• Published 2nd Dec 2012
  • 584 Views, 11 Comments

The Last Ride - thedandyman009

A strange little filly disguised as a human was taken by the bank robbers Just after her dad passed.

  • ...

A Long Night

9:00 pm before the news was on air. At the Refinery where the shoot out was taken place, the police were investigating the shootout early ago. They found four bodies, many bullet shells, and one witness who saw the whole thing. One homicide detective name Joseph Rashid was in charge of the investigation which was related to the bank robbery.

"So you sure you don't know which way they went?" Rashid asked one witness who was homeless.

One witness reply to the detective "No sir. I just saw five men shooting the hell out of the Mexicans ,or Cubans, what ever they are."

Rashid was getting know where with this while he's writing down his notepad.

Rashid asked him a few questions while writing his notepad "these five men. what do they look like?"

"Well they were all wearing black clothes. all three guys were white, but the other one was jungle monkey." One witness explained.

Rashid turn his head up with a confuse look to the witness,then he continued to write down his notes.

"But what about the fifth person?" Rashid asked.

One Witness said to the detective ." I think he's Mexican too. Him with his curly tangled hair. Also he was carrying this black army rifle."

Rashid asked him about the rifle part." Can you describe for me?"

"Well its shoots a lot and it has this weird scope on it with a red dot on it. Um oh and he can shoot fast like any cowboy movies.

The Detective was thinking who knows who the shooter was. and he was about to return to his vehicle.

Rashid said to the Witness. "Thank you for your time. I'll have someone take you back to the homeless shelter where you wont wonder off.

One witness was about to say good bye but he quickly forgot to tell him about five men who took the girl.

"Wait! didnt i mention some five men took the girl?" One witness said as he ran up to the Detective.

Rashid turned around and asked him." What? No you didn't tell me.

" Its true. I saw curly guy holding the little girl to the van and they just took off." One witness said.

Rashid quickly went to his vehicle and call back to the station to tell them that the Five men kidnapped a little girl. Also they need to find a black van all over the city.

Just as Rashid was about to be interviewed by the reporters, his partner Frank Willis was giving him details about the shooter with the black rifle.

" Talk to me Frank."Rashid asking Frank.

"I think I know who might be carrying an illegal M4 carbine from the base. Frank said

Frank handed Rashid the criminal file as Rashid read the information

Franks stated to Rashid " His name is Dennis Melendez. He's was charge on homicides,smuggling goods,arms dealing, and drug trafficking."

Rashid turn to Frank and said" I know this bastard already Frank. I know he double crosses his friends, his allies for wealth, and power. But what I need to
know is his leads are"

Frank wishes he knows where he is but he has no idea where they are.

"(breathing in and out) I don't know sir. But um I'll give you some information as soon as I can." Frank said as he was going to promise Rashid.

"Fine. I want my report to me as soon as you can and I don't this mad man to do harm to this young girl. capish?" Rashid ordered Frank.

"Yes sir. I'll get right on it." Frank said as he was about to depart.

Rashid look up in the sky and told him self. "Where are you sick bastard?"

Time passes by and it was midnight. Back at the house where something strange happened during the five men s visit.Roberts Eyelid was cut open deeply. blood was all over Roberts face. Mike tends to treat his partner. He learned to medic since he went to community school. He put a little bit of alcohol on his eye. then luckly he found a numb medicine, adrenaline needle, and some stitches. he fixed him up for an hour.as Robert laid in the bed resting Mike went to the living room where the four men were sitting on the couch waiting for Mikes results.

"Well it wasn't easy to fix Roberts eye. But he'll make it." Mike said as he was emotional.

Jim said to Mike and the others." But I'll I want to know is how the hell his eyelid been sliced open? Did he play with those knifes?"

"No. Him and I were playing cards then something cut him open." Bryan said to Jim when he's telling the truth.

Jim stand up in front Bryan " Don't play dog and pony show with me you little worm. You think something just cut open on my own crews eye piece from out of nowhere?"

"I swear! Just ask Robert when he wakes up" Bryan pleading and begging at Jim's frustration.

Jim said to Bryan. "I will. And when I hear that you've been the one cutting Roberts eye off. I'll cut both of your eyes off."

Bryan was scared to death and remain sitting on the couch, While Dennis was looking at the joker card with an X on it wondering to himself saying.

"How did she do that? How can she put a card from one place to another?"

Dennis looks at Anna's door and was tired of this whole magic incident. Bryan looked Dennis's face and Bryan think he knows what happen.

"Say um Dennis." Said Bryan Do you know whats going on? Because I always get blamed for everything. Bryan said to Dennis when he started to get nervous.

"Shut up Bryan. Everything is fine" Dennis told Bryan who was trying to calm himself down.

Bryan looked at Dennis and said to him." No everything's not fine I don't even know how Roberts eye got cut off it doesn't mak-"
The Dennis punched his fist on the table and told Bryan." I said everything is fine."
Then Dennis walked to the kitchen to get him self a bottle of Jack Daniels. Dennis doesn't know how long this could last. But before he could drink it, Mike walk towards to Dennis to ask him to get him something.

"Dennis you have to get something for me from the the store." Mike said to Dennis

Dennis asked" what kind of stuff?"

"I need some eye drops, morphine, But I differently the this to glue his eyelid for protection after I finish stitching more. Mike giving him instruction

Dennis said to Mike."Mmm fine I'll be back with some stuff. Did you get everything out from the van?"

"Some but your not taking the van." Mike said

"What? then what am I driving with?" Dennis asked Mike.

Mike gave him a curious look and asked "Didn't you went in the garage when we arrived here?"

"No. Why" Dennis said

Later The small Garage door was open and Dennis was pulling out a blue Hyundai. Dennis was about to leave, and Mike gave him a shopping list while Dennis was about to head there.

"Remember get the stuff I need. Don't screw this up" Mike told Dennis.

Dennis pop his head out of the window and said "Come on have I ever let you down?"

"Very" Mike side who is folded his arms

Then Dennis pulled out of the drive way and began to drive to the store.

Mike closed the garage door and he was walking towards the kitchen and found a bottle Jack Daniels to drink. Mike opened the bottle, poured ice cubes, and drink in a glass. he took a few sips.

Jim came to the kitchen to asked Mike something.

"Say might I join you?"

Mike nodded and said to Jim. "Be my guest."

Mike poured another glass of cold drink. as were standing talking about their conversation.

Jim said to Mike as he was looking at his drink." You know we've been friends for so long, and we looked out for each other for some time. things been crazy for our time"

Mike turned his to Jim and responded to him." Things haven't change since. You know after the drug bust at my dads place."

Jim took a a deep breath from his nose and said." Your dad was a great man. No question about it. He was hard worker, An ass kicker, and good father too.

"Ahem to that" Mike said as he lifted the glass and did a toast with Jim as they drink.

Mike said to Jim as he put his glass down" Tomorrow we start a new. We get on the train, and start a new life."

Then Mike looked at Jim as he is a little emotional after Roberts incident.

Mike walked up to Jim and said. "Listen Jim. I'm gonna fix Roberts eye and by tomorrow he'll be healthy as a horse. You have my word"

Later that night Dennis was at the store looking for some eye drops, morphine, and some painkillers from the aisle. Just as when he collected the stuff he needs. he proceeded to head to the register line. Just as he was waiting to be next to pay. he saw a wanted poster on a front window.Its a picture of himself (Dennis Melendez). His eyes was way wide open and he was next in line. He tried to act natural as he is about to pay.

Woman at the cashier saying "OK sir do you want to pay this cash or credit?

"Just cash. thank you" Dennis said as he pretend nothings happening until two local police officers were outside of the store to buy something. Dennis tries to look away until the woman at the cashier told him about his resit.

"Here's your resit sir and have good night" said the Woman at the cashier who smiled and checks price with another customer.

Dennis responded to her." You too"

Dennis was about to walk out of the store where the two officers were at as one of them were talking on a Police Walkie Talkies. As Dennis passed two police officers he went inside in his vehicle and he was breathing heavily while he was putting his seat belt. Until one officer knocks on his window by a surprise. Dennis was startled for a second, he tries to calm him self and he roll down his window and asks to the officers.

"Is there a problem officer"?

1 Officer was asking Dennis about " yeah we notice that you have a expired licensed plate in the back of the vehicle.

Dennis turn his head at the side of the car, and turn his head back to the officer.

"I'm sorry officer I'll buy a new one"

1 Officer said to Dennis." Licenses, and registration please."

Dennis was inpatient and he said to the officer." Oh I'm sorry but I believe I left it at home." let me see if I can give my registration."
Just as Dennis pulled out his registration and opened he found a name of the driver named

"Whats your name sir?" 1 officer asked Dennis

Then Dennis said to the officer."John Ruiz sir"

The other officer was looking at the hyundai. and asked Dennis,

"Say John. Hows a guy like buy this fancy hyundai."

Dennis responded to the other officer." Oh you I... work alot.

"Oh yeah where at" the other officer asked Dennis

"Burger King?"

Then 1 Officer writes down on his notepad and tells him "Alright Mr Ruiz I'll be right back it wont take long."

The other officer was watching the vehicle as Dennis prepares to face trouble as he had a tactical pocket knife in his hand. 1 officer was looking name John Ruiz on his laptop Data Terminal. it was loading, and something popped open saying that John Ruiz is Deceased (Meaning of Dead).
1 officer heard a scream and looked back as the officer on the other side of the car was lying on the ground screaming as he been stabbed three times. Dennis immediately took the pistol, and some stuff that Mike needs and ran off of the parking lot as one officer calls for back up. Dennis tries to run as he can as he saw an on coming car a head he waved both his arms to make the driver stop.

As soon as he did he pointed his gun at the driver and tells him to get out.
The Driver got out of the car and Dennis push the pedal to the metal drives off just when the police arrives at the scene.
Dennis was so close to the neighborhood he heard one siren coming towards him. He grabbed the medical stuff and the police pistol and just bailed out of the car. as he was running through the backyard. He jumped over fence which led him straight to the canal. It should lead him to the house where the others were at. so he proceeded to run there. Just as he arrived at the house in the back, he ran up to the back door and knock a lot of times to let Dennis in.

" Guys open up! Guys its Dennis open up!" Dennis yelled while knocking the door

Mike, Bryan and Jim rushed to the door, and let Dennis.

"Dennis what happened?" Jim asked

Dennis said to them."Their after me."

"Who?" Mike asked.

"The Cops that's who" Dennis explain to them.

Mike and Jim were very mad and tries to get their guns ready.

"Did you led them here? Were you followed?" Mike asked

No. but I think they'll get a trace here. Dennis said to Mike and Jim.

"WHAT? WHAT DID YOU DO?" Mike yelled at Dennis.

Dennis said to Mike in his face." One of the cops pulled me over for a expired license. So I had to make up my name from the registration.

Mike was now pissed off, he was pulling his own hair saying to him self. "F*ck! F*ck! F*ck! NOW THEY KNOW WHERE WE REALLY ARE F*ck! "

Mike was packing his stuff up to get out of here.

"We need to pack our stuff now Jim. who knows what-"

All of the sudden they heard police car there and there was they were in the deep water now. Dennis went to Annas room to get his rifle from the wall until he looked at the closet where it has an attic door. Then climbs up there until. Anna woke up from her sleep and asked Dennis

"What are you doing?"

Dennis said to Anna while climbing up to the attic" Um I'm playing hide and seek with the others right now."

Dennis finally reached up in the attic and tells her" So If anyone asks where I'm at. Don't tell them OK?"

Anna nodded yes to Dennis as he closed the attic door for safety.

Just as two officers were going to the front Jim and mike grabbed one of the owners shot guns and prepare for a fight. Then all of the sudden the police knocked on the door.

Open up police. Said 1 officer.

"We'll go to the back and see if can hide somewhe-" Then Mike, and Jim heard the door opened and heard someone talking to the police.

"Jim. cover up Robert with those blankets." Mike said as he stepped out of the master bed room, and walk towards the living, and hear the cops talking to someone. It almost sounds like a little girl is talking to the police.

"Whats your name dear?" one officer asked

Anna said to the officer."My name is Anna Ruiz"

"OK Anna can you tell me where your parents are at?" the officer asked Anna

"I Don't have any parents though but I have a uncle." Anna said who was looking at the cops strange.

Two officers were looking at the girl strange and asked her." Can you tell me where your uncles at?"

Then Mike suddenly put his shotgun on the wall steady, and went to the front door and said

" Anna? What are you doing out of bed? its getting late" Mike said to Anna when he played along of this act.

One officer asked this man who he is "I'm sorry to disturb you sir but are you the care taker of this child?"

Mike looked at the officers and said "I am recently. What is this about?

The other officer told Mike his question." Well one of our deputies found a stolen vehicle with a expired license plate, and this the suspect who stole this car claims that his name was John Ruiz."

"Really? You're telling me that someone stole my car, pretends to be like my brother, and you guys showed up to tell me this?"

Jim was hearing across the hall with the shotgun looking confused of whats happening over there. While Dennis was in the addict with his rifle, and his pistol he was listening to this whole conversation with Anna, Mike, and the police. but then he stepped on something that look like a book. he looked at it and it says A perfect family. He opened a book and saw something which he couldn't believe what was surprising.

" Sir we have a reason to believe the suspect might be hiding somewhere in the neighborhood,
just to let you know for your safety." The other officer said to Mike

Mike said to the officers. "Oh I'm safe alright. I'm keeping this family safe, and I'm keeping my niece safe as well."

The Officers were getting a call from the deputy saying about the stolen car found at the other neighborhood.

"Best be on your way now sir." told the Officers.

1 Officer told Mike" Have a good night sir."

As the officers were heading to there vehicle. Mike closed and locked the door as Mike just sat down behind the door as his heart was pounding hard as what just happened. Jim heard the cops leave and he quickly went to the front door to check on Mike. Once he got there, he saw Mike just staring at Jim.

"Mike? What the hell happened?" Jim asked Mike as he looked down at Mike.

Mike looked up to Jim responded." I don't know...But I can really use a drink right now."

Jim stared at Mike and looked confused of what happened. Jim turned around and looked back at Mike again and asked him" wheres Dennis?