his gut and leaned in. They didn't part until they were on the ground. "I'm glad you screwed up that test." She said this earnestly, staring into his auburn eyes. "I can't begin to tell you how glad I am to have met you." They were inseparable for the rest of the night.

He woke up to the sounds of progress. The party was being cleaned up. He looked beside him. Cloudchaser was waking up too. They had fallen asleep beneath a tree in the park. He was about to wish her good morning, but the look in her eye stopped him. He quickly scanned to find the source of the problem. He found it. "Oh crap, that cannot be bueno. She does not look happy, Neither do they."

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