• Published 23rd Nov 2012
  • 1,053 Views, 20 Comments

Bound Together Forever - icilu2

What happens to a soul when it's drift is blown off course?

  • ...

Chapter 1

Bound Together Forever

Equestria, Equestria is every brony's dream, or at least to those who don't think about the implications their sudden absence would have on another individuals life. So many think that all of life in Equestria is perfect... So many stories portray it as so. Well let me show you my current situation, but lets do it with a bit of a twist. I will slowly let out information and details of the area and lets see how quickly you can guess it. Okay, so I'm in a room, a solid box room with florescent white walls, a bright white ceiling and a white tiled floor. Anyone got it? No? Alright, the room contains a white counter with an ugly green top, on this cabinet are various 'get well cards' along with the trademark flower and chocolates. A little over from there is the sink, installed in the cabinet and on the other side of that is various clipboards and papers that contain knowledge that is far to wordy for the average equine, sadly this does not apply to me because it is perfectly legible to me...
Sorry I just got a surge of emotion. Anyone got it yet? Still? Alright well in the center of the room is a curtain on wheels made of some kind of latex, these curtains also match the ugly green counter top. On the opposite side of the room sat several various medical devices, one is an I.V. along with a breather and a heart rate monitor. I'm going to go ahead and tell you that we are in a hospital room. We are alone, because we are dying. Oh right I almost forgot to tell you the one thing in this room that makes me want to stay here in this depressing cold atmosphere, or you could call her the patient, but I can't, she means too much to me. Her name is Rainbow Dash, and she is dying.

No she hasn't gotten into a crash or gotten a disease, no she has simply aged and is ready to move on. She is also waiting, she is waiting for me. I am still trying to figure out the answer to the question that I know she will ask me, and its only fair that I answer it, after all she has waited her whole life to hear it. Besides she'll get her revenge, IM sure of it. I don't call her Rainbow Dash anymore. I don't think it is fitting, I just call her Dashie, mostly because she isn't the fastest anymore, and her color has left her, she has lived a good life, and has lived through it all and has one last thing to look forward to, the answer to this question. But our time is up, my Dashie stirs and I must answer her question, and help her in anyway I can.

I looked over to Dashie, my eyes would be filled with tears if it were any other pony...or If I could actually produce the necessary liquids. Any way looked into her deep, tired magneta eyes, I remember when she was little how bright and colorful they were, now they have lost their sheen, their brilliance and liveliness. She was crying, and that broke my metaphorical heart, she looked at me with eyes full of tears, loss and sadness. I knew that there was something else there though, rather it be because I was that good at figuring it out, or because I was extension of her being. Looking me in the 'eye' She said

"It's time, you promised to tell me."

"I know" I said "It's just difficult to explain."

"Will it hurt?" She said eyes brimming with tears, her voice coarse from crying, she didn't want to cry, that made it worse.

"Which one, dying, or the aftermath?" I said, having a bit of her sadness imprint onto me.

"Both" Dashie said, ready to hear all of it without any of the cryptic metaphors, philosophy, or lies

"....no, Neither one will hurt if I remember correctly" I 'grabbed' her hoof in my hand and 'stroked' her fur

"So...are You finally going to tell me? Tell me what you never would?" She said expectantly

"Well of course I will, lets see...how Should I start this? Ah, I know! You see Dashie every life has a n-

WHOA! You can't skip-up on this story like this! This is the ending to another beginning! Well, I suppose if you want to hear the end of this story we should start from the beginning, however unlike most stories that end with death, this one starts with death as well...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 1: The Prologue~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I lay there just short of motiveless in the cold, green and really uncomfortable hospital bed. I opened my eyes and felt another pair of 'eyes' looking at me, I know she was waiting for me to be ready, but I wanted a bit longer, after all what I was about to hear was going to be life changing, and could only be heard when my life was ending. I felt the I.V. pumping fluids into my wrist, filling me with the nutrients I needed to survive, the breather was pumping away with a wheeze every time I breathed, and I thanked Celestia that I did, I grew one step closer to my death. I honestly they would just save the money, after all you can't save me. I looked over at the ugly counter and looked at all the paper-work that I would never be able to read, I had hoped there would at least be a flower, some chocolate or something, but no... Everyone I loved was dead, well except for one person... Well I say person I should say pony... Well I say pony- nevermind. I looked up to see the glorious magneta eyes meet my own. Her cyan coat shimmered with youth that hadn't lost its touch her mane was still so gorgeous... Even after all these years. I looked out the window of my room, just past Rainbow and saw all the buildings and smoke. I was glad to be alive, but I was ready to leave this planet full of people who aren't capable of any form of complex thought process, people who are ignorant arrogant an-

"We don't have much time" Rainbow's voice chided.

"I know, I'm just...so Tired, I want to sleep" I said feeling my eyelids drift...im...so...comfo-"

'beep, beep, beeep, beeeeep, beeeeeeeeeeeeeee,'

"NO WAIT YOU CAN'T DIE YET I DID-" Rainbow's voice faded away into the... umm...blackness?

I looked around me and saw the infiniteness of nothing in front of me... No wait there was a li- I just died didn't I? I thought to myself that maybe I should be worried about this, but then I realized I was dead, I just go to heaven or hell or Equestria or wherever, earth was now N/A
I drifted toward this light...when I was suddenly yanked aside and started drifting toward...nothing
No literally it was like there was a wall of pure nothing-ness and I was heading right for it... Well great so not only did I not listen to what Rainbow was trying to say but I don't get heaven, hell, OR purgatory...well I called it, I always said I wouldn't be able to die right.
I felt my hand hit the abyss first...
I don't think I possess the necessary vocabulary to describe what not existing felt like. I tried to escape and it felt like it was working for a bit, and by working I mean the feeling stopped...The Only thing that comes to mind is white...yes I'm perfectly aware white is a color but that is the only thing that I see when I remember the feeling. I was done, I began to let the nothing eat away, down my hand, up my arm it was at my wrist when I felt... Wait I felt something I looked back and saw... I don't know.... it was there... but it was like I couldn't comprehend it's form or really anything, it was like I was looking at a color I couldn't see. But this form pulled me back and threw me away from the nothing-ness, the figure however was not so lucky, I watched it fall into the nothingness and I felt it fall into it. I was actually feeling again, well...thats...good? I felt like I was going somewhere,

The last thing I heard, well the only thing I heard was "Your turn" and I felt like someone had whispered it to me while they were right on top of my chest.

The next thing I remember is seeing a massive wonderbolts poster...but Something isn't right, I can feel something is wrong. This time I literally mean I could feel it, I felt so alone, heartbroken, literally like I had lost everything. The worst of it was that I felt like I was hoping for something and suddenly it all just got crushed...It Was absolutely excruciating, there was something else I could feel but it was overridden by the hurt. I was still able to think a bit though... I realized the first thing that was wrong, I just died... I couldn't remember my name or anything from before, the only thing I remember was that there was a before this, I remember... My little Pony being my favorite show... Obviously I remembered basic bodily functions. The emotional pain was now gone, and I could once again open them and I noticed the second thing that was wrong. The colors were really, really bright. I noticed the last thing that was wrong with this world when I looked up, there was a heart-broken, matted, crying filly Rainbow Dash. I took note of the final feeling, fear. Not the fear of the unknown, no worse, the feeling of absolute terror that had no guide-lines. I couldn't process it and I felt sick...naueses even... I looked again at the filly Rainbow her eyes were the size of basket balls, but she looked so... Broken sh-

"Who are you?" she said in a timid tone I never expected to hear from Rainbow Dash, the strong Tom-Pony who isn't scared of anything.

"I...I Really don't know..." I said I couldn't even understand this, it was like not only were my memories being erased but new ones took their place, there was me flying for the first time me, wait this doesn't a-

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGH" I let out a cry of absolute pain before I had one single thought that made sense enter my mind, and it entered out of nowhere.

'Help her' was all it said,

It sounded so familiar...But I couldn't remember anything else before another headache was about to start so I focused on that one single command. I stood up and walked over to the little Dash. I felt fear taking over my form but I ignored it, I just wanted her to feel a little better, after all some random person of another species appearing in your living room would startle me to... fuckin' zoindberg shows up in my living room... Wait. I made a thought! That had moderate amounts of complexity! Focus dammit.

"ummm are you okay?" I managed out trying to maintain a small level of calm in myself

"p-p-please go away...im Sorry for hurting you I-I-II-"

That's enough I thought, for the first time in a long time I did something that I knew was 100% correct. I picked her up and brought her close to my chest, and I felt about as warm and snuggly as I possibly could conceive my-self being... Don't think cactus... I felt her shaking and squirming around in my arms I didn't know how to calm her down and I couldn't hold off this whole massive headache telling me to get my ass in bed and get to sleep. I looked down at Rainbow, and brought her to my chest, good thing to notice that I'm actually wearing clothes, blue jeans, white T-shirt, and the fuzziest warmest jacket ever, I looked at her and she looked a wreck, to start her fur was matted and knotted, she looked tired and sad, and she was so timid and afraid, she also didn't have a cutie mark. She was probably what like 5 right now? I looked at her and thought of happy things, I just wanted her to feel better. She...she Relaxed, Celestia thank you now for this grace of which you have given me and I shan't soon forget. I looked down at her and noticed she looked like she was freezing, she was still shaking and shivering, but she wasn't nervous at least! I did the only thing I could think to do, I looked around and spotted her bed, a really small bed that was about the size of a twin-size. Remind me to actually go to church after this. I walked over to the bed and laid down, I then partially unzipped my jacket and put rainbow down next to my chest, and zipped it about 3/4th of the way closed, just enough to be able to see her snuggle up to me. I felt her get comfortable and nuzzle into my side, after that she was out. I closed my eyes and told myself I would deal with it in the morning. I shut my eyes and got one last glimpse of Dash before I slipped asleep.

"I miss you mommy" was all I felt before unconsciousness


Thanks again to all of you who read this, and if anyone would like to be my editor, Celestia knows I need one, feel free to leave a comment saying as such!

Comments ( 20 )



1667470>>1667472 Good job. Now you've learned that it's nothing special and has not real world value.


Achievement unlocked:
How the hell did you do that?

1667480 Shh. Let me feel special for a moment.

1667482 I've been attending to my blog. :moustache:

1667485 :rainbowkiss:

I like how commenting has become about beating Regidar instead of talking about the stories, lol
Anyway I really have no idea what's going on in this, but I only skimmed it. Didn't look that interesting. tbh I only opened it because the art was cool. :unsuresweetie:
On the other hand, if you can't tell what's going on after skimming it and reading the summary three times, something's wrong. Especially if the summary is still relatively coherent.

1667505 :rainbowkiss:
Isn't it all for the better? The mods are gonna ban "Regidaring" soon enough, just like firsting posts.

holy shit you're a verb

1667553 I always wanted to be a verb. :rainbowkiss:

Thumbs up just for the awesome prologue. :derpytongue2:

I feel really bad for the author - 11 posts and apparently only 1 of them actually read the story. Many authors put a lot of time and effort, then go out on a limb to post their work hoping for attention and feedback. And you guys use this as a competition for posting comments that amount to nothing more than "I posted!" without even the courtesy of acknowledging the story on which you post.

To the author -
I'm not fond of the stories that start at the end and the rest of the story is a flashback. Once you have told the end you have eliminated all suspense, and the only question left is "how did they get there?". Just from the first three paragraphs we know most of the story.

As for the rest of the story - it's incoherent. You start in a hospital room with the protagonist dying, that's fine. Rainbow is there... how and why? This is a pretty huge plot point to just skip over by just saying "she's there".

There's also smoke outside the window as if a city is burning, and it's mentioned that all his loved ones are dead - is this important?

Next he dies - and you imagery is really bad. For one thing a "wall of nothing" in the middle of the "infinatness (not a word by the way) of nothing" is not sufficient. That's like saying a wall of water underwater. If there is something about that particular patch of nothingness, then you need to describe what's different about it.

Another thing about this portion is that you are describing it as if you are looking back and talking about it to someone, not as if the character is experiencing it. This makes it difficult to feel what the character is going through.

On the next part - he's alive again and in Equestria, and also in the past with Rainbow Dash. The first problem here, and it's a big one, is that you are simply telling us that he is feeling things without giving the reader a way to feel the same. He's heartbroken, now he's not... oh wait, now he's terrified. And now he's screaming... ok, that makes no sense.

Another major problem here is that little filly Dash is somehow okay with a completely unknown stranger of an unknown species randomly appearing in her room and screaming his head off.

Your grammar is a mess, but you are already looking for an editor, so I'm not going to comment on that anymore than this.

I like the concept of the story, but I am not thrilled by the execution.

I read the description with a Morgan Freeman voice
Always do

fuckin' zoindberg shows up in my living room.

I think it would sound better if it was Zoidberg

1668336 yeah that voice also appears in occasion

I just felt with your mention of Zoidberg in the comment immediately after it fit soooo well. :trollestia:

1667920 Hey, I can't help what people do. To be fair, I ALWAYS read a story.

Oh but the beauty of it is that this isn't a flashback :pinkiecrazy:

and to build a bit more, on the whole "rainbow being okay with a stranger in her house" concept is actually supposed to make little sense, and i will explain all of the, what appears to be lack of detail, into what is actually a bit more deep

As for the whole lack of detail while I'm dead, i couldn't really explain what not existing would be like. You know considering I do exist

But I completely agree with you on my horrible grammar

thank you for the constructive criticism

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