• Published 2nd Dec 2012
  • 584 Views, 11 Comments

The Last Ride - thedandyman009

A strange little filly disguised as a human was taken by the bank robbers Just after her dad passed.

  • ...

He'll Betray You

It was 11:00 AM, Mike, Jim, Dennis, and Bryan were sitting in the living room couch talking, and planing about the train plan that is coming
today when its sunset. The living room was a mess after last night, and things house very strange around the house.

Mike was asking Jim about the train." How long does the train get here? I don't want to deal with this mess anymore."

"Relax Mike." Jim exclaimed. When the sun sets down the train will get there, we'll head in one of the empty carts, and will be on our way to freedom. Jim said to Mike.

Mike was drinking half bottle of Jack Daniels to make himself relax. Bryan on the other hand was to busy sleeping on the couch because they had a long night from trouble. Then all of the sudden Robert came out of the master bed room and head towards the living room where the guys are. Robert felt a little bit fine. but his eye was still hurt from last nights incident. he was wearing some bandages on his eye and stitches.

Robert asked the guys." Damn... Was there a party last night?

Mike looked at Robert when he was confused and said to him." Robert? jeez man you should rest back in the room, you like sh*t."

"Oh Shut up your Sh*t. So seriously what the F*ck happened?" Robert asked again when he felt worse, and frustrated a little.

Mike, Jim, and Dennis would tell Robert what was going on, but Robert will think this is some sort of joke.

Robert try to retrace his foot steps something from last night about his eyelid being sliced open.

"So let me get this straight?" Robert exclaimed." While I was playing a card game with Bryan, Something cut open my eye from out of nowhere right?" Robert said when looked at the guys eyes to know if their lying.

Dennis, and Mike told him exactly what happened, and they were dead serious. Robert was still yapping, and cussing that this all bunch of BS. Its like somebody is pulling Roberts legs. But Instead it wasn't joke. Dennis even knows who's responsible for the incident last night. But he has to keep it a secret about the little girl, and her gift. But still Dennis felt horrible about last night, not like any horrible stuff in his killing business days. So he has to do something right to make her feel better. Dennis went to the kitchen to bring out some eggs from the fridge, some pancakes to bake, and pour some orange juice in a kids cup.

Robert was asking Dennis." What are you doing man?"

"Making break fest. what is it look like." Dennis said while he making pancakes.

Robert asked Dennis when he sat on the chair "For who me? Cause I am starving man."

Dennis turned back at Robert and said to him grinning. "You can make your damn break fest for all I care"

"Scr*w you man I"m hungry!" Robert talks trash to Dennis, while he 's ignoring what Robert saying. Then Robert keeps yapping, and acting like a child while Dennis was carrying the plate of food, and drink to Anna's room. "Why you be haten on me? I'm hurt, I'm bleeding, I'm... Where the hell are you going?

Meanwhile in Anna's room Dennis opened the the door where he poked his head in the room and says to Anna. "Anna? you awake?" Then Dennis went into her room with a plate of break fest. " Come rise and shine kid." Dennis said when set the plate down on the tea part table.

But when she heard Dennis's voice, Anna moans when she got out of bed on the wrong side, while still being tired, and lazy to wake up. Dennis sat next to her while Anna is under the blanket, he tries to poke just to tease her to wake up. But no luck, she still moans in a mad way. So instead he decided to talk to her even though she's still ignoring him.

Dennis said to Anna when he started to pat her." Look I know things might be rough from yesterday. And I'm
sorry for that. But I promise you though, your secrets safe with me." Dennis turned away from her, and started to tell her his own secrets." To tell you the truth, I have a secret like yours but magically, its different."

Dennis exclaimed to Anna " I um... kill people not just for self defense.I kill them for business,Just like every time I work with someone like my buddy Jim, wait wait its just an example." Dennis continues to tell his story and said." When I work with someone like Jim, I intend kill, and steal their precious items, money, power, Even their lives. Its like when you play a game you must know your opponents moves, every game has strategies. But when make the wrong move, POOF game over." Dennis said when looked outside of the window and saw birds flying in the air.

"That's how in my world, I kept winning. Over and over again,until finally when I achieved something in life, OR when I've done something in my life's long dream. Its over." Dennis turned back to Anna when she is still under the blanket. Then Dennis said something to Anna that will make her get out of her blanket."

"Before I went to hurt people for business. I used to have a family like you kid." Suddenly she poked her head out of her blanket and listen what Dennis was about to say." I was 10 years old when my family and I were on a vacation. we went to the beach, we went site seeing, and most important we had fun. Until one night when we were going out to eat at this fancy restaurant, Their were these bad men who were carrying these guns, and shoot up the place."

Just when Dennis talking about those bad stuff, Anna went towards Dennis, she grabs his hand, and she starts to see Dennis's past. She concentrate, and focus with her magic , and then she saw the vision of his parents demise. She saw two bad men shooting everyone in the restaurant, She even heard One bad man telling a wounded manager to pay the for some mob family, or they will burn this place down.

She saw Dennis hiding under the table with his mom, but Anna doesn't know where Dennis's dad. Until The other bad man threw the table where the Dennis, and his mother were hiding, One bad man grabbed Dennis's mom and starts to take her necklace, until Anna saw this man running towards with a kitchen knife to save this woman. Anna guesses that's Dennis's father, So wants he tried to save her the other bad man shot Dennis's father as many bullets as he can.

After the other bad man killed Dennis's father. He was going to kill Dennis as well, but the mom tries to take the gun away from him, and tells her son." RUN DENNIS RUN!" Dennis ran out as he heard a gun fire behind him, hearing a death woman's scream in the background was his mother. He was running in the ally way started to cry desperately. Anna saw Dennis alone in the dark where he was on his own just like Anna was when her dad died.

All of the sudden her vision fading away, and she was heading back to reality when she heard Dennis's voice saying." Anna? Anna are you okay?" Anna looked at Dennis when he looked worried and confused when she stood there frozen while holding Dennis's hand. She couldn't bare to tell him what she really did,so she didn't say anything to Dennis , and just moved to the next subject.

Dennis was asking her." Anna whats wrong?"

Anna pretended."Umm nothing (Sniff or smell) Is that break fest?"

Dennis said to Anna." Yeah I told you this 2 minutes ago."

Anna went to the little table and was starting to eat pancakes and eggs. Dennis looks confused, so he tried forget that.But the important thing to him is that he got her up and made her eat break fest. He went to sit next to Anna in the little table and started to get to know her.

"So how long did you know magic?" Dennis said when he is curious. Anna turned her head up and gave him a mean look.

Dennis said when he apologies to her. "Sorry its just I think your very good with magic. Did anypony, I MEAN anyone tell you this before?"

Anna ignores the part where he slips his words out of his mouth and continues eating. Then Anna told him about her magic.
"Well no one but my dad. He always gives me thanks, and luck for my learning of magic. He even taught me how to control them."

"Like what? Using the force." Dennis asked when he guessed.

Anna started to giggle when she heard him saying use the force." Something like that. But its different."

"Sometimes I have to use my magic for good. at least that's what my dad said" Anna said when she's scratching her head while thinking about it.

Anna said to Dennis." I just concentrate, relax, focus, and Poof! that's it.

Dennis was impressed what he had heard from Anna. And starts thinking about something. Then Dennis had an idea but it isn't going to be easy. He grabbed his pistol from his holster, he made sure its on safety, and grabbed a suppressor and attached it on gun.

Dennis empty his bullets out of his magazine loader and asked Anna while he hold a piece of bullet in front of her." Can you make this bullet powerful with a little juice of your horn?"

Anna was confused answered Dennis's question." I guess.. But I'm not sure I can do this.

Dennis put his hand on her human shoulder tells her he believes she can do it . Anna was still worried about her spell trick but Dennis said to her." Don't worry, you can do this. I believe in you. Just like your dad."

Just like that Anna closed her eyes and begun the spell on the bullet. Her horn was sticking out of her head and tries to focus her magic on the bullet where Dennis was holding. When she her horn was glowing and was ready to fire she said to Dennis." Do you really believe me Mr Dennis?"

Dennis said to Anna "Would I ever lie?"

Then she fired her spell on the bullet and it was really glowing on to Dennis fingertips. Finally the spells done, the aurora was around the bullet, and Dennis was stunned of what she did to the bullet. He put a piece of the glowing bullet in the magazine, loaded on his gun, and pull the slide up and down where the magical particles were flown right out of the ejection port. The gun was ready to fire with the suppressor, he aimed it on the ceiling, and was ready to pull the trigger.

Then Anna asked Dennis." Are you sure you know what your doing? You know your going to pay for a new ceiling right?"

"I'll pay kid. I'll pay."

Then when he pulled the trigger it fired lighting fast not only through ceiling, but the roof as well. Also the load of the shot was very silent. But it also left the bullet hole very burnt. Dennis's eyes and mouth were way wide opened, he didn't how far the bullet went,but he knows this gun was deadly with Anna's magic. Then Anna asked Dennis." Is this mean break fest is over?"

Mean while back at the Police station, Rashid was in his office looking at the file of Dennis Melendez records. Until his friend Frank came in to tell him something."Hey Rashid you got a minute?"

Rashid nodded and let Frank in his office. Rashid said to him while reading the file." This better be good, because I don't want anymore body cases on my ass."

"Well no but it involves with this guy named Dennis. We heard reports saying he went to the a local pharmacy. where he bought some medical stuff like some glue, or morphine, stitches, and-" Frank said before he was interrupted buy Rashid.

Rashid said to Frank when he is irritated." OK I get it, but what about Melendez?"

"Well one of the two officers pulled Dennis over for an expired licenses plate. They don't know who he was and they tried to get his name but he showed them a registration of the owners vehicle. I guessing Dennis stole the car from the owners house I think." Frank explains to Rashid.

Rashid asked Frank."How did Melendez escaped?"

Frank responded." Well he quickly got out of the passenger side of the car and stabbed one officer in the stomach, and took the officers gun.

"What happened to the stabbed officer?" Rashid asked.

Frank said "He went to the emergency room, he was losing blood. Luckily they fixed the officer and he's doing fine and he's going to be out for month depending on his condition."

Rashid a breath and said "That's good. What about our stabbing friend?"

Well Dennis highjacked another persons vehicle and was heading towards this neighborhood." Frank said when he showed Rashid a neighborhood map. Dennis stopped right there and took off in the dark, we couldn't find."

"Why would Dennis steal a Hyundai in the middle of a night instead of using the van?" Rashid said to himself.

Rashid asked Frank ."Where did Dennis steal the Hyundai?"

"He stole it at this mans house. Its Johns brothers house, he lives there with his little niece." Frank said when he pointed the address of the house. Then Rashid turned his head up to Frank and asked." A Niece? Did they ask the mans name?"

Frank said to Rashid."Actually all we heard was Mike. The little girl named Anna called her caretaker, uncle Mike."

"What about Mike's Brother um... John right? What about him?" Rashid asked Frank.

Frank gave him a border patrol file and said. "Well here's the thing. John was murdered on the night before the bank was robbed. And here's the strange part, It shows John is a border patrol, and he has no relatives."

Rashid raised his eyebrow and said to Frank."Really? So this Mike is probably lying to us?"

Frank said to Rashid."I guess so sir." Rashid got out of his table and was going to leave his office.

"Wait where are you going?" Frank asked

"I'm gonna check out Ruiz's place. I think the five men are there with the van. And give me more details of John Ruiz's death while your at it." Rashid said when he went out.

Frank said to Rashid."Yes sir. I'll get right on it."

Meanwhile back at the house. it was 5:30 pm before sunset. Anna and Dennis were in the attic sorting the stuff in the box without any four men noticing. Anna was using spells(while she was in her true form of a filly) to turn weapons into death machine. She was turn a lot of bullets into magic, including assault rifles bullets. Dennis was putting his magazines in his pants pockets, also his black leather jacket. He was still wearing a bullet proof vest under his jacket, and also Anna's small birthday present. Dennis will give it to her when the time is right. But in the meantime he needs to get organize.

Dennis told Anna that they're were done working." Well that's the last of it. Let me bring this box down so me and the guys can get ready to hit the road."

"But what about me?" Anna asked when she started to have tears in her eyes. Then Dennis didn't realize that part,but he had one idea.

Dennis said to her." Look kid.Its not safe for you to be with me and the crew."

Then Anna said with a tone." What do you mean? I've been taken you people who hurts innocent ones for money."

"Then after that. You guys decided to stay over at our house to throw a stupid party, with a load stupid music! Anna yelled while she pointed her hoof at Dennis.

Then Dennis got annoyed and tries to reason with her." It wasn't our choice,it was an order from Jim to stay here until the train gets here, and.....Why am I arguing with a pony?

Dennis was irritated and started to sort out the weapons in the box. Then he tells her." Look kid. When we leave this house. I'm gonna call someone to pick you up and taker to the place where kids like you who don't have a family."

Anna said to Dennis." But I'm different from others."

"I know. But you can disguise your self right? you know as long as you can" Dennis asked when he's getting the box out of the attic. But Anna said something that worries her. "Yeah but... If I keep using my magic too much.What if they know what I'm really am?"

Then Dennis put down his box and started to think. Then Dennis had one bad idea. but he will have to convince the guys to let her come since she is different, all alone in this world, and no family. All but her gifted powers, Then he started to talk to Anna about coming to the train with the five men.

Later when Robert and Bryan were laying on the each couch, Robert was asking Bryan." Hey. Where the hell is Dennis?

Then Bryan answered while he's tired."(Yawn) I think he's in that little girls room for a while. You know to keep her company?"

"Sh*t I'm gonna go see what they're up too." Robert got up and started to head over to Anna's door. When slightly
opened the door, he poked his head in their to see whats going on but no one was in the Anna's room. He saw the food from on the table which was cold for about an hour.

Robert went over to the table and started to drink an orange juice which was a little bit warm. Robert said to himself." What a waste." Then he heard voices on the somewhere in the closet, he walked slowly to the closet as he heard more voices in there. And when he went in there he saw the attic door in the ceiling open. and heard Dennis's voice up there.

Robert heard Dennis saying." I won't let those people know what you really are, as long as your with me OK?"

"You promise not to tell them about my powers?" Anna asked when she looked at Dennis in the eyes.

As soon as Robert heard what this little girl said about powers. He looked confused and wanted to hear more.

" I promise. No one will know your secrets." Dennis said when he hold her little hoof and began to pat her."

Until one thing Robert heard from Dennis just surprised him." Alright just get back to your human form while I get these stuff out."

Robert was very confused and when he heard Dennis coming the attic, Robert quickly ran out of the Anna's room and sat on the couch like nothing happened. Bryan asked Robert when he was awake " Whats going man?"

Robert didn't know what to say but he started to tell Bryan. "I knew it."

Bryan asked Robert." Knew about what?"

"I knew I saw that lil horse that night." Robert said when he started to smoke a cigarette.

Bryan started to laugh when he's hung over."A horse? ha-ha what did you do went compete in the rodeo?"

"F*ck you man. I saw that horse on the night I capped a -" Robert said when someone knocked on a door. Jim, Mike, and Dennis went to the living room to check whats going on. Mike went to the front door to peek through the peephole.

When Mike see's someone that looked like a cop, he knows that cop is a detective. Jim said to Dennis." Get the girl. It worked before, and it will work again.

Dennis said to Jim." You sure?"

Jim questioned him." Its not a suggestion just do it. You, Me, Robert, and Bryan will head in the back yard, go to the side of the house, and give this nut job a surprises if all fails."

Dennis said to Jim. "Fine."

meanwhile Rashid was at the front door knocking a lot of times to let some one open a door. Until Mike opened a door, and pretend be tired. Mike gives a Rashid a good greet and asked him" Morning. How can I help you?"

Rashid tells Mike." Hello Mr Ruiz. I'm Detective Rashid from the Westside Command Center, and I like to ask you some questions regarding from last night"

Mike Asked" Well what is this about?"

Rashid was getting a little suspicious and shows, explains to Mike about photo of Dennis." Well I'm looking for this man who was with four different men in a black van somewhere in this neighborhood.

Mike questioned Rashid and asked.Hmm never seen him. And what makes you think these five men would hide here?

Rashid answered to Mikes question and tells him." Well we heard reports saying of this missing girl who was taken by these men with the black van. One of these men like this one in this picture didn't bother taking his van last night, so instead he used your brothers car with the keys to the ignition."

Mike was a little irritated, and just played along." Really I was asleep all night. And I didn't know someone will break in."

Mike asked Mike this hard question "And about that little niece of yours. How long have you had her?"

"Whats it matter? I took care of her when she was a baby." Mike said when started to scratch his head and play it cool.

Meanwhile on the side of the house four men and Anna were hiding on the side of the house where Rashid was at the front door asking Mike some questions.

Bryan whispers to Jim." He's gonna blow it."

"Easy just sit tight."Jim said to Bryan while he's carrying a assault rifle. Dennis and Anna were behind the the trash cans on the side of the house.

" Is that police man looking for me?" Anna whisper to Dennis.

Dennis said to Anna listens to those conversation "I don't know kid. Just stay quiet ok."

Then Robert looked at Dennis and Anna with a mean look, while they were hiding.

Rashid was getting a lot of suspicious from Mike, so Rashid asked him a favor." Mr Ruiz, or is it? Can you open the garage door for me please.

Mikes heart just stopped he was about to depose this cop to pieces.

Once the four men heard what Rashid said to Mike. They were ready to ready fire in the sneak attack. Dennis told Anna to go hide in the tool shed cover her ears.Then she ran to the tool shed, while Robert was geeting suspicious about this girl. After she went to the tool shed, Anna realize where they parked the van which was in the garage. she used her powers to turn the van invisible. She closed her eyes, her horn was sticking out, she concentrates where the van was parked, and then she cast the magic on the van turning it invisible.

As soon as Mike opened the garage door, and The four were ready to fire. Rashid saw nothing in the garage and went in. Once Mike see's the Van gone, he saw four men almost walking out of the side of the house and yells while whispers to go back.
The four was confused and asked whats going on, but Mike just tells them to hide back on the side. So the four were hiding again as Mike was shocked and tries to play it cool.

Rashid has seen enough and because he can't find the van, as he expected.

Rashid told Mike. "Well thats all I came here for. Take care Mr Ruiz."

Then Rashid gave him a serious look and tells Mike."I'll be watching you."

Mike said the Rashid." You too."

Rashid was heading to his car and drives to the other side of the neighborhood where the back yard was just after the five men were heading back to the house. But not Dennis though he was coming to the tool shed where Anna'a at and just when he was bout to open the door. Robert came up Dennis from behind scaring him."BOO ha-ha" Gotcha didn't I"

" Yeah. Yea you did." Dennis said when gave him a mean look.

Robert played cool and said to Dennis."Look homie. I don't want to bust your balls here K? But what is with you and this girl huh?"

Dennis tells Robert when he's opening the door." Its not of your business so piss off."

Robert said to Dennis with an evil look on his sliced eyelid. "Oh I think I know something you don't want anyone to know. Seeings how that girl cut my eye open."

Then Dennis paused and turned his head around to Robert. Then Robert said to Dennis." If it weren't for her magic I'd would just kill her like the rest of the dying horses( He meant people) I had to put down.

Finally Dennis snapped, he grabbed Robert and slammed him on the side of the tool shed.

Dennis said when he threatens Robert."If you ever go near this girl I'll-." Until Anna came out of the shed in a human form.

She heard and looked at Roberts evil look on his face.

Dennis told Anna in the polite way when he's about to beat the living life out of him." Anna go back to the house and stay with Jim.

Meanwhile all the way back of the canal where the backyard of the house where the five men were staying. Rashid was hiding behind the big fence where he heard a conversation about the little girl and her magic, even he couldn't believe what he's hearing. Just as he knew where the five are, he called in some back up to clear the house when they get there.

Anna was still standing there afraid of looking at Robert as he knows the little girl somewhere. Dennis tells her one more time" Anna get in the house now." All of the sudden Robert grabbed a piece of hammer and hits Dennis hard in the head, and starts to beat him to death with a hammer, but Dennis grabbed a hammer as Dennis head butts on Robert's injured eye as Robert was l laid down to the ground. Just as when Dennis was going to smash Roberts skull wide open. Someone shouted out "freeze!"

Rashid was holding and aiming at Dennis as he shouted" Don't move" Dennis dropped his hammer down and raised his hands up as Robert was very hurt on the ground. "Rashid looks at the girl and tells her." Its ok I'm here to save you." Then just as when Rashid was going to handcuff Dennis, he heard and got shot in the waist. Mike and Jim shot down a detective, and went over to the back yard to check the cop.

Jim said to Dennis" You okay?

Dennis got up and said "Yeah but where's Anna? Then he saw Anna in the corner hiding in the shed when she heard a load gun fire. Dennis went over there and tells her." Shhhh its alright, Your safe. Come on out. Then Anna hold Dennis's hand as they were walking to Jim, and Mike. Rashid was breathing heavily when he got shot directly in the waist which wasn't good at all

Mike said to Jim "This cop is still alive." What should we do with him?

Jim walked up to the Rashid and asked him." Did you call your friends?"

Rashid nodded to him yes as he said." Their coming to get you ass h*oles.

Mike was about to aim and shoot Rashid in the head. but Jim has in stores for him.

Jim tells Mike" No. He's our hostage.

Just as Jim heard some one on the walkie talkie. He picked, and tells Mike to carry Rashid to the house as Jim himself carry's Robert inside too just before backup arrives. Dennis doesn't whats going to happen when Robert starts telling Jim the truth, so Dennis and Anna went back inside where Jim and the rest were at.

Mike grabbed a dinner chair and made Rashid sit there while Mike was tying Rashid hand behind the chair as Rashid was bleeding out. as from Jim he put Robert on the living room couch and tells what happened out side.

Jim said to Robert as he is hurt." Robert, what the hell happened to you?"

Robert answered Jims questioned and smiled while bleeding." Go ask Dennis." He's the one who beat the crap out of me."

Jim looked stressed as what has happened minutes ago. Jim went up to Dennis, Tells him get Anna in the room, and speaks to him face to face in the dinner room where Rashid's at.

" Can you explain to me Dennis. Why would you beat up my own men when we are in the middle of the crisis here."

Dennis was going to answer his question but Jim slapped Dennis across the face, and tells him." And now him and his backup are coming here ASAP!"

Dennis had enough of Jim's yelling and tells him." Look I will handle this-" Jim interrupted and said" Really how? Just how?"

Then Rashid woke up a little and starts hearing Dennis, and Jim's conversation, as Dennis said to him. "I promise you, I have something for our new friends see and taste." Just as Dennis said before he went to the Anna's room to get a box of weapons out of the living room. Jim started to get frustrated and confused just when he said to Dennis" What are you talking about?"

Dennis said just when he was about to opened Anna's door "Magic."

Then Rashid heard the word magic and he was wondering about the girl who can use magic. At least thats what he heard in the backyard.

Dennis came out with of box of magical guns and ammunition. Anna slowly came out of the room to see of Robert was anywhere in his presence. Sadly yes, she saw Robert laying on the on couch sleeping while he was in pain by the hands of Dennis. Just when she saw him she quickly went to Dennis, and asks him." Is this going to be over soon?"

Dennis could wish so, but he told her." We'll see. Just stay here" Dennis put the box on the dinner table while Anna was standing in the living room."

Jim, Mike, Bryan, and Dennis were ready for a fight. Jim calls his buddy to get the train here as soon as possible.

but it will take It was already 5:45 PM after backup call somewhere around 5:55 PM, so they should be here soon. Mean while When Jim heard someone on the walkie talkie. He tried to wake Rashid up but he's losing a lot of blood so he could hardly wake up. He could shut it off but Rashid already calls for backup so thats bad news for Jim.

"Damn it. I guess I'll be the one talking to those bastards myself." Although since we have the girl? They wont touch us."

Dennis said to Jim" Whats that suppose to mean?"

Then Dennis notice that Anna was missing in the living room.

Jim said to Dennis when he started to drink a bottle of whisky."Nothing. Just do what your doing."

Then some was saying Rashid's name on the walkie talkie if he was there or not. all of the sudden Rashid woke up still have some breath in him. Rashid was saying when he was shouting. "Frank? Frank is that you?"

Jim came up to Rashids face and asked him" Your know this person?".

Rashid nodded yes, and Jim answered his walkie talkie and said." Hello is this Frank?"

Frank shouted and said" What have you done to Rashid you-" Jim interrupted and said. Hey-hey-hey? Theres no reason for being rude. Unless you want your buddy's bullet in his brain.

Then Bryan heard the sirens as they were coming towards the house, as he said to Jim." Jim we got company."

"Your going to tell these men to step back, Or I will kill this Officer."

Bryan was carrying a pistol, and tells Jim." Jim the train is not going to get here on time we gotta go."

Then Jim had enough and threw's the bottle at the window and shouted out" WE WAIT!"

Mike, and Bryan peeked through the peephole and saw many swats vehicles, and police cars.

"Jim asked Frank a question. So Is there something you were going to say to Rashid here?"

Frank couldn't answer back to this unknown caller because he was mad and afraid of his partner getting hurt.

Frank just tell. what were you going to ask Rashid.

Then Frank played his game and answered his question. (Sigh) Well Rashid wanted me to give him a detail reports on John Ruiz's death.

Jim said to Frank." Ok now where getting somewhere,Then?

Then we found a murder weapon and send it to the lab, turns out we found some finger prints on a pistol. We analyzed it and know who the murderer.

Jim asked Frank." Ok Who did it?

All of the sudden when Jim heard the killers name which something unexpected happened. "His name is Robert Blake"

Jim eyes were wide opened as he paused in the awkward silence while in the background noise of Bryan pleaded and tells him." Jim theres no way out maybe we should-" Then Jim heard shot and saw Bryan dead with a head shot. Dennis Mike, and Jim were pointing there guns at the shooter. But the shooter was Robert holding the little girl hostage.

Dennis pointed the gun at him as Robert was pointing a gun on the little girls head. Dennis told Robert with a low tone voice "Let her go"

Robert said to Dennis" Hmm No I think I'm gonna keep her as an insurance.

Jim said to Robert." Robert the hell are you doing?"

"Waiting for a train thats what. Isn't that what your doing Jimbo?"

Jim said to him when he's starting to get frustrated" Robert stop playing arou-" The Robert fired a warning shot almost near Jim's head.

"SHUT UP! SHUT THE HELL UP!" Robert yelled out when he continues to hold Anna when he keeps pointing his gun at her.

Robert said to Jim.Who cares if this cop dies. he's no hostage, he's a dead man. THATS ALL PIGS ARE!"

Then the guys heard the train horn coming from distance. Then Dennis had enough of Roberts games and tells him to let her go. Dennis said to Robert" If you even try to pull the trigger. So help me god I will kill you."

Robert said." Yea good luck with that."

Mike said to Robert." Why the hell do need her for?"

Then Robert told Mike." Because she's worth more than you."

Jim had enough and tries to find out whats going on" OK THATS IT! WHY IS THIS GIRL SO IMPORTANT TO YOU HUH!?"

Then all of the sudden Rashid call at Jim when he looked so pale, and said. Jim... Whats this magic Dennis promised you? You knew didn't you? The little girl is magic.

Robert yelled out" Shut the F*ck up!" Rashid continues to talk."He'll betray you!(cough) Just like everyone else.

Jim turned his head to Dennis then asked him." Is this true?"

Robert interrupted and said to Jim" Whats true is that when we leave here, you and I will be more powerful then god. While Dennis, and this cop here is going to have a memorial service."

Then Robert patted and stroke Anna's hair with his gun and said. Oh how I remember you on the night I killed thats police man.

Anna shouted when she started to cry" That was my dad."

Robert made a evil funny face and said." Oops. I guess I'm your new dad now am I?"

Dennis has had enough of Roberts sick games and said." God damn it Robert, she's only a child!"

Robert pointed the gun at Dennis "Yeah a child who can makes your dreams come true."

Then Robert demanded, and said. So heres how its going to go down. Dennis you'll keep the money. I'll keep the girl, while the rest of us get to the train. Afterwards me, Jim, and Mike will take off, and you'll never going to see me and her ever again.

Dennis said" Bull sh*t. There's no way we make a deal with you. Then Jim heard some on a walkie talkie saying that the swat team were going in. Jim tries to talk to Frank on the walkie talkie,

"Frank whats going on? I told you to tell your men to stand down? Frank?"

Robert was got bored and tells Jim" (yawn) Well time depart. the trains coming here and I don't want to be late."

Then Dennis said to Robert" Oh yeah how? We're surrounded dumbass.

"Us? or just you?" I'm going on the train." Robert said when he is heading towards the front.

Then Mike blocked his path and he tries to reason with Robert while he's coming up towards him, and Anna." Listen Robert why don't you just calm down and put the gu-" Then all of the sudden Robert shot Mike in the head in cold blooded. Robert said to Jim" Jim come on we're gonna be late.

When Jim saw Robert shot and killed Mike, he was now angry, and was about to kill Robert where he stands.

But Dennis tries to stop Jim from shooting Robert while he's holding Anna as a human shield. But Then Robert has enough games and starts trying to point his gun at Jim, and Dennis.

Jim yelled out at Dennis." DENNIS LETS PUT AN END TO THIS ASSH*LE !"

"YOU'LL SHOOT HER!" said when struggles to grab his gun from him.

Then Robert fired his gun at one of them, instead it hit Dennis in the chest.

Just Anna saw Dennis get shot and falls down to the ground. her had tears coming out of her eyes and thats where she unleashed powers upon everyone near her

"ENOUGH!" Anna shouted at the top of her lung, where her force of an aurora just spreads around the house like an explosion. Her eyes started to glow, her horn popped out of her forehead fast, she was shown her true form as a little filly, and she the started house to shake like an earthquake. Just out side of the house the whole street was shaking where all the police were at.

Robert tries to hold Anna tight as possible and tells her to stop it."(GRRR) STOP IT! WHAT HELL ARE YOU DOING?"

Then Anna used her levitation to force Robert to let go. Jim was standing back where he saw the strange filly to float in the air with her eyes glowing viciously. Rashid was escaped from being tied and crawl towards the kitchen island to hide. Dennis woke up and saw what was going on, as he saw Anna chaos in the house. Then When Anna stared at Robert while he's shooting at her but the bullets disintegrated once it hits her. When Robert was out of bullets. He quickly tried to get out of house, when he opened the front door, Anna used to levitation spell on Robert off the ground while she closed the door with her spell as well. Robert tried to get himself on the ground but then she lifted him up in the air.

Then finally Anna dragged Robert up the wall and across the ceiling while screaming on agony, and just tossed him wall to wall, from ceiling to the floor. Over and over until Robert was no more. Anna used her Levitation to throw Roberts body to the window glass, then the TV, the front door, and through the table. She kept tossing him around the house, and was about to destroy the house completely. The furnitures were flying around in the air, and causing the electronic stuff to explode, including all the swat, and police vehicles.

The ceiling about to collapse. While Dennis tries to call out to Anna to stop what she's doing." ANNA PLEASE STOP! YOUR DESTROYING EVERYTHING!, YOUR DESTROYING YOUR SELF!"

then Anna turned her head to this man and used her powers upon on him to lift him up in the air and went towards Anna.

Dennis said when he feels something squishing his entire body"Anna please. Its me Dennis. Please control yourself."

Anna" stared at this strange man,so instead she looks through him, she recognizes Dennis. Then afterwards she stopped glowing, causing her to stop all this mad powers she's been using on Dennis, and the others. Anna went towards Dennis when she feels so scared She slowly floated down on to the ground with Dennis, when they were down Anna went up to Dennis and hugs him while she was crying desperately. Dennis saw the little one cry under his arm. He his left arm on her waist, and the other hand on the back of her head to make her feel safe.

Dennis whispers to the little filly when she was crying in his arms."Shhhh Its ok Anna-Its ok. Nobodies going to hurt you-Nobodies going to hurt you.

Jim just stared at the house of what just happened. Even Rashid saw the whole madness while he was still bleeding out.

Dennis was soothing Anna's head when he sang a song to her in a low voice to feel better even without music.

"I must give the impression
That I have the answers for everything
You were so disappointed
To see me unravel so easily

But it's only change
Only everything I know
And even things that seem still
Are still changing. La Da La Da La Da Da La Da Da La Da La Da Da La Da Da Da."

There is one more chapter left coming soon, so this story will be a little bit long like this one. So Thanks.

Heres the music that Dennis sang to Anna