• Published 13th Feb 2013
  • 602 Views, 28 Comments

A Book of Logic - Dreamscape

Twilight must enlist Discord's help when she and her friends cannot defeat a new villain named Illogic and his minion with the usual means. Discord comes up with a very unusual plan to defeat them.

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The End (Beginning)

The End (Beginning)

"Princess, are the elements ready?" Twilight asked entering the throne room, the others following close behind. Multicolored light shone upon their fur, produced by the many mosaic windows on either side of them.

"Of course, Twilight, we must hurry before he causes any more problems. I've encountered Illogic before and he can be very dangerous. I am not sure what his true goal is, as it is always misinterpreted or he never fully explains himself but I do know that whatever it is that he’s up to is very dangerous. Be careful." said Celestia, opening the case containing the Elements of Harmony.

"Thank you Princess, we'll be sure to..." Twilight began to say but was interrupted by the voice of Princess Luna.

"Who is this?" said the Princess of the Night, pointing her head towards Del as she approached from behind Celestia.

"Oh, this is Illogic's "minion" or at least that's what he calls himself." Twilight said "It's a long story but we decided it would be best to split the two up."

"You are very smart, Twilight Sparkle, I would have done the same. We will contain him here until you are finished with Illogic."

"Okay" Sunshine happily agreed, beginning to walk towards the two princesses. Twilight glanced to her left and noticed a striped colt adorned in the outfit of a royal guard, standing in silence and glaring at her with a grin, his eyes squinted. Her horn lit up with pink magic as she realized what was happening.

"Aren't you a little short for a royal guard...Illogic?" she asked, raising her voice. The others quickly got into a defensive position, hearing Illogic's name being spoken.

"How did we not notice that?" Princess Celestia asked with a slight chuckle staring at the small colt with an overly large guard helmet hanging over his face.

"I wasn't trying to hide." Illogic said slowly walking towards them.

"Then why are you wearing guard armor?" Twilight asked but quickly realized his response would make no sense. "You know what, never mind. Girls, put on your Elements, now!" The six began putting their Elements around there neck as Twilight used her magic to place hers upon her head.

"You've had your fun you delusional fool you, now come here." Illogic said to Del

"Sure thing." he responded with a grin.

"Hold up" Rainbow Dash said, grabbing onto Delusional's back and twirling him around to face her. "Why are you so happy about this? He just called you a fool and is making you go back to worship him or whatever you do. Besides, you just agreed to stay with the princesses until we're finished. I just don't get it, why are you always so happy about everything?" she yelled moving her face in closer to his, her Element slightly brushing against his chest. Del's smile for the first time she had ever seen it, transformed into a frown. Tears began to appear in his eyes.

"I wasn't always so happy...but I was saved." he said as Rainbow Dash backed away, realizing the mistake she had made.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to..." she said beginning to frown.

"Back off!" yelled Illogic as he stood up on his hind legs and began walking on two feet towards Dash. "Why would you do such a thing to him?" Everypony else began to stare back and forth at one another in surprise, their jaws hanging wide open. It was very unusual to see a pony walking on two feet. Luna was the first to react, a beam of magic shot from her horn towards the walking colt. As the beam reached Illogic, it suddenly curved back towards her and by its glow, Luna could tell it also grew stronger. She braced herself for the inevitable and as the beam struck her, she felt all traces of hatred and jealousy leave her. As she opened her eyes she realized that she was staring at herself, not who she was now but who she once was, Nightmare Moon. The others, stood shocked and in silence. Illogic smiled, he too standing still.

"After all I've done to better myself, you still exist." Luna said.

"I will always exist!" Nightmare Moon yelled as she jumped upon Luna.

"Use the Elements on Illogic. We will take on Nightmare Moon." Celestia urgently said as she rushed to Luna's aid.

"Let's do this!" Twilight said, putting on her game face. The Elements' strange magic began to power up as the six were lifted into the air. The energy surrounding them was nearly unbearable. Then in a blast of light, a rainbow filled with harmony and friendship was lashed out towards the small striped colt. But his body acted as a reverse prism. The rainbow passed through him and came out a white beam.

"Really?" he asked "Well, I guess I should be thanking you for giving me even more power." he continued as his eyes began to glow brighter. Then in a flash, the six along with Spike fell into a filthy swamp of garbage and sludge.

"Noooo!" Rarity screamed, clambering out of the sludge and onto a dry island of filth. "Oh, just look at me, I'm filthy! You will pay for this Illogic.”

"Where are we?" asked Applejack, looking up at the four towering walls that surrounded them as she floated in the murky liquid.

"I think it's the castles trash compactor." said Twilight climbing onto the garbage pile with Rarity. "I can't believe the Elements didn't work, now what?"

"We should probably start by getting out of here...I didn't even know the castle had this huge thing." Spike commented.

"Oh, oh, oh! Look!" yelled an excited Pinkie pointing into the murk.

"What, Pinkie?" asked Rainbow, floating above the sludge.

"I saw something! I know it." she continued. A sudden mechanical lurch surprised them. As they looked up, they realized that the walls were beginning to close in on them.

"Oh no, we're all going to die!" screamed an overly dramatic Rarity.

"Hold up there Rarity, we'll figure out something” said Applejack. " I just dunno what yet."

"Well, we better hurry." Spike said with panic "Or we'll all be...compacted!"

Twilight squinted her eyes as she began to think. "Um, a pipe, we need a pipe or something to wedge between the walls!" She then looked up at the two Pegasi flapping their wings to stay afloat in the air. She paused for a moment and then in a burst of thought screamed "A little help!" A look of realization appeared on Rainbow Dash's face followed by a blush from Fluttershy. The two burst into action, Rainbow put her hooves in between Rarity's front legs and body, Fluttershy did the same with Pinkie, lifting the two out of the pit.

"Oh, thank you so much Rainbow Dash. You are my hero!” Rarity squealed with delight. “I can’t believe I was even near that filth, let alone in it!”

"Yeah, I know, I'm pretty great and besides, what are friends for?" responded Rarity's savior, setting her on solid ground and heading back down into the muck for Twilight. The purple unicorn along with Spike upon her back was set down. The gang quickly got their bearings and then made their way back towards the throne room. As they entered the room they saw a defeated Nightmare Moon, caged in a magical barrier, the two princesses but no Illogic.

"You're back. We've managed to defeat Nightmare Moon but before we could stop him, Illogic escaped. We believe he has head back to Ponyville to stage another attack." Celestia said, making her way towards them, being careful to step over the shattered glass and other remnants of the battle that occurred before.

"What are you going to with Nightmare Moon?" Twilight asked

"We are not sure yet. Whatever spell we cast upon her will affect Luna as well. The two are still connected as if they were one. For now we will keep her imprisoned. So, one of us must stay here to make sure she doesn't attempt to escape while the other must head to Ponyville to keep Illogic distracted. Twilight, what I need you to do is find an alternative means of defeating him. It doesn't look like the Elements of Harmony or any usual tactics will aid us this time.”

"But, what will work?" Twilight asked, shaking her head back and forth.

"That is for you to find out. Help us Twilight Sparkle, you and your friends are our only hope." No one noticed Luna's quiet approach.

"I will stay here...with myself, sister." the princess said.

"Are you sure?" asked Celestia

"I will be fine. I cannot hide from this other half of me. I must face it."

"Yes, then I will make my way towards Ponyville. Be safe Luna and you too." Celestia said, turning towards Twilight and the others.

"We have to think of something. I just don't have any idea what." Twilight mumbled to herself as they exited the palace into its courtyard. Bright rays of sun shone down upon her, warming her back. She looked up to see the small innocent smile of Fluttershy and realized "Discord!" Everypony jumped at the sudden scream. "Illogic and Discord are pretty similar, maybe he can help."

"Did somepony say my name?" Discord asked, appearing in front of her. "Hello Fluttershy" he said, waving his paw towards the yellow Pegasus, trying to hide his excitement.

"Hello Discord" she said as she rushed to the draconequus and then hugged him. "It's so good to see you again.

"I'm sorry to beak this up... Twilight interrupted "but we've got a problem and need your help."

"What kind of problem exactly?" asked Discord as Fluttershy stepped back.

"Well a colt...if you could even call him that, named Illogic, is trying to take over Equestria and we have no idea how to defeat him. We've already tried everything and it just..."

"Say no more Twilight Sparkle, you just can't defeat him no matter what you do and because the two of us are quite alike, you think I will know what to do, correct?

"How did you know?"

"Illogic and I have… a long past, I'd love to explain but it's a long story and anything involving him makes no sense as you already know.

"Well since you already know that could you please help us?" Twilight asked

"Well because of mine and Illogic's history and because you asked so nicely...and because I promised Celestia I'd use my magic for good, sure I'll help." Discord responded with a sigh. "Let me think, anything even slightly close to normal won't work." The gang sat silently as the draconequus thought. After many minutes had passed, Discord finally spoke the word "Done"

"What've you got?" Rainbow Dash asked, listening intently.

"Well this may sound a bit unusual but that's exactly what we want, right? First..." They all listened as he told them his very complicated and what some may call insane plan but in the end they all agreed that it just might work. Then Discord was off to talk with Princess Luna.

Author's Note:

So many Star Wars references...but so worth it...