• Published 24th Oct 2012
  • 2,355 Views, 114 Comments

Son of Chaos - twow443

Discord has returned one last time to spread chaos, and he plans to use his son to do it.

  • ...

Just a Day in Town

Chapter 2-Just a Day in Town

I stepped out of the portal into Twilight's library. “Hey Twi.” I said.

My unicorn friend turned from the book she was reading and smiled. “Shade! It's great to see you!”

I walked over to her and gave her a hug. “Good thing you had the portal open.”

She shrugged, “I was going to surprise you with a visit later, but you already beat me to that.”

“Yup.” I said.

“So, why are you here?” Twilight asked. “I thought that you were supposed to be in Canterlot for the next few weeks.”

“I was.” I said. “That stupid mark on my neck made me act stupid this morning, so Celestia suggested that I got out of the castle for a while.”

“Was it frustration again?” Twilight asked.

“No, anger. Luckily, Luna calmed me down before I could act stupid” Twilight sighed in relief.

I knew why Twilight was relieved. I had been helping to fix the barn at Applejack's farm. Big Mac and I had been trying to repair a section of the roof that had been struck by lightning. I was trying to maneuver a crossbeam into place and kept putting it in the wrong area. Then when I finally got it right, I ran out of energy and dropped it, almost crushing myself. I got frustrated and the mark acted up. I don't remember much of what happened, but Applejack told me that I had been throwing things and ponies everywhere. I didn't remember anything until I was lying on the ground with my aunt standing in front of me. That was not a good day.

“Hey, Twi. What are your plans for the day?” I asked.

“Well, I was going to head to the market and then meet our friends at the spa.” she said.

“I'm going to go visit Fluttershy. Is she home?” I asked Twilight.

“She should still be.” Twilight said. “Are you going to use your disguise?”

I shook my head. “I don't think I have the energy to fly all the way there. I might be able to use the wing spell.”

“But I thought that using that form didn't take anymore energy from you.” Twilight wondered.

“No, it's only this form,” I waved a hoof. “and my changeling form. Because I was in this form for so long, my body is adjusted to it.”

“Are you sure that you shouldn't shift?” Twilight asked, worried. “You do know that Celestia's announcement didn't make everypony like you.”

“I know.” I said. “But if I don't walk around like myself, everypony might just assume that I'm always pretending to be one of them. I need to earn their trust.”

Twilight nodded, “Your right. Just be careful. Someponys don't like you at all.” I nodded, taking in her warning.

“Oh before I go, do you have any food? I didn't finish breakfast.” I sheepishly asked. Twilight rolled her eyes and went into the kitchen.
. . .

I loved how peaceful Ponyville was when there wasn't anything crazy going on. I slowly walked though the town enjoying the fresh air. I also was feeding off of all the emotions that were flowing from everypony. Suddenly, I felt a rush of pure happiness flowing into me. That could only mean one pony....

“Hi Shade!” Pinkie popped up in front of me and gave me a big hug. “Where have you BEEN? I was going to throw a after party for the party that we had to celebrate the party that we almost had three months ago.....”

I put my hoof over Pinkie's mouth. “I'm glad to see you too Pinkie. Where are you off too?”

“I was going to pick up Applebloom from school!” Pinkie said. “Applejack's busy with some last minute harvesting so I volunteered!”

“Mind if I come?” I asked.

“Nope! Lets go!” Pinkie shot off. I had to hurry to catch up to her.
. . .

At the school, Pinkie and I were waiting for Applebloom. Well, I was at least. Pinkie was chatting with all the school ponies.

“So, where is Applebloom?” Pinkie asked.

“She got in a fight with Diamond Tiara today.” Sweetie Belle said.

“About?” I asked.

“You.” Scootaloo said.” As I stood there in shock, she continued. “She said that you were no better then that weird changeling queen that tried to take over Equestria. She also said that you were a spy for her and that you tricked the princess into saying that you were her son.”

“Did she say who told her those things?” Pinkie asked, actually serious for once. Scootaloo shook her head. I was thinking. Could it be possible that her own father was telling her those things? I shook my head, calling the thought dumb.

“Anyway, Applebloom started yelling at her and Ms. Cheerilee got upset. So she's talking to her.” Sweetie said.

I exchanged glances with Pinkie. She gave me a broad smile. Oh yeah, she knew what I was thinking. “I'll go get her.” I said.

I left Pinkie with the fillies and went into the school. Standing at the door, I hesitated before I walked in. Concentrating, my coat changed from blue to yellow-orange. My mane and tail turned yellow. My necklace disappeared and a Stetson appeared on my head. “Alright, lets do this...I mean. Let's get this over with.”

. . .

Celestia was in her room, going though some of her old books. “Hmm, I should let Shade read this one. It helped me take care of him before I was able to enchant him....” Lost in thought, she didn't sense the presence behind her until it spoke.

“Hello, Celestia. Been a while.” Celestia whipped around in fright and saw Discord standing there with a smile across his face and his arms across his chest.

Celestia stood there in shock, before blasting Discord across the room. “How did you get free?!” she yelled. “Twilight Sparkle and her friends used the Elements of Harmony against you!”

“Oh but my dear Celestia. You said so yourself that you weren't connected to the elements anymore. Do you really think that your student would be able to keep me trapped for long?” Discord asked.

Celestia knew that Discord had the upper hoof. She was woefully unprepared to take Discord in a fight. And he knew it also. “Why are you here? Do you plan to cause chaos over Equestria again?”

Discord laughed. “Why would I want to do that? I learned my lesson from last time. I have a perfectly harmless reason to be here.”

“And that would be?” Celestia asked.

“Well usually, I would give you a riddle and make you figure out what my plan is, but I don't have the time.” Discord looked Celestia in the eyes, saying with more then just a hint of malice in his voice. “I want to see my son.”