• Published 10th Jan 2013
  • 4,636 Views, 673 Comments

Buck My Life - JasontheDemon

Yes, I am a brony... the rare kind that DOESN'T WANT TO BE STUCK IN EQUESTRIA! This story is one about me, my life, and my overwhelming desire to return back to where I belong. But the longer I stay, the more my resolve weakens.

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Just hanging out

Just hanging out

For the first time in a while I was comfortably sleeping... until Twilight got on my case.

“Wake up! You can’t spend all day sleeping! You have things to do!” she shouted.

Without opening my eyes, I rolled over to face away from her incessant nagging. Twilight had been a somewhat bossy around me when she wanted to be. I normally ignored her orders though since I wasn’t her child, servant, or slave.

“What time is it?” I asked, half coherently.

“Two in the afternoon!” Twilight shouted as if I would care.

“Is the world coming to an end? Are we being invaded by monsters? Is the sun about to explode?” I asked, waiting for Twilights response so I could hit her with what I had planned.

“Um, no?”

“Okay, wake me when it’s one of those emergencies. Until then... leave me alone.” I grumbled, desperate to get back to sleep.

Twilight growled and replied, “You made a promise to Fluttershy that you would see her today! You can’t just keep her waiting!”

I turned my head a little to make the next thing I said a bit easier to hear. “Yes I can. It’s actually really easy. Watch.” Then I acted like I was snoring.

What came next was fairly unprecedented... Twilight picked my up by my tail using her magic and threw me out the door. Can you say ‘attitude problem’? Geez, I was only joking... okay not really, but she didn’t have to toss me out like that. I didn’t see what the big deal was anyway. I had waited on my friends countless times and it never hurt me. Then again, I was used to being alone so having someone not show up when they said they would wasn’t a huge disappointment. I suppose Fluttershy would be pretty bummed if I didn’t show. The previous day took more out of me than I thought possible. I slept for about fourteen hours and I was still sleepy. However it was still an improvement to what my illness did. I could sleep over twelve hours without any activity the previous day. My body was wracked with exhaustion even when I didn’t do anything and the amount of recovery time for regular tasks was insanely high. Sleep is a way of your body recovering from the strain of everyday life and it gives your mind a way to lock in loosely stored information. I believe one of the reasons why my intelligence was so immense was because the amount of sleep I got. Information that I received was absorbed once I went to sleep and based on how much I slept, everything I had learned was stored in my mind. Sometimes I would have no idea how I knew what I did. I would spout out some random fact and be confused as to how I learned it in the first place. Even when I was in school I would answer a question and the teacher would ask ‘how did you know that?’ to which I would respond, ‘I’m... not sure?’. It was safe to say I was a bit of a know-it-all.

While I was walking to Fluttershy's, I stopped suddenly upon realizing something important that I forgot... I had no idea where she lived. I could have been heading in the wrong direction for all I knew. I didn’t want to find one of the others to ask, so I thought back to come up with some clues. Something weird happened when I was going through my memories though. I noticed that I could remember not just the basics... I could remember everything that was said! It was like a movie was playing in my mind and I could recall absolutely everything! I didn’t have photographic memory, I barely had regular memory, but somehow I was able to pick out every little detail. From the number of birds that were flying overhead at a given point to the amount of times I called Spike ‘Mailbox’. Not only that, but I was picking up on things that were happening at that moment as well. Everything seemed to be so simple and easy to understand. The scariest part though was that in my mind, I was thinking in Spanish. I DIDN’T KNOW SPANISH! While I was going through all of this craziness, I figured out where Fluttershy was located based on one clue... when I woke up and met her for the first time, I saw Angel in the distance, meaning that I was probably close to the vicinity of her home when I landed here. After picking up on that tidbit of information, what was happening suddenly stopped. Just like that I was back to normal. I wasn’t thinking in another language, my memory was back to being average, and the feeling that everything was connected and the ability to see said connections vanished. I didn’t feel like I was hit by a backlash or anything. I just felt like I forgot some things. I did remember everything about where to find Fluttershy though, so I passed off my ‘brain blast’ as just a random thing like a minor stroke or something from the amount of stress I was put through recently.

After making it to the relative area where I had first found myself I walked around a bit looking for a cottage. I was running late by the time I found it so I started to trot. Thats what you call it when an equine jogs right? Trot? Well anyways I found Fluttershy feeding some ducks. She didn’t even notice me as I made my way up behind her. I patiently waited for her to finish. She looked very happy from feeding the water fouls. I didn’t understand how you could enjoy feeding a bunch of ungrateful animals like that. Dogs, sure, they would be your best friend if you gave them a treat. But ducks just ate and went about their business with no show of gratitude. The only entertaining thing about watching them eat was when two or three of them were fighting over one piece of bread. Once Fluttershy was done and turned around.

I greeted her with a simple, “Hi”, to which she screamed a little and jumped.

“Oh my goodness! You almost gave me a heart attack! Don’t you know its rude to sneak up on ponies like that?!” she scolded.

“Sorry, I didn’t try to scare you. I came to find a pet like we discussed.”

Fluttershy blushed a little, meaning she probably forgot. “Oh yes! A pet! I remember now. Um, I think I have the perfect pet for you! Wait here!”

Fluttershy flew off and left me alone while she got this ‘perfect pet’ of hers. I already knew I wouldn’t like it, since we had barely talked and she knew hardly anything about my likes or dislikes. It was a shame really but I had the feeling that I would be seeing more of her. I was bound to become more acquainted with the whole gang sooner or later now that I had nowhere else to go and I wasn’t going to be researching books like I had been.

Before long, Fluttershy came back. It first seemed as though she had come empty handed and didn’t bring a pet... if only that was the case.

“Jason, I would like to present Mr. Butterfly.”

I looked at the butterfly floating by her and then gave a look like ‘are you kidding me?’. She just smiled back at me.

“Fluttershy, I’m sorry but this little thing is way too... insignificant for me. I need a pet that I can actually interact with. If I tried interacting with this guy, he would wind up as a green smear on my hoof.” I said, being as honest as I could without also acting like a total ass. Fluttershy looked like she was about to throw up and shooed the dainty insect away.

“Okay... well, um, what kind pet do you think would be a good fit?” she asked, voice trembling nervously.

I pondered that for a moment. What pet would suit me?

“First off, it would have to be calm, so no dogs. It would also need to be, oh what’s the word I’m looking for... manly. Please don’t stick me with a sissy rabbit, or a bug, or anything overly colorful. Finally it would need to like sleeping. Perhaps a cat would work?”

Fluttershy frowned. “I’m sorry but I don’t have any cats at this moment... they are one of the most adopted pets in Equestria. Dogs are also quick to leave.”

“Crap... a cat would have been perfect. Unless it turned out like Opal... that kitty has one hell of a mean streak!”

Fluttershy giggled lightly and then gasped. “I think I just figured out a pet you would like! Why didn’t I see it earlier?! You two are perfect for each other! And even better, I’ve been searching for somepony who wouldn’t mind being his owner!”

I raised an eyebrow. If she was searching for someone to take him, that meant that whatever he was, he was unwanted for some reason. From the sound of things, this was going to be like Tank's adoption... in other words it was going to be bad. Fluttershy guided me away from the cottage and towards a tree out in the middle of nowhere. There was something hanging from one of the branches. It almost looked like a gigantic cocoon of some sort. it was mostly a dark grey color and had two little light brown appendages attached to the branch. From this distance I could tell what it was.

Fluttershy went up next to it and gently said, “Wakey wakey... I have somepony here to see you.”

It unfurled its webbed wings and stretched them out, yawning as it awoke. The large pointed ears, the fangs that glistened in a pearly white, the flared nose, the way it was hanging upside down... it was clearly a bat. Once it was done yawning, it wrapped its wings around its body while keeping its head stuck out, watching us with beady black eyes. It looked a lot like the bat from the show, but a great deal older. It was nearly two and a half times as big as the puny thing I saw before, about the same size as Owlowiscious. I noticed that he didn’t have a tail, meaning he was a fruit bat. I didn’t see the problem yet. I inspected him and tilted my head this way and that, trying to find something wrong. He copied me by tilting his head in return. He was definitely interesting but I NEEDED to know what was wrong before saying ‘yes’.

“Okay... what's his malfunction? I can't find anything wrong with him.” I said turning to Fluttershy.

“Malfunction? What do you mean?”

“You said you were searching for someone who wouldn’t mind being his owner. That means that others have turned him away for a reason. So what is it? Why doesn’t anyone want him?” I asked, clarifying myself.

“What are you talking about? He’s a bat. That’s why nopony wants him. Don’t you find him scary?”

“Pfft, no! He’s a fruit bat! How is that scary?! Oh no, watch out, the scary fruit bat will eat your apple pie!” I said, feigning fear before rolling my eyes.

“SO DOES THAT MEAN YOU’LL TAKE HIM?!” Fluttershy shouted excitedly.

“Well if the only problem is that he's a fruit bat and he’s willing to hang with me, sure, why not?” I said looking over at the nocturnal mammal. He nodded vigorously, giving out a couple screeches in joy. Fluttershy flew up and did a backflip in happiness. ‘At least it wasn’t a hug’ I thought as she danced about in midair. The bat flew to my head and perched itself right between my ears. It was a little difficult to walk straight with the extra weight pressing down on my skull. I asked him if he could move over to my back to make things easier for me. Without any hesitation he transitioned to between my shoulders. It was crazy how he could understand me. Animals in our world had to be trained and learn what words meant what. Here it seemed that they were able to fully comprehend every word that was said to them without all the tedious work of teaching them. I decided to take a shortcut to Twilight's by walking straight towards general direction of her house instead of taking the road. Along the way I found that I was in the middle of an apple tree orchard. I heard a little rumble come from my back.

“Hungry?” I asked my new companion. I heard a screech in response. I didn’t speak bat but I didn’t need to. I was famished myself so I decided that taking a few apples couldn’t hurt. I looked around at the fruit hanging around us. Finding a couple nice ones, I turned around and kicked the tree as high up as I could. As the apples fell I caught them with my magic. I gave the bigger of the two to my little friend and took the other one for myself. we sat in the shade and ate until satisfied. I was getting tired of eating apples so I only managed to eat one. The bat only ate about half of his, but given the size comparison, he must have been starving. I picked myself up and the bat flew back to his previous spot. I had been thinking of a few names for him while we were eating. I liked most of them but I wanted him to like it as well. It wouldn’t have been fair to give him a name he didn’t like.

“Hey dude, how do you feel about the name, Demon? Screech once for yes, two times for no.”

He replied with two screeches.

“Okay... how about Dracula?”

This time he waited a bit before replying with two screeches again. I was getting warmer.

“Does Vlad sound good?” I asked hopefully.

He paused for a while, considering the name. Then I heard one pleased sounding screech.

“Alright! Vlad it is! Sounds a little too Russian for my tastes but it’s better than nothing.” I said, glad to call him something other than just ‘bat’. Now that I thought about it, he did resemble me a little. His coat of fur was a light brown and the hair that covered the top of his head was a much darker shade of brown. The coloration similarity was uncanny. Maybe that was why Fluttershy thought of him when she was talking to me. I was feeling a little bad for keeping him awake since he was supposed to be sleeping, but Twilight had changed her owls sleeping patterns to suit her lifestyle, so I should be able to do the same. Besides, we were going to be spending a lot of time together anyways so it’s only natural that we get on the same wavelength. Right as I started to focus more on walking, I noticed that I forgot to keep track of where I was going. We had been in the depths of what I presumed to be Sweet Apple Acres for some time and I must have lost my sense of direction along the way. I was lost. Even though most would have started to panic in such a situation I remained calm. I had experience with the problems of losing your head in a time of need. Staying collected when it mattered most was a good trait to possess. I stopped to weigh my options and consider the possibilities of using magic. I could make a compass to discern which way was north, but not knowing if I was east, west, south or whatever, it wouldn’t be of much help. I couldn’t think of a way to get airborne so I could see over the treetops and levitating myself didn’t seem too safe.

“If I had wings, I could just...”. Thats when it occurred to me. I didn’t have wings but someone here did.

“Hey Vlad, I have a little job for you. Can you fly up and tell me which direction the tree house is in?” I asked, looking over my shoulder. He then took to the skies without a second thought. After reaching a good height he hovered in place looking in different directions, searching for what I had asked. It didn’t take long before he came back down and chittered as if he was trying to tell me directions.

Sighing, I said, “I don’t speak bat! Just show me where it is and I’ll follow you.”

Vlad spared no time in heading off ahead of me. I ran after him and soon came across a ‘tree house’. It wasn’t the one I wanted though. Vlad took my description of ‘tree house’ as a children's tree house. He led me to the Cutie Mark Crusader clubhouse thinking that's what I wanted. Vlad looked back at me and smiled as though he was about to be rewarded for his help. I rolled my eyes and gave him a small rub on the head. It wasn’t his fault he led me to the wrong place, I just gave him bad directions. He was actually turning out to be an excellent pet so far. I still didn’t know how intelligent he really was, but he was better than any pet I had before. In any case, I could still use this to get what I really wanted... if there was anyone inside that is. Please don’t let those three little monsters be inside...

“Cutie Mark Crusaders! YAY!!!”

Damn it. I need to stop jinxing myself...