• Published 13th Feb 2013
  • 691 Views, 31 Comments

Demon Within - BlackBolt

Scootaloo has a friend with her...herself/Self Conscious...but what she doesn't know is that her friend has a secret within. Can Scootaloo stop the madness on her own? Read to find out!

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Chapter 2

Scootaloo was trotting around the main square when a familiar voice called her name "Scootaloo!!" Scootaloo turned her head sharply to see who was calling her name.

A young mare, about her age, with a cream colored coat and bright red hair that was tied off at the end with a red bow was trotting towards her. "AppleBloom! How nice too see you!" Scootaloo shouted back over her shoulder as AppleBloom pulled up beside her. "Same to ya!" AppleBloom and Scootaloo both stopped to talk for a bit.

"So how ya doin' Scoots?"

"Ohh not much..hanging around with pip and all...looking around for new friends as usual.."

AppleBloom looked at her a grin spreading across her face. "Hangn’ around Pip huh? What sorta things you been talkn’ bout?" Scootaloo blushed and walked on. "I-I'm hanging around him....errr talking to him....uhh...hanging on him..other stuff.." Scootaloo stammered for excuses.

"I recon that's good...for now..." Scootaloo took a breath of relief. "Ok...phew...how about we go get something to eat...that way we have someplace to talk about all this."
AppleBloom looked at Scootaloo with a grin spreading across her face. "I'm guessing this is your friend...ahh..AppleBloom" a voice rang in her head. "Ya.."

"Ya what Scoots?" AppleBloom asked her, a puzzled look spreading across her face.
"Ya..umm..we should go to SugerCube Corner!"

AppleBloom's puzzled look disappeared "Ok, I'm in the mood for some cake anyways. They both started when a young dark purple pegasus bumped into Scootaloo. "Oof!" Scootaloo and the pegasus collided head on. "Ohh I'm so sorry!” The pegasus stuttered.

"It's fine, just a bruise." The pegasus helped her up after they both fell. "I'm BlackBolt, and you are?" Scootaloo looked at BlackBolt. "Scootaloo..nice to bump into you.." Everyone chuckled at the small joke Scootaloo had made from the accident. "Hey I am wandering..there is somepony, more like something, I'm looking for..." AppleBloom and Scootaloo replied in unison, "Sure whatever you need I'm sure we can help."

"I'm AppleBloom by the way." The two shook hoofs for a moment.

"I'm looking for an ancient demon... It's called the Ändern Dämon. It usually takes control of someone's self conscious...and takes the form of a recently seen pony. I know it sounds crazy, but it could be a problem.”

Scootaloo's eyes widened. "I-I haven't seen or herd o-of it..." The voice rang in her head again, "This guy is crazy..looking for demons..lets get out if here.." This time Scootaloo made sure she didn't speak aloud but in a mumble so nopony could hear her, "I know.. I just hope he goes away soon..."
Scootaloo was getting worried about what he was talking about, she half believed that there really was a demon haunting the town.

"I'm looking for something known as the Ändern Dämon... anypony heard of it? I know it sounds crazy but it could be a problem for the town!" BlackBolt asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

Scootaloo was getting worried too.

"Uhh no I haven't." Scootaloo replied cautiously, making sure her word choice didn't give anything away that could hurt her. "I'll tell you if I see a..err...Ändern Dämon or whatever.." Scootaloo thought he was completely insane!

The pegasus walked off after trying to describe it the best he could. She walked to SugarCube Corner with AppleBloom. When they got there the place was unusually empty. Not even Pinkie Pie was behind the counter.

Pinkie suddenly appeared in front of the two of them “Hi girls! What can I get cha' both?"
They both decided on some cupcakes, thinking of them as small snacks before dinner. Then sat down at a nearby table to eat their tasty “snacks.”

By the time they were done eating the shop was about to close. "We'll it was nice meeting with ya Scoots!" AppleBloom said as she trotted away. "You too AppleBloom see ya soon!" Scootaloo troded back to her house quietly.


BlackBolt had asked everypony in town and still he found nothing. "Maybe if I ask Zecora, she may know." So he trotted toward the Everfree forest cautiously looking around for any followers they might want to listen in to his conversations.

The trees moaned around him almost completely alive. He shivered at the thought of a Timber Wolf coming out and eating him alive, slowly digesting him while he was still alive.

He walked up to Zecora's hut and knocked at the door. The door swung open almost simultaneously as he had knocked. "Ahh Come in BlackBolt. Much I can tell you about what you need, for I know plenty on this demon that you seek." BlackBolt was stunned at how once again she seemed to read his mind without even looking at him.

Zecora was mixing a few of her special brews in the corner of the room. “Please, have a seat.” He did as she said and waited in silence.

“I remember when Pinkie thought you were evil. She thinks of the silliest things sometimes.” He tried to lighten the mood that her dark hut set. “Indeed, but she was only scared and only was telling others to beware.”

“You know you don’t have to speak like that around me.”

“Ohh...thanks Bolt.”

“Anything for a friend.” Zecora was preparing a warm soup now for the two of them. “I'm trying out a new soup that my people used to use, I haven't mastered it yet but I still try.”

“I bet it tastes good” When she had finally finished she scooped out two bowls for them, then placed them on the table in front of them.

“So how can I help you on this fine day Bolt?”

"I'm looking for the Ändern Dämon, a demon that tends to shapeshift into whatever it feels like." Zecora looked up at him, a look of worry in her eyes.

"This demon, I can not help you find it sadly, If i knew anything about shapeshifting then I could help you. For now I can’t" BlackBolt took a long sip of the soup. "Thanks anyways Zecora." She nodded and they both finished their meal in silence.

BlackBolt left soon after they finished the soup.