• Published 16th Nov 2012
  • 996 Views, 9 Comments

It's Raining Apples - lemoutonpetite

Will Rainbow Dash find love? Will she find something more? What would she do for love?

  • ...

Chapter 1

“Why couldn’t she have gotten that mail-mare to do this?” Rainbow Dash complained to herself while flying on the way to Appleoosa.

Applejack had asked her earlier that morning to deliver some Apple family recipe books to her cousin Braeburn. Rainbow Dash had obviously accepted her request, being the element of loyalty and all. She had only been to Appleoosa once before and hadn’t talked much with Braeburn while she was there.

* * *

It took her a couple hours of flying to get to Appleoosa from Ponyville. The sun was setting in the horizon as she got there, she could see Braeburn’s farm on the other side of the town being illuminated by the setting sun as she flew over.

Braeburn stood outside of his house waiting for Rainbow Dash. As she landed softly letting her wings finally rest he welcomed her. “Welcome to, Aaaaaaaappleooooosa!” he welcomed her in the way he greeted everyone. She sighed at his over enthusiastic behavior.

“Thanks Braeburn, here’s the books A. J. wanted me to deliver,” she reached into her saddle bag and gave the books to Braeburn.

“Thank you kindly, what was your name again? I only saw you once before so I didn’t have time to remember,” Braeburn said with an apologetic smile.

“Rainbow Dash is the name!” she said happily, she always loved saying her own name. “Is there an inn near by? I won’t be able to make it back home tonight, my wings are pretty tired, on my way here I was practicing some of my moves from the Best Young Flyers a couple months back, which I won!” She bragged.

“There’s one right down this road,” he said gesturing with his head towards a dirt road leading south back into town. “It’s really nice and has some pretty darn good prices,” Braeburn always loved helping others in anyway he could.

“Thanks B. B. see you around” she dashed off down the road. Braeburn looked as she galloped and he smiled.

* * *

Three weeks passed since then and all Rainbow Dash could think of was apples. She hadn’t been around anything apple related that much except last week at Pinkie’s party. She decided to forget about it and go fly a bit, “maybe sleep on a cloud too while I’m out”.

Braeburn hadn’t been to handy on the farm those three weeks since he last saw Rainbow Dash. His sister had to keep yelling at him to stay on task. He just couldn’t shake Rainbow Dash from his mind. “I have to see Rainbow Dash again,” he whispered loudly to him self.

“What’d you say?” his sister asked.

He ignored her and went to his room requesting another recipe book he “forgot” from Applejack., asking her to send Rainbow Dash, because “it was faster than the normal mail-pony".

* * *

Applejack got the letter two weeks after he had sent it. “Ay, R. D. could ya take this here book to mah cousin? He forgot ta ask for it last time,” Rainbow Dash faked a sigh to hide her enthusiasm.

“Sure A.J. I’ll head off tomorrow.” And off Rainbow Dash trotted casually hiding her excitement. As soon as she was out of sight she bolted into the air leaving a Rainbow trail behind her. She flew into her house at went straight to bed waiting for the next day. She had a dream about Braeburn that night, she woke around 5 a.m. unable to go back to sleep after her dream.

At 8 a.m. she flew as fast as she could to Applejack’s farm. She knocked hard on the front door hoping for Applejack to hurry up and answer so she can see her sweet apple pie. Applebloom opened the door slightly confused at seeing Rainbow Dash so early in the morning.

“Let me go an get mah sis Rainbow,” Applebloom closed the door and went back inside to get her sister. It only a couple minutes but Rainbow Dash was already tapping her hoof impatiently. Applejack opened the door with book in mouth.

“hmmph mmph hmp” she attempted to say, not succeeding because of the book in her mouth. Rainbow Dash opened her saddlebag for Applejack. She put the book into the bag and opened her mouth to speak, but Rainbow Dash had already taken off.

“Ah swear, she is the worst at hidin her emotions, she is gonna be a barrel of disappointment when she gets there,” Applejack went back inside her house to eat breakfast.

* * *

She arrived in Appleoosa earlier than last time, but this time she actually wanted to get there. She slowed down to get a look at the town since she might be spending more time here in the future. Once she spotted the barn she beat her wings even harder, wanting to see Braeburn so badly.

He was outside on his farm, trotting between the trees. Rainbow Dash landed next to him, he noticed her immediately. She removed the book from her bag and passed it to him, he took it in his mouth; so close they almost kissed, Rainbow Dash turned away blushing.

“So, uh Rainbow Dash,” Braeburn started, his voice trembling, “are you free later this afternoon”?

“Well, um, yea, why?” she could feel her cheeks burning, wishing her coat was darker to hide her red face.

“I was thinking, maybe you an I could catch a rodeo later” he asked, with a cheesy smile on his face.

She replied happily, “I would love to B.B.”
“So, meet you ‘round 11:30 at the saloon? We can grab some cider then go catch a show or two?” he said with an even goofier smile.

* * *
They met at the saloon at 11:30 as they both agreed on. They went inside for some cider and choose a table to sit down at. For twenty minutes they had just talked and laughed.
“So you’re telling me, you we’re the one who pulled off a sonic boom? And a sonic Rainboom at that!” he was surprised to hear that she was so talented at flying. “So what made you wanna get good enough at flying ta be one of the best flyers in all’a Equestria?” he was one of the only colts interested in her for her and not just her good looks.

“Well back in flight school it made all the colts pretty mad that a filly was better than them at flying,” she started to tell him about how she started training hard everyday when he cut her off.

“Wait, did you just say filly” his eyes were wide in confusion.

“Yea, I’m a filly, why does that shock you?” she looked worried and even more confused than Braeburn.

“Well you see, I’m not into girls.” He looked very sad telling her this.

“What do you mean B.B.” she wasn’t so sure how to react, but she was hoping it wasn’t what she was thinking.

“I’m a colt-cuddler” Braeburn looked depressed, he left without another word. Rainbow Dash just stared into her cup and cried silently.

Authors Note: This is my first fan fiction, it would be a big help if any one could give constructive criticism on it. Thank you I hope you enjoyed.

Comments ( 7 )

Braeburn hadn’t been to handy on the farm those three weeks since he last saw Rainbow Dash. His sister had to keep yelling at him to stay on task. He just couldn’t shake her from his mind. “I have to see her again,” he whispered loudly to him self.

Then later...

“I’m a colt-cuddler” Braeburn looked depressed, he left without another word. Rainbow Dash just stared into her cup and cried silently.

See what happened there? He was aware Dash was a girl, and then turns around and says he likes males?

Other than that... Well, I'm not a romance buff or anything, but something felt off. Maybe the flow? Good luck, hope you can find someone better suited for romance than me.

Kind of with Mistershield on this, kind of a big 180 to want to see her then turn around and claim he is gay.... or for that matter not see that she is in fact a she, I mean the voice, slender build, delicate muzzle, is kind of a big clue.

To everyone who brought up that mistake, thank you. I hadn't noticed. :derpytongue2:

hey i told you in school i would look it up and read your story lol.:applejackunsure: it was good besides the little mistake when you wrote that he wanted to see her :applejackconfused: but i did like your story

oh ya i wanna read more keep writing. if you dont i might cry :applecry:

If there is an idea anypony wants in the story, just pm me :heart:
I will use any ideas sent in if I can make them work into the story.

honestly? i think you should continue.....its not healthy to not finish a story

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