• Published 5th Dec 2012
  • 1,051 Views, 31 Comments

Warpony 40k - Luckythebrony

In the grim dark future there is only... Harmony? A twisted ride through the 40k universe pony style

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Planet Fall

Chapter V

Planet fall

Segmentum Celest Pegusian Gate

Orbit above Pegusa

0643 Imperial Standard

“Troubling have been my dreams of late, Applinia,” Twilight halfheartedly admitted to her close friend and confidant, “The closer we get to the Eye, the more I feel its corruption. But I, of all ponies, should not!” She stated. Applinia felt unsettled, as she looked on Twilight. Her voice was stricken with a genuine fear, as close to fear as a genetically perfect super pony could feel. She stared into her friends eyes and hoped she would have an answer, though she already knew she did not.

‘Twi… I don’t know what to tell you… you must fight for sanity and ponity. If you lose sight of what is true in this world, you of all of us, what hope would the rest of us possibly have?’ Twilight knew it was a feeble reason, if a reason at all but it would have to do, and besides it did make her feel better.

Empress, damn my magikster abilities and being able to hear my friends true thoughts! She cried out in her head only it wasn’t just her in there and he made himself known.

Yeeesssss curse your blessed powers and so on and so forth I just want to be a normal super bio-engineered pony! Hahaha! His voice mocked her from the void and suddenly she was frozen in time she looked around the loading bay where the preparations for planet fall and the company’s arrival were brought to a sudden halt all at once. Twilight stood looking at herself as if from a third person view separated and alone. Her robes where gone and she had donned her Liberians’ power armor, the blue of her chapter contrasted badly with her combat-mark, and personal heraldry stamped to her breast plate instead of a harmonia. Her personal Magikster Hood built into her armor and customized by Rariti was specifically designed not to let this sort of thing happen…

So why is it!?!? She screamed out into the nothingness.

Becausssse you are our chosen daughter! The one to lead the true and glorious armies of Discord Undivied against your pathetic Corps Goddess! The voice still echoed. She needed to break his bond with her, she needed to-

Recite of the Litany of Solitude and Peace of Mind? You see I’m one step ahead of you and always will be. Hahaha even now I see you are coming to aid of the doomed little Pegusians tch tch what a waste, buuuut if you let me into your inner mind ooooo the fun we could have with them!

'GET OUT HERETIC SCUM!!!' She shot violet bolts of warp lighting into nothing as it struck nothing. She was panting heavily, jaw clenched, her muscles tight ready to react at a moment’s notice. Her pupils had shrunk and they darted back and forth like a heightened predator.

Oh now don’t get mad! Look, if you want I’ll go now…but if you die out there well… Let’s just say I’m hoping your soul will taste as sweet as your flesh…. And with that the spell broke as if nothing had happened. Applinia was monitoring the progress of the serfs and servitors. Everpony was busy about, ignorant of the woe plaguing Twilight. She was panting, her ire was up she wanted blood and combat. Power crackled from her horn, she shook it away along with all the thoughts that went with it. She slipped out of the loading bay and into a deserted hall where she took a deep, cleansing breath and began to recite the Littany of-

- Solitude and Inner Peace? It was his voice again! The sorcerer!! How?! Where?! She stopped as she realized she had conjured the voice. She had done it, her own imagination,

I’m going to lose it aren’t I? She became dejected at her own thoughts. Suddenly the klaxons sounded for the disembarkation to the planet’s surface and she made her back to the thunderhawk in the bay. Applinia was waiting by the ramp while Pinkamina, Dash, Rariti and Fluttica had already started to board and strap themselves in. She feigned a smile for her friend and Capitan as she embarked up the loading ramp for the trip down to the planet surface.


*Planet side*

Gillimane paced his office staring up at the sky through his window waiting for the message of the Marestartes arrival. A knock came at his door and he turned to this new announce he growled a little before giving permission for the irritation to enter. Major Lyre Heartstrings, wearing a crisp uniform and new rank pins entered, slowly at first only to be scolded by Gillimane.

‘What are you waitin’ for!? Empress’ Day? Or how about a gold plated innovation?!?’ This was what the norm had become for Lyre over the past two days; lots of insults from the Castellan, lots of paper work from Bonnelly, and no recognition. Not that he minded, in fact he thought it a great honour. He hurried up to Gillimanes’ desk and passed him the data slate from inside his belt pouch.

‘Here my lord, the Reports from Commaresar Bale, and Colonel’s Bonelly and Steelgrip.’

‘Hmm Bales’ I bet is executions, I was right.’ he skimmed over ever report and just barely glanced at them, ‘Steelgrip… More results with the cultist insurrections… excellent! Aaannd Bonnelly troop dispositions. Grand, just grand!’ He seemed to cheer-up as he finished his cup of recaf that was sitting on his desk and put down the data slate, ‘Well then it’s my turn for news Heartstrings,’ he looked up at the mint colored colt.

Grrreeeaaat more paper-work for me… Lyre thought to himself rolling his double hued eyes.

‘I got some field work to be done by Bale, Steelgrip, and you.’ Lyre’s ears perked up.

A mission… me?!? He tried to contain his excitement and listened closely to his impromptu brief.

‘You will be my eyes on for one of Steelgrips raids, so sorry no leadin’ anyone just keep alive and make a good n’ detailed report one I’ll actually care to read. Now Bale will be dealin’ the Empress’ Justice to those damn dirty heathens while Steelgrip and his men destroy everythin’ else… Now listen here cause this is the part where you don’t repeat it to anyone understand?’ Lyre nodded vigorously,

‘Yes sir 'course sir.’

‘Good because I have a feelin’ these cult freaks are gunna open a warp gate here…in the capitol! But I’m afraid they have got to have help from the inside… My own house, Hearstrings, I need you to find if there is a heretic mole and kill him… can you do that?’

‘Without hesitation, sir!’ Lyre stood up on his back legs and saluted sharply.

‘Good now go lay low for a little while, get what you need from the quartermaster. I will give you a time line. It won’t be today, but soon, alright son?’ Lyre fired off another crisp salute and made his way out of the office. ‘Good kid… Hope he doesn’t die.’ Gillimane chuckled at some unheard joke and began to scratch down a few personal notes on to a data slate. The sudden chime of his private phone line caught his attention.

‘Yes Bonnelly what is it?!’ he answered curtly

My lord, a Marestartes Thunderhawk, Identified as the Sweet Apple, has just broke orbit, and are set to land at Star Port Creed.’ replied the Colonel in neutral tone.

‘Good! You and Major Heartstrings meet me down stairs in twenty minutes. Have a convoy prepared I don’t wanna get assassinated out there.’

‘Very good my lord.’ With that he hung up the receiver, pushed himself up from his desk and made his way over to his wardrobe.

‘I better put on a fresh one for the big shots, huh?’ He joked with himself in the mirror but he knew if he made the wrong impression it could affect the working relationship he would have with Marestartes,

Not to mention they’re Ultramareines the upitiest of all the chapters… He mused to himself as he slid his red Governor’s sash over his shoulder and draped his Marechrian cross round his neck. As he clasped the Vestment of Creed, the ultimate symbol of his authority around his neck he smirked remembering how long ago he was a guttersnipe, white shield praying for his one shot.

Now look at you, runnin’ the damn planet, he chuckled to himself, as he made his way out the door, down the stairs and out the lobby exit. Like two faithful hounds, there stood Bonnelly and Lyre, facing each other, Bonnelly holding the door to his staff car open, and Heartstrings standing at attention on his hind legs, a las-carbine clutched in his hooves. Gillimane looked up and down the road and heard the rumble before he saw the beasts. Three Pegusian Pattern Lemare Russ tanks, with markings of the 4th Interior Guard Armoured Regiment, rolled around the corner and took up positions, two behind and one in front, around Gillimane’s staff car. Gillimane smiled and pointed to the front tank,

‘Thank you Colonel but it seems my ride just arrived.’ He trotted over the tank and climbed up the side of olive drab, iron-clad behemoth. He looked back to see Bonnelly visibly slump and sigh as she climbed in the car and closed the door. Lyre had a ridiculous grin on his face followed by a look of pure admiration for Gillimane replacing it soon after. Gillimane sat down on the track guard his hoof dangling off the side and ushered the convoy onward to the space port.