• Published 15th Jul 2014
  • 20,304 Views, 982 Comments

A Survivors Guide to Equestria - Onomonopia

  • ...

Mistakes Were Made

Luna barely managed to move to the side to dodge the rainbow streak that rocketed past them, watching through terrified eyes as the explosion of the pony's speed blew away some of the thundering clouds that flashed all around them. The tightening on her neck told her that Ryan was holding onto her for dear life as the force of Dash's speed nearly knocked the both of them out of the air.

"Holy shit she's fast!" Ryan yelled over the sounds of both the sonic boom and the thundering of the black clouds that flashed all around them. He looked around to see where the rainbow pony, but aside from the thunderclouds that used to be Cloudsdale he couldn't find Rainbow anywhere.

"Understatement of the century!" Luna called back as she took careful note of where her allies were in case Dash went after one of them. The silver mare as the only other pony fighting in the air alongside Ryan and Luna while the others had to stay on the airship to be even remotely close to this battle. Though Luna wasn't sure for how much longer the airship would be safe considering that Dash had already punched a good number of holes in it. "She's the fastest Flier in Equestria, even more so than me or my sister! And with the chaotic energy flowing through her..."

"I get it, we're screwed. Par for the course," Ryan said in reply as he looked around at all of the dark clouds, looking for any sign of color to let him know where the pony was coming from. "Dammit it all, where is she!?"

"Right here, slowpoke!" A burst of speed blew Ryan right off Luna's back as a rainbow bolt struck the princess in the gut, nearly knocking her out as her and Ryan began to fall to the earth below. AS they fell Rainbow came to a stop in the air and laughed at the pair as they fell. "Creatures without wings have no right to be in MY sky. Go back to the dirt where you belong!"

"Luna, wake the hell up!" Ryan yelled as he leaned towards her and moved closer, eventually able to grab her mane to pull himself back onto her back. He shook her and yelled at her a few times, but the princess barely muttered a groan in response. Ryan looked up to see the earth below them getting friendlier and friendlier, telling him it was time to stop being nice. He pulled out one of his batons and drove it into Luna's side, shocking the both of them when he turned it on. They both cried out in pain, but Ryan smiled through the agony when he saw Luna's eyes open.

"Merciful Faust!" Luna yelled as she spread her wings while using both them and her magic to slow herself, barely stopping the pair from hitting the ground. She floated to a stop about ten feet from the ground, where she looked at the earth with fear in her eyes. "We...we were almost dead."

"Fortunately for you I managed to aim your fat ass at a flat piece of ground instead of a hill or cliff," Ryan snarked before turning his gaze skyward to see the streaks of Rainbow attacking the airship, which was struggling to even keep up with her speed. "We can think about how close we got to kissing terra firma later, right now the ponies up there need our assistance and I don't want to have to be the one to scrap them off the sidewalk." Luna nodded before rocketing herself into the sky with a burst of magic, Ryan gripping onto her neck to hold on.

"Forgive me Dash, but I must stop you!" Luna yelled before firing spells darker than the clouds around them towards the rainbow pegasi, but Dash smirked before shooting out of the way of the spells as she circled back around to hit them again. Ryan leapt off Luna's back and slammed the twin batons together, sending lightning cascading in every direction around him and Luna, growling as Dash managed to get out of the way of the bolts.

"Hey Luna, you know what I like to do when I'm sneaking up on a pony? Yell at them that I'm coming to hit them!" Ryan yelled at her as he caught onto one of her legs and flipped himself onto her back, both of them watching as Dash came back around for another pass.

"I am sorry, it is just hard for me to fight against some of my closest friends," Luna muttered.

"Well your friends are trying to kill us, so I would say that they deserve to get their heads kicked in a bit," Ryan said with a roll of his eyes before he turned to see the silver mare floating beside them. "Either tell me something that I would want to hear or F off, because right now is not a good time for bad news."

'You're a pain in my flank,' the silver mare growled, Ryan shrugging his shoulders in response. 'But also we have bad news. My magic is not fast enough to keep up with Dash and the ship cannot take many more hits. Dash wrecks whatever magic Twilight and I put up to stop her and the others are barely holding on for their lives. We need a plan and we need it now.' Ryan looked up at Rainbow Dash as she came streaking towards them and then the dumbest, craziest idea he had came to him. It was perfect.

"It's not a plan, but's it's an idea. Actually, it's more suicide than anything else that will probably get me and her killed," Ryan said with a smile as he looked up at Dash. "Hey Dash! Remember me?! I'm the human that kicked your ass when we fought back in Ponyville!!" From the primal scream of rage followed by the burst of speed she put off to get to him Ryan figured that she remembered. "And now for the next stage of my cunning plan!" he yelled before throwing himself off of Luna's back in a dive bomb straight for the ground, Dash gaining on him quickly.

"I'm going to enjoy hurting you human!" Dash shrieked as she got closer and closer to him with speeds he wasn't sure were real. "I'm going to use you as my new punching bag once I've dragged your body across the world to show everypony that you beating me was a fluke!"

"Was it now?!" Ryan yelled back as he allowed her to collide with him, feeling a number of things break before he put his plan into motion. He reached into his backpack and pulled out the very same rope that he had used to choke out Dash before and wrapped it around her, the pony roaring in rage when she figured out what he was doing. A baton to the face shut her up momentarily and gave Ryan a chance to slip around onto her back, where he wrapped the rope even tighter and locked up her wings with his legs.

"I will kill you!" Dash roared with venom in her eyes, but then the twin batons began to crackle and Ryan spun them around once in his hands with a smile of sheer insanity.

"No Dashie, I'm fairly certain that the ground is going to do that to the both of us!" Ryan yelled before driving both batons into the Element on her neck, holding onto Dash as hard as he could as the explosion of chaotic energy emitted from Dash. The two began to go into a death spiral as the ground got closer to them, Ryan using all of his strength to hold onto Dash as the chaotic effects washed off of her.

'Ryan! Let go of her and let me use my magic to catch you!' the silver mare yelled at the human, but all she got in response was another one of his psychotic laughs that chilled her spin.

"No thanks mare! I'm going to ride this pony all the way into the-!" The silver mare winced as she heard and saw the two of them hit the ground, creating a giant crater as well as a shockwave that even she felt.

'This human is crazy. Completely and utterly crazy.'

\\ //
//; ;\\

"I still can't believe that the human defeated me again!" Dash pouted as Fluttershy bandaged her wings, which had taken considerable damage when both she and Ryan crashed into the ground at super speed. "Oh, and that Discord took control of me. That sucked too. I mean, we're supposed to be the Elements of Harmony, the greatest protectors of Equestria, and we're relying on a human to save us. Once this is over Equestria will never let us live this down."

"You're looking at this the wrong way," Fluttershy said gently as she placed some antibiotics on Dash's wings, she and the other Elements having brought Dash up to speed on what happened. "Instead of thinking about how we had to be saved by the human, think instead how lucky we are that he was here."

"Indeed darling, without him I would still be ruling the Crystal Empire with an iron, but very well-manicured, fist," Rarity said, trying to improve Dash's spirits but it didn't help. Dash grumbled to herself as she looked around the airship that they were on, feeling a hint guilty when she saw that holes that had been punched in the side of it. Zecora and Lyra were talking to Luna and none of them seemed to be in a good mood.

"What bugs me the most is that he beat me...again," Dash grumbled. "A regular human with no special powers besides those batons and he managed to beat me. I should go prove that I'm still the better fighter."

"OR we can go thank him for helping us," Twilight suggested, Dash grumbling once before she agreed and the group headed for the stairs to the lower part of the ship.

"...and apparently Dash is just as stubborn as me considering that she never once tried to pull up," Ryan muttered to himself as he finished writing in his guide before slamming it shut and placing it in his backpack. "And to think, this time I managed to fight an element of Chaos without losing more blood than should be humanly possible."

'I still don't know if you are the luckiest or unluckiest human I have ever met,' the silver mare muttered as she finished repairing the surprisingly small amount damage that he had suffered.

"I'm just lucky. Depending on how the gods are feeling depends if it's good or bad luck," Ryan replied with a smirk. "So...who's Hyperion?" The silver mare took in a regretful breath before walking away from Ryan.

'You must know that I knew little about him when I brought him to a world,' she said sadly as the memories began to come back. 'I had been fighting a losing battle against the evil force that threatened that version of Equestria and I needed somepony who was stronger than me to prevail. Then Hyperion contacted me and said that he would save the ponies from themselves, making sure that there would be peace. In my desperation I thought it was for the best and brought him to the planet.'

"But let me guess, he was an asshole," Ryan said.

'It was barely three days before he had killed the princesses and declared that Equestria would be peaceful under his rule...or else,' she said with regret and pain in her voice. 'When I found out what had happened, I went to try to talk to him and went that didn't work we fought.'

"And he kicked your ass?"

'Actually, neither of us could hurt the other,' the silver mare bitterly chuckled. 'My magic was nothing to his power but without magic of his own he could not even touch me. We were at a stalemate for a few days before I practically killed myself to tear open a hole in reality and send him spiraling into the unknown. I do not know what has become of him, but I do know that he hasn't bothered any other ponyverse since.'

"So we've got essentially an evil god wandering the unknown who has a vendetta against you," Ryan groaned, figuring that Hyperion would come back to bite them eventually. "Why do I have a feeling that I'm the one who's going to have to fight him?" Before the silver mare could answer him, Dash and the other Element of Harmony walked down the stairs and into the room. Dash walked right up to Ryan while ignoring the mare and looked him right in the eyes with dislike.

"Come here for round three or to be insulted verbally, because I can do either," Ryan said, to which Dash narrowed her eyes at him before slightly lowering her head.

"Twilight and the others told me what happened and what you've done to help us despite what we've done to you in the past months, so..." Dash began, looking like she would rather do anything else than what she was about to say. "I...wanted to say...thank you. For saving me" The silver mare smiled at Rainbow Dash, glad to see that this one could swallow her pride and thank Ryan. The one she had known would have never done that. But then the silver mare looked at Ryan and knew that he wouldn't let it be that easy.

"I'm sorry, I've still got some dirt in my ears from when you drove me into the ground," he said wickedly with a smile that matched his tone as he placed a hand to his ear to hear better. "Can you please repeat what you just said a little louder?" Dash looked like she wanted to murder him, but she took in a deep breath before saying,

"I wanted...to thank you." It sounded like it hurt Dash for her to say that, but she managed to get it out with a grunt. Twilight and Fluttershy had started to congratulate Rainbow for her words but all of them stopped when Ryan began to laugh.

"I'm sorry, but I still can't hear you over my massive ego," he wickedly said again, watching as Dash's face turned crimson red with rage. "Can you please say, one more time, not only how I saved your life but that I've kicked your ass TWICE now? Come on Dashie, one more time!"

"How about I break your jaw so that you can't say anything!?" Dash yelled as she got into a fighting stance, rage and vengeance flashing in her eyes. "And you didn't beat me the first time, you cheated by throwing dirt into my eyes! I was beating you fine up until then! Cheater!"

"Aw, I'm sorry baby, but I did what I needed to do to win!" Ryan cackled as he jumped to his feet and drew both of his batons, letting the lightning crackle to give his crazy smile an even more insane look. "And last time I checked there were no rules in a street fight!"

"Actually, I have three books on rules for street fights," Twilight interjected. Both Dash and Ryan both turned to look at her, the two of them giving her a "really" look before they turned back to each other, rage flashing in their eyes.

"You might have saved me, but that doesn't mean I'm going to hold back," Dash growled.

"So, you want to go zero and three against me?" Ryan laughed as the two began to circle each other. "Or are you going to blame this loss on getting some dirt in your eye as well?" Dash snapped and tackled Ryan to the ground with such speed that it knocked both his batons out of his hands. She landed on his chest and began to throw punches at his face, while Ryan held his arms over his head to block the blows. Twilight and Fluttershy were about to interfere when a blast of lunar magic blew the two apart.

"That is enough you two!" Luna yelled as she stalked between them, the looks she gave the two of them enough to stop the battle for the moment. "Dash, this human has saved four of your friends and is the only key to stopping Discord from taking over Equestria. If you want to beat him up, wait until all of this is over. And you human, I would ask you to stop being such an asshole, but since I know that is impossible I would ask you to try to be kinder to your allies and only be yourself in front of your opponents. And speaking of opponents..."

"We're going after Applejack, aren't we?" Ryan asked her before she brought up the map, getting a confused look from Luna. "Yeah, I figured that we'd be going after her. Because you don't want to fight the pink one without as many allies as you can get, don't you?"

"Despite your attitude, you are not a complete idiot," Luna muttered as she brought up the map, showing a town named Applepaloosa where Applejack's cutie mark rested. "I do want all of the other Elements on our side before we have to face Pinkie, but I am hesitant to send you into battle against Applejack human. It is not because you are weak, but because of what the chaotic magic will have done to her."

"I'm sensing more bad news in my future," Ryan muttered as all of the ponies gathered around to hear Luna's explanation.

"When Twilight was under the chaotic power, her magic was greater than before. However, you had that armband that protected you from her spells so you could fight her. Same goes for Fluttershy and Rarity, you were able to deal with them because they could not overpower you and your allies could help make up for the areas they did beat you in. You defeated Dash with your brain and by using her own arrogance to your advantage...but if I am right, then the chaotic power will have made Applejack already many times stronger than she was."

"Don't worry about AJ, she can't fly or use magic," Dash said with a shrug. "We can take her fine."

"I have to agree. Why would this matter? My magic power made me stronger than AJ," Twilight said, but Luna shook her head.

"Yes, but again he was protected against your power," Luna reminded her. "But Ry-the human's greatest skill is his fighting ability, but to use that against AJ means that he will have to get within her striking range. And even if it wasn't his greatest skill he would still have to get close to her to free her from chaos's control. What I'm afraid of is if he does take a direct shot from Applejack," she whispered as she looked at the human. "Because I do not know if you can survive a single hit. I would not blame you if you would like to stay back until we have weakened her."

"What do you think Luna? Should I go with apple ass or should I say that oranges taste better than apples to her face?" Luna shook her head with a thin smile at his response.

"You truly do not know when to give up. But maybe that is why we have been as fortunate as we have been."

"Fortunate? I'm the only one here ending up with broken bones."

"Like I said, fortunate," Luna playfully said. "Now then, let us go get our Element of Honesty back."