• Published 15th Jul 2014
  • 20,306 Views, 982 Comments

A Survivors Guide to Equestria - Onomonopia

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Who Needs An Invitation?

Ryan had spent the next few weeks training with Zecora and learning all of her more advanced techniques despite the beatings he constantly received while he trained. The training was working though and he found himself able to start to hold his own against Zecora until she got serious and even then he could at least get a few strikes in.

'But there is a problem that I have to face eventually,' he thought to himself one bright afternoon as he sat in a tree and worked on the map of the Everfree forest and the surrounding area. He sighed slightly before looking over to Ponyville, wondering how he should go about doing this. 'I know that eventually I'm going to have to talk to the ponies and at least show them not I'm not too bad a guy. But with my past encounters with them I don't know if they will even give me the chance to talk. Ugh, I should ask Zecora for advice, she's pretty good at dealing with them.'

He hopped out of the tree as he thought this and used a vine to slide to the forest floor, where he began to sprint through the forest with relative ease. Fallen trees, holes in the ground and the wild creatures meant little to him now as he was agile and fast enough to avoid all of them. The hut came into view within ten minutes and he came to a stop outside of it, but when he went to knock the door opened before he could and Zecora walked on out, a number of bags on her back as well as he staff.

"Going somewhere?" he asked her once she had greeted him.

"Into town for some shopping today and there is something I must repay," she said to him as she walked by before motioning a hoof to her hut. "You are free to stay here if you wish, but please do not touch the dish. There is something in it you will not like as it is for a Dragon named Spike." Ryan nodded to tell her that he understood and she walked off with another wave, humming to herself as she walked towards Ponyville.

'It has certainly been an eventful past months that is certain, but of his future that is what I am uncertain,' Zecora thought to herself as she entered the town, waving to all of the ponies that greeted her. 'There is something calming about seeing all of the ponies happy in this town, but I am also glad that Ryan no longer wears a frown. From what the mare told me his life has been one of great pain, so I am happy that I was able to help keep him sane. He has certainly added a new element of adventure to this place and they might be friends if only the ponies would stop giving chase.'

She headed into the marketplace and bought some of her supplies, but when she moved on to the next stop she stopped when she was waved over by a yellow Pegasus that she knew well.

"Hello Fluttershy, lovely day today," Zecora greeted her as she helped Fluttershy with some of her bags, balancing them on both ends of her staff. "What are the bags for, if I may?"

"Oh, nothing too important, just grabbing a number of different foods to place in the Everfree forest," Fluttershy said with a shy smile, causing Zecora to raise an eyebrow.

"Are you trying to feed the beasts that live within or is it another prize you are trying to win?" Zecora asked her, causing Fluttershy to hide behind her mane. "Because there are plenty of creatures in the forest and park or are you looking for the creature that hides in the dark?" Fluttershy could only nod under Zecora's look and the zebra smiled slightly when Fluttershy confirmed her thoughts. "Care to tell me why you seek it out because this is a plan I doubt."

"It's just...after seeing the creature up close I've come to believe that it isn't evil or mean, it's just lost and confused," Fluttershy said as she looked to the forest, getting a snicker out of Zecora at calling Ryan lost and confused. "I know that Twilight's still mad at it for stealing from her and Rainbow hasn't recovered her pride since it beat her, but I truly believe that it's a good creature."

"Perhaps you are right, but if you're wrong that will put you in a terrible plight," Zecora said. "It could be a terrible creature of darkness that likes to hurt. If it is-"

"Then you would have beat it into the dirt," Fluttershy finished for her with a smile. "You always help to keep the more dangerous creatures from getting into the town. Some of the animals I've talked to have told me so. But they've also said that you have talked to the shadow before." Zecora raised an eyebrow at the Pegasus before chuckling.

"We have met and just as you said I beat it good." Fluttershy giggled at the response before looking at the zebra with relief.

"I'm glad you're feeling better. I remember when you caught that disease a year ago and you cut yourself off from us. We were all worried about you."

"Er, yes, I'm glad I'm better as well...wait a moment, traffic at this hour? Ah hell," Zecora said as the two of them reached the center of the town, where a large number of ponies had gathered around a Royal Guard. The crowd was so thick that Fluttershy couldn't get through and Zecora couldn't get though without at least one pony losing some teeth. "Excuse me, but I'd like an explanation if you would," she said to the pony in front of her.

"The guard just came down from Canterlot and said that there's really big news!" one of the ponies said to her in an excited tone, pointing to one of the many posters that had been hung up around the town. Fluttershy looked at the guard with interested eyes while Zecora simply raised an eyebrow as the guard cleared his throat and began to speak.

"Attention to all ponies of Ponyville, tomorrow there will be a very special event at the castle," he said in a loud voice. "As you may be aware, there has been a strange creature running around the forest near to your home and many of you have sent the princesses letters of concern of worry. However, there is no need to fear. The creature is called a human and while it may be crafty, it is of no or little threat to any of you. The princesses would like to say that most any pony would be able to fight it off if they stay calm."

'Maybe a month ago this would be true, but now he would kick the crap out of even you,' Zecora thought to herself with a smirk as the guard kept reading.

"However, after a while of research, the princesses have found the creature’s home world and are going to try to open a momentary portal there." The crowd gasped as he said this and even Zecora raised both eyebrows in shock at the news. "Now this will be nothing more than a viewing portal so that no ponies can get through, but they have decided that it is time that you saw just how normal this creature is. That is all for now, though they recommend any pony that can come do so."

He left the podium he had been speaking on and began to head for the train station, the other ponies dispersing as well while they talked to each other about the human and what this event would be at the castle. Fluttershy tried to get Zecora's attention to see what her reaction was to this news, but the zebra was far too lost in thought to listen to her.

'I am amazed that the princesses are doing this bold a move, since they generally keep hold of this news. The only reason that they would announce this aloud is to draw Ryan into a trap. And if he gets hold of this news I know that he would go there, since he can be such a sap,' she thought to herself before a large smile crossed her face. 'Then perhaps I should be the one to tell him. Then the real fun can begin.' Zecora said her farewells to Fluttershy as she gave her back her bags and began to head back to her hut, when she noticed that Lyra and Derpy were following her.

"We figured that Ryan should be told," Lyra said when Zecora gave them a look. "I mean, the princesses are going to have a portal to his home and he has a right to know. You can't keep it from him Zecora," Lyra said, Derpy nodding in agreement with her. Zecora held a hoof to her lips and motioned for them to follow her into the Everfree forest.

"I had planned to tell him as well, but you do realize that all that awaits him there is hell," Zecora told them as they walked through the forest, giving them serious looks as she did so. "When we tell him he will go up to that castle and Celestia knows getting out of there will be quite the hassle."

"But he deserves to know what happened to his home and to see if he can get back," Lyra said, only to be silenced by a look that Zecora gave her.

"He knows full well what happened to his home and there is nothing left of it, except his tome," Zecora said to the both of them in a deadly serious voice, causing them to keep quiet until they had reached her hut. When Zecora opened it they found Ryan asleep in one of the chairs and from the looks of how he was sleeping he was about to fall off.

"We should wake him gently," Derpy said, to which Zecora's reply was to walk over and kick the chair out from under him, causing the human to crash to the floor. "Hey, that was a bit rude don't you think!?"

"My father taught me that tough love is best love," Zecora said with a smile as Ryan picked himself off the floor, Lyra making sure to write down all of the swears and insults he said to the zebra. "Now then Ryan, we have news to tell you of."

"Please tell me that you've caught a terminal dieses and the effects will be long and painful," Ryan growled at her as he pulled himself back up to a standing position, but the rage faded away as Derpy reached into her mail bag and pulled out a flier for him. He took it and glanced down at it, only to have his eyes go wide when he saw what was written on it.

"This is most likely be a trap," Zecora said to him before he could speak. "And knowing you it will end in a scrap. Don't give the princesses what they want and stay away. That is my advice for you today." Lyra and Derpy both went to say something, but then Ryan held out a hand to silence them before he lowered his hand and began to think long and hard about it.

"You're probably right Zecora, you usually are," Ryan said to her when he looked up again, but he grabbed his backpack all the same and slung it over his shoulders. "But I never truly found out what happened to my home or if any of my race survived. All I have confirming their death is the word of a glow in the dark pony, so I'm not too sure I should trust that. I have to see for myself, not just to know, but to finally have some closure."

"I figured that would be your reply, so I made you this so you will not die," she said as she offered him a blow gun with three darts. "These darts hold a poison that causes sleep fast, but I recommend you save this weapon for last. These effects are strong and last a while, but the vomiting after waking up is vile."

"Well, I know that I'm going with you," Lyra said to him as he slipped the blowgun and the darts into his bag. "I'd love to see your world and what the other humans look like. Is it true that some have horns and tails?"

"Only the evil ones did," Ryan retorted as he saw that the ate was for tomorrow. "And I don't care if you come with me, but I probably won't be seen with you. The princesses have made it very clear that they want to catch me and I'd hate to get any of you arrested on charge of helping me. Except you Zecora, I'd like to see what happens if you were to fight the princesses."

"Do you have a plan that won't get you beaten with staffs and if so tell me, I could use a laugh," Zecora said with a smirk, getting the middle finger from Ryan.

"You can take the train in the morning," Derpy offered, turning all eyes to her. "The ponies there don't really check for stowaways too well and if you sneak on the back there would be no pony there to really bother you until you got to Canterlot. I would recommend getting out early, the guards at Canterlot can be thorough."

"Thanks, I'll probably do that then," Ryan said with a nod to her before he looked up at the sky and saw that the sun was almost in the center of the sky. "I'll go in the morning, I have a few things that I want to get done before go." He walked past the three of them and headed into the forest, the two ponies watching until they could no longer see him while Zecora had turned away and went back to her brew.

"Think that he'll make it there alright?" Lyra asked as she paced nervously, Derpy wondering the same thing.

"He will be fine, you'll see," Zecora said with a smile as she worked on the brew for Spike. 'In fact, he might just be the key.'

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"Do you think he will come sister?" Luna asked Celestia as the white alicorn looked down upon the town of Ponyville, but more accurately the Everfree forest, where her ponies had all but confirmed was where he was staying. "Fluttershy did say that Zecora would probably relay the message to him, but I still do not see why we do not just fly down there and search the forest for him? Or we could make Zecora tell us where he is?"

"No sister, this human is different than the other tow that came here," Celestia said with watchful eyes as she looked down upon the land. "He has barely bothered the ponies and most of the times he has fought has only been in self-defense. And I know that you are comparing him to the soldier that came here a while back, but you forget that the knight was a good man who saved many. I just cannot place this one."

"Well that is why we are gathering the Elements of Harmony as well as any guards that we can muster," Luna said as she joined her sister on the balcony overlooking the land. "If you are right about this plan, when he shows up he will not be able to escape all of us. My magic alone was enough to cause him to run and with the eight of us..."

"We must hope that it does not come to that," Celestia said as she walked away from the balcony and headed back to her chambers to prepare for the coming day. "I simply wish to talk to him, but if he resists or tries to hurt any of the ponies to escape...only then may we use force against him." As Celestia left, Luna looked back down at the forest with narrowed eyes and a smile on her face.

'Tomorrow human, I get my rematch,' she thought with a smile.