• Published 16th Nov 2012
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Sisterly Love - Lux

Two ponies are drawn into a strong bond of sisterhood

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A Heartfelt Wish

Chapter 6 – A Heartfelt Wish

The next afternoon Rainbow Dash waited for Scootaloo in the park. The mare felt a little bad that she was essentially having her friends spy on the filly she so cared about, but Rainbow Dash had the nagging feeling that something was not right with the orange Pegasus. She also knew that making unfounded claims would only hurt their relationship if not destroy it completely. The rainbow manned Pegasus remembered her friend Twilight saying, “Look at the facts before you jump to conclusions.”

“Good old Twilight,” Rainbow Dash said with a chuckle.

The mare then heard the familiar buzzing sound indicating that Scootaloo was approaching. Sure enough the filly appeared over the hill on her scooter with her wings flapping as a propeller. She then skidded to a stop in front of her friend with a smile as wide as a mile.

“Hi there, Rainbow Dash.”

“Hey, Scootaloo,” the mare said, “So what do you want to do first?”

“How about Scooter Sailing,” the filly said with excitement.

“You got it kid,” Rainbow Dash said, “Did you bring a rope?”

“Right here,” Scootaloo said proudly presenting the coiled mass in her hooves.

“Ok, I’ll tie the one end around me while you tie the other end around the scooter. Just make sure your end is tied tightly.”
Rainbow Dash got to work tying the rope around her midsection while Scootaloo tied the other around the handle of the scooter. The filly had done this before with the mare, but it was such a thrilling experience that she couldn’t wait to try it again.

“Ok, I’m ready,” Rainbow Dash said, “Are you ready?”

“Yes,” Scootloo replied as she hopped on the scooter.

“Ok. Hang on,”

Scootaloo grabbed onto the handle bars of the scooter. Suddenly Rainbow dash took off, launching the scooter with her. The filly squealed with delight as she zoomed past the other ponies in the park. Every bump she encountered gave her a little air time before touching back down on the ground.

After a few minutes of racing around the park, Rainbow Dash had an idea.

“Ok kid. There’s a steep hill nearby. Let’s see if I can get you to fly!”

“Yes,” Scootaloo said not being a pony to back down from a new challenge.

Rainbow Dash accelerated towards steep hill, pulling the filly on the scooter faster as they went.

“Ok kid. When you’re in the air, spread your wings and let go of the scooter.”

“Are you sure,” she said nervously.

“Trust me,” Rainbow Dash said, “I never leave a pony hanging.”

Scootaloo felt herself moving faster and faster as the mare accelerated up the hill. Suddenly as she hit the top of the mound, she felt herself and the scooter floating in the air.

“Alright kid, let go.”

Scootaloo spread her wings and trusting her friend let go of the scooter. For a moment she was afraid she would plummet to the ground like a stone dropped from a high place. Then she realized that she wasn’t falling, she was gliding. The filly was amazed as she floated through the air, the ground slowly coming closer. Finally she touched down lightly on the ground, still stunned at what happened.

“Hey, Rainbow Dash, did you see?”

“See what,” the pony said as she touched down with the filly’s scooter.

“Rainbow,” she said with a laugh, “You’re not a very good liar.”

“Of course I saw kid! You’re a natural! I figured that you can fly; you just need a little help getting off the ground that’s all. That will come soon enough though.”

“Thanks Rainbow,” Scootaloo said as she hugged the mare, “I wish you were my big sister.”

The rainbow manned pony stood shocked at what she thought Scootaloo had said.

“W…what did you say?”
“I said I wish you were my big sister,” Scootaloo said.

Rainbow Dash her heart swell as Scootaloo confirmed what was thought to be said. She had felt love before in the form of lover of her friends and flying, but nothing like this. This was a new experience, something she never knew before. But then doubt entered the pony’s heart at the decision the orange Pegasus was making.

“Heh, come on. You don’t want me as a sister.”

“Of course I do,” Scootaloo said, “You’re always there for me talking to me and teaching me how to fly and caring about me. And you’re really cool. You’re everything I could ever want in a big sister!”

“Scoots,” Rainbow Dash said, “I know you love me, and I love you too. It’s just not that simple being a sister. I mean, what would your parents think if you showed up home one day saying that I was now your sister?”

“I’m sure they’d be ok with that,” Scootaloo said, “I mean, I talk to them about you all the time. They practically think you’re family!”

“Well, I want you to talk you your parents seriously about this. Until then, whether I’m you’re sister or your friend, I’ll always be there for you.”

Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash embraced on the hillside before continuing their fun together. As they played and talked and enjoyed each other’s company, Rainbow Dash’s mind was still on the words that the filly had uttered. Part of her was more than willing to be her sister while the other part despite her calm façade was confused and nervous.