• Published 25th Oct 2012
  • 783 Views, 6 Comments

The Lost One - dragonofshadows

A OC/Luna Fic by its end, a story of a pony who has lost much, but has everything to gain.

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Once You Start Running...

Five ponies stared, first at Rainbow Dash, then at Razor Wing, then back at Rainbow. Applejack broke the silence first.

“Ahm assumin’ ya’ll know each other?”

Razor Wing smiled. “Of course we do! Rainbow only lived a couple of houses down from mine in Cloudsdale. Since she figured out how to use her wings she was always zipping up and down the street, and she made foal-sitting VERY difficult for me.”

Pinkie Pie jumped up and down. “Oh my goodness! You were around Dashie when she was young? That’s so amazing! We should have an Old-Friends-Reunited Party!”

Rainbow Dash still had a look of shock on her face. “No, this isn’t right! I heard the reports! I went to your funeral! We all thought you were dead! Where have you been? Why didn’t you come back?”

The black pegasus’ eyes fell. “I don’t want to talk about that.”

Rainbow persisted. “You vanished without a trace, except for the feathers and the blood! Why are you still alive?”

The six ponies stared at Razor Wing. He turned his back to them. “I said I don’t want to talk about it.”

Twilight sidled up to Rainbow. She whispered, “Maybe it would be better if you just left it alone?”

Fine, thought Rainbow. But he better explain all of this real soon. Aloud she said, “Alright, Razor, I’ll drop it. But why are you living way out here?”

Razor Wing turned back towards the group. “Because I like it out here, away from everypony. It’s just me and nature. Nopony around to ask questions.”

The awkwardness was palpable. Rarity spoke up. “Look at the time! I must return home soon, and fix supper for Sweetie Belle and I. Why don’t you all come to my boutique for supper? I just found a recipe for the most divine Bluegrass Soup!”

The other ponies nodded their heads, except for Razor. “I’m good out here. I’ve already prepared some daisies and sunflowers for dinner.”

Rainbow frowned. “Can I come back and see you tomorrow?”

The black pegasus smiled, and everypony present could see the pain in it. “Of course you can, Dash. I’ve got enough firewood for a couple of days, so I’ll be here all day tomorrow.”

The six ponies waved to Razor, and headed back toward Ponyville. As they walked, Applejack pulled Rainbow aside. “Y’know, Rarity is gonna pump ya for details at dinner, right?”

The cyan pony grimaced. “Yeah, I know.”


Twenty minutes later all six ponies were gathered at Rarity’s Boutique around a fantastic supper, and the white unicorn was almost vibrating with excitement.

“So, Rainbow, dish! How and where do you know Razor from, and whatever did you mean about him supposedly being dead?”

Applejack elbowed Rainbow Dash. “Told ya!”

Rainbow sighed, and put down her spoon.

“Well, like Razor said, he used to live down the street from me. He was an instructor at flight school, one of the best. I remember him being like this awesome older brother, who always asked how my flying was coming along. He was never too busy to talk to me or foal-sit. He was the one who recommended me to flight school, and even helped me practice when I had a tough time with something.”

Twilight smiled at her friend. “Aww, that’s so cool!”

Rainbow’s smile was less enthusiastic. “Yeah, it was. But then one day at flight school, he had dropped by to cheer me on for my advanced flight test. I did great, naturally, and he was so proud. But then, one of the colts tried a maneuver that was really dangerous, and broke his wing taking too many gees. As he fell, Razor noticed, and leapt to the rescue. They both fell for a really long time, and it didn’t look good. Finally, at the last second, he grabbed the colt and tried to pull up, and wound up disappearing into some trees. When the other instructors went to investigate, the colt was fine, but there were blood and feathers everywhere. But no sign of Razor Wing. They searched for hours, and found nothing. So they declared him dead, and held a funeral. I cried so hard. And now the jerk shows up here!”

Pinkie Pie wiped a tear from her eye. “Hey, I know what you need! How about an I’m-Sad---“

Rainbow interrupted. “Actually, Pinkie, a party is the last thing I need. I’m gonna go home now.”

As the door closed behind the pegasus, the other five ponies stared at each other.

Who knew a reunion between friends could be so sad? thought Twilight.
The next day, Rainbow Dash flew back to Razor Wing’s cave. She flew much slower than normal, her head full of doubts and questions. Why couldn’t we find him? And after he got better, why didn’t he come back? She was so lost in her thoughts that she almost ran into a tree at the edge of the Everfree Forest. She shook her head, and flew on. When she arrived at the cave, there was nopony there. She panicked, running all around the clearing.

“Razor Wing! Where are you? You told me you’d be here you jerk!”

She heard splashing behind her, as Razor Wing came up from the water of the river beside the camp. “Jeez, Dash, can’t a stallion take a bath around here?” He was smiling from ear to ear.

“Razor! I thought maybe you were gone again. I dunno what I would have done if you… I mean, nice hiding spot!”

The black Pegasus shook himself, and trotted over towards the cave. “So, uh, what’s been happenin’ lately? Did you ever graduate from flight school?

“Uh, yeah! With my natural talent and the best mentor ever, how could I fail?”

Razor smiled. “Still the same old Dash I remember.”

“But you’re not the same.”

Once again, awkward silence filled the little glade Razor had made home. Neither pony knew what to say, or how to say it.

“You know, Razor, we were like brother and sister growing up. Why can’t you just tell me what happened and why you disappeared?”

Razor hung is head. “Dash, I…”

“Halt in the name of Princess Celestia!”

Suddenly, there was a flurry of wings, and the glade was filled with both pegasi and unicorn guards bearing the royal crest. Rainbow Dash’s eyes were as big as saucers, and Razor Wing’s Mane bristled.

“Come quietly, and nopony has to get hurt. You are wanted on accusations of theft, trespassing, and destruction of property.”

Razor Wing began to bolt. “I’m not going to some stinking prison!”

Purple magic bound him, and he slammed to the ground, completely incapacitated.
“I’m sorry Dash. But it looks like you aren’t the only part of my past that’s caught up to me.”