• Published 25th Oct 2012
  • 784 Views, 6 Comments

The Lost One - dragonofshadows

A OC/Luna Fic by its end, a story of a pony who has lost much, but has everything to gain.

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“I cannot believe that Razor is a criminal!”

Twilight Sparkle was getting dizzy. She watched as Rainbow Dash did yet another lap around her table. She worried that the pegasus might actually wear a trough in the floor as she paced around. She had arrived at Twilight’s door with eyes on fire and mouth going almost as fast as Pinkie’s. From what she had gathered Rainbow’s friend Razor Wing, whom they had just met a day ago, had been arrested and dragged off to Canterlot for some pretty serious charges.

“Maybe he’s been mistaken?”

Rainbow stopped in her tracks, and Twilight was glad she had distracted her. “There’s no way! They had a wanted poster that described him down to his Cutie Mark! What am I supposed to do?” She resumed her pacing, and Twilight just shook her head.

“What if we went and talked to Celestia for him? You’re her favorite student Twilight! Maybe you can help him!”

Now it was Twilight’s turn to stop cold. Did Rainbow Dash just have a reasonable thought? The world must be ready to end!

Rainbow shook her head. “Actually, nopony’s seen him in years. Let’s go break him out!”
Twilight shook her head. “No, I think you had it right the first time. Let’s go to Canterlot and see what we can find out.”

Rainbow snorted for the umpteenth time as she stared out the window of the train. Sitting still wasn’t actually her thing when there was something to be done. Sure, she liked to take naps when she wasn’t busy orchestrating the weather for Ponyville, but when there was action to be had, she wanted it right then.

How could Razor have changed so much since I saw him last? Was this the thing that was bothering him? Is he ashamed because he did do something wrong? I’m so confused and I want to know what the buck is going on!

She stomped her hoof at the last thought, and broke out of her reverie. She looked over to her friend, who had always been able to help her. “Sorry Twilight. Just a little impatient.”

The purple pony smiled. “Actually, we’re pulling into the station now. Just try not to fly to the castle as fast as you can. I kinda have a hard time keeping up with you when you’re breaking the speed of sound.”

They got off the train, and Rainbow tried her best to keep her wings from going into overdrive.

Princess Celestia had a very rare look of confusion on her face as Twilight and Rainbow explained why they were there.

“I’m very sorry my little ponies. But I haven’t ordered my guards to arrest anypony. I had heard of a pony that destroyed an entire village once, and we searched for quite a while for him, but after two weeks we simply gave up and helped rebuild the village. We didn’t quite know what to make of the stories anyways, as most described a wingless pegasus that suddenly grew wings, as well a growing three times his size. He then supposedly spewed fire all over the village, and disappeared.”

It was Twilight’s turn to be confused. “But that sounds like high-level unicorn magic, not something a pegasus could do.”

Celestia nodded. “Indeed. Which is why we let it go once we never heard anything else.”

Rainbow piped up. “But if you didn’t know about him being in Ponyville, then who had him arrested?”

“I did!”

All three ponies looked up, as Princess Luna strode into the throne room. She radiated a dark beauty, and all who beheld her couldn’t help but be a little afraid, no matter how long it had been since her reformation.

Celestia came down from her throne. “What is the meaning of this, sister? Why did you have somepony detained in my name, and on hearsay and rumor?”

Luna stood tall under her sister’s withering gaze. “I did not have him detained under false pretenses. He IS the pegasus responsible for the destruction in Plowston. I hadn’t ascertained his identity until he slept close to our realm. He has horrible dreams about what happened there, and as I watch over ponies dreams at night, it was this that lead me to detain him.”

Twilight stepped in. “But Princess Luna, he couldn’t possibly have the kind of powers the stories described! Unless he had a unicorn accomplice, then he might have just been there when it happened.”


The two Alicorns and Twilight spun to see a very disturbed Rainbow Dash. Her face was red, and her eyes held pain and anger in equal doses.

“That’s my friend you’re talking about! Not some shady criminal, or evil wizard, or legendary destroyer of villages! He’s the pegasus that taught me to fly, who was like my big brother cheering me on and listening when I had a problem. And then he disappeared after a horrible accident making everyone think he was dead! I want some bucking answers now!”

Twilight grimaced and waited for one of the princesses to tongue-lash the impertinent pegasus. But Luna just looked concerned, and Celestia walked over to Rainbow and put her wing around her.

“I’m very sorry Rainbow Dash. We forget sometimes that you are the Element of Loyalty, and once again you have shown yourself admirably. But we are all just trying to figure out what these events have to do with each other. Aren’t we Luna?”

Luna frowned. “The thing is this. As I was watching his dreams, I saw something in Razor Wing’s memories that startled me. I daresay I was even a little scared. You see, when Razor Wing destroyed Plowston, he was possessed by Nightmare Moon. Her magic did those things to him, making him bigger and giving him wings.”

Rainbow turned pale. “My friend is the new host of Nightmare Moon?”

“Not anymore”

There stood Razor Wing, bound in chains and surrounded by guards. There wasn’t a sound as he spoke his next words.

“I exorcised myself.”

Comments ( 1 )

Third chapta! On to the next!:derpytongue2:

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