• Published 8th Dec 2012
  • 1,721 Views, 6 Comments

Kingdom Hearts: The Gift Of Xemnas - TripleD

My second awesome fic! Not really awesome I guess though...

  • ...

Worlds So Close Can't Collide

"So after it has disappeared for as long as Kingdom Hearts has disappeared," Master Yen Sid said,"you three have found The Dimension Between Worlds?"

"Yeah, that seems about right." Axel replied.

"Hmm," Yen Sid said while stroking his beard which is what he usually does when he's really thinking,"and Xemnas has been bugging you with these pony projections...hmm..."

"Master Yen Sid," Riku said,"If it's alright with you, we would like to explore The Dimension Between Worlds and see what's on the other side."

"You must understand Riku," Master Yen Sid replied,"That The Dimension Between Worlds is not some little task as little as defeating a Shadow. No, it is as hard as when Xehanort rigged the Mark Of Mastery Exam and made it more trial than test. Also, if Xehanort is following you and more Heartless are appearing, it will not be easy. Also The Dimension Between Worlds is just a maze of darkness, but follow your heart and it will lead you to the light on the other. I must again say, it will not be an easy trial."

"Fine," Axel replied,"Let's jump right in."

So Sora, Riku, and Axel all go back to Twilight Town and into the forest to see that The Dimension Between Worlds was still there, but apparantely Xemnas was there and it looked like he was expanding The Dimension Between Worlds and setting all the Heartless free into the realm.

"What are you doing here?" Xemnas said quite angrily.

"More importantly," Riku replied Keyblade drawn,"Why are you here?"

"I do not have time to deal with you," Xemnas answered,"What I do have time for is to warn you about the world you are about to enter after The Dimension Of Worlds. I am putting the Heartless and expanding the dark subspace so you can't get through. The truth would surprise you!"

"We've already seen what's on the other side of it," Sora replied,"Before you expanded it while we went to Master Yen Sid's Mysterious Tower."

"Still," Xemnas replied,"It is true those projections were mine, but they aren't the real personalities of the ponies in Eque- I mean on the other side of the subspace."

"What were you about to call it?" Sora asked.

"The name of the universe you might cross into, or maybe not because of the Heartless, is called Equestria and it is a universe filled with those pastel-colored ponies," Xemnas answered,"But you might not even make it past the Heartless; these are totally new Heartless; Heartless that look like they might belong to a type of Wi-Fi culture or something of that."

"Uhh..." Riku said,"What's Wi-Fi?"

"Wi-Fi." Axel said,"Something relating to the Internet or connection. Sometimes if my connection is good, I call it Hi-Fi."

"Thanks," Riku replied,"I can't believe no one ever told me about it."

"Well if no one has ever told you about it then we better be ready to fight the Heartless."Axel replied.

"Goodbye now," Xemnas said,"If you defeat all the Heartless I will be waiting..."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Sora asked, but Xemnas had already gone using the dark portal he always uses when he escapes in style, but that's not really style.

:"I think it means," Axel replied,"That he's going to fight us when we finish all the Heartless."

"I bet he's going to use that cheap 2 lightsabers and fireballs everywhere move." Riku said laughing a little bit.

"I know right," Sora said,"That is such a cheap move."

"Just so you guys know, if he uses that move I'll just turn my Deflect Fire ability on and attack him straight on because I don't know any other way to dodge the cheap move."

So they went into The Dimension Between Worlds and met their first Heartless to fight.

"Whoa this is a weird Heartless." Sora said,"It looks like a sorta blue robot horse standing up."

"Ok so," Axel replied,"I scanned this guy and apparentely it's name is R DAS Heartless 0005. It's attack power is 5000, defense power 5000 and speed power 5000."

"Any strategy ideas?" Sora asked.

"Hmm..." Axel replied,"Try using water commands to fry it's circuits."

"If were wanting to fry it's circuits," Riku said,"Shouldn't we us fire commands?"

"Well no," Axel replied,"I mean... you know what? Never mind."

Sora and Riku laughed a little bit.

Axel asked,"Hey guys, this Heartless doesn't have an emblem."

"Well like Xemnas said," Sora replied,"They're probably new Heartless."

"Alright," Riku said,"Let's fight!"

The battle starts as Axel trying to use a Fire Trickstab but the Heartless just knocked him away.

Riku tried to use a Darkslide to get behind it but the Heartless just shot a laser at the dark beam Riku tried to escape in.

Sora was the only one who landed one hit succesively. Sora dodged the Heartless's cheapest move by using Flowmotion to get above the cube of fire that exploded while the Heartless was charging up. Then Sora used Breakdown, which is a move that brings the enemy high up, you do 100 fast combos with the Keyblade, and then with the Keyblade again you bring the enemy down to the ground.

After Sora used that move the Heartless, filled with rage, turned red and exploded.

"Well apparantely," Axel said,"You just had to hit this Heartless once and it immediately persished."

"Now you have learned another flaw of the heart," Xemnas said from somewhere inside the dark realm.

"Xemnas!" The trio said in unison.

"Yes," Xemnas replied,"That is my name; anyways I'm tired of pointing out the flaws of the heart; so instead, I will just keep annoying you. First of all, don't think this is supposed to be an easy challenge, even if you are 'Keyblade Masters', these are new Heartless, new ones that surpass your level of rank."

"You're wrong Xemnas!" Riku replied,"Together we can accomplish and beat anything!"

"Maybe so," replied Xemnas,"But do not forget this Dimension Between Worlds was created from the dark energy when the Keyblade War started. So are you saying that you are more powerful than all the Keyblade wielders in the Keyblade War?"

"No," Sora replied,"What he means is that with all of us combined we are all as powerful as all the Keyblade wielders in the world."

"Just keep telling yourselves that," Xemnas replied in a more dark ominous tone,"And you all will eventually walk into a chasm of darkness." The voice stopped speaking.

"Man," Axel said,"The next thing Xemnas needs to learn is how to buzz off."

"Here comes our next Heartless!" Sora said.

It was a little flower with a green stem and an orange core and pink petals and two yellow beady eyes.

"Okay," Axel said,"This one is called Drain Game; it takes the damage that it deals on you and uses it to heal itself. So, range commands are recommended."

Sora kept rushing the enemy while Riku and Axel went in for a Dark Stab. The hits were successful but the plant didn't seem to be reacting.

"Wait," Sora said,"Couldn't it be taking the damage that we're dealing and using it to heal itself?"

Axel stopped stabbing and then thought for a moment,"Hmm..." Axel replied,"It probably is but if that's the case how are we supposed to defeat it?"

"If there are no dumb ideas," Riku said,"I think we should just leave this one alone and skip to the next Heartless."

"Wait what?" Sora asked dumbfounded,"We can do that?"

"Sure," Riku replied,"I've been to the realm of darkness once and the darknss has never had any rules."

"Well alright then!" Sora replied.

"FOOLS!" Xemnas said somewhere in the darkness,"You cannot skip fighting a Heartless! For that, you shall pay by fighting more Heartless!"

He appeared and summoned 9 Behemoths, 8 Zip Slashers, 7 Soldiers with 1000 HP, 6 Elimnators, 5 1/2 Defenders, 5 Golden Tricholomas, 4 Deserters, 3 Infernal Engines, 2 Darksides, and 1 Unnamed Heartless.

But they were easily defeated since Sora, Riku, and Axel have had a lot of expirience from fighting Heartless.

"THAT'S IT!" Xemnas said while magically appearing,"NOW YOU WILL ALL PAY FOR RUINING MY WHOLE EFFORT PUT INTO THIS!"With that, he atacked them but the trio just deflected his attack. And so, the epic battle began. Riku tried diving in with a Dark Splicer, but Xemnas shot five red lasers to stop Riku from completing it. Sora tried to use Firaga, which wasn't really going to be effective, but Xemnas just shot a laser at Sora before he could complete summoning the fire. Axel must've been tired of fighting things so Axel summoned a Firaga, but before Xemnas could stop him, Axel summoned a Firaga Burst, and then a Blizzaga, then a Balloonga, then a Balloonra, then Balloonga X 5, then Blizzara, then Firaga, and then, for the final hit combo, Axel spammed Balloonga.

Xemnas was furious that he couldn't attack while Axel was spamming his Baloonga, so he let all the darkness in his heart let loose and sucked up all the darkness in The Dimension Between Worlds. "You may have beaten me this time," Xemnas said,"But all be be back!"

And with that, Xemnas disappeared and the trio was stuck in Equestria, having no way to get back, since Xemnas sucked up the portal.

"Oh man," Axel said,"I hope you guys din't forget to get me a Christmas gift!"

"How can you think of Christmas at a time like this?!" said Sora and Riku simultaneously.

"Because it is Christmas time!" replied Axel.

"Oh yeah," Riku stated,"Here, take this."

Riku hands three Magic Boosts to Axel.

Axel replied,"Thanks! And for you Riku I give 50000 munny!"

"Isn't that overdoing it?" asked Sora.

"Well maybe, but think about it," Riku replied,"I haven't seen any moogle shops around Equestria."

"Maybe you don't look hard enough, kupo." said a strange mysterious voice.

"What? Who?" replied Axel.

A moogle appears right in front of them.

"Hey if you want to shop, I'm always here." said the moogle.

"How did you get here?" asked Riku.

"It's a long story, but one day..." the moogle was cut off by a mint-colored pony.

"Ha!" the strange pony said,"I knew humans were real!"

"What are you saying?? Oh wait, never mind, I remembered we're in a different world." said Axel

"Oh my gosh! This is so exciting! I must tell Twilight!" said the strange pony, and she rushed off somewhere else.

"So, Twilight wasn't a fake one from those pony projections." Sora said.

"I guess so, but anyways, for you Sora, I got a Skull Noise Keyblade;" Axel replied,"this isn't just one of those lame Keyblades that have low status points, I went into the datascape and hacked this one for you, it now has a stat booster for everything that boosts the stats up by 50! Of course you can always level up these stats."

"Wow!" Sora replied,"Thanks Axel! Merry Christmas to you. Anyways, Riku I have Balloonga X50 for your Christmas gift."

"Awesome!" Riku said,"And for you Sora, I shall give you Combo Plus X10!"

"Thanks," Sora replied,"and for you Axel, I give you an Attack Boost X5"

"Thank you and Merry Christmas!" Axel declared.

"Heh, when the other members of my organazation show up, you'll have nothing left to be merry about." said a dark voice.

"Who said that?" The trio said in unison.

"ME!" Xigbar said while appearing,"Just another person of Organazation XIII, and though you though you have defeated us, you are ever so wrong."

"We'll see who's wrong when we're finished with you!" Riku replied.

"Hmmph," Xigbar said,"Maybe so, but once the rest get here, you are all finished!"

"What do you mean the rest of them?" Axel replied,"Have you forgotten that I'm part of the organazation too?"

"No," Xigbar replied,"I have made a dark copy of you which you all will fight later!"

Xigbar left in a dark magical portal, similar to Xemnas' portal.

Somewhere else in Equestria, Twilight is worried about Lyra's encounter with the humans with Keyblades, so she and Lyra quickly go visit Princess Celestia.

"Is there something you need my most faithful student?" Celestia asked.

"Princess, Lyra here had an encounter with humans." Twilight responded.

"And that would be bad because?" Celestia replied.

"These ones have Keyblades." Twilight said.

Celestia had a very grim expression on her face, for she knew that if any Keyblade wielder, light or dark, found out that she had started the Keyblade War, the whole land of Equestria would be destroyed by vengeance over Kingdom Hearts, and there would be another Keyblade War. Also, if they had found out that Kingdom Hearts wasn't really gone, and just hidden somewhere where only she knew, there would be more violence.

"Quick," the Princess said,"I need you to gather the Mane 6 and fast, and bring them to me."

Comments ( 6 )

Hmmm... I'm about to start this game. The second one that is. I'll keep this on watch and when I beat the game I'll read it.

I'm not touching this one.

Why? Are you angry at me for some reason?

1763977 Nah, I just don't know about Kingdom Hearts enough to enjoy it.

Since you've done this one alot better. I think you should try re-writing the other piece you have :twilightsmile:

It's great to hear that I'm doing good on this one, but I really want to start working toward new things and not re-edit the old fics.

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