• Published 12th Jan 2013
  • 756 Views, 11 Comments

A Beautiful Twilight - AldenExMachina

twi·light - Noun: The soft glowing light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon, caused by the reflection of the sun's rays from the atmosphere.

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Chapter 3: Morning with Twilight

Chapter 3: Morning with Twilight

Morning. it was morning. I could tell because of how the sun's light hit my face. It was the kind of morning that when you woke up you didn't exactly have to get out of bed, like a Saturday. You could stay there, comfortable and half-asleep. There was something different about this morning though. It felt good. I was laying on the couch under the covers going through my mind. I had a dream last night. About me and Twilight.

Me and her were together. That's when it occurred to me, that wasn't a dream, this wasn't my house, and I didn't own a couch. I looked around the room surveying my surroundings when I felt something. i looked down to find a beautiful sleeping Twilight cuddled up close to me, nuzzling my chest. She was calm and asleep and looked so cute.

This was so amazing. This was usually the kind of thing I dream of but, it wasn't a dream. This was real and I loved every second of it. Slowly her eyes opened as she began to wake revealing those irises of hers that seemed to glow when you looked at them. She looked up at me with those beautiful eyes and the most innocent and adorable face and smiled.

We laid there looking at each other. I couldn't remember what had led us to be in that position and but I didn't care. All I cared about was being with her in that moment, holding her in my hooves.
"Hey." I said.
"Hey." She said back.
"What happened last night? Did...did we...?" she asked.
"Yuuup. All night long." I said. I was just kidding though, but she didn't get it.
"WHAT!?" she said almost getting up.
"Hey, don't worry. I was just kidding!" I said chuckling a bit.
She calmed down with a sigh of relief and rested her head on me. She was clearly still a bit tired. It was only a few seconds until she reopened her eyes in realization of our close position.
"So what did happen?" she asked.
"We just fell asleep together." I said.
"Oh. Ok." she said.

Her whole face was a pink red. She was obviously nervous. I doubt she had ever even shared a close encounter like this with any pony else. I wonder had she even been interested in love? Not that I wanted to rush anything, although we did just spend the night together.

"You ok?" I asked.
"Yeah. I'm just-"
"Beautifu." I interrupted.
"What?" she asked
"You are so beautiful. I've always thought that. From the moment I saw you I was intoxicated. I've always wanted to just, come out and tell you but I guess I was just too nervous. Seems all so easy to say now. Being this close and all, as if you were giving me permission." I said
"Permission?" she said, eyes wide and almost stunned by my words. She laid there with me, staring deeply into my eyes.
We didn't break gaze. She heard what I said...and she liked it. She wanted to hear more.
"And what exactly am I permitting you to do?" she asked, as if already knowing the answer.
"This." I said, before coming closer and kissing her tenderly on the lips.

I loved kissing her. The feel of her lips pressed against mine's. She had soft lips and a gentle tongue, which made it easy to tell that she wasn't an experienced kisser, but I liked that. It made kissing her even better. to know that I was the first to taste of such a treat, and she had sweet lips. A taste of strawberries, something you didn't forget.
We continued to lay there fort the rest of the early morning. Enjoying each other's company. Easily the best morning I've ever had.

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