• Member Since 30th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Sep 4th, 2019



It was a perfect day to play pranks on the unsuspecting ponies of Ponyville.
Discord the lord of chaos and disharmony visits his favourite pink party pony to invite her to tag along, but Pinkie is busy baking cupcakes.
So Discords ends up helping her.

On another note, this is the very first fanfiction I've written in years, I've written in english and released on the internet. It's just a simple one-shot-like story that stands independent of any continuity. So yeah, there's no reason why Discord is free or visits Pinkie and she's okay with that. It is just a silly idea I had in my head since Discord first appeared on the show.

As I mentioned this FF is my first in several aspects, but I don't want to use that as an excuse, please give me all the construcive criticism you can find !
Anything is okay, please do repeat what others have already said if you agree. That way I can see what problems are the most common.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 12 )

This was pretty cute.
It knew exactly what kind of story it wanted to be, and it succeeded.
I'd recommend this one to anyone who wants a short, but satisfying, read.

oh my god its so cute:heart:

#3 · Jan 12th, 2012 · · ·



thank god! when i saw the title i thought this was going to be a different version of cupcakes

daw times 100

I wanted to wait some time before my reply.

Thanks for all the positive reactions, it's really great to see that a few people really like my first try. A hand full of people faved/tracked it and ~400 views is pretty great.
But I have the feeling the time of my submission and the actual release was unfortunate so that it was posted when not that many people were online and then "washed down" by other FFs. (time of the day seems to be important in my observations)

I'm a little bit sad that there isn't any constructive feedback, but then again I take it as a compliment.

So thanks to everyone, now that I have more time I will try to get out another FF.

SOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!! Why am I the only one of my friends to ship these two?
Also the line, I'm evil so I can talk with a full mouth. Can I use that? For like, ever?

This is the first time I've read a fanfic that the events of the show ended up making more likely that when the author posted it! As now discord is free and would have every reason to pester the pink party pony for pranks!

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