• Published 6th Nov 2012
  • 669 Views, 2 Comments

What caused this madness? - Thebronywithin

Why did luna become nightmare moon? and where did Luna and celestia's brother go?

  • ...

Where is he?

*three years ago, the day after Nightmare Moon's return*

It's late, 11:40pm to be exact, Luna has just raised the moon for the first time in a thousand years, she's in her room, she should be happy, however, a faint sound of crying can be heard, and only one pony in all of Equestria would be able to hear her, her own sister, Princess Celestia, or, to Luna, "Celly" or "Tia".

Celestia doesn't exactly hear Luna crying, but she can feel it, she can feel her suffering, and she does the one thing she didn't do a thousand years before when she felt this, she goes to her.

"I can't make the same mistake, not again, especially since we just got her back!" Celestia says as she walks to her bedroom door, and, using her magic, opens it, only to find her guard, standing in front of her, he turns around, bows, and then says.

"My Princess, where are you headed at this hour?"

Celestia forgot how over protective her guards were, it drove her nuts sometimes.

"I am headed to see my sister, I want to make sure she's alright." she admits with confidence.

"Shall I accompany you to her room?" Celestia was clearly done with the guard, so she shooed him out of the way and said.

"No, you are to remain here, unless I call for you, understood?"

"A-are you sure, my Princess?" a dumbfounded royal guard replies.

"UNDERSTOOD?!" a pissed off Princess of the sun shouts.

With this, the guard freezes, and simply says. "yes." After all, he had never seen Celestia angry, not even slightly ticked off, so for her to use the Royal Canterlot voice, especially while she was angry, is probably the most horrifying thing anypony could endure.

"Good, I'll be back in time to raise the sun." Celestia says as she walks off in the direction of Luna's room.


Luna was laying on her bed, she was devastated, all she had done since she raised the moon, was think about what she had done, had tried to do, and had planned to do.

It all sickened her, but what made her sad, was that it was her, Nightmare Moon was still her, despite it not actually being her, they were all things she had thought of doing, and maybe even wanted to do, but now, as she look's back on it, all she can do, is see herself as a monster, nothing more, nothing less.

Luna continually told herself that she would never reveal her thoughts to anypony, not even her sister, or her brother, wherever he is. That is, until she heard a knocking at her door, completely derailing her train of thought. So, she decides to open the door, it was probably some guard checking up on her, making sure she's not plotting to take over Equestria again. However, when she uses her magic to open the door, the pony on the other side is the last she would expect, but the first she hoped to see, her own sister.

"Tia, why are you here?" Luna is clearly puzzled, yet happy, that her sister has dropped by.

"Because, I could feel something was wrong, I could feel you suffering, and I made the decision to come talk to you, like I should've a thousand years ago." Celestia had a comforting smile that almost glowed like the sun.

"What do you mean, a thousand years ago?" Luna is unaware of what transpired the night she became nightmare moon, it's all a blur to her.

"Luna, the night you became nightmare moon, you were suffering, there was a conflict in you that you couldn't resolve yourself. But I was busy with some paperwork, and didn't know the consequences of ignoring the call you subconsciously gave me, and for that, I am truly sorry." Celestia's warm smile had faded into a sad, half frown from sorrow, and guilt.

"No" was all Luna said to respond.

"No? I don't understand." Celestia was concerned, had she said something wrong?

"No, you have no right to be apologizing to me, no right to be sorry for me, and no right to feel any kind of guilt for me. It was my fault, it was all me, if you feel anything towards me, it should be hatred." Luna said, shortly thereafter, she put her face in a pillow and resumed her crying.

"Princess Luna, regent of the moon, and co-ruler of Equestria, you have no right to say I have no right. It is not your fault, had I set aside work from family for ten minutes, you wouldn't have become Nightmare Moon, and you wouldn't have been banished to the moon for a thousand years. It's my fault everypony is afraid of you, it's my fault you became what you did, and it's my fault you're crying tonight." Celestia walks over to her sister, who is now looking her straight in the eye, she puts a hoof on her shoulder and says. "If anypony is a monster, it's me, because of me, thousands suffered."

"You just don't understand, it was still me, whatever black magic was used on me, it was still me in there, it was still what I wanted to do." Luna is about to put her face back into the pillow when Celestia says this to her.

"That black magic, wasn't black magic, I didn't fully abandon you for my work, I cast a spell to help you resolve you problems, to make you happy, a spell that doesn’t ware off easily, one, that if the resolution is powerful enough, can last a thousand years." Celestia then hangs her head in shame, the thing she had done to help, had only caused more damage. "I had hoped to never reveal this to you, now that you know, you must hate me. I'll leave you alone now, I'm sure you don't want a monster in your presence." Celestia is about to head for the door, when Luna grabs her mane, and says to her.

"You say you're a monster, when I was the one who became the monster, you say you caused the suffering of thousands, when it was me who did it, and you say you are responsible for everything, when it is truly me who is, Tia, even after your element belongs to another pony, you're still loyal to it, and to Equestria, and to me, Tia, I must ask you a question, something that, if what I think is true, only the bearer of the element of loyalty or of honesty would want to answer truthfully." Luna says with a look of concern on her face.

"As the former representative of the element of Loyalty, I will answer your question, former representative of the element of magic." Celestia hopes to lighten the mood a bit with these last comments, not expecting what Luna has to say.

"Charming, my question is, where is our brother, Star Blazer?" When Luna asks this, Celestia's face drops. "Tia, what's wrong?"

"Luna, I said I would answer truthfully and I will, fifty years after you became nightmare moon, Blazer finally let his sadness set in, he loved you Luna, you were his favorite sister, yes, he loved me too, but you and him shared a bond that him and I just didn't have." Celestia pauses for a moment, then, before Luna could ask any questions, she continues.

"He had gone to a local bar, he didn't hate or blame me, or anypony, just, himself, he went to the bar, but never came back. I became worried two days later, he had been known to disappear, but he always came back within forty-two hours, and when he didn't come back, I searched. I searched for days, the days turned into years, and into centuries, but after six hundred years, I had lost all hope, I called of the search, the night he went missing, or rather, two days after he went missing, I was as sad as a mare who's entire family had died in front of her."

"He never returned? You searched for six centuries and weren't able to find him? Tia, I know you must feel somehow responsible, but don't. He's alive, I can feel it. Like you said, me and him share a powerful bond, one that binds us together, and not just because we're family. I will never forget the day he got his cutiemark, he is only a few years younger than me, than us, but his special talent, it's the most special I've seen besides ours, even for an Alicorn."

*cue flashback*

Luna, Celestia, and Star a Blazer were sitting under the night sky, looking at the stars, Celestia looked almost identical to herself in the future, only a bit smaller, and with pink hair instead of the pastel rainbow, and Luna looked exactly like she did right after the elements of harmony changed her back, but Star Blazer was an elaborately bright and colorful pony, his mane and tail were a bright red and blue, the true form of the colors, not a darkened shade of them, his fur was a bright orange, and his eyes were a simple brown.

"Ah, I simply love the night, it's so peaceful, so quiet, what do you think Luna? It's your night after all." A young Celestia inquires of a young Luna.

"Well, I do like the peacefulness of the night, I just wish more ponies would notice how nice it is." The young Luna responds, prompting Blazer to say something.

"They do sis, if it wasn't peaceful, they wouldn't be able to sleep, and if they can't sleep, they'd bee to tired to have any fun!" the youngest of the three ponies seems proud of his statement, probably because it made his sister smile.

"Yeah, I guess you're right, isn't it funny how the simple mind of a child can be the best source of information sometimes?" Luna says with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

Celestia giggles a bit from what her sister said.

Then, in the night sky, a bright light descends from the sky.

“Luna?” Celestia asks.

“Yes sister?” Luna replies.

“Is that a meteor headed straight for us?”

“Yes I believe it is.”

“Can you stop it?”


“Why not?”

“I didn’t create it, it’s a chunk of something, and now it’s in our atmosphere.”

“We should probably move then, right?”

“Yeah, thats probably a good idea, Blaz… Where’s Blazer?” Luna frantically looks around for her brother, while trying to mind how close the gigantic space rock was to them, then, out of nowhere, the rock is destroyed in a blue, fiery blaze.

“What-who-where-when?” Luna’s stupor is resolved when, right below the debris from the meteor, she sees Star Blazer, with the stupidest gigantic grin.

“And what’s got you so happy young man?” Celestia asks.

“Well, have you not noticed something different about my flank?” Blazer asks. Sure enough, his sisters notice that he is sporting a new cutimark, it’s a navy blue, five-point star with pure blue flames coming off the top.

“Huh, usually I’d say ‘Never do that again.’, but it looks as though it’s what your special talent is, so I can’t say that, now can I?” Celestia jokes.

“No, you can’t” Luna says smiling.

*end flashback*

“Luna, you really think he’s out there?” Celestia asks her younger sister.

“Yes, I know it.”


“Is he stable?” A seemingly demonic feminine voice asks.

“Yes, the sedation is working at maximum ability, and the DSM is fully functional.” A male voice responds.

“Good doctor, make sure our friend over there doesn’t wake up anytime soon, after all, That is the whole reason he’s here!” The same demonic voice from earlier says.

“Understood my queen.” The male voice says, and hoofsteps can be heard as he walks away.

“Star Blazer, what secrets does your mind hold?” a faint ‘Hmm’ can be heard before the demonic voice calls out “Doctor Different!”

“Yes my queen?” Another male voice responds.

“How much information have you gathered from his brain?”

“Not much I’m afraid, between keeping his ‘Dream’ life active, and making it past is defenses, we’re only able to gather so much information.”

“Well, if in three years we still have this problem, we may have to bring his alternate self here.”

“But, my queen, is that wise?”

“Do you have any other ideas?”


“Then get back to work!”

“Yes my queen.”

Faint hoofsteps can be heard as the other doctor walks away as well.

“I’ll figure you out soon enough, Prince Blazer!” The demonic voice says, with a tinge of evil happiness in her tone.

Comments ( 2 )

The grammar is atrocious, the plot is melodramatic and thin, and both Celestia and Luna are out of character.

1571345 you don't think I noticed that?

I could fix it, but i've got a lot I need to be doing over the next little while. Maybe i'll do it in the summer.

Probably not, I'm lazy, sue me. :twilightblush:

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