• Published 13th Jan 2012
  • 2,261 Views, 42 Comments

A New Arrival! - BlackSpire

  • ...


*jumps out from behind a random tree* Hello there! Hope you guys didn't miss this fic too much and, I hope you enjoy what I have to offer you guys with this chapter! So without further ado! I introduce to you Chapter 7 of 'A New Arrival!'

"What in the hay is going on here?!" yelled out Applejack, as the image of Twilight and Sunny kissing as they made their promises to one another, slowly began to fade away.

"Yeah! The movie was just getting to the best part as well!" moaned Pinkie Pie whilst munching away on a large bag of popcorn that she had been eating during the entirety of all the memories shown to them. No pony had a clue where she had gotten the bag of popcorn from, nor did they particularly want to find out.

"I agree! What horrible time for your spell to stop working!" exclaimed Rarity.

Meanwhile, whilst all of the arguing was going on, Fluttershy's heart had sunk to her stomach after seeing the relationship between Twilight and Sunny. She thought to herself:

'How in Equestria can I think of taking Sunny away from Twilight when they both make each other so happy...?'

As she finished this thought she looked over to Twilight, who was trying extremely hard to paint a mask to hide away any emotions that could be seen on her face from the re-opening of her past emotional scars. Those memories had shown her just how happy she used to be back then. She had never been that happy ever since that faithful day, when Sunny chose to ruin what they had together. Even with her friends and studies to keep her happy and occupied, she had never felt the same level of happiness as she had when she had been with Sunny. Now, having looked back at those memories, she had been reminded of how things had been back then, she started to think of how much she had lost that day. Her happiness, the love of her life but, most importantly her best friend. Those memories also served as a reminder of how she could never get any of those things back...

However, before she could continue her thoughts, she was interrupted by Rarity who continued:

"I mean, we still haven't found out what the reason was that caused you two break up exactly?! What I just saw there, was far better than anything that I could imagine with my own dream colt! And, believe me when I say I imagine some pretty romantic things! Which only leads me to wonder if a romantic couple like you two can't be together then..." she said as tears began to fill her eyes, before finally breaking out into tears as she moaned, "What hope do I have?! I'm going to be an ugly, old spinster forever!"

'Sheesh what an over-reaction...', thought Sunny

"I guess I spent too much energy holding both the memory and imaging spell up for too long. So I had to release one of those spells and seeing as the memory spell is the easier of the two to re-do. I chose to release that one, so I'm sorry about that." Sunny said sheepishly, before letting out a sigh of exhaustion, as he finished his explanation to the still rather annoyed Rarity.

"Well please do hurry up and re-do the spell so we can see how your story ends!" exclaimed Rarity.

"Yeah! I don't like to be kept waiting. I could be on a nice, comfy cloud right now going off to sleep!" added Rainbow Dash, who was probably the only pony in the room who didn't really care about these memories they were being shown.

After all, that's all they really were...memories. They meant nothing in the present. What made it even worse for her was that was this whole trip down memory lane was all surrounded by a relationship. She never could understand just what the point was in being in a relationship was. I mean from what she had both seen and heard from other ponies. It all sounded like a lot of time and effort. Time and effort that could be put to better use practicing one of her new moves.

"I told you already, I'm out of energy! It'll take a while before I regenerate enough energy to conjure up another 'Memory' Spell!", Sunny responded, trying very hard not to show his annoyance.

"Well can't Twilight do the spell?! I mean after all she has her own memories of the same event as you do!" argued Rarity, who was now seemingly desperate to know how the story of their romance ended. She faced towards Twilight as she finished saying this.

"I...uh... I'd rather not Rarity." stammered Twilight as she looked to Sunny for some help in convincing her.

"Oh! I see how it is!" said Rarity haughtily as she continued saying, "It must've been your fault that the two of you broke up, and you must not want any of us to see it, in case we decide to think of you any differently."

"No! I-" began Twilight before being interrupted by Rarity who continued to speak.

"Trust me when I speak for all of us darling. That none of us ponies will think of you any differently, for breaking up with Sunny for whatever reason..."

"But I-"

"She's right sugarcube. We're ya friends after all! We won't judge you." chipped in Applejack, willing to support her friend.

"SUNNY CHEATED ON ME!" yelled Twilight, who had grown annoyed at the ponies that continued to interrupt her speaking. The whole room feel silent at her sudden outburst after that.

Just when the silence was starting to get awkward, Sunny spoke up, "She's right...It's all my fault that we broke up."

At this news, all of the ponies were shocked. Having worked together with Sunny the entirety of the day, they would've never suspected him to be the type of colt that would cheat on his partner...or break a promise for that matter.

"H-how could you break that...that promise?" said Fluttershy quietly.

"Yeah! After you promised you wouldn't hurt her!" shouted Rainbow Dash who had flown out of her seat and was now towering over Sunny with an angry look in her eyes. Sunny by this time was now fearing for his safety.

"It's because, he didn't 'Pinkie Pie' Swear when he promised Twilight that he would never leave her. Or when he promised to that Acapella guy that he would never hurt Twilight." said Pinkie Pie as she stuffed her face with even more popcorn, ready to spectate the imminent beating of Sunny.

"You know what, I thought you were alright! But, when you hurt a friend of mine, you best be preparin' yerself for a good old buckin'!" said Applejack who joined Rainbow Dash in towering over Sunny, whilst, giving him her own death glare.

"You jerk! How could you ruin something so beautiful! I simply cannot forgive any pony that would let a relationship that strong, simply die like that!" yelled Rarity. Out of the three ponies, that now towered over him, she was by far the most angry. Her eyes were burning angrily, as they gave him the message that she was about to tear him limb from limb.

However, Sunny refused to cower in fear at the menacing mares that surrounded him in his seat. He simply sighed, before shutting his eyes as he thought, 'This is the least I deserve for breaking Twilight's heart...'

'If he could cheat on Twilight, after all they had been through together. Then what would stop him from cheating on me?', quickly realizing what she said she quickly shook her head as she added to her thoughts, 'That's only if the two of us ever got together...".. Soon after, a small blush of embarrassment spread across her face. Although, no pony was paying attention to her, as all focus was on the imminent beating of Sunny at the hands of the three angry mares.

"GIRLS STOP IT RIGHT NOW!" yelled Twilight who moved in between the three mares and Sunny.

"What are you doing Twilight?!" yelled Rainbow Dash rather angrily.

"Sugarcube, stand aside so we can teach this colt a lesson!" Applejack showing more control over her urges to pummel Sunny.

"Indeed Twilight, this colt doesn't deserve any mercy for what he did to you!" added Rarity.

"You don't even know any of the details of what happened!"

"He CHEATED on you, Twilight! What more do we have to know?!"

"There's a lot more you have to know! Besides weren't you the one telling me 'that none of you ponies will think of you me any differently, for breaking up with Sunny for whatever reason' ? So what's the difference with him breaking up with me?!"

At this final outburst, all three mares were left gob-smacked as Twilight gave them all a steely glare, before her horn began to glow with a light purple aura surrounding it. Walking over to the frame of pink hazy light, she placed the tip of her horn into the frame. The frame automatically began to take in Twilight's memories she wanted shown, with the purple aura emanating from her horn, mixing with the pink colour of the frame. Once, again an image, this time of Twilight's memories, began to flicker back into view.

"Sit down and watch the rest of what happens!" said Twilight sternly whilst giving a look that spoke of dire consequences awaited any pony who dared not to obey her orders. The three ponies noting this look quickly went back to their seats to watch the precious memories of Twilight.

It was now a few months into the final year at Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns for Sunny and Twilight. The two had become incredibly busy during these few months. Sunny working on his application to study Music at university, and Twilight reading through a set book list of over seventy different books required for her to study as Princess Celestia's apprentice. On top of this, the couple had attained the positions of Head Colt and Head Filly at the school. So they were required to perform many time-consuming duties on behalf of the school.

Despite, all of this added stress in their lives, the two always found time to spend with each other. Whether it is during their duties as representatives of the school, or through studying. Whilst, most relationships between students at the school crumbled under the added stress of further studies, and ceased to exist. Sunny and Twilight's relationship held strong against the pressure, and even blossomed further to a point; where neither could imagine life without the other. Everything seemed well, until that faithful day occurred...

The bell had rung signaling the end of school well over an hour ago. But, Twilight still sat on one of the benches and tables in the school courtyard with an open book, her brain like a sponge absorbing all of it's contents, with the thrill of striving for new knowledge. This had always been a part of their daily routine. Twilight would wait an hour and a half after school, for Sunny to finish giving piano lessons to those students that asked for it. With Mr. Capella's permission he was able to make a little money to help pay for his student living costs when he did go to university, by giving lessons to those who asked for them in the music rooms at the school. Twilight also received lessons from Sunny. Free of charge of course! There had to be advantages for going out with him right?

Twilight began to blush heavily as she thought back to some of their first lesson together.

A couple of months ago...

"...Wow Twilight you're really quick at picking this stuff up!" said Sunny who was rather amazed at the speed at which she was picking up everything he taught her.

"Well... I have a wonderful teacher!" she said with a bright smile painting her face.

"Aww shucks Twilight! It's nothing really, besides it's you who's amazing at learning everything I teach you so quickly. I mean it took me a week to learn everything you have today!"

"Sunny you're just saying that..." Twilight muttered out shyly as a blush began to paint her cheeks.

"No really Twilight! I'm being serious about what I said. It really is amazing how you picked up everything today. Learning the piano keys, how to read sheet music, how to apply magic to press multiple keys on the piano through touching a set of keys with your hooves and you even learnt how to play a couple of songs as well! That's all in the space of three hours!" he finished his rant which left Twilight's face as red as a tomato.

"It's not that big a deal..." muttered Twilight.

Sunny knowing not to push Twilight any further, decided to change the subject of their conversation:

"Well we still have quite a bit of time left. Would you like to learn another song?"

Twilight glad for this change in topic simply nodded her head in agreement.

"Okay then if you'd like to position your left hoof at this key over here which is a...?"

"B." Twilight gave a firm response showing that she had taken in all she had learnt earlier that day.

"Right! Now position your right hoof on the 'C' key three octaves down from your left hoof."

Twilight followed Sunny's instructions as she place her right hoof in the position she was told.

"Okay now I'm going to show you what keys to direct your magic at, in order to play the piece. I'll show it a bit at a time so you can follow it easier."

Sunny now moved closer to Twilight and placed his hooves on top of hers as he began to focus his magic onto the specific keys on the piano. By now, Twilight had a large blush spread across her cheeks from the closeness of his hooves touching hers on top of the smooth pieces of pearly ivory. Her blush only intensified into an even brighter red when she felt the warm rush of Sunny's magic flow through her hooves and onto the piano keys.

'Oh Celestia! How doesn't he realize how much of an affect he has on me just by standing so close?'

He proceeded to move her hooves into a new position on the piano, unaware that Twilight had now completely forgotten about playing the piano, and was more interested in breathing in Sunny's scent now that he was so close to her.

'Oh gosh! He smells so good! Just what is that perfume he's using?!'. Twilight thought as her mind began to become clouded, having become more intoxicated with every deep breath of his scent she took.

As he was closer to finishing the first part of the song, Twilight slowly turned her gear to look at Sunny's face. His eyes were closed as he was completely focused on the music he was playing. Finally, when he had finished playing the very first part of the song he began to speak:

"Okay now that I've shown you the first part of the song, now I'd like to see you try it."

As he said this he turned to face Twilight who by this time had closed the gap between them, so that their lips were just a few centimeters apart from one another. Not expecting Twilight to be so close, Sunny could not help but recoil back in surprise at the sudden 'closeness' between him and Twilight.

"Woah Twilight! You almost scared me there! Twilight...?"

Her eyes by this time had a clouded look on them, which he could see more clearly as she again moved closer to him.

"Twilight what are you-" Sunny began before being silenced by Twilight's lips capturing his own in a passionate kiss. Initially, Sunny's eyes widened in surprise at the suddenness of everything, before he too closed his eyes and put his own effort into the make-out session with Twilight. Twilight continues to move forward wanting to be as close to Sunny as physically possible. However, because they were both on a piano stool, it was only a matter of when before the couple fell to the floor.
Even then, that didn't stop them from continuing their passionate kissing as they continued to make out on the floor in each other' loving embrace.

It wasn't until half an hour later before the two had come to their senses and decided never to let their emotions get out of control like that again, lest something were to happen that neither were ready for as of yet...

Back at the courtyard...

Twilight could feel the heat radiating off of her face as she recollected the memories of her acting in such a way with Sunny. She knew that those memories would be one of many that would be forever burned into the hippocampus of her brain. Twilight quickly decided to think of something else apart from that somewhat embarrassing memory.

She sighed in boredom. She had already learnt most of the stuff that was already in the book, with only the occasional tidbit of new information keeping her from shutting the book and returning it to the library. Looking at her watch she saw she still had ten minutes to wait until Sunny was done with giving his lessons. Well it as only ten minutes...so it wouldn't be too long to wait for Sunny. So she decided to pack up her bags and head towards the music rooms where Sunny was teaching piano to one of his other students. As she was walking down the hallways, she couldn't help but think of all the memories she had walking up and down this hallway with Sunny throughout the past six years of being together at the school.

She would miss all of those good times they had together at this school. But, she knew that when they did graduate from school, they would have many more good times together in the future. As she approached the door of the music room, she decided not to go in and disturb their lesson, and instead she would simply wait outside the door for the lesson to finish his lesson. However, getting a little bit curious as to who Sunny was teaching today, she looked through the glass panel on the door to see.

In the music room, she saw Sunny was in fact teaching Fleur-de-Lis. Twilight felt a pang of jealousy strike her nerves as she saw the two talking with one another as Sunny corrected a mistake she had made in the piece she was playing. Whilst, she wasn't very gifted in the academic department, she was definitely blessed when it came to looks. She was without a doubt the most beautiful mare at the school. Most of the colts in the school would stop and stare as she walked past. She had already been offered a modeling opportunity to work with none other than the Equestria-renown photographer, Photo Finish.

Whilst, Twilight didn't have any problems with her personally, she did find her to be incredibly vain about her appearance. She also thought of her as a bit stuck up, as she would always gloat about how her parents were one of Canterlot's most well-known couples due to both of them being movie stars. However, what really got on her nerves was how she could be so cruel when it came to matters of the heart. The number of colt's love-struck hearts that she held in her hooves and instantly crushed in her hooves, along with their hopes and dreams. She essentially destroyed any pony that was foolish enough to attempt to confess their love for her. That was why one of the nicknames she had received at school was 'The Ice Queen'. It described her perfectly. The stunning embodiment of perfection that could be seen in a well-crafted ice sculpture, yet seemingly had no warm emotions of any kind, and crushed your heart without a moment's hesitation.

It wasn't just the fact, that she rejected every good and honest colt that gave their hearts so willingly for her just to stomp her hooves all over them. It was also the fact that she chose to go out with anyone who came from a rich background, or who had some sort of high social status that was greater than her own. It was only the really obnoxious, stuck-up and pompous colts in the school that were like that. It just made her blood boil that she could be so irritatingly stupid. To reject the love of ponies who could genuinely love her with their hearts, only instead to be with those ponies who would simply treat her as a piece of meat. It utterly disgusted her...okay so maybe she did have just a few tiny personal problems with her.

She quickly turned around to face the window that was just opposite the music room door. She had to calm herself down before she did anything she would regret. She stuck her head out through the open window to see the courtyard she had been in just moments ago below her. She was on the first floor on the music building. The window sill was decorated with a number of potted plants, all of which bloomed beautiful flowers in a number of different and dazzling colours. Each of them had their own distinct scent. Yet all of them smelled heavenly to Twilight's senses. The smell of the flowers instantly made her feel a lot calmer and allowed her to think more rationally. She quickly brought her head back in, as she thought:

'What am I so jealous about? It's not like she's going to take Sunny away from me! Sunny would never break his promise to me! Besides, he could do much better than that attention seeking...'

She immediately put her head back out the window making sure to take in deep breaths of the soothing floral scents. At last, after a good couple of minutes she had calmed down enough to bring her head back inside.

'Note to self, never think about...that pony, so much. It's isn't good for your health.'. She chuckled to herself, as she finished that thought. Now she decided she would be mature enough to look back through the door, without reacting so strongly to that pony's presence with her Sunny.

She could see the two of them discussing something. Sunny was trying to convince Fleur to play the piano, whilst she complained that she simply couldn't do it. Urging her to play, he instructed her to put her hooves in position on the piano and then placed his hooves on top of her as he began to show her how to place her magic to play the song. Twilight thought she was going through déjà vu all over again, as he repeated exactly what he had done with her on her first lesson. Immediately, her blood began to boil again before, she started to scold herself:

'You're jumping to conclusions Twilight! She's fully aware that Sunny is mine! He's just helping teaching her to play a song...'

However, what happened next was the same as what happened with her when she first played the piano with him. Fleur had moved closer towards him, and Sunny had jumped in surprise at the close proximity between the two. Then as he was voicing out how surprised he was, Fleur immediately captured his lips in a passionate kiss. By now, Twilight was fuming at the fact that this...this WHORE! Would be foolish enough to try and steal away another mare's stallion!

But, what happened next completely cut off her anger...and instead obliterated her heart. Sunny had begun to kiss back! He had closed his eyes and had begun to kiss Fleur back with an equal amount of passion. It really was déjà vu all over again. Except, this was a version she didn't want to be living in. Completely shocked at the sight in front of her, her mind did something she never would've expected to happen...it shut down. She couldn't think. She couldn't speak. She couldn't breathe. All she could do was stare as her entire world fell apart and was set alight, right in front of her eyes by none other than 'The Ice Queen' herself. The image that would haunt her in her dreams for many years to come.

Staggering back due to the lack of oxygen to her brain. She accidently knocked over one of the potted plants off the window sill. The sound of the pot crashing, like her heart, into several pieces against the ground, snapped her out of her moment of shock. However, it also alerted the two in the music room, to look through the door. Sunny's eyes widened as he saw a heart-broken Twilight staring at him, with tears streaming down her face. Realizing his mistake, he stood up and quickly rushed to the door.

Twilight ran. She ran away as fast as she could. Anything to distance herself away from the colt that used to mean the world to her. She heard him calling her name, telling her to wait. But, she didn't listen. She couldn't listen. How could she listen to a colt who promised her he would never leave her, and then just go and kiss another mare? How could she trust any pony again after that...? She didn't care that she ran past a shocked looking Mr.Capella with tears streaming down her face. She didn't care about anything at that moment. She just wanted to be away from everyone. Away from everything. Focusing her magic as she was still running, she disappeared in a flash of light, teleporting away to anywhere but there...

A moment later...

She appeared in a flash of white light in front of her house. Quickly, opening the front door to let herself in, before slamming it behind her. She ran up the stairs and into her room, before her Mum could ask her how her day was.

She flung herself onto her bed, laying her head face down as she cried the broken shards of her fragile heart out into the pillow. It was an hour before; she had calmed herself to make a decision of some sorts. Although, in her current state, her mind wasn't functioning as well as it normally would. She thought about the actions she was taking a lot less, instead choosing to simply go with what her emotions were telling her to do.

Drying the tears from her face, and regaining her usual composure. She left her room and went downstairs and was about to head out the door, when her mum called out to her.

"Where do you think you're off to Twilight?"

"I'm just going out for a while Mum. I need to think of how to solve a little problem I'm having..." Twilight replied.

Her mother noting the look on her daughter’s face knew not to further question her daughter any further. She trusted her daughter well enough that she'd be able to solve her own problems with a little time, and if not, she always knew that she'd be there for her if there was any problems too big for her to handle alone.

"Okay then dear. Just remember to come back home in time for dinner."

After a long pause, Twilight replied forcing a small smile, "Yeah Mum...we'll see." Before, disappearing again in a flash of white light. Now Twilight's mother couldn't help but worry after Twilight's last words.

'Please Celestia. Make sure my daughter doesn't get into too much trouble.'

It was only thirty minutes later, when Sunny was knocking on her door to ask if he could speak with Twilight.

"I'm sorry Sunny, but Twilight went out for a while. She said something about having to solve a little problem she was having."

"Oh...okay well thanks anyway Mrs. Sparkle." said Sunny as he turned to leave.

"Sunny!" she called out.

"Yes Mrs. Sparkle?"

"Is something the matter? Twilight didn't seem to happy when she came home today. Did you two have some sort of fight or something?"

"Well...I guess you could call it that. But, don't worry I will handle it."

"I know you will, Sunny." she said before, closing the door.

Sunny spent the next two hours searching everywhere they would normally hang out: the park, Joe's Doughnut Shop, the ice-cream parlor. He even tried what was probably her most favorite place in all of Equestria: Canterlot Library. But, in each and every one of those places he found hide nor hair of the purple unicorn. He looked absolutely everywhere they could've possibly been together. He resorted to asking Leon for his help in searching for Twilight.

"What on Equestria happened between you two that would cause her to just disappear?" asked Leon as the two ran across the whole of Canterlot, searching for their friend.

"Oh Leon! I did something really stupid!" choked out Sunny as tears fell from his face as he slowed to a stop to sit on a nearby bench tired of running all over the massive city.

"Oh come on Sunny, it can't have been that bad!" said Leon who sat next to Sunny trying to console his friend.

"I kissed another mare right in front of her!"

"You WHAT!"

"I know I'm such a screw-up!"

"B-but how?!"

"I don't know it just sort of happened. I was teaching her how to play piano, and then for some reason she kissed me and...and I..." choked out Sunny as his eyes let loose a flood of tears, "...I kissed her back and...she saw everything."

"Sunny how could you do that to her!" yelled Leon.

"I know! I can't believe how stupid I was to blow everything I had with Twilight, just for one kiss with another mare..." as he placed his face in his hooves and continued to cry.

Leon, feeling bad for having yelled at his friend in a time where he needed his support more than anything began to speak:
"Listen Sunny. There's no use crying over what has already been done. Look all we have to do is find her, and then you have to just to explain to her how sorry you are. You know Twilight, she's a reasonable girl. She may give you a second chance..." he finished with a smile trying to restore some hope to the dire situation Sunny was faced with.

Sunny lifting his head out of his hooves, couldn't help but crack a small smile at his friend, "Thanks for your help man...I don't know what I'd do without you..."

"No worries man!" said Leon as he patted his friend on the back to further console him/ Suddenly, an idea hit him, as he then continued, "Sunny, did Twilight leave any sort of clue as to where she could be? Knowing her, she'd be the kind of person to do something like that."

"I-I don't know. At least I don't think she left any sort of clue..." began Sunny as he closed his eyes trying to think back to earlier in the day. Back to something, anything that could perhaps give a hint to where she was. Memories of the day flashed in his mind, as he looked back to his discussion with Mrs. Sparkle. Something she said sparked something in his mind:

'I'm sorry Sunny, but Twilight went out for a while. She said something about having to solve a little problem she was having. '

Her words echoed in his mind, as an earlier memory was triggered by just a few words. A memory of him talking to Twilight, as a young colt as he said:

'...This is where I go when I need some time to think to myself. To solve a problem I might be having....'

His eyes snapped open, as he realized where Twilight was, before face-hoofing at not having look there of all places already.

"I know where she is!"

"Great, let's go get her then!" exclaimed Leon.

"I'm sorry Leon, but I feel I need to speak to her alone..."

Whilst Leon was slight taken aback at the words of his friend, he did however, understandingly realize his friend was probably right about this. So with a pat on the shoulder he said, "Okay man! Just do what you have to make sure she's alright."

He gave one last call of good luck before, he began to walk back home. Sunny couldn't believe how he managed to wind up with such a great and understanding friend. However, deciding to not waste any more time, he began to focus his magic to his horn, and soon he had vanished in a flash of white light, teleporting to where Twilight would be.

Re-appearing at the location, he began to look around to see where Twilight was. He had teleported to his secret hideaway that he had shown Twilight on the first day of school. Looking around he initially sighed in relief to see the form of the purple unicorn several meters away from him. However, his eyes then widened in horror when he saw where she was standing.

Twilight stood on top of one of the many parapets that were placed on top of the wall, to stop any pony from falling off. She stared at the brightly lit city of Canterlot which glittered beautifully against the dark backdrop of the night sky. Twilight stood on the very edge of the parapet, nothing to stop her from taking another step and falling down the hundred foot height of the wall. Her eyes red from the many hours of shedding tear after sorrowful tear. But, she was no longer crying, her face seemed completely blank of any emotion, as she stare deeply into the night sky, where the stars glittered wonderfully.

"Twilight..." began Sunny weakly.

"You were right..." said Twilight quietly.

"Twilight...?" croaked Sunny now confused.

"The view really is beautiful at night." she said before, continuing, "I always did want to see something beautiful before I died."

Sunny's eyes widened as he yelled, "Twilight don't do it!"

Twilight couldn't help but laugh manically at his reaction. It was a laugh that sent shivers down Sunny's spine. A laugh that was unlike the Twilight he had known for six years. It was unlike anything he had heard in his life before. It was the laugh of a monster.

"Don't think I would've jumped in the past two and a half hours that you spent trying to find me?!"

Sunny fell silent at this, as Twilight continued.

"I've spent these past two and a half hours trying to bring myself to end my life here...", tears began to run down her face as she continued, "But, I can't do it...even when I've lost nearly all that I thought I held dearest to me...even when I lost the one and only pony that I thought could understand me for who I am...when the pony I entrusted with my heart...my soul...my everything...betrayed my trust and destroyed all of that to be with another...How can I still think of living...when I've lost everything I've ever held dear to me?! TELL ME!" Twilight ended screaming before breaking down into even more tears.
"Tell me..." she said quietly in between sobs.

Sunny by this time was also in tears. Yet, his tears were silent as he knew Twilight need the answers she wanted, lest, her already fragile mind cracked even further and caused her to jump. That was something he knew he had to stop and so he had to be strong. Not just for his sake but, for her sake as well.

"You're forgetting your parents..."

Twilight turned her face to look at Sunny, as she began to listen to Sunny's answer. He continued:

"You still have your family to think about Twilight. You haven't lost your family, and you never will! Think about what your parents would think if you did jump. Imagine, for one second how they would feel Twilight!"

Twilight looked down to see the massive drop below her as she began to think of her parents. Seeing that he was getting through to her rational side, he continued:

"You're also forgetting about the other ponies in your life that care about you! I'm just one pony! Think about all of your friends at school! Imagine what they'd feel if you suddenly vanished from their lives!"

At this, Twilight responded angrily, "I didn't need any other pony in my life! I had you! You were my best friend! I thought I could trust you with my life! But, then you went and betrayed my trust! You broke your promise to me! The very same promise you made to me right here! The promise of how you would never leave me! Did those words mean nothing to you?!"

Sunny's own anger began to grow as he started to raise his voice, "Of course those words meant something to me! Don't you understand how much in love I am with you?"

"Oh really! Sure didn't look like that when you kissed Fleur now did it!"

"You know as well as I do that I never meant for any of that to happen!"

"Oh I do know! It's just that you never meant to suddenly kiss her back!"

"Now that isn't fair Twilight!" yelled Sunny as he began to move towards her. However, Twilight was having none of it! Using her magic, she fired a burst of magical energy that connected with Sunny's head, sending him back a few feet, falling in a heap on the balcony floor.

"You'll stay exactly where you are, otherwise I will jump!" yelled Twilight, completely serious about carrying her threat through.

Blood had begun to trickle down his head from the cut across his head he received from Twilight's magical attack. Now he realizing that he was letting his temper get the better of him, and now wasn't the time for that. He had to put Twilight's safety first before anything else. He took several deep breaths before saying with new tears beginning to form in his eyes:

"Listen, Twilight I'm sorry! I know what I've done was wrong. But, I can't say anything that can change what I've done...believe me if I could I most definitely would! It just...happened...Look, I know you may never want to speak to me ever again after this....I'll be happy with that! I just can't bear to see you get hurt...because of my own stupidity. So please Twilight...please...let's just go home..." he choked out those final words as he got on his knees to beg Twilight, "Please Twilight...please..."

Twilight wished she could believe in Sunny's words. She really did. But, after what betraying her trust. She just didn't know whether or not she could believe in his words. They may for all she knows be just that: words. Words with no meaning behind them whatsoever.

"I'm sorry Sunny...I'm so sorry." muttered Twilight, as she began to walk towards the edge of the parapet.

Sunny's teary eyes widened as he struggled to think of anything he could do to stop her from falling over the edge.

Suddenly, he yelled out the first thing that came to his head:

"Your dream!"

Twilight froze in place, one hoof dangling over the edge. Knowing now, that he had her attention he knew this was probably his last chance to save her. So wiping away his tears he began:

"What about becoming Princess Celestia's apprentice?! You've worked so hard for the past six years to be ready for becoming her apprentice! it's a once in a lifetime opportunity, where only an extremely gifted pony could hope to achieve! Your dream gave those around you the hope they needed to be able to achieve their own dreams...mine included!" Twilight turned her head to face Sunny once again. This action urged him to continue speaking:

"Your dream gave your parents so much pride to call you their daughter!" Twilight's was now having an internal conflict within herself as to whether she could really believe in Sunny's words
"Think about how much work you've put in to get this far to your dream Twilight! Think about all those ponies who are expecting you to fulfill your dream! Think of all the hopes and dreams that have come about because of your own, and that are even now willingly supporting you to achieve your own! Think about all of those things Twilight! All those ponies are out there believing that you'll achieve great things! So don't throw all of their hopes, dreams and beliefs away, over one stupid pony!"

Twilight's eyes widened at that last remark to himself.

"My love is not worth, all of the things you have supporting your dream Twilight! So what if I broke your heart! You have all of those ponies out there ready to support you! It's certainly not the end for you, just because of this one thing. Whatever happens...life has to go on." Those last words would forever ring in Twilight's ears.

"Sunny about my dream-" Twilight began. However, she was quickly interrupted by Sunny who continued to speak:

"So forget me! Forget we ever even had a relationship together! Forget that I even exist! As long as it means you'll continue to live through your dreams! Then you still have something incredibly important to live your life for. So please...don't throw your life away, because of me...Don't be a coward!" he yelled out the last sentence to her, hoping that he had finally gotten through to her.

Twilight simply stared, with tears still flowing freely from her eyes, at Sunny as he finished his last heart-felt plea to stop her from ending her life. She shivered as she began to utter out:


At this Sunny was confused until Twilight began to continue, "Why do you persist on trying to save me, even after you hurt me. Even after, I attacked you and even tried to stop you from saving me! What motivation do you have left to even think of saving me?!"

"Twilight..." began Sunny with a small chuckle, "Even if I may have failed you as your coltfriend. I am still, and will always be a friend to you and a good friend never lets another friend commit suicide over anything!"

At this both Twilight couldn't help but chuckle at the brashness of Sunny's remark. That was Sunny for you. Even in the most direst of situations, he could always find some way to make her laugh. That was one of the reasons, why she had loved him.

"Sunny I-AHHHH!" began Twilight before, she had accidently lost her footing and fell over backwards, over the edge of the parapet and began her long hundred foot descent towards the ground.

"TWILIGHT!" yelled Sunny as he immediately ran and jumped over the parapets himself without so much as a second thought, going over the edge to try and save Twilight.

The air rushed through both their manes as they both fell faster and faster through the air. The cold, hard, ground coming closer and closer to meet the two young ponies. Twilight's screams filled the air as Sunny finally caught up with Twilight, and held onto her tight. There were only a few more seconds before; the two would meet their end. Closing his eyes, he focused on the one spell that could potentially save their lives. All of the pressure he was under, meant that the spell had a large chance of failing. But, it was either that small chance of it succeeding to save their lives, or they would meet their untimely ends.

A red aura erupted from his horn and began to surround the two, slowing their descent right down until; they eventually came to a complete stop. Opening his eyes slowly, to see that the both of them were still thankfully alive! Although, his eyes widened when he realized that they were barely levitating a foot off the ground.

'Damn! Don't cut it so close next time!'

Using his spell to levitate the remainder of the very short distance to the ground safely, holding onto Twilight very tightly, making sure to never let her go. Twilight could not help but stare at her savior through teary eyes. She didn't deserve to be saved by him. Not after the way she nearly rejected his pleas to her not to jump herself. Nor, when she even attacked him using her magic, to stop him from trying to save her. Despite, all of that when she did fall by accident, he jumped after her to save her with no thought for his own safety, only hers. It was a wonder how he could have possibly cheated on her.

"Twilight you’re not hurt in any way are you?" Sunny asked seriously worried about Twilight's wellbeing, whilst checking her over to make sure she didn't have even a scratch on her. Twilight could feel the tears starting to return to her eyes. But, she chose to hold them back, as she simply nodded her head to Sunny's question.

"Oh thank Celestia!" sighed Sunny as she pulled Twilight into a hug. He then continued to say in her ear, "You scared the crap out of me! Promise me you won't do anything like that again!"

As he came out of the hug, she looked to see Twilight crying.

"Twilight what's wro-WOAH!" began Sunny before, he Twilight hugged him tightly crying against his chest.

After a few seconds he relaxed into her embrace, and began stoking her flowing violet mane whilst whispering words of comfort into her ear. It was about half an hour before; Twilight had calmed down enough to begin to speak.

"Thank you..."

"It's nothing Twilight I-"

"NO! It's not 'nothing' Sunny! You risked your life to save me; even after all I put you through. You didn't deserve to go through all that, even if you cheated on me with Fleur...That didn't deserve me having to fire a magic bolt at your head...Look what I'm trying to say is...I'm sorry for putting you through all of that. I should've known you better than to think you didn't care about me anymore...I guess it took me falling a hundred feet to what should've been my death to show me that I still care deeply for you. So I just wanted to say...if you were willing to of course...whether we could...you know...get back together again?" Twilight looked to the ground hoping that Sunny would be willing to give her a second chance.

Celestia, how much Sunny wanted to just say yes to her right that moment! However, after everything that the both of them had been through tonight. He decided to make a very important decision.


Twilight looked up to see Sunny's serious face looking at her. She had truly forgiven him for everything that he did to her today. Yet, he had chosen not to forgive her for harming him, and even putting his own life in danger. Whilst, she had never expected him to accept her apology with no hesitation. She was still shocked, as she thought Sunny would be a little more understanding about the whole situation than this.

"The reason, why I don't think we should go out anymore, isn't because of anything that happened today."

"Then why?"

"Well think about it. If we're like over the first moment a problem presents itself in our relationship, then what would happen the next time a problem happened? It may not end like it did today. Maybe one or both of us, may not survive next time."

"But, I'm willing to take that risk to be with you! Besides, we can use tonight as a learning step so nothing like this can ever happen again." Twilight said confidently believing that things between the two could still work out.

"Okay, but then there's another problem."

"And what's that?"

"Our dreams."

"What about our dreams?"

"Think about it Twilight. Your dream is to become Princess Celestia's most well renown apprentice! Whilst, mine is to become a famous singer/song writer! We've both already begun to take steps into achieving our respective dreams. You've already gotten your place as Celestia's apprentice, and are now just preparing to have enough knowledge to be able to train alongside her here in Canterlot. Me on the other hand, I've applied to study at Manehattan's Music Academy for the Gifted, to continue to pursue my own dream. You see Twilight! Our dreams are going to end up taking us apart from one another, and you know what they say about long-distance relationships. They never work out in the end." Sunny finished hanging his head down knowing that what he said held too much truth in it.

"Yeah but I..." Twilight began but stopped herself. It seemed to Sunny that Twilight had finally registered his argument for not staying together. However, she had stopped herself from telling him something else. Something else that was very important.

"You see. It's just easier to break up now whilst we still have a valid reason to break up. I mean if we continued to go out. it would only be harder for when we really would have to break up...We can still be really good friends though...Like it used to be...you know...before we went out and all."

Twilight knew right then, that Sunny really only did have her feelings in mind when it came to all this. He knew that she wouldn't be able to handle it when the two did eventually break up to pursue their respective dreams. It did make sense to rip the plaster of break-up now, and keep it ripped off so that there would be less pain than if they were to let the scars of their love heal, only to be ripped open again. It really was just better this way.

However, even though she knew that was without doubt the best thing to do in the current situation. Her heart was screaming at her telling her to say that this was madness! It was telling her how her life would be without Sunny's love, would be meaningless. Dream or no dream. But, Twilight squashed these feelings for what was the umpteenth time today, as she chose to follow the idea that would benefit the two of them the most.

"O-okay then...well I guess this is it between us..."

"I guess it is..."

The atmosphere around the two of them couldn't have been anymore awkward.

"Well I guess I'll be off then" spoke up Twilight as she got up off the ground, and onto her hooves.

"I'll take you home." Sunny got up as well, and proceeded to walk Twilight back to her house.

It was half an hour of awkward silence, as the two ponies walked side by side under the starry night sky, towards home. Neither pony could even look at each other, as the events of what happened that night stayed freshly burnt into their memories, and would stay there for the rest of their lives...

When, Mrs. Sparkle opened the door she immediately rushed out and pulled Twilight into a bone crushing hug.

"Where in Equestria have you been Twilight Sparkle! You had us worried sick about you!" she cried into her daughter's shoulder.

"It's okay Mum! I'm fine can't you see..."

Soon Twilight's father came out to the doorway, and seeing her daughter returning to them safe and sound, she quickly wrapped his own hooves around her.

"Twilight don't you ever go off anywhere again, without telling us where you're off to first!" her dad said to her in their embrace.

Sunny couldn't help but smile, at the reuniting of the family. Turning around he began to walk away from the happy family, before the voice of Twilight's mum called out to him, "Sunny!"

Sunny turned around to face Mrs. Sparkle, "Oh my Celestia what happened! You're bleeding!"

'Damn it! I forgot to clean out the cut before coming here!'

"Oh it's nothing really just a small cut..."

"JUST a small cut! Sunny! Half of your face is covered in blood! Come inside quickly so we can get you patched up before it gets infected!"

Grabbing him by the hoof, she quickly brought him inside to the kitchen, sitting him down on one of their chairs, she quickly went to fetch the first aid kit, she just happened to have in the house in case of emergencies.

Whilst, she was gone Twilight walked into the kitchen, her father having now left to go to work at the Canterlot Observatory, relieved knowing that his daughter was safe.

Taking a seat beside him she began to talk, "This is all my fault...If I hadn't over-reacted and attacked you, you wouldn't be injured right now..." Her ears drooped as she stared at the table top not being able to look at Sunny for fear of feeling even more guilty than she already was.

"Don't worry about it Twilight, it looks worse than it actually is. Besides, I would take a lot more than this before, I'd even let you so much as get a scratch on yourself..."

Soon Mrs. Sparkle, came into the kitchen to see the two ponies talking. Knowing what she had to do, she called out to Twilight:

"Twilight why don't you go ahead and fix up Sunny dear. After all, I can see you two need a bit of privacy to talk to one another. I'll be in the living room if you need me." she finished with a wink before exiting the kitchen, leaving the first aid kit, on the table. She was clearly still oblivious to what had happened that night.

Twilight knew she wouldn't be able to argue with her mother without seeming to be rude in front of Sunny. So with a small sigh, she opened up the kit, and got some wet wipes. She proceeded to wipe away all of the blood off of Sunny's face. So of it had dried and so too a bit of effort to get off. The whole situation was awkward, being so close to a pony that only moments ago you had broken up with. Eventually, she finished cleaning up his face, much to her relief.

She could see the scar that she had inflicted upon him. It ran from the top left hand corner of his forehead diagonally through his left eyebrow and all the way down to his right cheek. Whilst, the cut was quite large, it wasn't that deep and so should hopefully heal without any serious scarring.

Grabbing an alcohol free wipe, she proceeded to clean the cut before it could get infected. Making sure not to use the alcohol as a disinfectant, as she was taught by her mother as it could damage the skin.

Soon, Twilight had finished patching up Sunny, it took all of her will power to not laugh at Sunny's face. As it would've be rude and inappropriate, as she was the one who caused him the injury. The plaster that were applied along the cut, made seemed to split Sunny's face into two, with just a border of plasters, sectioning of the two sides.

Looking in a mirror at Twilight's handiwork, Sunny couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous he looked. His laughter broke the tense atmosphere in the kitchen, as Twilight couldn't help but catch on to the infectious laughter. Soon, when both of them had grown tired of laughing, Sunny began to speak up:

"Well...I'll guess I'll be seeing you at school on Monday?"

"Yeah I guess..."

"Well then...I'll see you then." finished Sunny rather awkwardly, as he began to walk out of the kitchen towards the front door.

Twilight quickly followed him to see him out. As Sunny, walked away from Twilight's front door he gave one look behind him, to see Twilight staring at him in her doorway. Her eyes showing him she wanted to say something, but her lips remained silent. Turning around once more, he walked away never looking back.

Things between the two slowly got better. It had become a lot less awkward to talk with one another, as days went by. Although, it did take another couple of months before things had returned back to when they were good friends. Before, they had even had the idea of going out together. Time soon flew fast after those initial two months, and soon graduation day had arrived.

Graduation Day...

All the ponies of the final year, sat along a row of chairs that were place in front of a huge stage which had a large lectern on it. In front of the lectern was the school's coat of arms: three unicorn horns crossed over one another, with a motto underneath the horns written on a gold banner. It read: 'Exceed Expectations. Turn Dreams into Reality.'

Soon Princess Celestia herself appeared in a flash of white light up onto the stage behind the lectern. Every pony stood up from their seats in respect to the ruler of Equestria and, more importantly the headmistress to the school.

"Ladies, gentlecolts, students and, faculty of this school. I am proud to say that this year has seen many ponies exceed their expectations, and many moving that one step closer to turning their dreams into reality..." began Princess Celestia. Soon the rest of the ceremony quickly move ahead. Until, it came down the last two ponies names to be called out.

"Now I'd like to call Starbuck Sunrise up onto the stage to receive his graduation certificate, please." Applause erupted from the crowd as Sunny made his way up onto the stage, waving to the crowd as he went up, earning him another round of cheers from the crowd. Then he shook hooves with the Princess, whilst she handed him his certificate. However, as he was about to proceed to walk off the stage just as his fellow classmates did, Princess Celestia held him back. "I'd like you to stay on stage with me" she whispered into his ear before, speaking to the crowd again.

"This pony is a living embodiment to the motto this school was founded upon. He's worked incredibly hard to get to where he is today. From the very beginning at his entrance exam where he impressed enough to earn himself a scholarship here. Right up until now where he's achieved one of the highest grade percentages across the school years that this school has ever seen! This pony has worked hard as Head Colt to help with the running of the school. All of his hard work has finally paid off as he has now received an offer to study at Manehattan's Music Academy for the Gifted! A music academy where many famous musician, artists, song writers and other famous celebrities have gone to study. The very same school that 'The Pony of Pop'; Sapphire Shores herself studied. This is a large step for him to achieve his dream of becoming a successful song writer. So on behalf of all your friends, and from all the members of staff at the school. I wish you the best of luck in achieving your dreams and, to let you know that we're all one hundred percent behind you!"

Immediately after Celestia's heart-felt speech every pony in the audience stood up and clapped. Some cheered, others began chanting his name. Sunny struggled to hold back the tears that threatened to form. All of these ponies truly believed that he could achieve what he had already worked so hard to get close to. To know that all of these ponies were behind him every step of the way, gave him confidence that he would one day fulfill his dream.

"Now, now every pony settle down! We still have one more pony that needs recognition!" Celestia called out.

The crowd immediately sat back down and became quiet as Celestia continued, "Now, Starbuck here would've also won the coveted 'Student of the Year' award, due to his incredibly high average percentage which he achieved in his final ten exams of ninety-four point seven percent! It would've been his too, that is if it wasn't for our final pony of this ceremony! Having achieved a hundred percent in six out of ten of her final exams to boost her average percentage up to ninety-five point two percent! A difference of half a percent! That's five marks! Now, I'd like to now call up Miss Twilight Sparkle to receive her graduation certificate and the coveted 'Student of the Year' Award!"

If the crowd's reaction to Sunny's entrance was loud. Then the reaction for Twilight's entrance was deafening! The crowd roared as Twilight made her way onto the stage, to shake hooves with her idol! As she received her certificate from Princess Celestia she couldn't help but think that this was probably one of the most proudest moments of her life. Celestia then used her magic to make a trophy appear from thin air, before levitating it towards Twilight who graciously accepted the award. It took a few minutes to get the crowd to calm down enough for Celestia to begin talking about Twilight.

"She has worked extremely hard throughout the past six years of attending this school, to get to where she is today." Looking towards Twilight who was now blushing at the compliments her idol was giving HER or all ponies! Celestia continued,

"I remember when I first had the pleasure of meeting her as a small filly, at her entrance exam. It was to say the most...memorable...of entrance exams I've ever come across." At this Twilight blushed even more, as a number of the staff members including those that were marking her exam chuckled at the recollection of the memory.

"To see her now and compare her to what she was like back then. She has grown into a fine young mare that can be proud of what she has achieved. Her achievements are so great in fact, that I have personally decided to take her under my wing and, have given her the offer of becoming my apprentice to which she has graciously accepted." At this loads of gasps of amazement came from the crowd as this piece of news was completely new to a lot of the ponies in the crowd. However, this amazement was shortly followed by more applause.

"I know that she will make me proud as her new mentor and, I hope you will all wish her the best as she will be starting her new duties as my apprentice from the day after tomorrow, going with me on my travels around the Kingdom, learning everything I have to teach her!" More applause erupted from the crowd along with a few cheers from a few ponies!

Soon after this, the ceremony came to a close. However, Princess Celestia still had one last thing she wanted to ask the two ponies:

"I wish to continue the tradition of taking a picture with the 'Student of the Year! However, due to level of excellence that both of you have shown, I believe I can make an exception and take a picture with both of you!"

The photographer lined up the camera as the three ponies got ready to take their picture taken. Princess Celestia standing in the middle, with her apprentice on her right hand side and Sunny on her left. All of them smiled as their picture was taken.

"Now I'm sorry I have to leave so soon! But, I need to attend an important meeting in Trottingham!" she then turned to Twilight, "I'll be seeing you the day after tomorrow, for your first lesson!" Shortly, after this she disappeared in another flash of white light.

Sunny began to talk to Twilight, taking off his graduate cap off, "Congrats again, on winning 'Student of the Year'! You really did deserve it!"

"Yeah I guess..." said Twilight as she trailed off.

Sensing something was wrong Sunny asked, "What's wrong?"

"This is it, isn't it...the end."

"Oh hush now Twilight! This is not the end. Think of this more as the beginning of our new lives!" said Sunny as he looked up to see a sunny clear blue sky, "This is a time where we should be happy! Happy to know that now anything is possible for us!"

Twilight also began to look up to the sky and couldn't help but smile. Even if Sunny did spout out sentimental rubbish half the time. He always did know how to make her feel better.

"Besides, we're never going to forget each other...right?" spoke up Sunny snapping Twilight out of her thoughts.

Twilight cracked a small smile, "Yeah, you know I'll never forget you."

"Promise?" said Sunny as he held out his hoof for a hoofshake.

Twilight firmly shook his hoof, "I promise Sunny."

Those were the final words that the two of them shared together, before they were both split apart from both their friends and families who wanted to capture the glorious moment of their graduation in photos. After, that day they had both went their separate ways to fulfill their dreams. That was the last that the two ponies saw of each other. Until, today that is...

Back in the present time...

The image of the memory began to fade away again, as the imaging spell finally disappeared into the air. The pink frame dissolving like a statue made of sand would in the wind.

Every pony was silent as the memories they saw had finished.

"You see girls! If it wasn't for Sunny! I wouldn't even be here today! I owe my life to him and, when you girls tried to harm him without knowing the full truth, I guess I kind of got mad! So I'm sorry about that...", finished Twilight as she look down to the floor embarrassed at the thought of maybe over-reacting to the girl's behavior.

"Oh no, no, no, Twilight! There's simply no need for you to be apologizing! I feel that we should be the ones to apologize to both you and Sunny for rushing to conclusions before, we knew the full story between you two!" Rarity began, as she turned to Sunny and continued, "I'm sincerely sorry Sunny! Can you ever forgive me for acting so...so...barbaric?!"

"Yeah, Rarity is right. We did kind of act like jerks to you. Sorry about that..." said Rainbow Dash sheepishly.

"Yeah sugarcube, we kinda did jump the wagon a bit there. Hope you can forgive us..." added Applejack.

"Don't worry girls, you're all forgiven. Being honest, I thought I deserved every bit of what I was going to get after breaking her heart like that..."

"Actually, now that you mention it that springs a question to my mind?" said Rarity relieved that she was forgiven.
Suddenly, the clock chimed signaling that it was midnight.

"Oh my gosh! Is that the time?! I need to get back to Sweet Apple Acres! I need to wake up bright and early for work tomorrow!" cried Applejack, as she quickly began to rush towards the door. She then turned around to face every pony as she said, "Am sorry about all this! But, I really need to get back to the farm!", she then turned to Sunny, "It was nice meeting you to Sunny! Feel free to come over to Sweet Apple Acres anytime!". At last, she opened the door and went out leaving a cloud of dust behind her.

"Oh Celestia! Abigail! I forgot all about her, she's probably starving at home! I need to get home as well! Thank you Fluttershy for inviting to this day out. It was nice to meet you all! I'll see you later guys!" called out Sunny as he disappeared in a flash of white light teleporting back home.

"Abigail...?" Twilight said out loud, as she couldn't help feel a twinge of jealousy at the thought of Sunny moving on and finding another girl.

Fluttershy realizing what her friend was probably thinking quickly squashed any feeling of jealousy in Twilight's heart as she said, "Abigail is his dog's name, Twilight."

"Oh." Twilight said, although inwardly she breathed a sigh of relief, before she also said, "I guess I should also be heading back home as well. Spike is probably worried about me being gone out so long. Thank you so much Fluttershy, for inviting us into your home!"

"Oh please, it's my pleasure Twilight! Come back anytime..." Fluttershy squeaked out
Saying her last goodbyes to the remaining ponies, she soon disappeared in a flash of white light teleporting to her own humble abode.

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie shortly followed after exiting the cottage, to get some well-earned rest. So that they could start the new day with enough energy to continue to train, and got to work, respectively.

That left only Rarity and Fluttershy at her cottage. Rarity was slightly annoyed that she didn't have any time to ask Sunny her all important question. However, her eyes soon began to get heavy as she was way too tired to keep her mind focused on the question that plagued her mind.

"Well Fluttershy, it was certainly a most interesting day today! Who knows what tomorrow will bring now that Sunny has come to town?" said Rarity as she also made her way out of the door, "Thank you so much for dinner tonight as well!"

"Oh it's quite alright Rarity. After all, we're all good friends and, that's how friends should treat one another!"

"Well again, I thank you for your hospitality. I'll see you later." Rarity as she walked out the door and, walked all the way back to Carousel Boutique seeing as she wasn't that proficient at using a 'Teleportation' Spell yet.

However, the question she had remained in her mind:

'Why did Sunny cheat on Twilight to begin with...?'

Meanwhile on the other side of Ponyville...

Two pegasus ponies had just arrived at an inn on the other side of Ponyville.

"A room for two please." said one of the two pegasus ponies.

"Certainly. Can I have your name to book the room under sir?" asked the concierge.

"Of course. My name is Leon. Leon Christo."

Well I hope this was a good enough ending to leave you guys on! Please do leave a comment for this fic! Telling me what you thought of this chapter. Was it good? Was it bad? I personally thought I rushed it a little bit! But, I'd still like to hear your opinions on how this chapter went! So Until then all I have left to say is: BlackSpire out! ^_^