• Published 13th Jan 2012
  • 2,261 Views, 42 Comments

A New Arrival! - BlackSpire

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"This is actual speech."
'These are my thoughts.'
This is a time skip...

Three years later...

Sunny and Twilight had become inseparable since the events of the first day they had met. Many ponies already thought of them as a couple. Despite, the fact that they were told by both Sunny and Twilight that they were just 'really close friends'. But, as Sunny thought back to all the fond memories he had of just him and Twilight together, over the past three years. He realized that he had fallen for her quite badly without even realizing it until now. So he decided he was going to act on these feelings and tell Twilight just how he felt. He decided the best way to do this was through asking her out to the school dance next Friday night.

It was the last year for those ponies that didn't want to go ahead with further study, and were going to leave at the end of that school year. Whilst, both Sunny and Twilight had opted for two years of further study, they still had to go to the dance so that they could say goodbye to their friends.

He had been trying the best part of two weeks trying to build up the courage to ask her. But, each time he tried something always stopped him from asking the question and he would instead ask her another question just to avoid looking like an idiot.

A now taller, leaner and slightly more muscular Sunny could be seen walking down one of the many busy streets of Canterlot. He carried a bag full of books making his way over to Twilight's house. Because, today they were going to have a study session for tomorrow's big test on 'Equestrian History' for their end of year exams. This was the last of 15 exams that they had taken for the past month. This was also the day where after many hours of building up his courage he would finally ask Twilight out to the dance.

'I'm not going to shy away from asking her out this time. Today, will be the day I tell her what I truly feel about her!" he thought as he walked up to Twilight's front door and knocked firmly on the solid oak three times. Soon after, the door opened to reveal a white unicorn with lilac and white hair, light blue eyes and three purple stars as her cutie mark; the unicorn was Twilight's mother.

"Oh hello there Sunny! Twilight's upstairs in her room," she told him with a smile before continuing, "How was that vegetable casserole I gave you?"

"It was delicious as always Mrs. Sparkle!" replied Sunny before taking out a clean casserole dish from his bag, "Thanks again for the food!"

Having moved away from his family in Manehattan to study in Canterlot meant he had to live in the student accommodation the school provided. Visiting Twilight's house often meant that he had become very good friends with her parents as well. Mrs. Sparkle would give him some packed food to take with him to eat back at his accommodation every time he came to visit.

"Oh please Sunny there's no need for thanks! The number of times you come over here to study with our little Twilight! You're like the son I never had..." she said before realizing how awkward the situation had become. She then continued, "Also, how many times do I have to tell you! You don't need to clean any of the dishes I give you!" she said as she took the sparklingly clean casserole dish off of him,

"Well Mrs. Sparkle it's the least I could do, seeing as you give me such wonderful food to eat! I don't think I could live a week without having some of your cooking." he said rather seriously, the food they provided at the accommodation bordered between 'inedible' and 'death on a plate' and shivered at the thought of eating that food again.

Mrs. Sparkle simply chuckled and said as she ruffled Sunny's hair, "Flattery will get you everywhere Sunny! I'm glad at least someone appreciates my cooking. Wish the same could be said for Sirius..."

"Oh I'm sure Mr. Sparkle does appreciate your cooking Mrs. Sparkle!"

"Hmm sometimes I just can't help wonder about that stallion! You never can tell what he's thinking...Anyway you best head on upstairs. Twilight is probably waiting for you to start studying."

"Okay Mrs. Sparkle, and thanks again!" Sunny called out before making his way upstairs.

'He is such a nice colt! I really don't see why Twilight doesn't just go out with him. He'd make such a nice son-in-law...' Mrs. Sparkle thought to herself before continuing to do the washing.

Meanwhile, upstairs in her room Twilight was starting to get really annoyed.

'Where in Equestria Is that colt!' she thought as the door silently opened, 'He had better have a good reason for being half an hour late!'

Just as she finished thinking this her eyes were covered by a pair of hooves from behind. "Guess who?" asked Sunny.

"Sunny! Where have you been we were meant to start studying half an hour ago!" she scolded him.

"Ah you worry too much Twi! I mean it's not like you're going to fail Miss. '97.8% average in all subjects last year!'" he said as he sat on a chair and started to take out his books.

"That's not the point Sunny! We need to revise for this test on 'Equestrian History'. Besides, you're one to talk about averages Mr. '98.9% average in all subjects last year!'" she finished whilst mimicking the way Sunny had said it to her.

Ever since becoming friends with Twilight. Sunny had developed enough confidence in his academic abilities that he no longer felt he needed to cut back marks without fear of not making friends...Besides, he couldn't let Twilight get the better of him in exams.

"Hey you know as well as I do that I've already learnt all of this stuff last year! Whilst you guys were still studying the History of Cloudsdale..." he said in a huff.

"Exactly! Which is why I need you to help me study for this test!"

"And what do I get for helping you?" he said with a smirk. Of course he was only joking, he would always help his friends in need no matter what.

However, Twilight smirked as she moved close to him and whispered something into his ear. No sooner had she finished what she had said; his face turned bright red with images of both of them doing certain 'things' to each other running through his head. Once she had seen his reaction to what she had said she began to laugh:

"Honestly Sunny! Three years of hanging out together and you still act like such an innocent little colt!"

"Well what kind of young filly goes around, talking dirty like that?" he said as his face quickly returned to normal colour. "I wonder what your parents would think if they found out about how 'innocent' their 'little angel' really was?" he ended with a smirk.

Twilight face changed from a mischievous grin to one full of genuine worry, "You wouldn't dare!"

"I think I might!"

"Please don't Sunny! If they found out about their 'little angel' talking dirty they'd kill me! You of all ponies know that!" she now started to plead.

"Relax Twi! You know I would never do that to you." he grinned at her as she sighed in relief. "Anyway let's get back to work..." he started "...we'll start with the Great Griffin Rebellion in Canterlot...". He then proceeded to dictate everything he knew about Equestrian History whilst Twilight would sit and take notes and occasionally corrected him when he made a mistake.

A few hours later...

"Damn my head hurts from all this studying!" moaned Twilight.

"Really mine's just fine." said Sunny as he bit into an apple whilst he was packing his bags to leave.

"That's because all you've been doing is making little changes to your already near perfect notes!" she complained to which he simply responded to with a chuckle before deciding to ask her the big question before he left.

It was now getting quite dark outside with the night sky painted with stars that glowed brightly in the pitch black sky, as he was taken back to the front door by Twilight he decided now was the best time to ask about the dance. Little did he know Twilight's mother was listening in on them from an upstairs window.

"Uhm...Twi...can I...uhm...ask you something...important?" he asked as he was now outside the front door.

'Damn it you idiot! You've known her for 3 years now! Stop being such a coward and tell her how you feel about her!'

"Yeah sure Sunny what is it?" asked Twilight slightly confused.

"Twilight Sparkle, you..." he began before he began, before he start to choke on his own words.

'Come on! Why are you hesitating just go on and say it already!'

"I what?" Twilight said now even more confused at her best friend's strange behaviour.

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath he began to speak slowly:

"Twilight Sparkle, you have been the most amazing friend a pony could ever ask for...You've been there for me through good times and bad...You would never let me fall into the deep, dark pit of sorrow and self-pity whenever life got me down...You always brought me back from the brink of despair and made more stronger than before. I don't deserve to have a friend like you...and yet I do. It's been three years since I've been grace with the fortunate event of meeting you for the first time...Those three years have probably been some of the best years of my life..."

"Sunny..." began Twilight as if to interrupt.

"No Twilight please let me finish! Otherwise, I will never be able to tell you what I really think about you!" he said causing her to fall silent.

He then continued, "Those years have been some of the best in my life...because you were there...with me...Meeting you has been one of the best things to happen to me...I've grown stronger both physically and mentally because of you...look, what I'm really trying to say is that I..." he said starting to struggle with his throat drying up and a massive lump stopping from completing his sentence.

'Tell her for Celestia's sake! Otherwise you'll never be able to live with yourself if you don't do it now!'

Finally, after what felt like an eternity something inside him snapped as a burden was lifted off him as he quietly said, "I love you."

Twilight for words was shocked at what she thought she had heard, so to be sure she asked, "W-what was that again?"

With his eyes now full of confidence he said with much more confidence, "I love you Twilight Sparkle and I'd be most honored if you could give me the chance to prove to you just how much I'm in love with you by asking you to be my date for the school dance tonight." he finally finished his speech. He had put all of his heart and soul into conveying his feelings for Twilight in that one speech; those few words.

A silence followed Sunny's plea of love which he took for bad news, with a disappointed sigh and tears starting to form in his eyes he choked out "I'm sorry, if I wasted your time Twilight. I wish you a good night," before turning around and starting to walk off to face the icy, cold hands of rejection.

Just as he was walking away he heard Twilight's voice call out "Sunny wait!".

'Great! How can this get any worse?!'

Now annoyed Sunny turned around and yelled "What is it now?" as Twilight made her way out towards him.

"You forgot something..." Twilight said rather quietly.

"No I hav-" he began to say before he was cut off as Twilight brought him into a deep kiss.

Sunny's eyes were wide in shock at first. But he then began to relax and close his eyes as they both settled into their first kiss. It felt as if time itself had gone into a standstill for that single moment, where they both were just happy and content to be in one another's presence. It felt like an eternity had passed them by when they broke their kiss when in reality it only lasted a few seconds.

Twilight bringing herself closer to Sunny gave him one final hug before whispering in his ear, "I will be your date for the dance Sunny. Good night.". She then gave him one last kiss on the cheek before heading back into her house and closing the door behind her leaving a stunned Sunny still trying to figure out what just happened.

Inside Twilight's house...

As soon as Twilight closed the door. She turned around only to be staring at her mother who was standing by the staircase. Fearing for her life she asked, "How much did you see and hear?".

"I saw and heard everything!" she said and quickly continued, "And you're going to need a nice dress for this dance if you're going to impress him! This is so exciting my 'little angel' is finally growing up! I can make you a dress, but I just need to know how you want it to look?"

Relieved that her mother approved of Sunny she gave a sigh of relief before talking to her Mum about what she wanted her dress to look like for the dance.