• Published 13th Feb 2013
  • 599 Views, 28 Comments

A Book of Logic - Dreamscape

Twilight must enlist Discord's help when she and her friends cannot defeat a new villain named Illogic and his minion with the usual means. Discord comes up with a very unusual plan to defeat them.

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"That was a lovely little picnic. We simply must do this again." Rarity said as the gang entered the outskirts of Ponyville. As the gang made their way towards town, they realized that something wasn't right. Everypony they saw looked dazed and confused. Pinkie said hello as a mare passed by but she continued walking, mumbling quietly to herself, barely even noticing the bright pink pony. Pinkie frowned then shrugged not understanding why she had been ignored.

"Don't worry, Pinkie, she didn't mean to ignore ya. Something else is goin' on here." Applejack said, comforting her friend. They continued forth, staring from side to side, looking at the confused citizens of Ponyville. Then, a light pink pony with a blonde mane and white Lily placed behind her ear ran past, causing Twilight's mane to flutter in the air.

The passing pony then yelled "The horror, The HORROR!...or is it horrible? I just don't know anymore!"

Spike began quickly tapping Twilight's leg with his claw. "Um, Twilight..."

"Yes, I know Spike. I can't believe I'm saying this but I think this might have something to do with those two ponies I told you about earlier." Twilight said, turning her head towards the others. Turning her head forward once more she noticed the bright and sunshiny Delusional Sunshine happily trotting towards them.

"Hello Twilight, hello Spike, it's so good to see you two again. These must be your friends." he said, smiling and waving his hoof in the direction of the other five ponies.

"Hello, I'm Pinkie what’s your name? You seem really happy and nice, let's be friends" Pinkie said quickly as she shook his hoof.

"Hello Pinkie, you seem very happy and nice too. I'm Delusional Sunshine call me Del or Sunshine or whatever else you like. It's a pleasure to meet you and to be your new friend..."

"Wait, wait, wait" Twilight muttered as she pushed herself between the two. "What exactly did you do to everypony and where's Illogic?"

"But Twilight!" Pinkie whined, the purple unicorn's hoof holding her back.

"Oh, just making conversation and finding new friends I think." said the grinning Del.

"Where is Illogic?" Twilight asked bluntly.

"He's making friends like I said. Here, follow me, he can't be that hard to find." The tall yellow stallion motioned for the others to follow and then trotted forth. "So what's everypony else's name?" he asked as they moved along.

"Just stop with the being friendly stuff for one second." Rainbow Dash responded. "What's wrong with everypony and why are you being so nice to us when we're trying to stop you?"

"Well, Illogic converses differently than most ponies as Twilight might have told you and to many doesn't make much sense. It's not his fault...at least I don't think it is. I really don't understand him that well either. Anyways, he might have tried to explain a few things that just didn't sit well in your neighbor friends' brains. I'm being so nice because...I want to be nice. What's your name? I like your rainbow mane."

"Rainbow Dash; Thanks, I know, it is pretty awesome..." Rainbow said flipping her mane to the side. "But we're still not buddy, buddy you know. I'm not sure about you yet." she said lifting herself into the air crossing her front legs. The group made their way around a house on the corner of the street and in their view emerged Illogic sitting in a rickety dining chair, scarred from many years of wear.

"I'm surprised that you’re not sitting on a throne." commented Twilight, including a small head tilt.

"I just needed a place to rest and besides, thrones are quite uncomfortable. This must be your rag tag little group of unlikely friends. Every story needs one of those." Illogic said with a smile, pointing at the group.

"A story, what story?" Pinkie jumped in, literally, in front of Twilight.

"Don't even bother." Twilight said pushing her away. "What did you do?" she then asked turning her attention back to Illogic.

"I was just attempting to make friends. It's the easiest way to overtake any lands, you see. But, sadly my idea of friendly conversation may have confused them. I am beyond your comprehension. What I am doing is beyond your comprehension..."

"Oh, no, I know exactly what you’re doing. You told me." Twilight interrupted "I'm not going to let you take over Equestria and continue doing whatever it is you're doing to its citizens. Now, we don't have to fight but..."

Fluttershy's listening was then interrupted by the warm, friendly voice of Sunshine. "Hello, I'm guessing you already know my name since I said it when I first saw you girls. But, what's your name?"

"Fluttershy" she quietly mumbled, her voice sounding like the fluttering of the butterflies she so adored seeing in the wild.

"Oh, the quiet type, you’re name says a lot about you from what I can tell. Don't worry though, I used to be shy too...but that was a long time ago." then their conversation was interrupted by the heightened voice of Rainbow Dash.

"Enough talk, either you give up or we do this the hard way!"

"What exactly am I doing wrong?" Illogic questioned still sitting upon his chair. I am just trying to accomplish what I must, just as you and your friends are. That is something for you to contemplate."

"He was just trying to make friends." Pinkie added

"No Pinkie" Dash asserted and then looked back towards Illogic "I don't know what you're trying to do but it's not gonna work on me." She then burst towards him, a streak of rainbow appearing behind her. She braced for impact with the colt but instead fell to the ground passing right through his body. "Wha...what happened?" she asked, astonished by the act.

"Well, being Illogical means not making sense or possibly making more sense than logic." the striped colt replied, viewing the not so proud pony lying on the hard cobblestone of the street. "Rainbow with rainbow, look at what I can do!" he said jumping into the air his front legs flying outwards, the color of Rainbow Dash's eyes growing brighter in his color wheel irises. He flew high into the air and then sped back downwards. A rainbow identical to the one Rainbow Dash had created just before, appeared behind him. He swooped down grabbing a hold of Dash's front hooves and then lifting her into the air. He then gently set her down back where she had originally begun her charge. Angered, she once again began to charge towards him.

"Hold on." Twilight said putting her hoof in front of Rainbow "We won’t be able to stop him like this. We need to get the Elements of Harmony."

"Your right." said the rainbow maned pony, backing down. "But we need to hurry before these two cause any more trouble."

"Ah well, it is sad you could not stay for dinner, I told devil spawn pony to make extra." Illogic said with a frown, pointing towards Del. "Since our dinner plans are cancelled, would you mind accompanying our new friends, my sister." he said, approaching the one whom he was pointing at.

"Sister?" Fluttershy quietly questioned but was quickly interrupted. "Never mind, it was probably nothing." she said, looking down at the ground as the others began to speak.

"Are you kiddin' me?" Applejack asked, astonished by the colt's polite assertiveness.

"Why?" asked Dash shaking her head back and forth

"Wait, let him come." Twilight responded.

"Are you crazy?" Spike yelled at her.

"No, I'll explain everything in a second. Sunshine, do you want to say anything to Illogic before we leave?"

"Oh yes, I almost forgot." said the smiley stallion trotting off towards Illogic.

"Good, now I'll explain" Twilight said turning towards her friends. "I don't know exactly why he wants Delusional to come with us but who does? Even if they are planning something that overly happy pony is harmless and it seems like they work well in a pair, so if we split them up...Also just think about it, we'll already have one of them in our custody."

"Nice plan, Twilight." Spike commented

"Thank you, Spike. Send a letter to Princess Celestia, let her know that we're coming and why."

"Okay, I'm ready." said Delusional, approaching with a smile. The ponies arrived at the train station just in time for final boarding. Finding their seats, they sat down and got settled in for the ride to Canterlot.

"Oh, this is going to be so much fun." said Del, gazing out of the window at the moving hills and valleys. The large mountains upon where Canterlot was nestled, cast long shadows against the green landscape. All the other ponies, except Pinkie, glared and shook their heads, knowing that this was serious business. Pinkie leaned over Rainbow Dash and put her hooves against the window pane, getting a better look.

"It already is fun! I just love trains." Pinkie yelled with excitement.

"I'm just so happy I got to come with you." said an even more smiley Sunshine. "Well, since we have some time, I want to get to know the rest of you." He said staring at Applejack and Rarity.

"Well, I'm Applejack, I spend most of my time runnin' Sweet Apple Acres in Ponyville with my family."

"I just love apples...or food with Apples in it." Delusional said happily. "Now, what is your name he said, turning towards Rarity.

"Wait, just hold on, he's one of the ponies that we're trying to stop, right?" asked Rainbow. "So, why are we all making friends with him...actually, you know what, he already knows the rest of us so why not." she then said, quickly giving up.

"Well, dear, I am Rarity. I run the Carousel Boutique in Ponyville and absolutely love fashion...as you may have noticed. Actually, I don't get very many stallions in the shop, so, if you're ever interested, I have a wonderful line of clothing for stallions like yourself.

"That would be great. I love to dress up fancy but don't get the chance to very often."

"And why is that, dear?" Rarity asked.

"Well, I never really have the occasion to." he responded

"Tell Illogic that you two should get out more. Extravagant get togethers are positively amazing." said the elegant pony, shaking her head.

Finally, the train began its ascent up the steep winding tracks that traveled alongside the mountains. Delusional Sunshine and the others continued to make small conversation as the train slowly crawled forward towards the royal city.