• Published 7th Jan 2013
  • 637 Views, 11 Comments

Tequila Sunrise - BananaFudgeSundae

Celestia tries to fix Luna's binge drinking habits

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Tequila Sunrise

Tequila Sunrise
By: Bananafudge Sundae
Starring: Princess Luna and Princess Celestia

Princess Luna awake from her deep slumber, nursing a pounding headache and an empty bottle of liquor.

“Auuuuugh” she groaned as she held rubbed a fore hoof against her head “What happened last night?”

A quick look around reviled her room was filled with empty liquor bottles, candy wrappers, and various other odds and ends. Turning to her mirror on the desk in from of her, she saw her entire face and mane was a complete mess.

“Tia is going to kill me for this” she stated to herself.

Just then she heard a knock on the front door. A quick glance out the window told her it was almost sunrise, and she could already guess who it was at the door.

“Luna?” her sister called “Are in there? It’s time to lower the moon.”

Luna swore under her breath and stumbled off her desk, quickly hurrying to clean her room and hide the evidence of last night’s activities.

“I’ll be out in a moment.” She called back, quickly trying to shove as many empty bottles into her closet as was physically possible. “Where did all these bottles come from?” she wondered, as she put what must have been the 30th on in the closet. Just as she was reaching to get the last pile, she tripped over one she missed and was sent crashing onto the floor sending the bottles flying everywhere. Luna groaned in frustration as the bottles smashed against her walls sending broken fragments of glass all over the floor.

“Luna, what was that? Is everything ok in there?” Celestia called from outside her door.

“I’m fine” Luna responded from the floor. She quickly got back on her hooves, but was so disoriented still from the liquor that she managed to overturn the table next to her sending it, and everything on it to spill over with a resounding crash.

“That’s it I’m coming in!” Her sister shouted, turning the knob with her magic.

“No wait!” Luna cried, she quickly tried to reach the door, but the same wretched bottle that tripped her the first time managed to get under hoof again causing her to fall over.

Celestia entered the doorway and surveyed the wreckage around her. Broken bottles where laid out all over the floor, and tables where upturned with all their contents lying about around them. In the middle of the room lay her sister looking back at her with dismay. Celestia picked up the non-broken bottle that was rolling toward her and peeked at the label, “Tequila”.

“Luna I thought you said your binge drinking nights were over.” She told her sister off in an angry voice.

“I know I know” was Luna’s response “but I just can’t help it, it gets so boring at night time with nothing to do and nopony to talk to.”

Celestia helped her back on her hooves, and the two of them just stood there for a few minutes not saying anything.

Finally Celestia broke the silence “Luna I am getting very worried about you, your drinking habits are getting far out of control. You seem to be doing nothing but drinking while awake, you hardly eat anything or drink anything non-alcoholic, and you’re becoming a complete mess!”

Luna turned around in shame, and looked out the window “I know and I want to change but…” her voice broke off for a moment, and then she turned back to her sister with tears in her eyes “I have nothing else to do during my nights, no friends, no fun activities going on or anything. Nopony attends my night court, and everything but the bars and liquor stores shuts down for the night. It’s all I've got!!”

“Oh Luna!” her sister reached over and put a comforting hoof around her “Why have you not told me this before?”

“I was afraid to” she answered matter of factly.

Celestia considered her sister for a moment, and then replies “Tell you what; I've got a light schedule for today. What say tonight I stay up a bit later with you and I can show you some better ways to have fun at night?”

Luna looked up at her sister with excitement in her eyes “You mean it?” she asked

Celestia nodded “Yes, I've been missing our time spent together. Plus while I may be a Princess I still like to have a bit of fun now and again.”

The two of them laughed at that, and then quickly set to cleaning the room and preparing for the day ahead of them.

Later that night the two of them where standing outside on one of the balconies overlooking the garden. A young couple was making out on one of the benches just below them.

“Augh that is so not appropriate behavior in public” Luna said in disgust “Shouldn't we go tell them off or call the guards or something?”

“I used to call the guard’s on them” her sister replied with a nod “But recently I've come up with a better tactic for dealing with hooligans”

“Come again?” asked Luna giving her sister a puzzled look.

“Hooligan is pony slang for trouble makers” Celestia answered back with a smile.

“Oh, so what is your plan then?” Luna asked.

Celestia held up a big bucket full of glue “Did you bring the feathers like I asked?”

Luna nodded, holding up the bag.

“Ok then. When I say so, dump the feathers at the same time I dump the glue” she instructed nodding at the couple below.

Luna nodded again starting to get the picture. They both looked down below, and Celestia gave a silent nod as they both dumped the glue and feathers on the unsuspecting couple below. The two where soon covered in glue and feathers, and they ran away screaming and flapping their arms trying to get the stuff off of them.

“And that is how we take care of community around here” Celestia laughed.

“You know, they kind of look just like chickens flailing around like that” Luna observed stifling a laugh of her own.

They both stood there laughing for several long minutes. Then Celestia turned to look at her sister.

“See, I told you there are ways to have fun even at night.”

“That was fun” Luna responded. Then she turned back to Celestia and asked “Can we do that again sometime?”

Celestia smiled back at her “It’s a deal!”

The End.

Comments ( 10 )

Alright, alriiiiight...

if you ever do a sequel it could be like lunas of the wagon and celestia calls twilight sparkle to help find her and when they find her she cons em into a drink :D haylairity ensues when their off their flanks drunk XD

1922473 That would be hilarious :D

I'd say that was a funny little practical joke but, 1. Sounds to close to tarring and feathering which was horrible and often ended in death. 2. Where'd they get the glue?:twilightoops:

1923155 From the store, like everypony else? :D

1923116 dude, your avatar goes so well with that comment it's hilarious :rainbowlaugh:

the Celestias idea of "fun" is truly stupid and totally OOC. not voting on this.

1933288 well i respect your opinion however

A. This is a fanfiction and therefore does not have to completely align with the characteristics given in the show.

B. Ever hear of Trollestia?

Trollestia is trolling, i.e. inducing butthurt. Glue and feathers is not a trolling method. It induce suffering and some hair loss.

I reviewed your fic tonight find it here

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