• Published 5th Dec 2012
  • 1,051 Views, 31 Comments

Warpony 40k - Luckythebrony

In the grim dark future there is only... Harmony? A twisted ride through the 40k universe pony style

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The Major, the Commaresar, and the Equinsitor

Chapter VIII

The Major, the Commaresar, and the Equinsitor

Segmentum Celest Pegusian Gate

Pegusa Capital City

1412 Imperial Standard

Nervous would never do justice to the feeling that Major Lyre Heartstrings was experiencing at this moment, terrified, nauseous, about to pee himself, these where far more accurate. It also didn’t help that about ten minutes ago Commaresar Bale had walked in with a hoof filled with files and data slates placed them out on the conference table, sat directly across from him, and for all the rest of time stared at him with folded hooves not saying a word. He hoped he didn’t look pale or was perspiring too heavily though the hoof-pits of his jacket where clearly soaked. The only thing that broke his gaze was the sudden opening of the blast door and the appearance of a third pony. A unicorn mare, she was average height with a more lithe build, which was only obvious through the black leather body glove she wore. Her mane was two toned, powder blue and a lighter blue, same as her tail which stuck out through a hole in the body glove. Her fur was blue as a clear summer’s sky with eyes that where striking violet which gave her away as a Pegusian since few ponies in the galaxy shared the same violet colour. She wore a large gothic E with a pony skull sitting the middle, bejeweled on a heavy gold chain around her neck as a symbol of her authority and the organization which she served. The only unattractive feature about the mare though was the expression of smug satisfaction she wore as she took her seat at the rear of the table without so much as an introduction. Behind her two colts followed, a chubby colt with a messy orange mane that had sections missing to revel ugly implants and dirty blue coloured fur. He wore the robes of an Equestus Admareistradum menial but bearing the same Equinsitorial E as his master. The other a taller, skinnier colt with what appeared to be his counterpart’s colour scheme but reversed, he wore simple black fatigues the same large E with a lightning bolt in the back drop as a patch on his shoulder. The skinny colt walked past Bale and gave him a glare which without words sent a clear message of spite and loathing. Bale whirred and stood, the colt drew up they came eye to eye Bale’s steel eyes returning all the hate he was receiving his hoof hung by his Boltpistol. The mare coughed to get their attention,

‘Excuse him Commaresar, he doesn’t exactly enjoy the company of agents of the Commaressariat ,’ even her voice was haughty and stuck-up Lyre felt her words might do more harm than good with a voice like that, ‘and Major Heartstrings seems to have equally poor manners.’ He quickly looked over at her but her eyes had stayed locked on the two colts about to duke it out.

Did she just read my mind? He thought, well she is a magikster their witch craft is pretty broad…

‘There maybe hope for him yet though,’ she stated with even more smugness looking straight at him this time making obvious to him she was reading his thoughts, ‘regardless we should move on and calm down. Snails darling come over here… now!” She barked the last part and the colt dropped to his hooves and grudgingly moved to his spot on her right with his chunky counterpart taking the left. Now that he saw them next to each other they seemed the exact reverse of other. Bale took a deep breath as if trying to resist the urge to pull out his bolt pistol and reduce the colt to an unattractive stain on the wall. Instead he turned and sat back down resuming his glaring at Lyre making him much more uncomfortable. After a few moments of tense silence the blast door opened again and Gillimane, Applinia and Rainboute entered the latter having to adjust to fit their bulky armour through.

‘Ah very good the Equinsitor has joined us so there is no need to wait.’ Gillimane shot her a subtle glare. This was common among her profession as few Imperial citizens loyal or not where glad to see a member of her majesties Equinsition make an appearance on their humble planet. Especially those who rule said planet as when the accusations start flying normally they are first on the chopping block. She smiled as though amused by the comment though Lyre suspected that she could see right through the Castellans compliments to their more suspicious truth. He took a seat at the other end of the table with the two Mareines flanking him he looked even more imposing than normal. Bale slid him a data wafer and he inserted it into the lectern in front of him an image of a city appeared over the table. An image of the Capital appeared over with red triangles scattered about, followed by twice as many gold Harmonias mostly clustered near major Imperial authority areas.

‘As you can see the red dots are suspected insurgent strong holds,’ he tapped the largest one with his hoof and it enlarged the image greatly, ‘here however is the strong hold, what we have code named “The Spire” it’s in the old abandoned hive in the Elena District.’ He punched a code into the lectern and a three dimensional floor plan of the spire appeared along with a few boxes of data and arrows point to specific places of interest. ‘I’ll turn the floor over to Commaresar Bale who in the current absence of Colonel Steelgrip, will be giving the tactical brief from here.’ Gillimane sat and Bale stood, pointing out one of the boxes he enlarged the text so all could see the technical specs of a large waste pipe that bore into the bowels of the spire. Bale cleared his throat and spoke.

‘The Spire has several weaknesses but intelligence has deemed this one to be the most exploitable.’ He pointed at the image and began to explain the entrance and exit strategies to all at the table. Lyre didn’t hear him his head was going a million miles an hour. He saw it all, the minuscule details, every single accessible angle, every last death trap and ambush point. This was his gift, his curse this was why he was drafted into the Intelligence Division in the first place. He came down off his adrenal high and the world returned he was sweating and breathing a little heavy he noticed that Gillimane was staring at him the whole time, his face resting on his hooves, even though Bale was still talking. Bale was finishing his statement about the supplies and manpower when Lyre stood and interrupted him,

‘We’ll all die!’ He stammered getting a look from everypony present except Gillimane who just smirked a little as if he had seen everything Lyre had. ‘The entrance is less guarded true,’ he rushed over to another lectern punched the controls on it enlarging the image, ‘but its text book for an ambush, however here,’ he enlarged the specs for another entrance, ‘While moderately guarded offers this series of exploitable egress points.’ He highlighted a series of hatches and possible breach points. No pony moved they just stared at him his pupils shrunk and a nervous smile crossed his face. Had he over stepped a boundary? Did he commit a command taboo? His panic was broken by the clapping of hooves and the smile of the Equinsitor.

‘His logic is not flawed in fact it’s tactical genius if my opinion means anything, which,’ she snickered a little, ‘I know it won’t.’ She got up and strolled over toward Lyre his heart started racing and images unwillingly forced themselves into his mind, most of them where lewd in nature others were horrific and painful. He closed his eyes and the images faded as the Equinsitor passed she smirked and brushed up against him he felt her noxious warp energies flicker around her and he froze up until she passed. ‘No offense to the Commaresar intended, but maybe you should have consulted the Major on the subject,’ she shot him a sultry look they locked eyes, ‘I feel I will be again.’ Another image made its way into his mind against his wishes he shook it off less than willingly. If it came true he wasn’t going to complain, though he may be psychologically scared for the rest of his life if it did. At the moment he didn’t care he just wanted the witch to leave so he could be at peace again. She laughed her haughty, over confident laugh and went exit her menials following close behind. She turned before the blast doors with a smirk,

‘I will be waiting at the prison I already have my specialist team selected I expect the stipulations we agreed on to be honoured Lord Castellan,’ the hate from inside the room was more intense then the heat of the heat of the Pegusa Prime the star in the center of the system, ‘and Commaresar your specialists I trust where selected with higher standards than your battle strategy was planned.’ With that the blast door fell and she exited, as the door slammed both Gillimane and Bale shot around at Lyre, he could feel the scorn in their eyes. Gillimane was first to speak,

‘Heartstrings that was… excellent well done!’ Lyres mouth dropped and his gaze shifted to Bale a cocky smirk of approval breaking across his face. ‘See we were hopin’ you notice the suicide run we had planned so that bitch would feel as though she was superior, but what is really going on was only slightly different than actually what you had planned.’ He paused and stood as he programed in a code and a new display appeared before them, ‘you see this is the real plan, we are goin’ in exactly where you wanted but we are going to cut down to the next pipe and continue from there. So in a way it is your plan just slightly modified, however Commaresar make a note of those breach points in case things go ploin shaped?’ Bale nodded his acknowledgement and proceeded to leave the same smile still on face as he left the chamber. The two Mareines stood slightly confused at the spectacle, Applinia could sense that the one called “Heartstrings” was too in shock to ask any of the obvious questions she cleared her throat and Gillimane turned, ‘Yes my Lady?’

‘How is it the Equinsitor could not sense the thoughts of you and the Commaresar? Even I could feel her pestering presents in my own thoughts throughout the brief.’

‘Well the Commaresar, as I understand it, started as a magikster keeper so he received extensive magik intrusion training to avoid his charges burning him from the inside out,’ Applinia nodded she could understand that as she knew it was one of a Commaresar’s many duties to summarily execute both troops and sanctioned magiksters if they showed taint or any other violations of Guard codes, ‘myself as Lord Castellan I have an augmented brain segment that’s where I keep all my secrets and schemes so no rogue magikster can get vital Imperial intelligence, and if it’s hacked without me unlocking it mentally it will explode.’ The last part he said completely nonchalantly as though it was just another piece of day to day business. Her questions answered she quietly nodded her head as snickered a little.

‘So this was all a ploy for the Equinsitor? Interesting how mortal politics works if I had a problem I would have simply disemboweled her.’ Again this was said with such a degree of neutrality it openly startled poor Lyre. He barely understood what was going on but he wasn’t about to try to make heads or tails of it either.

‘Sir what does this mean now? I mean what do I do next?’ He needed guidance and he knew Gillimane was already four steps ahead of him so Lyre knew he would be able to tell him. Gillimane smiled a little and passed a wafer to Lyre who inserted it into the lectern. A series of mug shots and service records started popping up all over creating a vast spreadsheet of data.

‘You will head to detention center Bravo Romeo Zero November – One Three. Get these individuals. Most of them served as Kasr’colt commandos, in the campaign on Corn V but where sent here after a few incidents with the Eldeer, our own delightful ball of sunshine Equinsitor Tryx is over seein’ their interrogations and “Tests” for taint,’ he looked around the room to see that all present where hanging on his words and readily listening, ‘it’s all a load really these are war heroes and I want to retire them if they survive this suicide run, Lyre this is why, your tactical genius has been proved to me over the past few days. You changed my mind on letting you lead you will get a team, along with Steelgrip and Bonnelly’s teams, and raid this shit hole. I have no doubt the team I made for you will get you out alive and you will get them out alive.’

Lyre was frozen, his ears drooped, and his irises shrank to almost microscopic size. He wanted to scream and run out of the room but the Pegusian in him stood and saluted,

‘It would be an honour Lord Castellan.’ Gillimane returned the salute and smiling left the briefing room,

‘You familiarize yourself with the team. You can have this room for as long as you need it Major.’ It was the first time Gillimane had used his rank in private he could feel the bittersweet sting of it. It meant he was gaining his respect but it almost meant the responsibilities that went along with it. He nodded as Gillimane and Applinia exited. Before she left Rainboute turned and silently gave him her approval with a dip of the head and a quick smirk. He stiffened a little at the show of respect and when she finally left he released a pent up sigh, he raced over to the trash can and vomited. It shamed him a little but no one was around to see him so he didn't care. He turned back to the hololithic displays of the team… no HIS team. He never met them but he knew before he did he would know everything about them he could. He sat and pulled the first file up to his face and read the name aloud to himself though it was slight whisper,

‘Sergeant Vivian Scratch Symphony…..’

Author's Note:

Well I'll just keep the ball rolling I got inspired so I knocked this out real quick enjoy!!