• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 1,001 Views, 28 Comments

Into the light - Azuras

A group of humans have crashed landed in a strange new world, how well they survive this pony filled land and what dark secrets may it hole

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Starting Over

Starting over

While Luna raised the moon and the humans followed her to watch, Princess Celestia was speaking to the bearers of harmony about her plans for the humans.

“You see girls these humans are similar to discord. But they do not have the ability to use magic, and so I need you six to keep a close eye on them while they live in Ponyville” Celestia said in her neutral voice

“Wait what do you mean there like discord” Twilight said receiving agreements from all her friends but pinkie who yelled “CHOCOLATE RAIN” while giggling uncontrollably

“And what do you mean there going to live in Ponyville” Rainbow said “There’s no were for them to live, and after the hydra attack half of the houses are gone”

“Yes I’m fully aware of these problems girls, and I mean there like discord because it seems that the humans are beings of war which is a type of chaos and this is why I need them to live in Ponyville”

“What about there weapons, well they have those” Twilight asked

“No Twilight Luna well keep them in her chest were they’ll be safe and out of reach of every being that wishes to use them. Now since luna is done they’ll be here shortly and I’ll be sending build supplier to help rebuild the damage houses and for the humans to build there own small home, they’ll be under my orders from now on, so if I send you a letter twilight that involves a task for the humans you’ll go tell them and they’ll do it. Understand” Celestia said right before the humans came into the room

“Were is Luna and the major” Celestia quickly ask silencing twilights next question

“Luna wanted to talk to him about something and dragged him into a room, and told us to carry on” the human called Lieutenant Black replied

And so the small group waited for Princess Luna and the major to arrive, then with a loud swear and a bright light they appeared in the room

“We are sorry sister for keeping thee from business” Luna said before realizing that she had spoken in old equestrian which she only did when nervous or sad

“Never teleport me again” Alsea finally managed while clutching what Celestia guessed to be his gut and saying a few inappropriate words

“And where were you two” Celestia asked

“I just wanted to ask the major a few question about what happened with the hydra attack and after when I interfered” Luna replied swiftly

“Well if that’s the case, I’ve come to a decision with what to do with our human guests”

“And what might that be” Alsea asked

“Well since you can not stay here for the nobles well never accept it, and there is really no place for you to go I decided to let you live in Ponyville, it’s the small town you were in earlier”

“And you all shall be working for me if that isn’t a problem” Celestia added

“And what if we don’t wish to work for you” the humans who’s name was cook said

“Well it’s your decision” Celestia said

Quickly the squad huddled in and started to speak French again hopping the ponies wouldn’t understand, which seemed to be the case

“I don’t like her” Alsea said

“Yeah I agree, she seems to be hiding something” Black said

“And she has that air around her that says *I own you*, and I really don’t like that” Cook put in

“So what are we going to do then” Simmons asked

“Well we need to stay on the good side of one of the princesses” Black said

“Sir what do you think” Cook asked

“I agree with black we have to let one of them be our boss, but I’ll not allow Celestia, there’s to much that’s she’s hiding” Alsea said

“So we’ll let your girl friend be our boss” Black said with a smirk

“First she’s not my girlfriend seconded I almost killed her, and yeah that’s what were going to try and go for I guess. Unless we want the purple unicorn in charge of us” Alsea said in a tone which told everyone that the conversation was over

With quick turn Alsea turned to the princess and told them what they have decided

“Princesses we have come to an agreement, we would like to be placed under the care of Luna” Alsea informed them in a neutral tone

“WHAT” was all that Luna said her eye’s bugged out of her head as she heard this news “Why me, why not my sister, I’m not a politic, I just watch over the moon, Why” She wined

“To answer you question, its basically like this we operate more during the night then the day, allowing you to contact us more easily and besides we figured you could use some little helpers” Alsea said with a large grin

“And what if I do not agree with this” Celestia said shooting daggers at Alsea, who rubbed it off as if they were nothing

“Princess we are not under your rule, were merely guests and we ask that your sister take charge of us, and it’s not to offend you. For we can all tell that you have much on your plate as being the leader of a country, and by having to watch over us would just increase your stress” he said as if he had know Celestia for years

“Well I’ll be fine with it only if Luna agrees to keep an eye on you”

Luna couldn’t believe what she was hearing, her sister was actually going to allow her to be the one responsible for these creatures, and the public already feared her enough, this’ll just make it much worse. But then she thought, if I take good care of them
Celestia might allow me to take care of more responsible things.

“I’ll take care of them sister, and I’ll make sure that there good citizens of Equestria” Luna said trying to mask her discomfort with a smile

“So it’s settled” Alsea asked “But what exactly well we be doing”

“Chores” Luna said giving Alsea a wicked smile

The rest of the night went along with the humans pledging allegiance to Luna and Celestia and them being told there main duties, which consisted of them watching over the town and basically be the military in that area, since Ponyville had no garrison of any sort.

Luna also told them that she’ll have Rarity design some uniforms for them so they can have some new clothes to wear, and with that Luna again brought Alsea into a privet room.

Making sure there were no preying ears Luna began to speak

“Why would you do that”

“Do what” Alsea replied as if nothing was wrong

“Make me seem more important them my sister and then putting it all on me. Now she’ll think that our conversation before was about me controlling you”

“Well first of all, don’t tell your sister this but I don’t like her and my men don’t like her. We also figured that one of you had to be our tare taker so we decided on you”

“But why does thou not trust thee sister” Luna said slipping back into old equestrian

“When standing in rooms full of generals and politics you quickly learn how to spot the tyrant, and I spotted the tyrant the first time I saw your sister”

“THOU SHALL NOT SPEAK OF THEE SISTER LIKE THOU HAS” Luna said using the royal canterlot voice

“I shall your majesty for I know one when I see one, and if you can not see past then, then I can not help you. You were gone for a thousand years and that a lot of time for someone or in this case somepony to change”

“But she would never do that to her ponies” Luna objected

“Ha, you see you said her ponies not our, even you know that this is her Empire and not your own, this way of thinking has changed her and not for the better, all I know is that things her are not right”


“But nothing Luna your sister is doing something and I believe she is the reason why my people are here, for her magic light thingy is there similar to the light we saw before we came here”

“Enough of these I shall not hear another word of this” Luna finally managed to get out

“If you wish” Alsea said taking a shallow bow

After there little conversation Luna had the seven humans and six ponies load onto the train to Ponyville to help with repairs and to help with the humans adapting to pony cutler, but deep down inside she couldn’t help but feel Alsea’s words were right and that her sister had very big planes for them. And just as fast as they came Luna pushed them out not wishing to think of such terrible things.

“Oh my goddess” was all that Twilight was thinking, both Princess Celestia and Luna to watch over the humans and help them fit in, she would finally be able to ask them so many questions and she’ll be the first scholar to ever right about them, it was like a dream come true. But she was dealing with very intelligent beings which are easy two times her height.

Then twilight over heard a conversation in the seats behind her. It seemed that Applejack was speaking to the human called Silver who lived on a farm before she joined the military. Twilight then though of how similar these being are to them yet there so different, and yet they were so different, the humans were always worried about war and never lived in peace, while the ponies didn’t worry about anything and they lived in a paradise. It was strange and very sad, knowing that a whole civilization was always on the brink of war.

“May I sit here Miss Twilight” Alsea asked which caused her to do a little jump and try to hid an embarrass blush

“Oh of coarse Mister Alsea”

“Thanks it’s very loud back there with those idiots trying to see who’s the strongest, and your friend Rainbow Dash trying to get in on the fun, and your other friend, Rarity I believe she just won’t shut up about our clothing”

“Yeah that sounds like those two but how about the rest of my friends”

“The pink one is somewhere in the back, the shy one is hiding somewhere and Applejack is talking to Silver about farming, which to be honest I don’t really care, I just want to have a little nap”

Twilight noted that Alsea didn’t know all her friends names yet and made it a goal to teach him, she also noticed that even though he wasn’t tired in anyway he still wanted to sleep, it was strange since ponies only slept when tired, but humans appeared to sleep when ever they can.

“Well don’t worry to much about them they’ll probably be done soon and I don’t mind if you sleep here I wont be loud”

“Thanks” And with that Alsea pulled his hat over his head and fell asleep but twilight knew that the slightest aggregation would wake him up so she continued to ponder all the things that she and her friends would have to do.

The rest of the train ride was smooth and Twilight heard the other humans gasping at the beauty of the land, it was as if they haven’t seen anything like it in years, but when they neared Ponyville Twilight was going to wake up Alsea when he suddenly jumped up and grabbed for a weapon which wasn’t there, causing Twilight to freeze in fear that he might hurt her.

He seemed to have a confused look on his face before it returned to normal “Sorry Twilight, after living in place like I did for five years you’ll understand why I’m like this” he said

“And I see we have arrived at Ponyville” he said looking out the window

“Oh yes, and before you and your…”

“People” Alsea said helping Twilight

“People go out and explore we have to introduce you to the town so the other ponies don’t become afraid of you, since you’re the size of an Alicorn”

“Yeah that wouldn’t be good I’ll go back and wake my troops and tell them what’s happing” Alsea said before departing for the seats behind him.

“Now that he is gone I can go over my list” Twilight thought while taking out a scroll.

A few minutes later everypony and the humans were standing at the exit doorway waiting for Twilight to give the ok. When Twilight finally said she had everything done and ready, the group walked out of the doorway receiving many cheers and smiles. But when the first human stepped out everything went quite and nopony made a sound.

Knowing that the coward was sacred Twilight quickly ran to the microphone and tried to calm the ponies down while the group of humans tried to look as friendly as possible, which didn’t work very well.

After about five minutes a few ponies yelled out about how the humans were monsters scent by the Princess to punish them, this caused a huge uproar of voices to brake out as Twilight tried to calm all of them down.

“Please everypony there not here to hurt anypony, there here to help Ponyville” Twilight said using the microphone but got no attention from the ponies below the stage

Seeing that all hell was going to brake lose, and that a small cozy town was going to have its first riot, so Alsea walked over to Twilight receiving even more yells from the angry ponies. Then a courage pony flew onto the stage and started to yell insults at Alsea, who in turn bent down onto one knee and said

“And who might you be”

“With those words the whole crowed stopped its shouting and yelling to look at him and the small pegasus

“I..I…I’m Cloud Dancer” The female pegasus said

“Well Cloud Dancer I would really appreciate it if you and your friends would stop insulting us, when we saved you from a giant hydra, and I would also suggest you get off of the stage, before a certain Lavender pony blasts you off” Alsea said with a huge grin

He quickly moved over to Twilight and told her that he thinks it’ll be a good time for him to introduce his people to the ponies. Twilight nodded in approval and took a few steps back and glaring at Cloud Dance

“Well. Hello Ponyville, I as you can see am not a regular being in your world, I am called a Human, and just like you I have feelings and a name. I can also assure you all that we are not here to do harm but instead help with protecting Ponyville and rebuilding it after the hydra attack”

Alsea then looked over the crowed and try to pinpoint the skeptics, which were few, but still enough to make the crowd into a riot again.

“As most of you know a Princess came here a few days ago, and a hydra also came. But what you do not know is that we as in my friends and I killed the hydra when it attack your town, we lost four of our own, but we save all of you, there may have been damage done but, the Princess have sent us to help with the rebuilding and protection of your small town since the nearest military is a good seven hour march”

“Since when does Ponyville need an army” the stallion who started the small riot said

“You don’t and the seven of us are not an army, were just a squad”

“But why do we need you to protect us, we have the bearers of elements” the stallion yield

“Would the bearers of elements kill in order to protect” “Twilight would you have defeat that hydra using your magic. Be honest”

“Well to be honest I tried but none of my spells worked on it” Twilight replied using a spell to project her voice

“So would you say that by my men and I killing the hydra was the right then to do, or would you have rather us done something different”

“Well I would have preferred that you knocked it out so I wouldn’t harm anypony, but there just wasn’t enough time”

“Well you see buddy we were needed and for all you know we might be needed again, but for now were just here to help rebuild and help around town, and not kill or punish anyone”

Alsea stepped away from the microphone and stood with his men again while Twilight talked to the ponies who had gathered. After about an hour the ponies left and Alsea and his troops were told to have a meeting with the mayor.

“Welcome, Welcome humans” Mayor Mare greeted them

“Well since the princess has requested that I give you leaving quarters I’m afraid that I can not, all of the living spaces are currently full. And so I have to ask, can you sleep outside”

“Yes we can sleep out side, it doesn’t really bother us” Alsea replied getting a few moans from his troops

“Well they could stay in my library” Twilight offered “Its more then large enough for them to sleep comfortably, but they’ll have to sleep on the floor”

“That’ll be great Twilight” Sgt Cook said receiving a glare from Alsea

“Well then I guess everything has been settled, now I take it that Twilight we lead you to her home” Mayor Mare said

“Oh yes I will Mayor” Twilight said pushing the humans out of the room with her magic.

Once outside Twilight didn’t shut up about her home and her pet dragon and all these other things, and through out the whole time Alsea was laughing, because all his troops wanted to sleep outside now rather then with the crazy unicorn.

“Well were here, my library and home” Twilight said

“And you said that we could all fit in there” Lt Black said

“Yes you can it looks smaller then it is, the door is small but I’m sure you can fit through, and once your inside please just don’t take any books without asking I spend much time organizing them, at least once a day”

“Twilight are you crazy, no one organizes that much” Sgt cook said

“Well I’m defiantly not crazy, and I would like it if you didn’t make fun of my habits since you are going to be staying here” Twilight replied

“Sorry miss sparkler, its just that were we come from peopled wouldn’t do that unless they were crazy”

“Oh that’s ok, well this is the room you’ll be staying in, I hope its big enough” Twilight said motioning to the large room in front of her

“Before anyone makes a comment about physics remember there’s a super pony that can move the sun and moon” Alsea said with wide eyes

“Oh and before I forget I need to show you all to my assistant Spike, he is a dragon” Twilight said while opening a large door

“SPIKE I HAVE SOME NEW FRIENDS FOR YOU TO MEET” Twilight yield down the dark hallway

“COMING” a deep voice replied, the whole tree house shook with each step the dragon took, and after what felt like an hour a large shape came into view, it was standing on its hind legs and looked humanoid in tell it came into the light of the room. The dragon was roughly eight feet tall standing up and had many green spike running down its spine, the rest of his body was a deep purple colour, and a small set of wings were on its back, which were not fully grown.

“Spike these are my new friends, so be nice while they stay here for a while” Twilight said speaking to the dragon as if he were a child

“Twi don’t worry I’m still a vegetarian and besides I’m not a kid” Spike said taking no interest in the humans and walking down the stairs

“Spike don’t be like that” Twilight said a little late

“Well that was awkward” Lt Black said “Now we thank you for your hospitality, but we would really like to sleep now if you don’t mind”

“Oh yeah of course, sorry” Twilight said going up the stairs “Just pull the lever to turn the lights off”

“Well do”

“Now were is Major Alsea” Lt Black said, but she was greeted by a soft snoring coming from the corner of the room, farthest from the light

“How does he do that” the last thing anyone said before Alsea told them all to shut up and go to sleep.