• Published 13th Feb 2013
  • 691 Views, 31 Comments

Demon Within - BlackBolt

Scootaloo has a friend with her...herself/Self Conscious...but what she doesn't know is that her friend has a secret within. Can Scootaloo stop the madness on her own? Read to find out!

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Chapter 1

Scootaloo woke up laying in her soft bed and looked around. Something was watching her but she didn't know what, it seemed colder than usual inside her bedroom.

She looked around once more after giving her eyes a rough rub. As her vision cleared she noticed something about the size of a pony standing in front of her bed. She then concluded she was a mare. She had a sky blue mane that looked colder than ice, her tail matched her main both looking tattered and worn out. She had a pale white coat that looked like the sun reflecting off of snow and rain, and most of all, her eyes. Standing out like a sore hoof, glowing a bright red, giving Scootaloo a small chill.

There was something strange about her though, she couldn't place her hoof on it yet. Her stomach churned when she finally came to a conclusion, she could see her scooter through the strange mare. Scootaloo froze and turned pale under her coat.

"You look like you've seen a ghost..." The mare told Scootaloo casually. Scootaloo didn't know what to do, she was looking at a ghost.

"Y-your a g-ghost?!" she stammered.

"I guess you could put it that way." The mare replied. "But I like to see myself as a conscious....better yet your thoughts." Scootaloo stared at the mare with wide eyes.

"S-so your m-my....thoughts?!" Scootaloo stuttered.

"Well...I guess you could say that..." The mare was still calm and looked peaceful, but Scootaloo was the complete opposite.

"I-I'm just going to l-lay back down..." Scootaloo hoped that it was all a dream. "It won't help...your already awake..." The mare said reading her mind. "H-how do you know w-what I'm thinking?!" Scootaloo was terrified now. "I told you....I am your thoughts...I control some of what you think...and what you feel...and also, my favorite, your dreams."

Scootaloo laid her head back down on her pillow and covered herself up with her blanket. "That's not going to help you.."

She opened her eyes only to be looking into the mare's. Scoots jumped out of bed and hit the floor hard hitting her head on the wall. "Oof!" The mare go up from the bed and looked down at her.

"Ok then....no need to overreact...shesh.." The mare vanished in thin air. There was a voice in the back of her throbbing head now. "The names Andern by the way." Scootaloo jumped again.

"WHAT ARE YOU?!" Scootaloo screamed. "Shut up...I told you...I'm you.." After a long time of processing the information she was given she finally decided to deal with it.

"Fine...I guess I understand now...your me...and I'm me.." Scootaloo wished it wasn't true but she knew it was. "Just don't do anything funny...ok?" It felt weird talking to herself.

"Gotcha, no funny business...ohh and one last thing...just talk in your head so it doesn't look like your talking to yourself...I can still chat with you."


BlackBolt woke up laying on the couch, RedSky still laying on his shoulder. "Red?" He decided to wake her. "Red wake up...it's morning." RedSky stirred and nudged him in the chest. "C'mon Red...we need to go."

She was finally awake, she yawned and got off of him then sat in the couch. "Huh?" RedSky was dazed but still waking up.

"Red, that.....that feeling.." BlackBolt just realized that the strange evil hat he felt before was gone. "It's gone!" She was now fully awake.


"That evil feeling I felt yesterday...I don't feel it anymore!"

RedSky perked up with excitement. "Great! One less thing to worry about...must have ignored the town and moved on. "I guess.... I hope it never comes back..." BlackBolt knew that it could have taken a new form of its own and masked the evil it possessed, by he stayed calm for RedSky's sake.

He had recently looked up different beings that takes form of other things and masks its evil like a invisibility cloak. Only one thing came up, Ändern Dämon. It looked very similar to a pony. It was strange, and very bizarre. BlackBolt studied the multiple scripts from the entry.

"I'll be back RedSky...I'll be a bit but I'll be back in about thirty minutes." BlackBolt told her trodding to the door. "Ok, be careful.."

"I'll try hon..Uh I mean Red" As he walked out he door he again realized he had almost called her "honey" as if they were going out or already married. He quickly snapped out of it, and focused on the task at hand.


RedSky sat at the house waiting for BlackBolt to return home. "Were could he be?"

She wanted to know desperately so she could possibly help him like she helped him find Griffin, the alicorn that fell from the stars. She got off of the couch and went to make herself breakfast.

She got out the pancake batter using her magic. Her horn glowed a bright red as to lifted up the correct ingredients and put them into a large bowl. Mixing them all together she made a large mess, she was never good at cooking.

After she had created her pancakes they looked very sloppy and deformed. "They will have to do...I guess" She put them on a plate, put the syrup on and ate them in silence. When she was done she realized how much of a mess she had made. "Crap...this sucks.."

She was disappointed in herself and the mess she had made. She cleaned everything up and put it all where it belonged. She troded to the bathroom to wash up. When she got in the shower she carefully washed her dark red coat and bright red mane and washing her self clean.

While she was doing this she thought of BlackBolt, with his dark purple coat and black mane with grey tips. His tale matched his mane color for color. His dark purple wings just made him even more attractive to her. She didn't want to bomb him with the news that she liked him, but she desperately wanted to tell him how much she loved him.

She shook the image out of her mind and finished her shower. When she was done she dried herself off and went back to the living room.

She wanted to know where he was again so she looked through a few papers on his desk and opened his laptop then turned it on.

She sat in his chair and waited for the laptop to boot up. While waiting she looked through all the papers on his desk. She found one that was labeled Ändern Dämon. She had no clue what it meant. She looked it up on the laptop, now fully booted, the answer was there without even having to pull up a new window.

One word stuck out to her most, Demon. She's RedSky saw the word she quickly put the laptop on hibernate and closed it.

"He's looking for THE Ändern Dämon....why.." She was stunned to find this. "I need to find him. Quickly." She ran out the door in search for him.

Author's Note:

Want to know what my OCs looked like..there ya go!
Done remolding chapter 1! This is going quicker than I thought....