• Published 16th Nov 2012
  • 3,963 Views, 85 Comments

Sisterly Love - Lux

Two ponies are drawn into a strong bond of sisterhood

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Questions and Revelations

After saying goodbye to Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash walked down the busy main street of Ponyville. For once in her life, she didn’t feel like flying around town. It was as if the thoughts on her mind weighed her down, grounding her and forcing her to bear the load as she walked. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t put aside the memory of Scootaloo yearning to be her sister.

The rainbow manned pony had considered before the notion of becoming Scootaloo’s older sister. She even remembered on a certain camping trip along with Rarity, Applejack and their sisters agreeing to Scootaloo to take her under Rainbow Dash’s wing. Yet every time she thought about becoming her sister, barriers were erected either physically or mentally. Many times when considering the matter she would have to quickly turn her attention towards something that was more important at the time like her friends. But what really hindered the mare was her own self-doubting. She feared that she was too imperfect to be a good sister and was afraid that one day the novelty of Scootaloo looking up to her would fade away and the filly would seek some other idol. To have that happen after agreeing to be the orange pegasus’s sister would be heartbreaking to the mare.

Rainbow Dash was so lost in her thoughts that she wasn’t watching where she was going. Suddenly she felt herself bumping a soft yet firm object, knocking out of her mental haze. She knew it was another pony and quickly looked to see who it was. Her eyes quickly met the face of her friends Applejack who stared curiously at the rainbow Pegasus.

“Howdy Rainbow. You know you just say hi to me rather than plum knocking me over.” Rainbow saw a grin form on the earth pony’s face indicating that she wasn’t mad.

“Sorry about that,” Rainbow Dash said sheepishly, “Guess I wasn’t looking where I was going.”

“You look like you have somethin’ on your mind. Do you want to talk about it? Ah’m a pretty good listener if ah’ do say so myself.”

“Well ok,” Rainbow Dash said at her friend’s offer, “Applejack, what’s it like being a sister?”
“Ah’ beg yer pardon?”

“You know, what it is like having Apple Bloom as a sister.”

“Oh ah’ see. Well bein’ a sister with her is like the weather ah’ guess.”

“The weather,” Rainbow Dash asked confused.

“Rainbow, you of all ponies should know about the weather. Some days are bright an’ sunny. Other days are cold or rainy or snowy. It’s just like bein’ a sister. Oh sure many days are sunny an’ we’re like two peas in a pod. There are those stormy times when one of us is sad or upset an’ it feels like there’s no tellin’ when the storm might end!”
“So what do you do?”

“Ah’ always remember that no matter how stormy a day is that soon things will be sunny. Nothin’ is certain except for the love between me and family like Apple Bloom or friends like you.”

“I think I understand,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Glad ah’ can help,” Applejack said, “Oh by the way, ah’ talked to Apple Bloom today about Scootaloo, her parents, and where she lives. She told me that she has never seen Scootaloo’s parents either in town or at any school functions. They weren’t even at Family Appreciation Day. As for where the filly lives, Apple Bloom doesn’t know that either. She always sees Scootaloo either at the school or at the farm. At first ah’ thought that you were bein’ a little paranoid Rainbow, but ah’m startin’ to get worried about the little filly. Ah’ mean there’s somethin’ strange when a friend doesn’t know where the others at least live.”

“Thanks for the advice Applejack and for telling me about what Apple Bloom knows.”

“Any time. Ah’m sorry ah’ couldn’t be a better help, but that’s all ah’ know.”

“That’s ok.”

“Well, ah’ better get back to Sweet Apple Acres then,” Applejack said tipping her hat, “Those apples aren’t going to jump off the trees and into the baskets themselves.”

“Bye Applejack,” Rainbow said as she watched her friend disappear in the crowd.

The mare, feeling a little happier that she talked to her friend, continued her walk through town when suddenly she saw Rarity trotting over to her.

“Oh Rainbow,” the unicorn said, “I’m so glad I found you.”

“You are?”

“Yes darling. I spoke to Sweetie Belle like you asked me about Scootaloo, her parents, and where she lives. She told me that she has no idea who the filly’s parents are or where she lives. Why, I couldn’t believe that my sister didn’t know these things. I mean it’s usually proper etiquette for friends to invite each other over to their respective houses. Why even the fillies have seen Sweetie Belle’s house and of course they have seen mine. The whole thing is just very odd.”

“Yeah, it is odd,” Rainbow said getting worried about Scootaloo.

“Oh dear, I’m sorry I cannot be of a better help about that matter. That’s the only information Sweetie knows.”

“It’s ok,” Rainbow said, “Actually I want to ask you something else.”

“What is it dear?”

“What’s it like being a sister? You know, you being an older sister to Sweetie Belle?”

“Well, it’s hard to explain, but I shall try. I remember when I was not such a good sister to Sweetie Belle, seeing her more of an annoyance than some pony to care for. It only got worse over time until finally we got into a shouting match. I said some things I was not proud of, and Sweetie Belle said she did not want to be my sister. Well you could imagine how heartbroken I was. Then Applejack told me that being a sister is to compromise. You have to do things that you sister likes rather than just what you like. But I think that the best lesson I learned is that no sister is perfect and that as long as there is love for each other all other flaws could be forgiven.”

“Thanks for that information,” Rainbow Dash said.

“You are quite welcome,” Rarity replied, “Now I’m sorry that I have to cut this conversation short, but I have a few dress orders that I have to attend to.”

“Ok then. See you later Rarity.”

With a wave the white pony dashed through the crowd.

Rainbow Dash’s fears about not being the best sister were being calmed with the words of Applejack and Rarity. It felt like a weight was being lifted off her back. Still, the fact that Scootaloo’s two closest friends didn’t know who the orange pony’s parents were or where she lived troubled the mare. She hoped that the answer would be revealed.
Suddenly Rainbow Dash heard some pony shouting. She looked to see Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie running towards her.

“Rainbow Dash, thank goodness we found you,” Fluttershy said softly but with a concerned tone.

“What? What’s going on?”

“It’s about Scootaloo,” Pinkie said worried as well. This further caused Rainbow to become concerned as there were few things that could make the happy pink pony in such a state. The cyan pegasus’s mind began to run wild of possible things that could have happened to the filly upon leaving her.

“Is she ok? Is she hurt or sick?”

“Rainbow, calm down,” Twilight said trying to help her friend, “Scootaloo I think is fine. We found her house, however.”
Rainbow Dash couldn’t understand why finding the orange pony’s house would cause concern.

“Ok, you found the house. Shouldn’t that be a good thing?”

The three mares turned to each other and then back to Rainbow Dash.

“You’re not going to like this Rainbow,” Twilight said soberly, “Follow us.”

Rainbow Dash followed Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie through town and into an alley.

“Ok, so why are we in an alley? She doesn’t sleep here, right?”

“No,” Twilight said as her horn glowed. Suddenly the wooden door to the basement opened up with the unicorn’s magic.
“She lives here,” the unicorn said as she activated a light spell and proceeded down the steps.

“What are you talking about,” Rainbow said as she followed her friends, “This place has been empty for years! There’s no way that Scootaloo could be staying…”

The mare’s voice trailed off as her friends suddenly parted as if to show her something. The mare gasped at the scene before her. On the floor in the basement next to a window there were a pile of sheets that bore some semblance of a makeshift bed and a pile of hay that acted as a pillow. Nearby was Scootaloo’s saddlebag for school and her Cutie Mark Cursaders cape. There were other things scavenged like a firefly lantern, some books in a pile, some old wooden boxes and barrels that acted as furniture, and a basket of apples.

“This is her home,” Rainbow Dash said still trying to make sense of the scene before her.

“Looks like it,” Twilight said.

“But where are her parents?”

“I… I don’t know if she has any parents,” Fluttershy said quietly.

Rainbow looked at the yellow Pegasus as she said that. Clearly it was on the minds of every pony in the room, including Rainbow. Yet all were afraid to say it.

“I guess you’re right Fluttershy.”

“So… what do we do now,” Pinkie Pie asked.

“I’m going to have to talk to her,” Rainbow Dash said with a sigh.

“We can come with you,” Twilight said.

“No,” Rainbow Dash said strongly that caught the other ponies off guard and made Fluttershy let out a squeak as she curled into a ball.

“I’m sorry Fluttershy. I just think that I have to do this alone.”

“I understand,” Twilight said, “but if you need any help, we’re here for you.”

“Thanks,” Rainbow said as she hugged her friends. She then made her way up the stairs from the basement and out into the street, ready to find Scootaloo and talk with her, even if it meant some tough love.