• Published 13th Jan 2012
  • 2,261 Views, 42 Comments

A New Arrival! - BlackSpire

  • ...

A Night of Promises!

Before, you start reading this fic. I'd just like to give a heads up. This is probably the most cheesiest chapter I've ever written. So if you don't like the really cheesy romantic stuff you see in films, then you might want to walk away now...Still here? Okay, then.

Oh there is just one more thing, there will be a song in this chapter. Hence, the adequately named 'Cheesy Song' Scene. So if you'd like to have a listen to this song before you start reading, then the song is 'Take A Look Through My Eyes' by Phil Collins.

Some of you may know this song from the Disney Soundtrack from the film 'Brother Bear'. (Yes, I admit it I'm a Disney dork...mind you only a big fan of the old films. Most of the new ones are no where near as good.)

So enough of my rambling I give you Chapter 6 of 'A New Arrival!'

'What am I thinking?' -Thoughts
"I'm saying something." - Actual Speech
I'm singing - Lead Vocals to the 'Cheesy Song' Scene
(I'm singing) - Backing Vocals to the 'Cheesy Song' Scene

A week later...

'Damn! I still can't believe Twilight's going with me to this dance!' Sunny thought as he got changed into what he was going to wear for the dance. He had spent most of the money he earned from his part-time job in getting the best suit possible. He was determined not to mess up this 'first date' and no expense would be spared.

'What if she doesn't like what I'm wearing?' he began to think as he looked in the mirror at his smart attire. He wasn't going to be wearing a suit jacket like everyone else. He was dressed with hope of impressing Twilight. He was wearing a full body, jet black tuxedo with a plain white shirt with black buttons topped off with a simple black tie, and, all accompanied by a set of four polished black shoes.

'Ah well it's too late to change now!' he continued to think as he added the final touch to his outfit; a single red rose to decorate the right lapel of his tuxedo jacket.

"Well let's get this show on the road!" he said with a sigh, as he picked up his bouquet of flowers that he had personally arranged to give to Twilight. With those last words said, he made his way out of his accommodation, and headed towards Twilight's house to escort her to the dance.

Meanwhile, at Twilight's house...

Chaos was at an all-time high.

"Where did I put the brooch that goes with that dress of yours?" yelled Twilight's mother as she emptied out another cupboard in her room.

"Mum it's fine! The dress looks great without the brooch!" called out Twilight who was currently lying down with a mud mask unable to see the dump that used to be her parent's bedroom.

"Nonsense dear! That brooch is the biggest piece for your dress, and, I will make sure that you are wearing it tonight!" she said rather calmly. But, her facial features suggested she was going insane from her stress. She then shouted out, "SIRIUS! Is the brooch in Twilight's room?"

A blue stallion with darker blue hair that was combed in such a way that only the top of his horn showed walked into the messy bedroom. He had warm yellow eyes along with a cutie mark of two crescent moon on his flank.

"I'm sorry Stella honey, I couldn't find it anywhere in her room." said calmly showing more composure than his wife.

"Oh for Celestia's sake! Where on Equestria did I leave that confounded thing!" she started to panic even more before her husband called out:

"Found it." as he picked up the brooch.

The crazed insanity in her eyes died down as soon as he finished saying those two words. She then said, "Oh thank you honey! Where ever did you find it?"

"It was on top of the bedside table!" he said simply.

Whilst Stella's eye began to twitch in annoyance; knocking could be heard coming from the front door.

"Oh my gosh! He's here...and I'm nowhere near ready yet!" Twilight exclaimed as the cucumber slices fell off her eyes, as they were wide in shock.

"Calm down dear! Everything will be fine!" Stella told her, before talking to her husband, "Sirius, be a dear and keep him occupied for a bit...Sirius?" she turned around to find no pony there.

"One step ahead of you honey!" he called out, already halfway down the stairs to open the door. Once, he reached the door he opened it to reveal Sunny who had his bouquet hidden behind his back.

"Oh, why hello Mr. Sparkle! Is Twilight ready yet?"

"Oh not just yet, Sunny. She'll be another 10 minutes. Why don't you come in and wait for her." he said with a warm smile.

"Oh...okay then," he said as he made his way into the house and was just about to take his shoes off when Sirius said:

"Don't be silly, Sunny keep your shoes on!"

"But, I don't want to bring in any dirt into your lovely, clean home."

At this Sirius chuckled whilst thinking 'If he only saw upstairs...' before, saying, "Nonsense, those shoes already look too unnaturally clean. Now stop standing out in the cold and come in!"

Once, Sunny had entered the house, he was taken to the living room and asked to have a seat. As he was about to sit down he quickly remembered to bring out the bouquet to stop it getting crushed underneath him.

"Oh. Are those flowers for our little Twilight?" teased Sirius.

"Uhm...yes...yes they are." Sunny quietly said slightly embarrassed that he was no longer able to surprise both Twilight and her parents with them.

"Well if you don't mind me asking, why are all the roses different colours? Don't people normally just get a bouquet of one colour?"

"Well...people normally give flowers to symbolize particular feelings that the giver has for the receiver. And, the colour of the flower is what is said to symbolize these different feelings….So I arranged this bouquet...as my own symbol of what Twilight truly means...to me." he finished.

"Oh right," said a rather surprised Sirius who couldn't help but smile as he realized just how much his daughter's love meant to the young stallion, that he would put the time and effort into something so trivial just for his daughter.

"So what do the roses in your bouquet say about my daughter?" he then asked, curious to hear what Sunny thought about his daughter.

Sunny now feeling very nervous pointed to the yellow roses that formed an outer ring around the edge of the bouquet and began to stutter out:

"These yellow roses...represent friendship,…joy...and the ability to care...These roses...are the embodiment...of the past three years...I've gotten to know your daughter...as my best friend...They represent...all of the good times we've shared...together...and, the joy we felt through those good times...Along, with how we supported each other...when either one of us...was in any sort of trouble...How she cared about me...when no one else did...How I promise to take care of her from now on." he trailed off before looking at Sirius with a serious look in his eyes.

Having now gained confidence, simply from looking back at the memories of the times spent with Twilight, he continued by pointing at the lilac roses that formed a second concentric circle inside the circle of yellow roses and said with a smile:

"Lilac roses are normally representative of the enchantment of love at first sight. Whilst, I never would've thought I'd be in a relationship with Twilight when I first met her. I did truly feel a connection with her the moment we met...I trusted her more in one day than all of my other classmates who I'd already known for a year. It was that initial connection...which was left to blossom over three years...that has led to me being the stallion I am today."

By this time, Sirius was seriously amazed by just how strong Sunny's love for his daughter really was. The fact that just talking about her, gave him the strength to speak so confidently and passionately about a bunch of roses! However, he chose not to say anything, as Sunny continued to speak now with more gusto, whilst, pointing to the next smaller concentric circle that was decorated alternatively with orange and pink roses:

"Orange roses are representative of enthusiasm and confidence and the attraction to those qualities, and the pink roses represent elegance and femininity. They perfectly describes the qualities that I adore about Twilight. The magic of her enthusiasm for just about anything, could be spread onto other people, making her a very capable leader and a dependable role model. And, the way she exuberates elegance and confidence in everything she does: when she walks, when she talks and her eyes! Her wonderfully brilliant eyes; those eyes that hold a fire, that tells me just how sure of herself she is, whilst, still holding a sense of femininity in them. A fire that makes me want to improve myself in so many ways, to be more like her; so that I can maybe live up to being a pony good enough to truly say that I'm worthy enough...to be with someone as amazing as her." he finished with a deflated sigh as he looked towards the floor now seemingly disappointed in himself.

Sirius could now see just how deep the colt had fallen. He didn't think it was possible for any pony in this modern day and era to be so deeply in love like this. He could see why Twilight had chosen a colt like him to be in a relationship with and he could also begin to see why Stella liked this colt so much. However, the rational side of him was acting up. This colt was not thinking about the consequences of falling this deeply in love, and, how it could lead to severe emotional harm to both parties if not thought through properly. This made him seriously worry, whether or not he was the right colt for Twilight, because, he didn't want his 'little angel' to go through the emotional hurt of a broken heart. The fact that, he did not seem to have belief in himself caused his resolve to weaken and that sent danger signals flashing inside of Sirius's head.

Sunny having noticed the silence in the room, assumed that Twilight's father was waiting for him to continue talking about the remaining roses. So as quickly as he trailed off, he began to talk about the final inner concentric circle made up of red and white roses.

"The red and white roses...are both symbols of...my own love for Twilight. The white roses...represent the purity...of the love I hold for Twilight...How it isn't based off something as shallow as looks...How my love for Twilight had time,...like these roses,...to grow from a wonderful friendship for three years...In that time, I've been able to make...the important decision...that I want to be there for her...as more than just a friend. As for the red rose...well…near enough every pony knows that they're the ultimate symbol of romantic love...Figuratively,...they show how true love is stronger than thorns... But more importantly,...they show just how much I love Twilight...there is nothing in Equestria that I love more than simply being with her..." he began to trail off, as clouds of doubt began to form in his mind.

'What if I'm not good enough for her...I mean look at her she's stunningly beautiful, immensely intelligent, incredibly loyal and dependable and the most caring pony I've ever seen in my life...I mean what more could you want from a mare!' he finished his thought as he began to think about himself, 'Then you have me...a silly colt that could never do anything right without any help...In fact, if it weren't for me meeting Twilight I'd still wouldn't be able to do anything myself! What does she see in a colt like me! I wouldn't want to be seen with some pony like me, never mind to go out with him!'

He then began to think even more about these doubts, 'I mean I love Twilight...and I couldn't stand not being with her...but what if she sees that it was a mistake to go out with me! If she breaks up with me...then she wouldn't want to talk to me anymore...then what would I do? I couldn't stand to not be friends with her anymore, she's always been there for me! Damn it, I'm so stupid! Why did I even think about risking my friendship with Twilight just for getting a little bit closer to her...we were close enough already! I had to botch everything up! Now she'll see the mistake she's made and our friendship will be ruined forever! What do I do?'

Meanwhile, whilst Sunny was having his moment of inner conflict, Sirius had decided that he liked this colt! He was a very intelligent individual in his eyes. Having taken a reasonable amount of time to make such an important decision, which he respected a lot, as most young colts these days would just fling themselves into any relationship with no thought of the consequences.

He also, like how this colt, whilst, going with a new modern ways of going through his feelings was also keeping to the simply roots of using roses, which everyone understood as a token of love. A token he in fact, used with Stella many times over.

However, when Sunny had fallen silent for a long time, he realized that the colt still didn't believe in himself. Which was still a problem for Sirius because, how could he expect some pony to take care of his Twilight, when they couldn't even believe in themselves? So, deciding to snap him out of it he purposely coughed out loud to grab his attention before asking:

"And what about that one over there?" whilst, pointing to a single blue rose that was positioned in the middle of the whole bouquet that stood out from all the other roses.

As Sunny began to look at the blue rose, he began to think about the debate in his head, before smiling as the debate in his head was resolved from remembering the symbolism from that one flower. With a deep breath he began to speak with the most confidence that he had probably ever had in his life as he said:

"The blue rose, represents a future of love and prosperity. They are incredibly rare to obtain and their rarity only strengthens the final message of my bouquet. It is to show that I hope that my relationship with Twilight, in the future will be filled with good fortune and happiness. However, it is also as a final blessing that if I my relationship with Twilight wasn't meant to be for whatever reason; that I would still wish her a future with someone who can give her the love, the prosperity and the happiness in her life that I wasn't able to give her, because, no matter what happens she will always be an amazing pony in my eyes and it really is what she truly deserves..."

This answer sealed the deal with Sirius. The fact that this stallion cared so much for his daughter, that he would be willing to let her go if it meant, that she could live a much happier life, showed selflessness and real character in his eyes. Any pony that care that much for his daughter and had those qualities about him, was a pony he would be proud to call his son-in-law...

"Sirius! She's ready now!" Stella called out.

"Well then. Shall we go see how your lady in waiting looks this evening?" He asked Sunny.

Sunny replied with a simply nod, clutching his bouquet, as they both left the living room to go to the foot of the stairs. When Sunny looked up he couldn't help but gasp at how Twilight looked. At the top of the stairs she stood dressed in a simple black dress that sparkled in the light due to some added glitter, accompanied by a stylish belt that wrapped around her comfortably. On her hooves, were black shoes that went well with her outfit. All of this was complemented with an eye-catching brooch that looked exactly like her cutie mark and reflected the bright light in purple and pink rays.

"Well...what do you think?" Twilight asked shyly, as, she walked down the steps.

"Wow..." was all Sunny could say as he was stunned, at how beautiful Twilight was, to say anything else.

She couldn't help but giggle at his reaction, as she walked right up to him. Sunny, quickly snapping out of his dazed state, brought out his bouquet of flowers.

"These are for you!" he said quickly, rather embarrassed about being caught daydreaming about her.

"Oh my word! Sunny...they're so beautiful!" she said quietly as she took them, from him and breathed in their heavenly smells deeply.

"Well...they're not as beautiful as you." he replied. No sooner than those words came out of his mouth did he scold himself as he thought:

'Really Sunny, could you have chosen a cheesier line?'

However, despite his cliché response, Twilight still had a light pink hue paint her cheeks, brought on by his words.

"Aww Sirius! Don't they just look so adorable together?" squealed Stella before continuing by saying, "Reminds me of when we were their age!" she finished staring dreamily at nowhere in particular, as, the memories of the two of them, back when they were around Twilight and Sunny's age, played through her head.

"Trust me dear when I say. My love for you is nowhere near the level of love that Sunny shows for Twilight."

"What's that supposed to mean? Are you saying you've don't love me as much as they love each other!" Stella quietly said so as not to interrupt the wonderful moment between the young couple.

"No Stella! I love you with all my heart. You know that! But, what I mean is that Sunny puts a lot of effort into showing his love for Twilight. More effort than I ever have with you." he said disappointment laced in his every word.

"Oh come now dear! You don't need to do anything special for me. I already know you love me."

"No, no. It's true! I have been a lousy husband. Sunny puts so much thought into everything he says and does…like that bouquet of roses..."

"Now darling, you don't have to get me a bunch if flowers to show me you love me! Because, I know that you already do..." she said trying to comfort Sirius before looking at the bouquet of roses herself and gasping out,

"Oh my gosh! Is that a blue rose? Sunny dear, that must've cost you a fortune to get!"

"Well…yeah, it was pretty expensive...but no amount of money is worth the love of your daughter." he said before inwardly cringing at another cheesy line.

'Seriously! Enough with all the cheesy lines already!'

However, despite the use of another cheesy line, Stella 'aww'-ed at the sweet, heartfelt words, whilst, Twilight's blush deepened.

Before anything else could be said to interrupt him, Sirius said, "I'd hate to ruin such a lovely moment...but, if I'm not mistaken...wasn't your dance meant to start at 9 o'clock?" before pointing to a clock on the wall that read quarter past 9.

"Oh Celestia he's right! We're running late. There's only one way that will get us there any quicker!" Sunny said as his horn began to glow a bright yellow as he focused his magic onto getting his spell to work. Twilight realizing what he was about to do, quickly, handed the bouquet of roses to her mother and trotted next to her 'coltfriend', wrapping her fore let's around one of his own.

"Mum, Dad we'll see you later!" she called out.

"Both of you have fun, you hear?" Stella said with a wink. They both began to blush at the hidden meaning behind those words and this resulted in Stella chuckling at their reactions to her comment.

"Take good care of her, Sunny!" Sirius called out.

"You can count on me Mr. Sparkle! I'll return her to you safe and sound!" he called out, just before a bright white light flashed around them, and, the two of them were gone leaving a few sparkles behind.

A few minutes later...

Having teleported outside the main school entrance, they quickly went inside to sign themselves in. After that, they walked into the courtyard where many of the benches and tables had been moved to make space for what they saw in front of them.

There was a gigantic stage. Large enough to have a collection of instruments fit for a symphony orchestra. Alongside, this orchestra of instruments was a set of DJ equipment including a pair of turntables, a mixing console, and a sequencer, all finished off with a massive sound system. At the moment a younger Vinyl Scratch, another student at the school, was busy playing some tracks to which a vast majority of the students were dancing to on a large wooden dance floor.

This dance floor was in front of the stage, and, was large enough to have the entire year of 150 ponies dancing comfortably on top of it with room to spare. Surrounding the dance floor, were a number of large tables with chairs around them, where groups of ponies were scattered all over the place busy chatting away with one another.

Near these tables and chairs were three long buffet tables, one on each side of the dance floor laid out with hot and cold treats with a wide selection of hors- d'oeuvres, main courses, desserts and drinks to cater for any and all ponies at the dance.

There was also a photographer taking pictures of ponies against the park like setting of the courtyard as well as against the full moon that shone brilliantly in the night sky. Many ponies were lined up getting ready to get their pictures taken, because, they all wanted a photograph of what was going to be a memorable night for all of them.

Both Sunny and Twilight were incredibly impressed at the layout of the dance, as they both walked side by side towards one of the buffet tables, as both of them were starving and couldn't dance on empty stomachs.

However, whilst they were walking Sunny noticed a lone pegasus pony who was busy setting up a large white banner that was labeled with 'Portraits' in large big black letters.

His head adorned with straight, flat crimson mane and he had a cutie mark that was a paint brush and pencil crossed over one another in an 'X' shape. He wore a simple white shirt, with the sleeves rolled up, along with a grey tie. He also had a number of cuts and scars along his entire body. But, the most peculiar thing was his eyes. Whilst, his right eye looked perfectly fine, with it being red in colour; his left eye was far from normal. It also seemed to have some sort of fracture along the entirety of the iris. And, it was as if the red colour of his iris had leaked out through the facture, leaving the iris a dull grey colour.

Recognizing the pony he quickly grabbed Twilight's and asked, "Twilight, do you recognize that guy?" before pointing at the pegasus.

Twilight looked towards him before her eyes widened in surprise as she respond, "Is that Leon? What's he doing here?"

"Yeah it is him. I'm going to go talk to him. Is that o.k. with you?"

"Of course that's o.k! In fact, let me come with you! I haven't spoken to him in a while."

With that said they both walked towards Leon, who was now setting up his easel and paints.

"Hey Leon!" called out Sunny, at this the brown pegasus turned around with a smile having recognized that voice.

"Sunny? How are you?" Leon asked whilst bro-hoofing Sunny.

"Yeah I'm fine thanks," Sunny replied before asking, "You remember Twilight don't you?" as he motioned towards the young purple unicorn to his right.

As Leon turned to face her he couldn't help but gawk at how stunning she looked that night. Realizing that he had been staring, he quickly said, "Oh Twilight! It's good to see you again! You look amazing tonight." he said whilst holding out his hoof for a hand shake, as a small red tint painted his cheeks.

"It's good to see you to, Leon! And, thanks for the compliment." she said whilst giving him a hug instead.

"So what brings you here to our school dance, Leon?" asked Sunny before adding, "Here to check some mares out, are we?" he finished off with a mischievous grin and a cheeky wink.

"N-no! Of course not Sunny! I..." said a now rather flustered Leon.

"Relax Leon! I was just pulling your leg!" Sunny interrupted him whilst chuckling at his friend's reaction.

"Anyway, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted." said Leon giving a glare towards Sunny before continuing, "I'm here because Princess Celestia herself asked me to draw portraits of any couples that wanted one." he said, with his voice now filled with pride, "That reminds me do you two want a portrait together?"

"Oh well, I wouldn't want to stay still for too long, because, I'm hungry..." began Sunny.

"Nonsense! All I need is the basic outline of the two of you, which will only take a few minutes and, then you are free to do whatever you like, whilst, I finish the portrait."

"Well if you insist and, if Twilight's alright with that..."

"I'm perfectly happy to have a portrait with you!" she stared dreamily into Sunny's eyes.

"In that case we accept your offer!", Sunny said as he sat next to an oak tree holding Twilight in his arms as they both looked towards the stars, "By the way you must be doing amazingly well if Princess Celestia herself asked you to come here, she must really see a lot of potential in you!" said Sunny now in awe of his friend's talents, finally, being recognized by royalty, as he stood still letting Leon capture their pose with faint pencil strokes.

"Sunny's right, Leon. It's amazing to see how you've become such a fantastic artist, from the shy colt that we met 2 years ago!" said Twilight backing up Sunny's statement and she laid her head against Sunny making herself comfortable.

"Yeah I guess you're right. I've come a long way from when you guys found me..." Leon whispered; as his mind wondered back to the day they first met.

2 years ago...

Leon Christo had been living in Canterlot for just over a year now studying at the Canterlot's School for Aspiring Artists. In that time, he had gained the respect of many students and teachers at the school, for being the one of the best artists they've ever had at the school. However, with this reputation, came a great consequence. A number of students began to bully him because of his exceptional talents. But, he chose to keep the bullying to himself, as he didn't want anybody to worry about him.

He was walking home from school one day, and, took his usual route through an alleyway to get to his house. It was his least favorite part of walking home, as the alleyway was cold, dark and damp and the putrid and rancid smell of the trash cans lingered in the stale air that seem to permeate around the area. However, that one day was one that would forever change his life...

"Hey Christo! Where are you off to in such a hurry?" asked a white coloured pegasus pony with white hair, as he walked out from behind a dumpster, blocking Leon's path.

Rolling his eyes, Leon began to answer back, "Listen Michael! I haven't got time for this. Now if you'd kindly move out of my way, before I-Woah!". However, before he could finish his sentence he was tackled to the ground from behind, and was being restrained as five other ponies proceeded to tie him up.

"Now I need to have a little word with you. See this is how it is, because of you getting the highest marks in the year by a good 20%, my parents are forcing me to take extra classes, go out less, my pocket money is being cut off AND my Father would rather have some street urchin like you for a son, than me!"

Sunny began to respond, "Well maybe if you'd-ARGGH!" but was cut off with a kick to the face from Michael. A sickening crunch could he heard as his nasal bone broke under the force of the stallion's kick. He couldn't even clutch his face in pain as his hooves were tied. Blood flowed freely from his broken nose and pooled on the cold cobbled floor.

"You'll speak when I tell you to speak!" an enraged Michael now yelled at the bloody faced Leon. "It's all your fault that everything has gone downhill. Before, you came to the school I was the best in the year. I was able to do whatever I pleased! My family loved me! Then when you came, all of that was taken from me! And, it's not just me! All of these ponies here have been affected by your presence at the school. So...I think you need to be punished for ruining the lives of so many ponies!" Michael finished with a deranged look in his eyes, "Claude, I want you to gag this street rat up. I want to make sure no one hears him scream from what we're about to do to him."

As the red unicorn pony named Claude, stuffed Leon's mouth with some cloth and taped his mouth shut. Leon's crimson eyes were now filled with fear. Fear of what these six ponies were going to do to him.

Meanwhile, Twilight and Sunny had both finished a long day at school, and, were both walking towards Twilight's house for a study session to prepare for an 'Advances in Magical Studies in the Last Century' test tomorrow.

They stopped outside of a store as Mrs. Sparkle had asked Twilight to get some groceries for her on the way back home. Sunny was waiting outside of the store for Twilight to come out, when he heard groans coming from the alleyway next to the store.

Looking in to the alleyway he was horrified at the sight before him. There were six ponies 2 earth, 2 pegasus and 2 unicorns all surrounding the bloody body of another pegasus pony. All of their hooves were covered in blood. The horns of the unicorns were also covered in blood. The groans were coming from the seemingly lifeless body on the ground.

He knew he had to do something to stop this crime. But, he wasn't going to stupidly go in alone, with no plan on how to stop them.

Just then, a voice next to him spoke up, "Sunny what are you doing looking in thi-MPPHMM!" her eyes went wide at the sight she saw, but was quickly silenced by Sunny's hoof covering her mouth and pulling her away.

Once, he had gotten her to calm down he told her, "Listen, very carefully Twi! You need to go get help! Call an ambulance to come over here quickly! Get the police as well! Meanwhile, I'll stay here and think of a way to divert those ponies attention away from that poor pegasus pony."

Just when Twilight, was about to open her mouth is disapproval he carried on, "Listen I know you aren't happy with that, but, time is really crucial here! There's no knowing how much time that pony has left. So every second matters, no please go get help!"

Knowing she wasn't going to win this argument. She quickly hurried off into the store again to get access to a telephone to call for help.

Meanwhile, Sunny looked back onto the scene in front of him, looking everywhere for something, anything that could help him with diverting their attention. Looking around the alleyway all he could see were: trashcans, a few bricks lying on the ground, a few empty glass bottles. The cogs of his brain were working over-time as he thought out all the possible strategies in his head, what actions would his assailants take, how he'd stop or counteract those actions in his favor. In short, he played out the entire scene in his, going through the steps like a flash forward. All of this was done in the space of just a few seconds showing the true cognitive power that he was gifted with.

Putting the first part of his plan into action, he focused his magic on the heads of the six ponies, and, began to cast a 'Shadow Blind' spell. Whilst, it took a lot of effort to perform just the one spell on multiple ponies. He could tell he was successful just seconds later, from all the shouts he heard of: 'H-hey what's going on!', 'Why has everything gone dark?' and "Oh Celestia! I'm blind!'

Quickly, putting the second part of his plan into action, he got out from his hiding place and using a 'Levitation' spell to pick up two bricks, he proceeded to smash the bricks into the two unicorn's heads, before, they could dispel his incantation.

Hearing the sound of the bricks breaking against the skulls of the unicorns and the dull thumps the two bodies made when they impacted against the cobbled floor. Michael still blinded, turned towards the direction of the noise and yelled with a new found fear laced in his voice, "W-who's there?...C-come out and show yourself!"

As the four ponies made their way blindly, towards the source of the sound. Sunny began step three of his plan of action, using another 'Levitation' spell he threw a bottle, in the opposite direction. The sound of the glass shattering, causing all of the ponies to turn around. Using this as a distraction, he grabbed a couple more bricks and proceeded to knock out the two earth ponies, whilst, at the same time chucking a few more bottles in different areas to confuse the remaining two pegasus ponies, about what exactly was going on.

By this time, the other pegasus, that was with Michael had become incredibly freaked out, and, decided he would rather fly away blind, then have to face this 'hero'. However, because he was blind, he ended up smashing himself head-first into a wall, knocking himself out.

Only Michael remained of the six ponies, and, by this point he was terrified. Not being able to see anything around him, and not knowing what happened to his friends. He could only imagine what must've happened to them.

Sunny, by now had completely calmed down as he used one last 'Levitation' spell to put the final part of his plan into action. Michael, wondering what was going to happen to him, was suddenly lifted up in to the air.

"H-Hey! Put me down! What are you doing?" he yelled as he was carried towards an open dumpster and dropped into it. Sunny, then proceeded to use his magic to seal the dumpster, preventing Michael from escaping. Now that all six ponies had been taken care of, he quickly, rushed to Leon's side to examine the damage. It didn't look good.

A lot of the skin on his face had been scrapped of leaving it a bloody mess. His left eye was severely damaged, with it having swollen up and turned black with pus starting to leak out of it. His nose was definitely broken, as it was bent inwards. He had several stab wounds across his legs and body, most likely from the unicorn's horns. His wings were also splayed out in awkward positions, suggesting they had been broken. The majority of his body was covered in his own blood. Underneath, all the blood there were bruises all over his body from the intense beating they gave him. The blood also covered some burns around his legs. He was barely breathing, and it was getting weaker and weaker as time moved on. His wounds were still leaking out blood at an alarming rate.

Sunny began to use his magic to slow down the rate at which blood was leaving his wounds, and used the little bits of first aid magic he knew to seal up some of his wounds. He continued his best efforts to keep him breathing up until, Twilight came with both doctors and police ponies.

As he was being stretchered off to the hospital, Leon groaned to his saviors, "W-Wha...What are y-your names?

"The name's Sunny and this is Twilight." he said whilst, pointing to the purple unicorn beside him, "You're safe now. So rest up." he continued with a look of worry, as he wondered whether he was going to make it or not.

"T-tha...Thank...you." Leon groaned out before losing consciousness.

At the hospital, he woke up to see both his family, and Sunny and Twilight waiting by his bedside. It took many months for most of his injuries to heal. But, eventually, he made a full recovery, with the only signs of the torture he'd been through, being the deep cuts and scars across his entire body. As well as his lost ability to see very well out of his left eye His vision in that eye was void of colour and was incredibly blurry. However, he was still very much thankful, to be alive. And, his eye actually imporved his artistic abilities, having inspired some of his greatest pieces.

Since that day, the three of them had become close friends. They always met up on Saturdays to talk about how they're weeks had been, and, even show each other just what they learnt that week. On more than one occasion, Leon used his artistic abilities to draw both Sunny and Twilight together without them knowing. Whilst, he knew that they weren't a "couple," he could see that there was a special bond between the two of them. Due to this special bond, Leon knew when to give the two room to be alone, and eventually, faded into the background.

He and Sunny were still good pals. They even came to each other for advice whenever either of them were going through bad times, including, when Sunny asked him for advice on asking Twilight out the week before! But, he hardly ever got to see Twilight any more. From then on, the rest they say is history.

Present Time...

"Hey Leon! Is the portrait finished yet?" yelled out Sunny who was now getting annoyed.

Snapping back from his daze he answered back, "Yeah it's done. Come back in a couple of hours time and it'll be finished."

"Finally! I'm starving! Let's go eat Twilight!" cried Sunny in happiness.

"It was wonderful seeing you again Leon!" Twilight said.

"Yeah it's been a while since all three of us, went out together! We really should meet up and talk like good old times!" Sunny said whilst looking over to Leon.

"Hmm...you're right it has been a while! How about we meet up this Saturday at the park. Say around 2?" asked Leon.

"That sounds like a plan to me!" Sunny said as he looked over to Twilight.

"That's fine with me too." she said whilst, nodding to Leon.

"Then it's settled we'll both see you this Saturday! You can also give us the portrait then as well, so it will be easier for you to do other pony's portraits tonight!" Sunny said cheerfully, at the thought of the three good friends getting back together again, "Now let's go eat Twilight! We'll see you later Leon!" he finished saying as he walked towards the buffet tables.

"Goodbye Leon!" called out Twilight, as she followed after Sunny.

As the two ponies walked off, Leon called out after them, "Hope you two enjoy the School Dance together!"

An hour later...

Both Sunny and Twilight were busy chatting away with one another, as well as their fellow class mates, whilst eating and drinking what could only be described as a glorious paradise to their taste buds.

"...So I said to the dragon, 'Where's the fire!" Sunny said finishing the punch-line to a joke he'd been telling to Twilight and a group of their other classmates who had gathered round. At this punch-line all of them fell into fits of laughter.

"Well what seems to be so funny over here?" called out a dark grey stallion who walked towards the group. He wore a sky blue suit jacket, with a crisp, white shirt, all topped off with a silver coloured bow- tie. His flank had the image of two quavers on it.

"Good evening !" the entire group of ponies, except Sunny, said out in chorus to the Music teacher.

"Good evening to you all as well, and, my is it a wonderful evening tonight! If you all don't mind, I'd like to take Mr. Sunrise away from you all for a few minutes. I need to have a quick word with him."

Most of the ponies including Twilight, quickly agreed to let Sunny go with him. Whilst, a few fillies just simply sat there staring dreamily at the Music teacher that was the source of their crushes.

Whilst, he was a teacher at the school, he was incredibly young for a teacher, compared to all the other teachers in the school. Having started teaching as soon as he graduated from doing Music at the University of Trottingham, he was only 3 years older than the final year students, and, 4 years older than Sunny and Twilight's year.

Sunny got up from his seat as he said with a grin on his face, "Sure thing Mr. Acapella!"

The face of the older pony twitched in annoyance at the mention of his silly nickname, as both he and Sunny began to walk somewhere so they wouldn't be heard.

"How many times, do I have to tell you not to call me that? Mr. Capella, or even Amadeus is fine! But, not Acapella!" he said rather annoyed at Sunny.

"Oh come on Sir! Your name is Amadeus Capella... ! I'm surprised no pony else made the joke before me!" replied Sunny with a roll of his eyes, before a grin formed on his face, "Besides, you have to admit it is pretty catchy!" When his response was just a small groan of annoyance Sunny then decided to ask, "Anyway, so what seems to be the problem?

Sunny's favorite lesson in school was always Music. Simply, because that was the one subject in which he was truly talented in. Amadeus saw this, and immediately began to treat Sunny differently, from the other students. He started giving him extra one to one lessons, outside of school, that were more to his standard of playing. He also, allowed Sunny to miss Music lessons, as he realized there was no point in him coming in as he wouldn't be learning anything new and so would just be unfair on him.

Throughout, the time they've been together, Amadeus despite, being only a few years older than Sunny was like a second father figure to him. Sunny always did feel as if he could go to Amadeus to ask for advice for just about anything. This also proved the case as he was also the first person he asked for help in asking Twilight out to the dance.

"Well, you see Vinyl Scratch over there." he said as he pointed over to the DJ-ing pony, who was, currently entertaining the large crowd, " She will need to take a break soon, to get something to eat and drink. Now the school has already organised the school orchestra to come in and play a few songs, whilst, she's on her break. However, a few members of the school orchestra are unable to play as they're in your year, and, so are so busy having a good time, that it would be unfair to let them perform."

"So you want me to perform a spell to get the unattended instruments to play themselves, as you don't know how to play those instruments, and, so can't do the spell yourself?" interrupted Sunny knowing full well where his teacher was going with his explanation.

"In short, yes, that's exactly what I want you to do. I don't know how to play as many instruments as you do Sunny, hence, why your assistance is greatly needed."

"Okay, then how many instruments are there, that need the spell? And, what songs are you going to be playing tonight?"

"The only instruments that need the spell are the trumpets, and, the french horns, as well as, the piccolos and the clarinets. Everything else, I've already placed the spell on them. As for the songs, you already know how to play all of them. Here is the list of the songs we will be performing." Mr. Capella finished as he handed a sheet to Sunny.

Quickly, looking at the sheet he shut his eyes tightly, as he performed a memory spell containing his experiences with playing the instruments as well as the notes to the songs that were going to be played. Once, this was done he began to concentrate on making the memory spell appear in a physical form. His horn by, this time was glowing an incredibly bright yellow, as a large ball of yellow light began to form on the tip of his horn. When he completed the spell, he collapsed to the ground in exhaustion of using so much magic in one spell, the yellow ball of light simply, floating in the air.

Amadeus worried about his favorite student's well-being rushed to his side and asked, "Sunny are you alright?"

"Yeah...I'm fine. I guess I just over-did it a bit, with the amount of magic I used in that spell." he said as he tried to get up before, falling back onto the ground again.

With a sigh of relief the Music teacher said, "Thank Celestia you're alright! You shouldn't be over-exerting yourself when performing spells you know! It can be dangerous! Here you should sit down for a while." said whilst, using a spell to bring a chair from one of the tables. He then proceeded to help Sunny up onto the chair.

" Yeah, yeah I know! Don't worry I'm fine, and, thanks for the help Sir. As for the instruments, all you need to do now is use a 'Copy' Spell on that Memory Orb and then put them in the instruments you want to play by themselves." Sunny spoke whilst, still trying to get his strength back.

"Thank you so much for your help Sunny." said before, trailing off, as he remembered something and asked, "I assume that asking Miss Sparkle out to the dance was a success I take it?"

With a massive grin Sunny replied, "Yep, we're officially going out now!"

"She's a sweet girl Sunny. I hope you don't do anything to hurt her." said Amadeus with a serious tone in his voice.

"What are you saying? I would never do anything to hurt Twilight!" spoke in a hurt tone at the accusation that his teacher was implying.

"I know you wouldn't Sunny. But, I'm just saying...you never know what may happen."

By this point Sunny, began to speak, not knowing the effect his words would have in the future, "I promise that no matter what happens! I will never do anything to hurt Twilight!"

"If you say so, now if you'll excuse me I need to get ready the orchestra...Oh and one more thing make sure you and Twilight dance to the 7th song. I'm dedicating it especially to the two of you." said calmly, as he made his way over to the stage, whilst, using a 'Locomotor' spell to carry the orb of yellow light with him.

Twilight, who was looking on from afar went over to Sunny as soon as Mr. Capella had walked away, and, asked with worry in her voice "Are you O.K.? I saw you fall to the ground after you did that spell! What was all that about anyway?"

"I'm fine Twilight. I just over-exerted myself doing that spell, that's all. As for what that was all about, he just wanted me to make a spell for some of the instruments to play themselves, as some of the members of the orchestra are here for the dance." he finished explaining to her, whilst, omitting the discussion about their relationship between him and the music teacher.

"Oh, well just be careful not to do that again! You had me really worried!" Twilight said as she moved closer to him and nuzzled his chest in affection.

With a small smile, Sunny whispered into her ear, "Don't worry about me Twilight, no matter what happens I'll always be here with you."

Twilight, 'aww'ed at his response and continued to nuzzle him. They spent the next half an hour simply being in each other's presence. No other pony dared to interrupt them, as they all could clearly see that they wanted to be alone together.

Finally, the sound of Capella's voice interrupted the silence between the two, "I hope you enjoyed the last six songs we've played. Now for the seventh song I will be giving you a special treat. Anyone want to hazard a guess at what it is?" at this the entire room fell silent, and, with an anime sweat drop he continued now slightly embarrassed, "Well I'm happy to tell you that I'll be putting my vocal chords to use in this song, as I will be singing the next song!"

At this every pony especially, all the mares cheered. Mr. Capella, was not only well known in the school, not just for his good looks, or his exceptional talent in Music. He was also an amazing singer. This only helped win the affections of more female students at the school.

He then continued, "Also another surprise is that Mr. Hunter over here..." then pointed to the Maths teacher next to him who was now incredibly embarrassed, "...has kindly offered to provide backing vocals for the song!" Again, many students cheered at the fact that Mr. Hunter was singing, mainly, because, they wanted to see their Maths teacher make a fool of himself.

Looking over to the orchestra he tapped his hoof on the ground whilst saying, "And a one, and a two, and a one ,two ,three."

As the school orchestra began to play the music; all of the couples went out onto the dance floor. Sunny looked towards Twilight, remembering what Mr. Capella had told him. Meanwhile, at the same time, Twilight looked towards Sunny. They both smiled at one another as they both thought the same thing. Sunny began to get up from his seat whilst doing an exaggerated bow whilst holding out a hoof to Twilight and asked in a jokingly posh way:

"Miss Sparkle, would you do me the fine honor of dancing to this lovely melody with me?"

Twilight couldn't help but giggle as got up from her own seat and, responded in her own little posh accent:

"Why Mr. Sunrise, I'd be more than happy to join you in a dance." she finished with a curtsey before taking Sunny's hoof.

Sunny lead the two of them onto the dance floor. Once, they were in some space they both stood up on their hind legs to prepare to dance. Twilight wrapped her forelegs around Sunny's neck as he wrapped his own around her; holding each other close as they began to move in time to the music.

Having seen his star pupil on the dance floor with Twilight; Mr. Capella gave out a small cough to clear his throat, before, he began to sing in a strong yet soothing voice:

There are things in

Life you learn and

Oh in time you'll see.

Cause out there somewhere

It's all waiting

If you keep believing.

As the music began to gain more if a tempo, Sunny and Twilight began to move even faster in time to the music.

So don't run

Don't hide

It will be alright

You'll see

Trust me

I'll be there...

All of a sudden, Sunny dipped Twilight surprising her as the last three words of the verse were sung. With him staring into her eyes, whilst she got lost in his.

...Watching over you!

They got out of the dip but continued to stare into one another's eyes as the chorus was sung.

Just take a look

Through my eyes

Mr. Hunter surprised a number of ponies as he began to sing the backing vocals. They were surprised at just how good he was! His voice was smooth and went harmoniously with Mr. Capella's own voice,

(Look through my eyes)

There's a better place somewhere out there...

Sunny by now was completely submerged in the vast lilac oceans that were Twilight's eyes as they sparkled in the moonlight. The magical moonlight shining on her form, making her look even more stunning to all the ponies that had begun to watch the two dancing.

...Ooh, just take a look

Through my eyes

(Look through my eyes)

Everything changes

You'll be amazed what you find...

Twilight has also become lost in the whirlpools of caramel brown that were his eyes. His head covered the majority of the moon from her view. But, it caused him to have an unnatural white glow around his head making him look almost angelic.

...(There's a better place)

If you look through my eyes.

They continued to dance slowly to the sound of the instruments that followed after the first chorus; allowing for Mr. Cappella to have a quick drink of water before he had to sing again. The piano continued to play its soothing melody. Amidst, the bass of the drum that pounded rhythmically alongside the orchestra of violins that sang their tunes. A banjo then started to play, after which, all the other instruments began to follow it; as it lead the song into the second verse. now rehydrated began to sing the second verse.

There will be times

On this journey

All you'll see is darkness.

Sunny had begun to realize that these lyrics were describing his relationship with Twilight perfectly. How he was still in the darkness of doubt about whether he was truly the right pony to be with someone as perfect as Twilight. But as the next words were sung, he couldn't help but smile; as they gave him, a new hope, about strength of his relationship with Twilight and how he would never give up on it without a fight.

But out there somewhere

Daylight finds you

If you keep believing

As the music began to pick up tempo again, Sunny and Twilight started to move faster to the music as they held each other even closer than before.

So don't run

Don't hide

It will be alright

You'll see

Trust me

I'll be there...

Again, he dipped Twilight again. But this, time Twilight was ready as she gave him a seductive look. This brought a small blush to creep up on his face. However, he also responded with a wink of his own.

...Watching over you!

Then again, they got out of the dip as they began to dance in a wider area. As more couples, stopped dancing to watch Sunny and Twilight together as they're dancing and relationship between then was clearly a cut above the rest.

Just take a look

(Take a look)

Through my eyes

(Look through my eyes)

There's a better place somewhere out there.

Ooh, just take a look

Through my eyes

(Look through my eyes)

Everything changes

You'll be amazed what you find

(There's a better place)

If you look through my eyes.

Both of their horns started to glow, as the last verse of the song began to be sung. Twilight's a bright lilac colour and Sunny's a bright yellow, as they continued to think about one another. By this point, they had lost themselves to each other's presence so much that they had forgotten about everyone else at the dance.

Tonight, it was just the two of them, and the music.

The magical aura emanating from their horns began to surround the two of them, as their feet began to leave the ground. Everypony was now amazed, as they saw the two ponies continue to dance, even as they began to levitate into the air.

All the things that

You can change

There's a meaning in everything

And you will find all you need

There's so much to understand

They were now at least several hundred feet in the air. The moon now shining it's beams of light at the couple, almost as if it were blessing the young love between the two. Everypony stood in awe at the sight of the two ponies who looked as if they were ready to reach for the stars that dotted across the velvety sky that night.

However, they still hadn't noticed a thing as they continued to dance. Twilight's head resting on Sunny's chest, whilst, he simply looked at her in happiness feeling that his life was complete with her by his side.

Take a look

(Take a look)

Through my eyes

(Look through by eyes)

There's a better place somewhere out there.

Ooh, just take a look

(Take a look)

Through my eyes

(Look through my eyes)

Everything changes

You'll be amazed what you'll find

Students and teachers were now firing off 'Firework' spells into the sky after them, decorating the sky around them, making the beautiful moment even more precious to the loving couple.

(You'll be amazed if you just take a look)

Take a look

Through my eyes

The skies were now flashing in any and all of the imaginable colours you could think of.

There's a better place somewhere out there.

Just take a look.

(Take a look)

Through my eyes.

(Look through my eyes)

Twilight and Sunny both stopped dancing and looked into each other's eyes, whilst, still floating in the air.

Everything changes

You'll be amazed what you'll find...

As the song began to reach its climax. The two ponies had finally accepted one thing: they were meant to be together. Through this one dance, they had eliminated any doubts in their minds; that the two had found their soul mates.

(You'll find...

There's a better place)

If you look through my eyes

The two began to close their eyes as they moved in for one last kiss. The magical auras around both of then becoming brighter.

(You know there's a better place)

Just take a look through my eyes

The gap between their lips was closing down at an agonizingly slow pace. As if something was still holding them back from sealing their love for one another, in this most powerful of forms. Their auras now as bright as Celestia's own Sun, if not brighter, lighting up the night sky, as if it were day.

(Look, there's a better place)

If you look through my eyes...

Their lips finally met as they softly kissed one another. Their auras now exploded, around them covering the area of sky in a mixture of purple and yellow colours. Whilst, they stood in the midst, of it all kissing one another, without a care in the world. Embracing how much they belonged together, both of them now had a yellow and purple aura around them. Which, also began to die away as the young couple slowly began to float all the way back down to the dance floor again, keeping hold of that one kiss all the way down. Everypony was now stunned into silence as they now watched the couple. The phenomenon they witnessed forever etched into their memories. As the music to the song, also began to die down, Mr. Cappella smiled at his star student and his new found love as he finished singing.

Take a look through my eyes...

They however, were still lost in their own little utopia which they never wanted to end. But, all good things do come to an end, as their senses of reality slowly, began to return to them.

When they realized that there was complete silence. They slowly broke their kiss as the first thing they saw was each other's eyes. Nearly, getting lost in her eyes again, Sunny averted his gaze from her for a second as he looked around the dance floor to see every pony just staring at them, in complete silence.

However, the awkward silence was finally broken with the sound of one person clapping. Sunny turned around to the source of the clapping, it was Mr. Cappella who nodded in acknowledgement of Sunny's love, before continuing to clap. Soon others started to join in on the clapping until gradually everyone both students and teachers were clapping, whistling and whooping away. All of them happy for the couple for finding such happiness with one another. Sunny began to smile as everyone cheered both him and Twilight; happy that everyone approved of his relationship with Twilight.

Just then he felt a tug on his arm, to which he looked down to see a bright red Twilight hiding behind him in embarrassment from all the attention they were giving them. He couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of her, before deciding to get away from the massive crowd of people. So quickly closing his eyes his horn began to glow a bright white enveloping both himself and Twilight who held on to him tightly. Finally, finishing the teleportation spell they both vanished in front of every pony in a flash.

Mr. Cappella couldn't help but smile as he thought to himself: 'Go get her tiger!'

In a flash of light they appeared at Sunny's chosen destination. "Well that was-OW!" he yelled holding the spot on his head where Twilight had just hit him, before saying, "What on Equestria was that for!"

"That, Starbuck Sunrise! Was for not warning me, about teleporting us out of there!" she angrily said before she looked around and asked, "Where are we anyway?"

Sunny now with a smirk on his face simply said, "Remember the first day we met? When we went up the wall and I told you that the view looked better at night...well look behind you."

As she turned around she was met by the amazing view of Canterlot at night.

The cerulean sky by day had become painted over in black, with many glittering stars now dotting the night sky. The tall buildings during the day had now become beacons of dazzlingly bright light at night. There were no birds; in fact, all that could be heard was the faint whistling of the night-time breeze. This time the most impressive sight by far at night was Celestia's younger sister, Luna's own creation: the full Moon. In the midst, of the beautiful stars in the velvety night sky, the stunning lights of the city, and the peacefulness of the entire setting. It was easily the most beautiful thing that she could see. The moonlight dimly, lighting up the forest and mountainous landscape that surrounded the city in an eerie white glow.

Sunny couldn't help but stare at Twilight as she was amazed by the view. The moonlight, making the glitter on her black dress sparkle. Whilst, also lighting up her face making her features glow brightly highlighting her already beautiful looks. He sighed as he thought about how lucky he was, to be gifted with being in a relationship with someone so beautiful and perfect in every way as she was.

He walked up right next to her and watched the view alongside her. All was quiet between the two of them, until Twilight broke the silence by saying:

"Tonight has been the best night of my life, Sunny." she said slowly as she laid her head on his shoulder, whilst staring dreamily into his eyes.

"It's probably the second best night of my life." he said rather bluntly, he continued, "Nowhere near as good as the best night of my life."

This got Twilight to pick her head up off his shoulder with her eyes burning with rage as she said, "Oh really? And what's been the best night of your life?" Twilight now incredibly pissed that Sunny could ruin such a perfect night with just one comment.

However, Sunny didn't react to the clearly pissed off Twilight. Instead, he looked into her eyes and simply answered, "The best night of my life was when you accepted my love and gave me my first kiss."

By now Twilight had begun to feel guilty about ever doubting him in the first place. But, the nail in her heart was driven further in at the next words he said calmly:

"It was only because of that night that I could have the second best night of my life, and, in the future many more best days and nights of my life to come. As long as I've got you by my side."

Now Twilight had begun to cry at the heart-warming words, and, before Sunny could ask her what was wrong, she shut him up with a kiss under the stars. As they continued to kiss; both their horns touched each other as a spark between them was let off.

Sunny kissing Twilight could now hear Twilight's thoughts as he heard her inner voice call out:

'I wouldn't know what I'd do without you...I love you too much to ever let you go! Whatever you do...No matter what happens...Promise me! That you will never leave me!'

Instead, of freaking out at their new found ability of hearing each other's thoughts. All Sunny did was think of the two words that he felt were just right at the time. But, could not have possibly known how those two words would turn out to ruin his relationship with Twilight in the future.

'I promise...'

So there you have it. The last of the chapters I have written in advance. Now, you guys on FimFiction.net are up to date with where the fic is at the moment, on FF.net. So this fic will be put on hiatus, until I'm done with all of my exams this month. So you won't be seeing any further chapters of this fic until February.

I will however be posting a New Years Eve themed fic that I had posted up on FF.net which involves more Sunny/Twilight goodness. It is not really that related to the fic in general. But, it does have a few teasers in for the next Chapter which I am currently, writing bit by bit.

So until then, I hope you've enjoyed what I've produced so far. Please do leave comments, telling me what you thought about this Chapter, how do you think this Chapter was, as well as, any ways I might be able to improve on it! All of your comments are greatly appreciated! ^_^