• Published 26th Nov 2012
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Into the light - Azuras

A group of humans have crashed landed in a strange new world, how well they survive this pony filled land and what dark secrets may it hole

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Chapter 1:Bumpy ride eh?

Chapter 1 Bumpy ride eh?

The light was nothing like Alsea has ever seen it was both beautiful and terrifying and it seemed to be ripping the plane and him apart. No mater what he did he couldn’t move the plane it was ass if they were moving faster then light, and at this rate he wasn’t about to deny travel at speeds faster then light. He looked next to him and saw Knolls passed out in the seat next to him, he then looked at his control panel, and what he saw horrified him right to the bone. According to his attitude indicator gauge and according to it he was doing barrel rolls faster then possible for any plane epically the C-130…

“What’s going on Lieutenant” Simmons hollered to Dreams

“I don’t know corporal” Dreams replied

“What do you mean sir, aren’t you trained to deal with a situation like this?” Simmons asked with a hint of desperation

“Sorry bud but this, this is new… just look around you everyone is knocked out cold”

“I was afraid that you would say something like that” he said a little disappointed

"Yeah well the best we can do is prevent the rest of the squad from getting injured, so check all there harnesses quickly before something even worse happens”


“FUCK, CAPTIAN GET THE FUCK UP” Alsea yelled while shacking Knolls violently, unfortunately it didn’t work “fuck this I’ll have to stabilize the old girl myself”. Alsea quickly pulled up as hard as he could while bring the two downed engines back on, and all the while dodging the mountains. Slowly the plane returned to its regular speed but it was losing altitude and fast,

“What’s going on?” asked a very confused Knolls

“Thanks for joining me in the times of our lives captain” the major sarcastically replied

“You don’t need to be like that sir, but really what happened?”

“well we reached speeds faster then light and now were plummeting to the earth and to top it all of we have only two engines” Alsea spook as if he was thrilled by what was bound to happen “now PULL UP” and with that both Alsea and Knolls pulled on the steering wheels as hard as they could in hopes of leveling the plane. When a loud beeping started and with a quick glance to the dials and gauges Alsea saw that he was losing his other engines and that a wing was severely damaged from the speed of which they were moving. The next thing they know the left wing ripped in half and damaged the tail of the plane making stirring even harder for Alsea and Knolls, “Captain get to the back and strap in its about to get deadly and survival up here is two our of ten and I really don’t like those odds” Alsea hollered at the captain

“SIR!” was all the captain said and with a quick salute she left the cockpit. Alsea took another glace at his gadgets and feared the worst, and so hopping to save the small squad he put his last engine in reveres in hopes of slowing the plane. And to his surprise it helped, something which he and very few pilots have ever done in a cargo plane which should have destroyed the last of his wings and engines instantly.

Seconds turned into hours as he carefully adjusted the plane for a crash landing all the while trying to find the safest place to touch down. After scanning the large forest under him, he saw what he needed a small valley just large enough to be used as a runway, and so he angled the plane and began to descend to the valley below. Unfortunately he landed short roughly two hundred yards from the valley, and in a matter of seconds everything went black…

Alsea tried to open his eyes but couldn’t he couldn’t feel anything, it was peaceful and quite then when he finally got his one eyelid to lift he saw Lieutenant Black kneeling over him yelling at him

“Sir, sir are you alright, someone get over here with the med kit, sir don’t move were going to patch you up, just don’t move” And that’s when it hit him he bolted up right and regretted ever doing that, his whole body erupted in pain unlike anything he had ever felt, and when he looked at the source of the pain his eyes couldn’t understand how he was alive. He had a branch going right through him but he guessed that it didn’t pierce any of his organs and was a little relived by that fact. He might make it.

“Lieutenant…. What ever…. You… do…. Don’t pull…. That fucking…. Branch… out tell your… ready to… patch me up” Alsea said in short burst, every word brought a torrent of pain to his chest but he had to make sure that they didn’t kill him by puling out the only thing which was stopping the bleeding. And with that everything went black again…

“Shit were losing him, hurry up Sgt we need that kit NOW” Lt Black hollered across the crash site.

“Ma’am I’m going as fast as I can I had to look for it” Sgt Cook yelled back”

“Finally you snail he’s bleeding out here. Since you’re the medic your in charged, so patch him up” Black said

“Ok, ok be ready with the anti infection ointment and the medical foam, and when I say now put as much ointment inside that wound as possible so be ready” Cook said very serious “if your not fast enough he’ll bleed out, got it ma’am”

“Yeah I got it just give me the single” Black replied

“Ok, one, two, three!” and with that he ripped the branch out of the major causing Alsea to make a very disturbing noise and causing the huge hole to bleed every ware. “NOW” cook yelled getting the medical foam ready for insertion, and with that Lt Black squirted the ointment all over the huge wound trying to cover every inch. When Cook was satisfied he pushed her aside and injected the foam closing the wound and saving the majors life. “Ok good job ma’am, now can you hand me that anti viral syringe and the adrenalin” Cook said not taking his eyes off the major,

"Yeah, here you go”

“Thanks, now go look and make sure everyone else is doing fine please” And with that Lt Black got up and ran to the others, while Cook injected the major with the needles to insure that he would not get an infection. When he stuck the adrenalin in the major jumped up in pain and yelled probably the manliest scream Cook had ever heard,

“FUCK, WHAT THE FUCK, GO DAMIT COOK” was all that major Alsea would say. After he calmed down and his shocked ended he got up and took in the crash site. “How many died Cook” Alsea asked

“No one sir just some wounded” Cook replied quickly

“That’s good, what about the supplies and APC are they alright”

“Yes sir everything is there and intact surprisingly”

“Ok that’ll be all Sgt make sure the rest are ok, and thanks” With that Alsea walked over to his now destroyed C-130 and went to see what he could get, and regretted not having Simmons re organize the storage area for the APC was in the back and that would be there life saver…

A few hours later the group managed to get all the supplies out and get the APC loaded with the most important things which was quite a lot. It was becoming night and Lt Dream just mangled to start a fire and was now boiling some MRE’s for everyone to enjoy.

“So sir what exactly happened” asked Simmons

“Yeah what happened” a uproar of voices said multiple times, which aggravated Alsea

“Well thanks all for asking so nicely, and basically what happened is we entered some sort of slip stream I guess and I caused us to move faster then the speed of light, then we exited it and I lost almost all control which resulted in us crashing in this here forest” the major said aggravated

“Wait did you say slip stream as in sci-fi slip steam” Lt Black asked

“Kinda I don’t know what it was but that’s what I’m calling it” major Alsea replied

“So now what” Cpl Tyler asked

“Well now we survive and look for civilization and a way to get back home, now if you all mind I’m going to fall asleep in the APC, so if you need something done ask Captain Knolls, and we better be moving out by the crack of dawn” and with that Alsea got up and went into the APC

“So what are we going to do now” a concerned Cpl Tyler asked

“Well were going to so what ever captain Knolls and major Alsea tell us to do, which is right now surviving” Sgt cook replied irritated.

“Ok everyone stop with the hostility I know that where’ll all pissed but that’s not the answer for now were going to get some shut eye” captain Knolls said “also I want two sentries to watch our back with 2 hour shifts, Cpl Tyler your with Lt dream on the first watch, Cpl Opdam your with Lt Black on seconded watch, Cpl Telis your with Sgt cook on third watch, Cpl Simmons your with me on the fourth watch and Privet Tuner and Silver your with the major” And with that they all went to sleep but the sentries. The night was quite except for the occasional animal noise, but all the while a deadly predator was watching the small group of humans, learning from them and waiting to strike…

The next day the troops loaded up the rest of the supplies in the APC and they drove off headed from what the compass could tell east. The ride was anything but fun the whole time people hit there heads on the ceiling from a bump or a tree being knocked over, and the whole time the major instead on blasting linkin park on the APC’s stereo.

“What you kids don’t like old rock” Alsea chuckled hearing the moans as he replied the disc

“TURN THAT SHIT OFF SIR, IT’S THE TENTH TIME YOU’VE PLAYED IT” Sgt cook said and an agreement from the rest of the troops which followed

“Nah I like this shit so unless you have another sound track were listing to this, got it sergeant” Alsea replied

“Actually I have a disc sir” Pvt Opdam said in a low voice

“You have to speak up son I can’t hear you” Alsea replied sarcastically

“I said I have a disc sir” Pvt Opdam said louder

“Well why not put it in then” so Opdam reached over in his seat and placed the disc in the old styled CD player, and pressed the play button to start the music. Major Alsea’s face went into a huge grin as he heard one of the oldest ACDC songs and pat Pvt opdam on the back,

“Good choice sun now we got more rock” Alsea said with a chuckle. And so they listened to a good hundred rock songs over and over again tell they had to stop for the night…

While the humans slept a certain being was flying back to reaport her findings…

“SISTER” Princess Luna said bursting through the doors of the throne room “We, I mean I have found much about these strange creatures. They seem to work together like the timber wolves of thee ever forest, but they have knowledge like us but they carry objects with claws. There also roughly the size of a minotaur just with out horns” “They also seem to be traveling inside something that I have never seen before, it has ten wheels and can move trees and rocks out of its way… the last thing I’ve learned is that they speak equestrian, and very fluently” Luna said finally taking the chance to breath.

“Anything else Luna” Princess Celestia asked both curios and worried

“Oh yes I forgot there headed towards ponyville and should reach it in about a day at the rate of there travel, and they also are omnivores from what I can tell” Luna replied

“Thank you Luna for your help now if you excuse me I need to inform Twilight about these creatures before they get to ponyville” Celestia said. And with a nod Luna left her big sister to her work and went back to watch these strange creatures.

All according to plan Celestia thought to herself, while she wrote the letter to her faithful student…