• Published 15th Jul 2014
  • 20,305 Views, 982 Comments

A Survivors Guide to Equestria - Onomonopia

  • ...

Magic Undone

The group looked up at the unicorn sitting upon her throne made of books with each of them thinking along different lines. Some of them thought of a friend who had fallen to the power of chaos and how they did not want to do this. One of them saw her as a sister that she had not talked to in so long, but couldn't say anything. And one of them only thought of how much of a pain this fight against her was going to be.

"I am surprised to see that master Discord let you out of his cell," Twilight said to Luna as she flicked her tail, her eyes glued to the book she was reading. Ryan didn't waste any time in drawing his weapons and taking a step forward, but a shriek rose to the skies as hundreds of books shot off of the shelves and began to encircle the group, Twilight sighing as she looked up from her book. "Now look what you've done. Do you know how long it takes to get those back on the shelves after they've ripped a pony to shreds?"

"Twilight, please. This is not you," Luna said as she tried to reason with Twilight, but all her words did was make her the target of the books. The most eager of the books that attacked first were struck down by both Ryan and Zecora, the zebra fighting off the other books while Ryan looked back at Luna with a smirk.

"You really think that talking to her and telling her that this isn't her is going to snap her out of it?" Ryan asked as he spun and turned two books to ash with the lightning that came from the batons. "I've seen this situation plenty of times and only one thing is going to snap her out of it. Placing my foot in her face."

"I really do not wish to do this," Twilight said as she whistled, the books ceasing their attack as they flew over to Twilight where they rested around her while making odd sounds. "You could all just surrender."

"Just shut up and fight!" Ryan roared as he charged at the pony, leaping into the air as he went to strike her down. Twilight laughed as a shield of violet light intercepted the humans strike, but to both groups surprise the shield shattered from the twin baton strike, through Ryan did go tumbling to the floor.

"How can this be?!" Twilight screamed as she shot into the air to get away from the human who was pulling his head out of a pile of books. "My power comes from my Element AND the power of chaos! How can you break it with such ease?!" Ryan didn't reply as he went on the attack again, but Twilight's horn glowed as she shot her magic all around her. Thousands of pieces of paper began to swirl around them as if they were in a storm before the unicorn looked down at them with oddly colored eyes. "Very well then. I will put you all down myself."

"Try it!" Ryan yelled before he took a dictionary to the face that sent him sprawling. Zecora laughed as she used him as a springboard to propel herself into the air, bouncing from book to book as she charged at the unicorn. Twilight began to open fire with a number of spells that even Luna hadn't seen, yet Zecora managed to deflect the attacks of evade them with her staff.

"Come now Twilight, is this all you can do?" Zecora asked as she propelled herself off of a tome and struck at Twilight who defended herself with a barrier that cracked from the blow. "Then it will not take long before you are through," Zecora said with a crazy laugh as she rolled down to the ground.

"I am the strongest and most talented unicorn in all of Equestria!" Twilight roared as she unleashed hellish magic upon the group, Zecora flipping as she avoided the fire balls while Ryan took shelter behind his armband. Luna found that her own magic was not doing much in holding back Twilight and she knew that it was time for her to enter the battle. "No other pony is as skilled as me!"

"Are you certain of that Twilight?" Twilight turned to receive a blast of lunar energy that introduced her face to a bookshelf. Twilight turned around with wrath in her eyes as she looked to the lunar mare, who gazed down with regal power in her eyes as well as dark magic swirling around her horn. "Last time I checked the princesses were the strongest in this land."

"Well then, I suppose that I'll have to get rid of those princesses!" Twilight roared as she flung herself at the princess. Luna summoned her magic as she prepared to clash with a pony close to her, but before either could cast a spell Twilight took a human to the side of the head. The pair crashed to the ground though Ryan had the good sense to roll before he could break anything.

"DAMMINT ZECORA! When I said to throw something at her I didn't mean use me!" Ryan yelled at the zebra as he resumed his attack, Twilight creating another barrier to deflect the twin baton strikes. But just like before the godly magic that flowed through the sticks shattered the magic that Twilight used, allowing Ryan to strike her in the side of the head. "Alright, the gods said that I just had to hit her with these and it should get rid of the chaos...I think?" He struck Twilight in the head again for good measure and looked down at her as he waited to see the results.


"Shit." An explosion of purple magic shot into the air that blew all of the ponies off of their hooves, while the force of the blast sent Ryan crashing into a bookshelf and to the floor, where all the volumes of Daring Do buried him alive. "Ugh....well once again the gods have screwed me and their damned weapons only succeeded in pissing her off," Ryan growled as he destroyed the great works to escape their pages, looking up at the glowing unicorn who now had wings made of what looked like broken and discolored stain glass.

"You will all pay!" Twilight roared as she let her magic shoot into the sky and a corrupted crown descended from the shattered skyline. Her power seemed to increase when the crown rested upon her head and she turned her chaotic eyes towards the human, who slowly placed his back against the bookshelf as his mind prepared mentally for the pain he was going to have to endure. Twilight unleashed the fury of magic corrupted towards the human, who was sure he would have died on the spot if a bolt of silver had not taken hold of floor beneath him and yanked him out of the side.

'You still alive?' the silver mare asked Ryan as he shot back up to his feet, giving her a quick nod before watching as Luna and Zecora engaged the corrupted unicorn. 'I see that Discord has corrupted the Element itself. That must be how he is controlling them, by using their Elements.'

"Alright, then I know what to aim for," Ryan said as he looked to the mare. "I need you to use your power to blast Twilight out of the air and while she's down I'll take out her Element."

'I cannot.'

"Bull, you kick the crap out of me on a regular basis," Ryan snarled as he glared at her while Luna was introduced to Twilight's Star-Swirl novels. "Why can't you use your godly powers to knock her ass out so I can get close?"

'Because my power can mostly only be used for creation or helpful purposes, not destruction,' the silver mare replied with bitterness in her voice at her own powerlessness. 'I can use my magic offensively but even when I used it at full power all it did was knock Hulk over, barely even hurting him. At her current level it will at most only annoy Twilight.' Ryan growled at her as he looked back up at Zecora holding her own against the unicorn, trying to think up a new plan while contemplating what she meant by "Hulk".

"Then I guess we have to go with the tried and true method of getting close," Ryan began as he slipped off the magic protector and mentally braced himself for a world of hurt. "Throw me." The silver mare picked him up without a moment's hesitation, aiming him right at the crown. "Whoa, aren't you supposed to try and talk me out of this or offer to do it yourself?!"

'I'm just following your lead!' the silver mare yelled as she flung the human with all of her magical might towards the unicorn, chuckling to herself at the string of obscurities that Ryan got off before he was out of earshot. He growled as he aimed both batons at Twilight's crown and bit down as he prepared to strike.

"Yo crazy!" he yelled, getting Twilight to turn around. "Eat shit you-" His words were cut off as Twilight levitated two giant dictionaries and sandwiched Ryan in between the both of them, the group all wincing at the impact as the human's broken body fell to the ground below. Twilight let out an insane laugh as she summoned a swarm of quills that tried to bury themselves in the skulls of her opposition. While Luna shielded Lyra and Zecora, the silver mare retrieved the broken human and brought him behind Twilight's giant diary for protection.

'What's broken?' the mare asked as she scanned his body, whistling at the damage and the fact that he was still among the land of the living.

"My everything is broken! You threw me face first into two of the biggest books she had," Ryan growled despite the pain. "Work on your aim!"

'Well you have broken everything except you jaw. Pity,' the silver mare said as she used her glowing magic to repair all of Ryan's bones, though he noticed that while she did this her form began to flicker wildly and she grunted when she finished.

"Something the matter with you?"

'Remember that power I told you about that can only heal?' she asked as her form continued to appear and vanish. 'It seems that soon I won't be able to do even that.'

"Great, so you can go sit with Lyra in the useless corner over there," Ryan said with a smirk before gazing upon the destructive force that was tossing books at them while cackling menacingly, Luna doing all she could to avoid being overwhelmed and Zecora protected Lyra from the great works of literature. "She's far too focused now. I don't think that I'm going to be able to sneak up on her and my magic armband won't protect me from War and Peace. What to do?"

'Perhaps there is a way we can distract her?' the silver mare suggested as comic book characters began to leap off their pages and come rushing at the group. 'This Twilight is a bit different from the one I grew up knowing, so I'm not sure what worked on her will work here. Do you have any ideas?' Ryan and the mare both began to fend off the characters while Ryan's brain scrambled to come up with an idea that wouldn't end in books.

'Wait a second,' he thought to himself as he looked up at the books that Twilight was using, noticing how despite her using them as weapons she still placed the back on her shelves with loving attention when she was done with them. His evil side surfaced and a wicked smile broke out across his face as the perfect distraction appeared in his brain. "Hold her off, I think I know what will rustle her feathers."

"Where is he going?" Luna asked when the silver mare brought the fight over to her so the both of them could combine their strengths against the forces.

'He said that he had a plan, so for now I guess with have to trust him,' the silver mare replied. The pair fought off the comics as best as they could, but it was clear that they were simply both outmatched by the numbers and Twilight's own power. Twilight descended upon them with her magical might, ensnaring the two of them within the pages of one of her spell books, where she used her magic to keep them bound with words.

"Do you fools see now, my chaos is absolute," Twilight said with mirth as she floated Zecora and Lyra over as well, both of them have caught in the pages between cheesecake and chocolate pudding recipes. "But where is that annoying human?...and why do I smell smoke."

"Hey Twilight!" Twilight and the others all turned their heads towards the voice, where they found the human standing like a king on top of a large pile of books...that were on fire. So was everything else behind them. "You see all those books that you loved and cherished? WELL I SET THEM ALL ON FIRE!" It took a moment for the image to register with Twilight but then with a shriek of a mother going to rescue her children she flung herself towards the books, firing extinguishing spells everywhere while Ryan cackled maniacally.

While she was distracted, Ryan raced over to the others and did his best to free them from the horrible trap of literature, though great works had always been a weakness of his. Only when he erased most of the sentence with strikes from his batons did the words finally let up and he was able to help the others escape.

"How did you manage to do that so fast?" Zecora asked him as she helped to free the others.

"Apparently the batons shoot lightning when I put them together," Ryan said with very crazy eyes as he combined them and allowed lightning to shoot from his batons, tearing up more of the library to Twilight's dismay. "Guess I finally have something to one up you with, eh Zecora?"

"I suppose that I should say wow. Maybe you can last five seconds now!" Ryan snarled at her faked enthusiasm and found it more insulting than her actually insults. He turned his focus towards Twilight instead of continuing his argument with the zebra since he could feel the waves of hatred washing over him and from the look Twilight was giving him she wouldn't stop at just killing him.

"You. Will. Pay," Twilight whispered with venom dripping from every word.

"Only got ten bucks on me. Will that be enough?" Ryan replied with his usual snark, enraging the unicorn even further. With a scream that would shake demons to their core she flung herself at the human, tearing out chunks of the ground as she used herself like a ballistic missile. The silver mare teleported the group out of Twilight's war path (except for Ryan who had to throw his own ass to the side) and reappeared in time to watch her bring down a wall with her own body. "What's the matter, you seem like you're burning up. Almost like you're on fire." Twilight must have taken those words to heart because with a scream of fury she erupted into a hellish fire the disintegrated all objects around her. Ryan was able to feel the heat generated as she pierced him with her eyes, making him feel like he would burst into flames at any moment. But instead of crippling him like the flames once did, his eyes instead lost some focus and a wide smile grew on his face.

"Can you please stop taunting the insane, chaos driven pony?!" Lyra yelled at him as Twilight let out another shriek.

"I make no promises." Twilight howled with rage as she concentrated her magic into her horn, causing most of the group to gasp as they same tendrils of flames emerge from the bodies of all the ponies around them and gravitate to her horn, as if she was drawing in their power to use as her own. A sphere of boiling magic began to take shape on the edge of her horn and she threw her head back as the death ball grew larger and larger.

"What magical power," Luna whispered with dread as she realized what that amount of magic would do to all of them. "That is beyond anything that I can muster. That-"

"Is my moment! Now!" he yelled to the silver mare as he flung himself into the air, the mare catching him with her magic before hurling the human towards the crazed unicorn with incredible speed. Ryan drew both of his stun batons and aimed them right at the crown on Twilight's head, smirking as the unicorn realized what was happening but knew she could do nothing as all her effort was in her spell. So with a cry of victory Ryan drove both batons into the crown, smiling as the dark energy surrounding it shattered and revealed a glowing crown beneath. Then everything exploded. Flashes of energy shot off in every direction as Twilight screamed, the chaotic energy being expelled from her body and from the land around her. Ryan crashed into a book shelf in a piled heap, but the room around the group began to spin as chaotic magic exploded all around them.

'Get close to me!' the silver mare yelled as she threw up a barrier around the group, her silver energy barely able to withstand the sheer amount of chaos that battered against it. When all of the magic had died down the group saw that Ponyville had returned to its normal state, with the ponies that had been mind controlled looking around with confusion. Luna and Lyra walked over to where Twilight was laying on the ground, both of them letting out sighs of relief when they saw she was safe.

'We need to move,' the silver mare said as she and Zecora walked over with Ryan's body dropping over her back. 'Discord will have felt that and if I know him he will hunt us down immediately, not stopping until he has destroyed us.'

"Then you must not know Discord as well as we do," Luna said as she looked around at the still confused citizens, wishing she could stay to protect them but Discord had already corrupted her sister, so Luna was certain he could do the same to her if he chose so. She needed to focus on getting the other Elements back. "We need to move though," Luna agreed as she lifted up Twilight and placed her on her back. She then picked up the Element off of the ground before she turned and headed toward the edge of town. "There is a secret place that we can get something that will be of use to us. But we must move."

'Lead the way.' The group followed after Luna as she walked them out of the town, the silver energy that surrounded her told Luna that the mare was masking their presences. While they walked she looked down at the sack of human Zecora was carrying, unable to figure him out at all. He avoided the ponies for pretty much half a year and when they did come into contact he constantly said how much he despised them and wanted nothing to do with them. Yet here he was, risking everything to help them despite having no reason to.

'You are a strange on human,' she thought to herself. 'But I am glad you are on my side.'