• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 1,001 Views, 28 Comments

Into the light - Azuras

A group of humans have crashed landed in a strange new world, how well they survive this pony filled land and what dark secrets may it hole

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A chat with royalty

A chat with royalty

Major Alsea was shocked by the sudden appearance and how all commotion had stop even his own troops, stopped what there doing to hear this being of what seemed to be power.

With a hint of defiance the major got up and spoke “And who might you be” he said while taking a step forward

Turning to him it lowered its head and he saw its horn light up and shot a bolt of blue right at his chest knocking him down again. Alsea quickly took out his handgun, and pointed it at the concealed figured, just to have it ripped out of his and it tossed far to his left and received another blast. So acted unconscious and slowly he pulled out his last weapon a 10 inch combat knife and held on to it with force that would have snapped the handle if it wasn’t metal. In case it two was ripped out of his hand.

Fortunately the being in front of him was to busy disarming the rest of his men, this gave him the opportunity to get up and get close enough for striking range. Each step was harder then the last, due to the light, which seemed to both blind him and weakening him. After what felt like days of walking he was finally with in range to kill the being, but he took one last step forward and raised his knife.

But he stopped right when it turned its head towards him. He saw the instant fear in its eyes and saw how young it looked even though it was his height, he just couldn’t kill the large pony….

Luna had watched the whole battle between the new beings and the hydra, she also watched as they pointed weapons at her somewhat friends. And so when a small fight between the ponies and strange beings broke out she had to interfere, in fear that her only friends may be harmed.

She used a powerful spell to conceal herself in light, and another which weakened near by creatures. Luna did this in hopes of preventing a total conflict it did for the most part in tell who she presumed was the leader, got back up and spoke to her.

This made Luna fearful for the spell worked on everything even dragons, but it didn’t seem to have on the new beings, epically the one moving towards her. With out thinking she launches a blast of magic, which was a form of a very powerful stun spell.

Then it retrieved a hidden object from its side, and again she shot it with a bolt of her magic, this time it didn’t move, it just breathed slowly. So she took her attention on doing the same to the rest of them to insure that they would be safe for transport.

When she returned her eyes to the leader, she saw it standing right next to her with a large knife angled at her neck. She looked straight into its eye’s trying to find a glimpse of good and then she saw it, a small spark of light. He dropped the blade and collapsed onto the ground, this time Luna knew he wasn’t getting back up.

She quickly worked some of her magic dispersing the hydra into dust and clearing the area of blood, she then left a small scroll next to Twilight Sparkles head, and with that she charged her teleportation spell and took the seven beings and there weapons with her to Canterlot Castle.

It took her a matter of seconds, and when she arrived with the strange creatures she nearly sacred two royal guards to death.

“Guards” She yelled addressing them

“Take these beings into a large guest room and make sure there are sentries surrounding the area. And do not allow them to leave unless I or Princess Celestia comes for them” “Also have them cleaned up and healed, and some sort of food left in the room for them”

“Yes Princess” They said at once

And with that one ran off to get help while the other watched over them. While Luna grabbed the strange objects and headed for the court room, were her sister was having a meeting with the gryphons.

Luna quietly walked into the room, while storing the objects inside a magical box which only she could open. With that task done she walked right into the room, disrupting the conversations going on and taking a seat on her silver throne which was placed to the right of her sisters gold throne.

With a small smile she urged the conversation to continue.

“Ugh me head, feels like some one just bucked me” Twilight said out loud receiving a grunt from Rainbow Dash and a small moan from somepony to her left.

“What happened” was all that she said before she saw the scroll at her hooves. With that she levitated to her and opened it

Dear Twilight Sparkle

It is I Princess Luna, I saw a small skirmish between your friends and the strange beings, and so I interfered causing the fight to end instantly. I then took there weapons and them with me to Canterlot Castle, and I ask you and your friends to come here as quickly as possible

Sincerely Princess Luna

After finishing the scroll, Twilight woke her friends up, getting many complaints, and informed them of what was happing, she then sped off to Mare Mayor and told them that it was safe, and that she needed the Ponyville train to get the to Canterlot ASAP.

With all of that done and onboard the train she hoped that Luna knew what she was doing.

The major woke up with a jolt, he quickly took in his surroundings noting that he was in a large room, inside a very high-end building, looking almost medieval. He also noted that he was wearing his dress uniform instead of his combats. Walking to the balcony he also noted that he was a good twenty stories above the ground, and that there were several ponies in what seemed to be armor, with crossbows all watching him.

Taking the hint to step back inside he walked to the bed and noticed that it was round instead of squared. He then looked to see if his bag was left with him, which to a surprise was. He quickly opened it looking for anything he could use, but only found his polishing kit and his officer wedge.

With a sigh he took out the polish and decided to waste some time by polishing his boots. He guessed an hour had passed when a tangy aroma hit his noise for the first time. Looking for the source of it, his eyes came upon a large bowl, felled with what looked to be tomato soup, next to it was a slice of bread and a spoon. Thinking nothing of it he tasted it and was surprise to find that it had a powerful kick. He decided to eat the whole bowl and then use the bread to help clear the taste of it, he found it very good and wised there was more. But to his disappointed there was none, so major Alsea went back to polishing his boots.

When a knock finally came to the door, the major quickly got up and said “hello” he had no reply just a small group of armored ponies come into the room and told him to follow them. Seeing how he was out numbered he obeyed.

After walking for a good ten minuets they finally reached a set of large doors he was greeted by a large feast, and his troops. He also noticed the tall pony he saw earlier standing next to an even taller one which had a coat as white as snow. There was also another party at the table, Gryphons which all looked at him studding him and taking in his level of threat.

Putting on his best poker face, he marched to an open seat, which unfortunately was right next to the blue pony.

After he took his seat in the large room, the white pony spoke

“Welcome to Canterlot please enjoy our hospitality with this small feast, and then we may talk about politics and other things later”

With that all of Alsea’s men looked at him to see if it was alright, with a quick nod they dug in. While he looked for the delist soup he had found earlier knowing that there would be more food to come. Finding the bowl he took a scoop full of it into a bowl and waited in tell the rest of the beings around him had begun to eat.

Satisfied he ate the soup as quietly and politely as he could while looking at the pony who sat next to him who had also taken the soup. After several minuets of dead silence the pony next attempted to make conversation

“How does thou like the soup” She said

Knowing that she was speaking to him, and taking a guess that she was royalty he replied

“It’s very good, has a nice kick to it but is very good your majesty” Alsea replied

Luna was very surprise to hear herself being called majesty after over a thousands years of not being called it, for it to be said to her a by a being that nearly killed her. It brought many memories back to her for a breath moment before she shoved them back down and forgetting the old day. And she returned her attention back to the being next to her.

“We… Sorry I mean I am very glad to hear that, not many like my special dish, most would be soaking up a lake by know” She said with a small grin

With a small laugh he replied “Well I will say it is very spicy one of the hottest things I’ve tasted but after many years of eating MRE’s, which taste horrible this is delicious”

Luna though how amazing it was that this being was so proper and knew exactly how to act in front of her and her sister, while just earlier today he was swearing and acting like a mad pony. But thinking on how it would be awkward she quickly asked another question.

“If I may ask… what is your name” She asked after stuttering for fear that she might have hit a very delicate path.

“Well if you must know, my name is Michael Alsea, but I would prefer if you could call me by my last name, and now your name” he said

“I am Princess Noctem Luna, but you may call me Princess Luna for very few can say my full name” She said with some sadness in her eyes, and just as fast as it came it left

“Noctem as in night” he asked

For a spelt seconded she was frozen in place, for he didn’t just say her name in perfect equestrian, but he also knew the meaning of it. After a few seconds of her mind re starting she replied

“Actually your correct Sir Alsea, but I must ask how did you know”

“Well were we come from we have many languages, and Noctem is part of an ancient language which we call Latin and so I guessed that since we both speak this language that Latin might be the same”

The rest of the meal went on with Luna and Alsea talking while the rest just ate there food in awkward silence, after all seven courses were served Luna’s sister asked everyone to follow her to the throne room were they can discuses matters.

When they arrived, Luna was surprise to see all six bearers of elements standing already in there waiting for the group to enter.

Alsea and his group stood in a straight line in front of Luna while the Gryphons stood in front of Princess Celestia, and the bearers stood off to the side.

“Now before I learn why you seven are here” Celestia indicated to Alsea’s group “I must finish negations with the Gryphons, so please go take a seat of to the side”

Alsea took a short bow then lead his group to a few seats, were they seemed to discuss something in very hushed voices. Luna keep on training her ears to the conversation but she soon realized that they were speaking a different language.

Seeing that she would not be able to understand them, she returned her attention to the Gryphon ambassador, who was currently debating with her sister about a peace before they go to war.

Just recently Celestia had ordered some troops to take some neutral land, and by doing so she broke a treaty with the gryphon which was made over a thousand years ago after the gryphon wars.

“Princess you know as well as I that you have broken your own treaty by taking that land, no matter what happened there you still broke the treaty and war will be declared if you do not give it up” Ambassador Steel said

“I understand your anger Ambassador, but I did this for the good of all the beings in that small port. For you see I am setting up a government there so they can handle them selves with out relaying on you and I, then I shall take all my people out and this big miss understanding well be solved” Celestia replied in a neutral tone

“There’s already a government there” Steel yelled “They created them selves, and they do not need our assistance, that is neutral territory for a reason and you wont just be starting a war with the Gryphon Empire, but all the other Empires of the world.

“Ambassador” Luna said a little louder then she should have, which startled him and broke his train of thought. “I understand your reasons for being here but, if I recall my sister had received a letter of approval from the Minotaurs, zebras, dragons, diamond dogs, and the ponies in the south to set up a government in the Black Wood Port”

“Well did you receive an letter of approval from the Gryphons”

“No but according to the treaty if a majority of the Empires decide to do something then it shall be done” Luna said with a faint grin knowing she had just one a five day debate in a few minuets

“This is an outrage, your not even a part of this government, you’re an outcast a traitor and you dare to place yourself into debate were you have no right to be in” Steel yelled

Luna was shocked that a gryphon would insult her like that, it hurt and nearly made her cry, and with the truth behind his words Luna looked and softly cried to herself

“I’m sorry your majesties, but that isn’t right ambassador” Alsea said while walking forward, gaining a few outraged looks from the gryphons.

“Who do you…”

“SHUT IT BIRD BRIAN” Alsea hollered cutting the ambassador off “Was I done talking, no you’re a debater you know not to interrupt someone while there speaking so shut it tell I’m done then you can try to make me feel small” While he said that Alsea stood at his full height which was much larger then any gryphon in the room.

When Alsea began to speak Luna picked her head up to see why he would defend her when he knew nothing about it, or what she did

“As I was saying, what you did was out of your place, you do not offend royalty, you do not offend your tar takers while in there home and you do not insult a lady that is a big one. You may be wondering who and what I am, but I can tell you this, your afraid of me” Alsea said with a grin

“WE ARE NOT AFRIAD OF THE LIKES OF YOU” the ambassador shouted

“Your not” Alsea said taken a step towards the gryphons causing them to step back “I think you are, where a good six feet away and you just walked back. Why is that?”

“Enough Alsea” Celestia said drawing out his next words

“Deeply sorry ma’am but I just couldn’t stand there any longer, again sorry” with a wink to Luna he walked back to his seat

“I’m sorry ambassador, but you may leave now”

“What’s the meaning of this Princess” Steel said aggravated and frightened by the new being’s reaction

“You insulted my sister, and you then insulted my court, and you disrupted these negotiations and the problem was dealt with after my sister spoke, you may leave now, for a train is already ready for your departure”

“This isn’t over Princess” Steel said before turning and walking out of the throne room

“Now Alsea come forward you have much explaining to do”

“Ask away your majesty”

“Please call me Celestia, and what are you exactly”

“We are a race called humans”

“Are you a military people, I noticed you all carried many weapons and you all wore uniforms”

“We are both military and peaceful, but in these recent years we have been more of a military, and yes the seven of us are military. I’m the leader Major Alsea, this is Lieutenant Black, that’s Sergeant Cook…” he said each human’s name and they each stepped forward and did a small bow

“Now for my largest question why are you here”

“That’s a hard one, for you see we have no idea”

“What do you mean you have no idea” Luna said

“Well we were flying over one of our oceans when a bright light appeared and the next thing I knew we were flying over a huge forest”

“You have no wings how could you have flown” Celestia asked

“We were in an airplane, it’s a flying vehicle which is able of flying at speeds which no land vehicle can reach”

“Then why not fly”

“Because it was badly damaged, and we can’t just take off in a forest”

“Ok what about these” Celestia said while Luna took out a one of the strange objects

“That there is a MP-11 hand gun, and a gun is a weapon which uses a small explosion to launch projectiles a great distance, if you give me it for a moment I can show you what I mean”

Luna could tell Celestia wanted to give the human his weapon but she just wasn’t ready to trust him, so Luna decide to trust him since he didn’t kill her before

“You may use that pillar over there” Luna said with a grin knowing that her sister well be in raged if it was damaged. She then quickly gave the gun to Alsea

With Luna’s ok he fired three shots into the pillar making three perfect holes in it

“That was interesting” Celestia said trying to keep her voice normal and not show her anger towards her sister

“And I must ask you to never do that again”

“Will do, also anything else”

For about three hours the humans told Luna and Celestia all about there people and there history and the ponies came to the conclusion. Humans are beings of chaos…

Then it was time for Luna to raise the moon, and so the humans followed her while Celestia talked to the six ponies in the room. When they reached the balcony Luna used her power to raise the moon causing all the humans to look in awe

“How do you do that, its not possible” was all they said

“Well you see that’s my special talent, I raise the moon so the ponies can have a time for sleep”

“But doesn’t the moon do that by its self” Corporal Opdam asked

“What do you mean” Luna asked not understanding what the human meant

“He means on our planet the moon goes around, and the planet goes around the sun, which gives us our night and day”

“How does that work” Luna asked

“It’s a long story, and Corporal don’t even explain it”

“Oh ok well we should be heading back to the throne room” They all walked down the hallway in utter silence when Luna told the humans to go ahead and that she needed to talk to Alsea

Pulling him into a room Luna spoke “Why didn’t you kill me”

“I don’t know, I just couldn’t bring myself to hurt something that looked so young and fragile” he said looking Luna in the eye’s

“I’m not young I’m over ten thousand years old, and I’m anything but fragile” Luna said “Is thou mocking I” she then said hurt

“No I’m not mocking you Luna, but I say this for you may be ten thousand years old, but when I look at you a see someone who has just reach adult hood, making you young, and I can also tell that something extremely bad happened to you and this being the reason why your fragile, not an insult” he quickly replied

“What do you mean I look like a new adult” she said still a little hurt

“When I comparer you to your sister, she is much taller then you and she looks older, while you are small and look younger, that’s all”

“I see”

“Now anything else you’ll like to ask while you’re blocking the exit” he said with a hint of sarcasm

“Oh sorry, if I offended you”

“I’m just trying to be funny” he chuckled. And with that the two quickly walked back to the throne room to discuss more about the human race and later the ponies of Equestria.