• Published 6th Jan 2013
  • 355 Views, 3 Comments

The Brightside - DJDemitri

This is how we restart, how we get away from the past and try to patch up the future. Everything should work out but that is all up to fate.

  • ...

The week on Judge Luna...

"Court is now in session, now presenting the ruler of the night. Princess Luna."

A very formal looking pony rolled up the parchment and moved aside from an empty bench in the center of the courtroom. Sickle was still tied up on the left side of the room with Cappuccino. Pinkie Pie was in the back cheering with a picket fence and a giant D, strange.

The conductor that he met in Stallion grad was sitting by a well dressed lawyer mare on the right table. To their right a jury of ponies sat on the jury's bench looking bored as well as annoyed. They had every right to be, they were pulled from work and play to come and judge some outsider that had been here for only a few weeks.

"Where is she? Cappuccino asked "You don't think she would skip this would you? You know to do something more important." Her nerves were starting to overreact again. Her the trembling came back in full force.

"Calm down." He tried to reassure her. "I heard that Luna has been tasked with re-learning the world as it is. She has no royal duties besides moving the moon, so she is probably just a little late combing her hair or something." He didn't believe his own lie.

Cappuccino calmed down a little. "I hope you're right. Pinkie has been teaching me all that legal stuff since you saw her last. I think I really have this thing nailed down. You'll be outta here in no time."

She mentally patted herself on the back for focusing on such a boring topic. If Pinkie didn't keep me so interested I would of probably of given up in the first few seconds.

With a crack of magic the night princess herself appeared on the bench looking as regal and scary as usual. The only real difference was that she wore a set of reading glasses on the end of her nose.

"Everypony may be seated." She commanded. Luna waited as everypony, aside from Sickle, got comfortable and then seated herself.

Levitating the document in front of her she read silently to herself before looking down on the accused. "Sickle Lazuli Steel, you have been accused of one account of trespassing, one account of assault, attempted rape, and breaking immigration laws in Stalliongrad. How do you plead?" Her gaze becoming more disdain for the stallion as she read the crimes against him. If it was a scare tactic it was showing up in the defender.

Sickle spoke up "Not guilty." As simple and boring as it was it would have to do.

The princess placed her reading glasses to the side in a neat manner. "Very well, the prosecutors will give an opening case."

The spiffy looking mare on the prosecutors side stood up. "Your highness, this specimen has a history of criminal activity in Stalliongrad that has been documented and handed to us by the mayor's council. He is obviously guilty of these crimes with multiple eye witnesses and evidence. There is no place for him in the outside world with normal, hard working ponies. He must be sent back to Stalliongrad and incarcerated immediately. I rest my case." She gave her case like a true professional and sat down. Even Sickle had to mention she was very convincing with a voice like honey and an angry crowed agreeing with her behind him.

Luna nodded "The defense may give their opening statement." Luna looked over a Cappuccino and Sickle. Sickle was not at liberty to give a statement and his partner looked like she would collapse from the gaze of the immortal being of the night. She stood up on shaky hooves "Y-y-your highness. W-w-we do not agree. I-I-I rest my case." She sat back down very quickly. This was not looking good already.

"Okay? If that is all may I see evidence of these crimes?" The princess asked. Workers brought in a bag of feathers as well as pictures of the scene, official statements, and a few DNA samples. The prosecuting mare walked over to her display table and gave a wonderful presentation. "I have feathers in the cupboard to prove that the defendant was in fact on the train. I have a letter that the defendant was carrying to prove he was in Stalliongrad. I have been given reports from more than ten ponies saying they saw the Stallion over a cowering mare in a compromising position. I also have the conductor that works the station in Stalliongrad willing to go on the podium and give a full, honest, confession. What more could you possibly need to prove he is guilty your highness?" She gave a huff to end her dramatic performance
"That is all." And sat down.

Sickle looked to Cappuccino. "Well miss lawyer what are you going to do? They have me whipped here!" He was not calm at all. He was almost as nervous as his caffeine induced friend.

She turned to him, "I-I-I have no idea-a what I am doing."

He angrily turned to her "I thought you said you knew everything and that this would be a piece of cake!"

She turned away "D-Don't yell at me..." *Sniff*

Sickle sighed "I am sorry. It's not your fault."

As if Luna had heard them she looked at them "I would like to hear the story from Sickle's point of veiw." She wrapped his bindings in her magic aura and released his feet bindings. "Please come up here and take the stand."

An official looking pony walked up to the princess. "Ma'm I know it has been some time, but we cannot just let the prisoner go and defend himself..."

Luna looked back at him "So what? I am the princess, I still have final say. Or have you become the new pony in charge?"

He nervously shook his head, bowed, and trotted to his seat without any question.

She looked back to the red stallion "Continue..."

Sickle was surprised and relived that his bindings were removed and that he was getting the chance to defend himself. He stretched his tired muscles before walking to the stand. The same official looking pony ran up with a book of creation that Celestia herself wrote about the creation and hardships of Equestria since the first days. He swore the oath and promised that he would tell nothing but the truth. Upon completing his promise Luna enveloped his head in a purple aura and let him speak.

He recollected everything from when he got his paper approved by the council to the train incident to his chat with Pinkie in the prison. He explained his case in full detail as the court listened diligently.

"And then this same mare helped to defend me today." He finished up. "That is all."

"You may return to your seat." Luna looked back at him "Do you have any evidence to present?"

He looked over to Cappuccino "I have one witness your majesty."

"Bring her up then." Luna said

Mustering up her courage, she walked up to the front of the room.

It's okay girl just be calm and tell them the truth. Everything is resting on your shoulders. No pressure, just tell them that he didn't do anything but be friendly. It is not that hard. I just have to tell them... all those ponies... watching me and judging me. Cappuccino gulped. She went through the same procedure as Sickle making her vows and promises.

Luna asked "What did you see?" Cappuccino's heart pounded and her face flushed. She was having terrible stage fright and couldn't speak. Prosecution used this to their advantage.

The lawyer mare stood up "See she is too scared to speak. He obviously is manipulating the witness. They had so much time together he has probably filled her head with lies and folly. She is no good on the stand."

Cappuccino got mad "H-hey! Nopony manipulates me! Especially not somepony as nice as him! He scared me and I stumbled back, all he did was try to help me up! He has been truthful and has tried to calm down my anxiety that got us here to begin with!" All of her anger at this one lawyer mare poured into her statement. All of it was true, and she was happy that she could do something right for once.

Luna came back from the conference room with the jury of ponies. Everyone took their seat before Luna pulled out the last piece of paper. "Sickle Lazuli Steel, the verdict is in. Of a jury of your own peers and my own personal insight I have reached a verdict. On the accounts of attempted rape and assault you have been found innocent."

Sickle was extensively relived about that.

Luna continued "However, on the accounts of trespassing and breaking immigration laws in place you have been found guilty. These are serious accounts and will be dealt with solely by me. The guards will escort you to my temporary office when I am ready for you. There we may discuss your punishment. Everyone else is dismissed"

Sickle and Cappuccino both stood by the defendant desk.

Cappuccino was the first to speak "Well I guess it was a bust. I mean you are still getting sent back."

Sickle chuckled "I was worried when you didn't speak at first. You probably got those two charges dropped. Nobody likes a rapist, especially me." He looked to the floor. "Thanks for your help, I might not get to stay here, but I want you to know that I appreciate you. Oh and thank Pinkamena for me too when you get out of here please."

Cappuccino looked at him and tapped him on the shoulder with a hoof. "Hey come on now, you can thank Pinkie yourself. You just have to ask her to stay with me. She seemed to be more accepting when we finished she might be a little lenient..."

He jumped "No. I can't tell her that."

Confusion crossed her face. "What? Why?"

Sickle looked away from her "It's a personal matter, the only reason I asked anything of you was to calm you down and because you owed me.." he waved his hoof around the room. "This is what I deserve." The hoof went back to the wooden floor "I mean, princess Luna is my idol, since I was little. Stalliongrad's people always kept her story alive and her images close by. I believe we were the only city to keep them. Now I can't go begging to my idol to give me a break. It is improper and selfish and I don't want her thinking any less of me that she already does."

Cappuccino walked to the other side of the desk and looked him in the eye "You mean your pride? That's why you wont ask her for anything?" Sickle just nodded.

"That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard! I mean if ponies need help you ask for it, you don't just roll over.'

"It isn't as simple as that. We have always frowned on those who do nothing and ask for everything to be handed over on a silver platter. I can't be hypocritical now, especially to Luna!" Sickle spat on the floor to emphasize his feelings on the matter.

Cappuccino rolled her eyes. She looked around and spotted the bright yellow cutie mark on the red Stallion. "What is that supposed to be?" She curiously prodded his flank to specify what she was talking about. He jumped in surprise and turned to the oblivious mare.

"That is my cutie mark thank you. I would appreciate it if you didn't touch me there." He looked at his rear. "This is a hammer and sickle. My family has been mining, farming, and milling for generations. It is no surprise that I am good at growing plants, breaking rocks, and bending metal. However it also stands for unity of two separate work forces as one whole."

Cappuccino just starred at him. "I'm not completely following you there."

A guard approached unnoticed until he spoke. "Sickle, Princess Luna has summoned you. Follow me and keep close." Sickle and Cappuccino both started to follow him. The guard noticed her and turned stopping her dead in her tracks. "Sorry miss, this is only for the defendant and the Princess to discuss.

She looked at him "I'm his lawyer here."

The guard responded "The princess only asked for him, you will have to either wait here or go home."

Sickle looked at her. "Please, you've done enough for me today, go home and sleep. Your nerves must be shot by now."

The mare opened her mouth to argue with both stallions. She had nothing to say though, Sickle was right and the guard wouldn't let her go anyway. "Fine, I will see you later. Don't think I forgot what you owe me for this."

"We will see if I am here long enough to fulfill that." He half heartily laughed back.

Author's Note:

I have been reading fics to get a good idea of how to reorganize the dialog and actions. I believe it looks better. What do you guy's think?

Comments ( 1 )

A) I like it.
B) Reminds me of Russia.

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