• Published 13th Jan 2013
  • 919 Views, 8 Comments

Far From Home - Donner Texas

After an experiment gone wrong Miles must find a way home in a a new set of surroundings and companions

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Wake up

Bright, blinding light was all that could be perceived. Coughing and sputtering Miles' first words were "if this is the afterlife, then this sucks." But he hurt too much to be dead. As he regained his wits he scanned his surroundings. His father told him that if he always knew what was around, he would always find a way to be ok. These words missed their mark though. All that registered in Miles' head was surprise. He was alive; and from the promising look the sterile hospital room gave him, he was safe as well. Yet as promising as the room was, something wasn't right. Something was unusual about this place, and it frustrated miles; as he could not consciously name it. He was suddenly taken by the growing needs of sleep, and with one last look, he obeyed.
Miles was awakened by the sound of a door opening. Looking up blearily he was suddenly jolted awake. This had to be a dream. He must have died alone in that cave, hell, he must be on drugs. Nothing could explain what he saw before him.

A pony wearing a doctors coat and stethoscope smiled at him pleasantly. The doctor trotted closer, "and how are we this morning?" The comment seemed surreal. All miles could do was hang his mouth open in awe. "Not very talkative are we? Eh...doesn't suprise me, anypony else would have probably been dead after going through what you did. You're one tough stallion!" The last words resonated the loudest. Miles slowly looked down and raised his arms. The sheets slid off and, to his bewilderment, Miles found two orchid hooves. At this his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he blacked out.
Miles again awoke, this time determined not to pass out. He began to breathe slowly and steadily, allowing the world to come back. Slowly but surely, it did. He began to recount what he knew up to this point. "I'm an orchid pony, I'm in the hospital, and I barely pulled myself out of a cave... Well maybe I had some help on the last one..." His thoughts were interrupted by a nurse. She whistled a familiar tune as she strode in, cart of food in tow. Miles looked on with rapt attention as her horn began to glow. A plate began to rise off the cart and hovered above his chest. Soon there was a tray and Miles was left with a fruit salad and his thoughts.

He contemplated how to eat it, eventually deciding on the face first approach. After ravenously tearing through the helpless fruit in what could only be 10 seconds flat, he was alone with his thoughts. Miles strained to think back to where he was before the cave. He remembered Alex and Cole, arguing over some equation he could barely comprehend as some blend of JavaScript and advanced physics. Alex frantically turned to Cole and yelled that what they wanted to do was physically impossible. Cole just simply replied with a snide comment and a smirk.This set his brain into overdrive, but it was brought back by a knock at the door. With a reassuring breath he granted entrance to whoever was at the door. The doctor from earlier trotted in, a playful grin on his face.

"Looks like you have a visitor nameless," stated the doctor. "The name is Miles," he replied; confused at the prospect of meeting his rescuer. "Well I'll let you know she was awful worried about you, she was here every day while you were asleep. You're very lucky that she showed up when she did." And with that the mare entered the room.
Miles was in awe, we was rescued by one of his favorite mares. He had to struggle to keep down a surge of brony excitement. He gained control and introduced himself. "Thanks for the save I'd probably not be here if it wasn't for you." She smiled and replied "Well my sister, Flitter, and I were exploring Everfree. We had gone into the caves with Thunderlane and Lyra; when we found you and we were shocked. We got you here as soon as possible!"
"We'll I owe you my life, and maybe even an explanation."

"I'd like that explanation; when you get out of here come find me, the name is Cloudchaser," and with a smile walked out the door. Miles looked helplessly at the doctor, who only chuckled. "When can I get out of here doc?" Miles queried. "Well, let's give it four days and we'll see how you've progressed."