• Published 24th Oct 2012
  • 2,351 Views, 114 Comments

Son of Chaos - twow443

Discord has returned one last time to spread chaos, and he plans to use his son to do it.

  • ...

Chilling Truths

Chapter 6-Chilling Truth

Twilight sat on the floor of the library with Rarity and Applejack, surrounded by books. The purple unicorn was rapidly looking at the titles with her magic, levitating book after book in front of her.

“Twilight.” Applejack started. “What are we looking for?”

Twilight frowned and dropped the book she was looking at. “Here's the thing, girls. The princess told me that Shade's been rather...unstable after he was let go from the hospital. He was emoting all over the place, having constant and weird mood swings.”

“Must be from that mark.” Rarity said. “He was always nervous when he was visiting me.”

“Okay, here's my thoughts. Whoever put that on him, somehow has control over his emotions.” Twilight said.

“How in tarnation would that work?” AJ asked. “Doesn't Shade..run on emotions?”

“That's the point.” Twilight said. She flipped though a book, still talking. “We've all seen how Shade reacts when he's emoting a lot.”

“But when you think about it, it's like he can't show any feelings without losing control.” Rarity spoke up.

“Not necessarily.” Twilight said. “This has to be some sort of spell. When Shade was afraid of you AJ, he was showing genuine fear. You freaked him out. But the thing was, someone cast a spell on him though that mark on his back.”

Rarity gasped. “What was happening to him then?”

Twilight held her head in her hoof, thinking. “I think the spell was supposed to increase the emotion that Shade was feeling at the time. He doesn't have control over his powers so whatever happens, happens.”

“So, why is this happening?” Applejack asked.

“I think that whoever is doing this is trying to distract us, or mainly Shade from their main plan.” Twilight yawned. “Come on girls. We'll have to figure this out later. It's starting to get dark.” Leading them to the door, Applejack left first. Rarity was going to follow, when she turned back and looked at Twilight.

“By the way, are you going to that meeting at Town Hall tomorrow?” she asked.

“I wasn't going to, why?” Twilight wondered.

“Not sure. I did hear that Shade probably shouldn't be there.” Rarity left, leaving Twilight with many questions, but no answers.

. . .

Fluttershy was walking thought the house, making sure every animal was ready for bed. I was sitting on the couch, rubbing one of my fangs. They were always visible in my changeling form. As I sat there, I pondered what could have happened today. As much as a jerk as Filthy was, I couldn't believe that he alone was trying to put these fake pieces together about me. There was some other pony behind this. I couldn't imagine why. Ever since I had been released from the hospital, I had done nothing but try to prove that I wasn't a monster. It didn't help my own self-esteem when one of the most esteemed ponies in Ponyville hated me. Then with a shock, I knew what was supposed to have happened at that meeting. Filthy knew that I was dangerous, but why had he wanted to rile me up? He wanted me to attack him. He didn't have any proof besides Fluttershy that I had threatened him, but I knew that Fluttershy wouldn't tell anypony. It didn't matter though. I meant what I had said about my marefriend.

Speaking of which, she came around from the back of the house. “All the animals are asleep. Oh, they look so peaceful.” She must have seen the look on my face. “What's wrong?” she asked, sitting next to me.

“It doesn't add up.” I said. “Filthy Rich is normally a rather laid-back pony. Why would he go to such lengths to hate me?”

Fluttershy started brushing my mane with her hoof. “I don't know, Shade.”

I sighed. “Thanks Flutters.”

“For what?” she asked me.

“If you hadn't stopped me, I would have killed him.” I felt Fluttershy slow down with her brushing, but she continued. “I didn't want him to talk like that about you.”

“Shade. I know that I can be shy and fearful about things.” Fluttershy said. “But being with you has shown me that I don't need to be. I don't want you to worry about me.”

“And if I do anyway?” I said with a smart tone.

She lightly tugged on my mane, making me wince. “I'll tell you to stop?”

“Ow. Careful, that's my sore spot.” I complained. Fluttershy just giggled and did it again. I was virtually powerless to stop her, so I just let her play with my mane. A little bit later, she stopped and started to go upstairs, but then she stopped. Turning, I saw her face turn bright red.

“What is it, Shy?” I asked.

She looked me in the eyes for a long moment. “Shade, would...do you want to...?” I remained quiet. I didn't know what she wanted to ask and I didn't want to try assuming I knew. “Do you want to sleep upstairs...with me?”

Then I understood. Even after Fluttershy and I had became a couple, I had never slept with her. I didn't consider it my place to ask if she wanted any company with her when she was sleeping. Besides, I didn't want her to take it the wrong way. So, whenever I was at her house, I slept on the couch. It was a comfy couch and I never had any issues sleeping there. But as I looked at my marefriend, I saw that, she trusted me even more then I thought she did.

“Sure.” I said. “Why not?” I followed my marefriend upstairs as dusk completely fell.

. . .

“Accept your fate....”

“It's too late for you.....”

“Besides, the yellow one will die, and you are powerless to stop it.....”

“No!” I shot up, breaking out into a cold sweat. I felt Fluttershy waking up next to me, but I was too busy panicking to care.

“Shade? Was it another nightmare?” she asked, sitting up also.

I angrily hit myself in the head. “Why can't I remember them?!” I looked away from the pegasus, tears flowing. “I have Discord playing with me on one end, and Chrysalis on the other.” I sighed. “How can I do anything when I can't even control myself?”

Fluttershy tried to hug me. “It's okay. We can figure it out...”

“No we can't!” I snapped. Fluttershy's eyes widened and she removed her front legs from me. “I'm a danger, Fluttershy! Why do you think Celestia sent me here? She doesn't want me there!” I knew that I was feeling a lot of self-pity at the moment, but I didn't really care. “I don't think that I was supposed to exist.” I whispered. “Why else would Celestia hide me my whole life?”

I had expected Fluttershy to turn away from me, but she instead wrapped her legs around me again. “Shade. I love you. We both know that Celestia loves you and our friends care about you. Stop feeling like this.”

“But...” I started to say.

Fluttershy put her hoof on my mouth, keeping me from talking. “Stop. You have to focus on what Discord wants from you. Promise me you won't feel like this.” I turned toward her.

“You're right.” I said. “I promise. I'll find out what's going on.” Fluttershy smiled and gave me a soft kiss.

We laid back down. Fluttershy immediately wrapped her legs around me, as if to keep me from danger. As I fell asleep, I saw her smiling.

I had no nightmares that night.

. . .

“Are you sure about this?” Twilight asked me. “This isn't going to be pretty.” Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow, Fluttershy and myself were walking toward Town Hall to hear the speech directed at myself. I was going to go in my changeling form, but I had decided against it. At Fluttershy's request, I went as her “cousin” Starlight.

“Twi, he had a reason to anger me yesterday.” I said. “Maybe we'll figure out why.” Twi shrugged and we continued on.

When we reached Town Hall, there was a fair number of ponies there. “It seems that he got most of Ponyville to come to this.” Rainbow said.

I sighed and immediately felt Fluttershy's hoof though my mane. “Remember Shade. We'll be fine.” she whispered. I was going to kiss her, but stopped.

Now here's the thing. Fluttershy and I didn't publicly announce our being a couple. Only the princesses and our friends knew, due to the fact that most ponies didn't like me yet. Now I didn't think that was a major issue, but Fluttershy had asked if we could keep it secret for now. I wasn't going to go against that.

“Quiet! Quiet please!” Mayor Mare had gotten up onto the stage and was speaking. Everypony around started to quiet down. “Mr. Rich has called this meeting today to address some things. So, here he is!” Everypony stomped as he walked onto the stage. I was deep in thought. How was Rich able to organize this meeting in such a short time? Something didn't sit right with me. I refocused as he started to talk.

“Hello everypony! I don't plan to take up too much of your time.” he started out. I saw that he had only brought himself on the stage. He didn't have any notes,or anything. I felt extremely agitated, but made an effort to not show it.

“I called this to talk about a certain resident of our town. The changeling Shade, Princess Celestia's son, or so she says. Truthfully, we have no way of knowing if she's being forced to say that, or if it is the truth. Personally, I would like some proof of my own. And another thing, how do we know that Shade is not evil, or preparing the way for more evil to come?”

Now that just wasn't fair. I had beaten Chrysalis, but that had been a secluded fight. Nopony knew because Chrysalis didn't want anypony to know. Rich didn't have any proof that I was evil, so I had no idea how he was going to win everypony over.

Rich continued. “But, my fellow ponies, I did not come here today to give you opinions or speculations. I came here to give you facts! And I have proof today that the changeling should not belong in Ponyville!”

Everypony started murmuring as the mayor yelled out. “Well, I think that you should show us before you make anymore accusations!”

I felt a sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach. Celestia had taught me a spell that would let her know if I needed help, and she would come straight to me. I had a bad feeling that I was about to need it.

“Certainly.” Rich turned, and everypony gasped and started talking. Fluttershy grabbed my leg, my other friends moved closer to us and I subconsciously shifted out of my pony form and into my changeling form. As ponies started to see me, I cast the spell. I looked up and saw Filthy giving me a small smirk. I knew that I was in serious trouble.

On the side of Filthy's neck, there was a changeling bite mark.