A Beautiful Twilight

by AldenExMachina

First published

twi·light - Noun: The soft glowing light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon, caused by the reflection of the sun's rays from the atmosphere.

All my life I have been traveling. I've been all over Equestria and back. I've always been sort of a loner, by myself and I've never wanted to be with anyone , thats until I saw...her and from that point on I told myself would never leave her side. That I would stay by herside. The girl I fell in love with the moment I saw her. Twilight Sparkle.

Chapter 1: Her

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Chapter 1: Her

The definition of twilight is the soft glowing light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon, caused by the reflection of the suns rays from the atmosphere. That's probably the way she would have described it, but that's not the way I would describe her. She's so much more than that. When I see her my heart skips a beat. My chest feels heavy, like it's filling up with warm water. I take deeper breaths like I'm suffocating. My head gets cloudy and it becomes difficult to think. Time stops with my mind stuck on one thought. Her.

I had only been living in Ponyville for a few months, but it had felt more like years when I saw her. I mostly traveled by myself, doing odd jobs where ever I went and I never stayed in one place for to long until I came here. I liked it her, a place that was so friendly and everypony new each other. It was a welcoming being so familiar with everypony as apposed to being a stranger just passing through. Besides how could I bring myself to leave this place. Leave her. Twilight Sparkle. I first met her at a welcoming party thrown for me at the town hall by a very friendly yet eccentric mare named Pinkie Pie. Another mare named Applejack had told me that Pinkie usually through a party for every new face that entered the town. It was odd at first, I had to adjust to be around so many ponies at once . I hadn't been to a party in so long, let alone a party for me. I felt welcome. It was part of the reason I wanted to stay, but not the entire reason. It felt like the entire town was there, but all I could see was her. Out of every pony in the entire room the center of my attention was that lavender colored mare, with that beautiful two colored violet and brilliant rose mane.

Later on that night she came up to me to say hi. I nearly froze at he sound of her voice. "Hi, I'm Twilight Sparkle, I run the library in town." Her voice ran through my head like beautiful music. It didn't leave for the rest of the night. "Oh hi, I...I'm uhh Alden." I said nervously. I could feeling my heart beating within my chest, something that you don't just generally feel unless it's beating very fast. "Well it's very nice to meet you Alden." she said. "It's nice to meet you too beautiful." You ever have one of those moments where you're thinking something in your head and it slips out when you are talking because you were thinking it a lot at the time, that's what just happened to me. Oh crap, what did I just say! I stood there with a blank face awaiting her response expecting something bad from her shocked face. "Oh my. Thank you."She said with a giggle, blushing. Just like that, I was back. "I..said that out loud didn't I?" I asked feeling stupid, but in a good way. "Yeah you did." she said smiling. We talked for the rest of the night getting to know each other after I broke the ice and we agreed to be friends after that.

Over the next few weeks we hung and formed a pretty close relationship with each other. She introduced me to her friends Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Spike who to my surprise was a dragon, although not as dangerous and fearsome as other dragons I had encountered in the past, it was interesting to meet a dragon that didn't want to straight up kill you. One day while I was out running some errands I saw her walking home with a ton of books in her saddlebags. If there was one thing I learned bout her over the last few weeks it was that she loved to read, a lot. She had so many books in fact it looked like she trouble carrying them all. I guessed that Spike was busy with some other task or chore and wasn't able to assist her at the time so I (obviously) decided to lend a hoof.

"Hey Twi!" I yelled. "Oh, Hi Alden!" she replied trying to wave. I trotted over to her to offer my assistance. "Hey, do you need any help?" I asked "No no, I'm okay. There not as heavy as they look." she said straining "Twi." I said flatly. "Ok fine. Here just take these ones." she said levitating several books out of her bags. I carefully put them on my back, making sure that they were balanced. I didn't really use my magic that much. It wasn't that I couldn't or didn't like to. I just like to keep my focus on what was around me. Not that I was expecting a surprise attack or anything (unless it was from Pinkie), it was just that traveling alone so long, I learned to watch my own back. You never knew what you could encounter on a dirt road while traveling. On the way to the library we talked. She asked me about my travels. Where I'd went and where I'd been. Where I would want to go in the future. I hadn't talked about those things with anyone before. it was good to vent through a good conversation. To have someone to talk to about those things.

Truth be told I'd done a lot of moving around prior to my arrival to the town. Trottingham, Fillydelphia, Manehatten, Canterlot, Tall Tale, Vanhoover. Even extremely far off places, off the beaten path so to speak like the Frozen North and the Badlands, but at he moment there was no place I'd rather be, safe, good townsfolk, and her. We arrived at the library and I helped her put the books inside on the shelves. I saw Spike sleeping in his basket. I see why she was alone, kid had to get his sleep. He was technically a baby after all. "Thanks for the help Alden, I appreciate it." she said. "Sure, anything for you." I said happy to help. As I was leaving out of the door she called to me. "Oh, and Alden?!" she said "Yeah?"

As I turned around to see what she wanted I was caught off guard as we almost walked into each other. Our faces were so close, but we didn't pull away. We were both stuck gazing into each others eyes for what felt like an eternity. Her eyes were a deep beautiful violet and it was like they went on forever. It was like staring out a window into the galaxy. So much to see that it just went on and on and you wanted to see more. The both of us began to breath deeply I fought the mad urge to lean in closer to kiss her, but I was a gentlemen and I didn't want to take advantage of the moment so I began to slowly back away.

Then out of nowhere while still almost locked in her gaze she am in closer for an unexpected kiss. My heart almost stopped at this, feeling her lips press against mine, and I enjoyed every moment of it. There was a sweet flavor. After a few seconds she pulled away. It was like being ripped from a place of warmth and security as our mouths disconnected. We looked at each other for a few seconds longer, our faces burning bright red. She formed a small, cute smile as she mouthed the words"see you tomorrow" and closed the door. I stood there for a few seconds, turned around, and headed home doing my best to lock that moment mentally in my mind and looked forward for what Twilight had in store for the next day.

Chapter 2: Same Feelings

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Chapter 2:Same Feelings

The next morning I woke up feeling happier than Pinkie Pie in a cake factory. OK, maybe that was a little cheesy, but I don't care. the point was that I felt great. I kept going back to the night before when the girl of my dreams kissed me. the moment ran through my head the entire night. I could barely even sleep. I felt like a kid on the night before Hearths Warming Eve anticipating what presents he might get. I got out of bed still feeling a little drowsy and went into the kitchen to get a glass of water and something to eat.

I sat there at the kitchen table enjoying an apple. If there was a perk about living in Ponyville it was that it was home to possibly the best apple farm in Equestria. Then, completely out of nowhere there was a large crash outside of my door. The first thought that popped into my mind was that it was probably Rainbow Dash for as good of a flier as she was she would sometimes crash from practicing some extreme stunts. Maybe a bit to extreme, but is there even a such thing as to extreme with Rainbow Dash? I quickly dismissed my theory when I heard a familiar voice come from behind the door.

"Uhh...mail mare! Got some letters for you." the voice said. I quickly opened the door and was surprised to see Ditzy tumble into the house after landing upside down against the door.
"Hello Ditzy." I greeted, smiling at the walleyed mare.
"Hi Alden." she said getting up from the floor.
"Are you okay? Sounded like you had a pretty rough landing back there." I asked
"Yeah, I'm okay. Happens all the time, well not all of the time but, you know what I mean."she said smiling.
"Yeah, anyway you said that you had some mail for me?"
"Oh yeah! Here you go!"She said reaching into her satchel and pulling out some letters. What she had given me was nothing more than some ads and junk mail.
"Is this all you have for me?" Knowing Ditzy, I had to double check.
"Yeah just that. Oh! I almost forgot! This is yours too."

Ditzy pilled out a red letter with the writing "To: Alden" on the front. I took the letter, thanked Ditzy, and closed the door behind her as she left. I quickly opened the letter knowing that it had to be twilight. It read:

Dear Alden,

I've been thinking about what happened yesterday and I wanted to talk about it. I feel odd about it, but in a good way. It's not that I didn't enjoy what happened and I really did enjoy it, I just think just think we should talk about us. Come over as soon as you can.

,love Twilight

By the time I was done reading the letter my heart was racing. I didn't exactly know what she meant , but I definitely was going to figure out by sitting there pondering about it. She put the word "love" at the end so I had high hopes. Wasting no time I set the mail on the counter, and left out of the door on my way to Twilight's place.

When I arrived I knocked on the door expecting Twi to answer it. Me wanting to see that beautiful face of her and those eyes. Instead I was met with the sight of a small purple dragon.
"Hey there Spike. How's it going?"
"Hey Alden. What are you doing here?"
"I'm here to talk to Twilight. You going some where yourself?" I asked already kinda knowing the answer.
"I'm going over to see...Rarity." he said almost dreamily.
We were similar, me and Spike in that we both fell in love with somepony at first sight.
"Well, good luck in the quest for love Casanova." I said teasing him about his crush.
"Yeah yeah, whatever. Good luck with yours." he said as he walked confidently toward s the Carousel Boutique.

His words made me pause for a second. "Now how the hell did he-" I knew what he meant. Whether he knew himself was not my concern. "Twilight?" I walked into the library looking for her guessing that she was probably or studying. The library was neat and organized. This place was in a way reflected things about Twilight. She was smart, well organized, and loved reading. She was also beautiful and funny and...oh so beautiful.

"Oh Alden, you're here!" I looked up and saw Twilight coming down the staircase coming from her room upstairs.
"I'm glad you came." she said
"Yeah, so what did you want to talk about?" I asked
"Well, it's about last night. I wanted to know, what did you feel about that?"
"What do yo mean?"
"I mean I didn't know what I was doing and I just kissed you and I was caught up in the moment and-"
"Twilight it's okay, just calm down." Twilight had begun to tear up. She was obviously upset, but I didn't understand.
""Twi, just tell me what's wrong."
"I'm sorry. It's just that, that I...I, I've always liked you."
I stood there, stunned by what I had just heard. All this time I had such strong feelings for Twi, she had felt the same way. Awesome.
"Wait! You liked me?!" I said, reeling at her words.
"Well yeah, ever since we met and you said...I was beautiful. Nobody had ever said that to me before, I mean except for my friends, but here my friends and you were..I...I just don't know. When we were that close last night and I couldn't help myself. I'm sorry. I'll just-mmphph!"

I had heard enough. Enough to know what I wanted to do next. I kissed her. This time of my own choice. It was nice like she just let me in, freely. It was like something only I had access to, like an item I could hold in my hooves. Her kiss belonged to me. We stood there for a few seconds, enjoying each other and hen I broke the kiss. Our faces were yet again close, our foreheads touching. We could feel each other. I looked into her eyes and she looked into mine and we both smiled.

"So, I guess this means you feel the same way huh?" she asked cutely.
"Of course I do Twi. I care about you and I want to be with you no matter what."
"Really?" she said smiling happily.
"Forever and ever Twi"
I brought her close to me and hugged her, feeling her embrace. Her warm body against mine and then I kissed her once more. Us Together. My Twilight and me.

Chapter 3: Morning with Twilight

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Chapter 3: Morning with Twilight

Morning. it was morning. I could tell because of how the sun's light hit my face. It was the kind of morning that when you woke up you didn't exactly have to get out of bed, like a Saturday. You could stay there, comfortable and half-asleep. There was something different about this morning though. It felt good. I was laying on the couch under the covers going through my mind. I had a dream last night. About me and Twilight.

Me and her were together. That's when it occurred to me, that wasn't a dream, this wasn't my house, and I didn't own a couch. I looked around the room surveying my surroundings when I felt something. i looked down to find a beautiful sleeping Twilight cuddled up close to me, nuzzling my chest. She was calm and asleep and looked so cute.

This was so amazing. This was usually the kind of thing I dream of but, it wasn't a dream. This was real and I loved every second of it. Slowly her eyes opened as she began to wake revealing those irises of hers that seemed to glow when you looked at them. She looked up at me with those beautiful eyes and the most innocent and adorable face and smiled.

We laid there looking at each other. I couldn't remember what had led us to be in that position and but I didn't care. All I cared about was being with her in that moment, holding her in my hooves.
"Hey." I said.
"Hey." She said back.
"What happened last night? Did...did we...?" she asked.
"Yuuup. All night long." I said. I was just kidding though, but she didn't get it.
"WHAT!?" she said almost getting up.
"Hey, don't worry. I was just kidding!" I said chuckling a bit.
She calmed down with a sigh of relief and rested her head on me. She was clearly still a bit tired. It was only a few seconds until she reopened her eyes in realization of our close position.
"So what did happen?" she asked.
"We just fell asleep together." I said.
"Oh. Ok." she said.

Her whole face was a pink red. She was obviously nervous. I doubt she had ever even shared a close encounter like this with any pony else. I wonder had she even been interested in love? Not that I wanted to rush anything, although we did just spend the night together.

"You ok?" I asked.
"Yeah. I'm just-"
"Beautifu." I interrupted.
"What?" she asked
"You are so beautiful. I've always thought that. From the moment I saw you I was intoxicated. I've always wanted to just, come out and tell you but I guess I was just too nervous. Seems all so easy to say now. Being this close and all, as if you were giving me permission." I said
"Permission?" she said, eyes wide and almost stunned by my words. She laid there with me, staring deeply into my eyes.
We didn't break gaze. She heard what I said...and she liked it. She wanted to hear more.
"And what exactly am I permitting you to do?" she asked, as if already knowing the answer.
"This." I said, before coming closer and kissing her tenderly on the lips.

I loved kissing her. The feel of her lips pressed against mine's. She had soft lips and a gentle tongue, which made it easy to tell that she wasn't an experienced kisser, but I liked that. It made kissing her even better. to know that I was the first to taste of such a treat, and she had sweet lips. A taste of strawberries, something you didn't forget.
We continued to lay there fort the rest of the early morning. Enjoying each other's company. Easily the best morning I've ever had.