• Published 4th Jan 2012
  • 2,359 Views, 131 Comments

The Necro Walk - WorldWalker128

The alternate sequel involving Jacob and the main cast. Is more serious and dark than the other.

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Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Celestia informed the mayor of Ponyville what I was being assigned to do much to the mayor's objection. The mayor thought I would be much more useful as a source of information in regards to Human culture and perhaps even weaknesses, but Celestia firmly told her that this was not a request for advisement, but rather a statement as to what was going to be done. The mayor was not happy, but in the end was forced to accept her princess' decision. The agreement of the townsfolk that I was to be guarded at all times had officially been overturned, but that did not stop the locals from watching me suspiciously everywhere I went.

First I gathered supplies. Water, food, and of course, the clothing that had been on the dead. It was disgusting work stripping them down and cleaning their clothing of blood and dirt. Most of them had been killed by Celestia which meant that most of them had been killed with magic rather than having suffered any outer (meaning, bloody) injuries, but for those that had not been they had several injuries, and most of them were bloody. I had no soap on my person, so water had to do. I had tried asking the locals for some, but they pretended not to see or hear me when I did. Rather than make an issue out of it I did what I could for the cloth and then waited for it to dry in the fading sunlight.

After the sun had gone down I made a fire outside and with a little creativity put up three metal poles scavenged from a scrap pile in town and hung the clothes that looked closest to my size over the fire to dry them. This took time, but it was not as if I had much else to do. When the last of them had finally dried out enough to be easy to put on I stripped off my own clothes down to my underwear and pulled on a shirt. Too tight. I tossed it to one side and tried on another. The chest was comfortable, but the sleeves would not fit over my arms. Next! The third fit almost perfectly but had a big red stain over the ribs. Darn. Oh well. This one I tossed into the fire. There was no point in keeping what I'd not be able to make use of. The others I might have been able to combine after experimenting with sewing. I'd never tried that before, but how hard could it be? Fortunately I managed to find one that was at least adequate, though it had a bloodstain in the center of the chest. It had not been particularly large though, so if anyone asked I could probably say that I had gotten a bloody nose.

Next were the shorts. They made me think more of either skirts, or kilts, and it felt weird putting them on. I had been tempted to simply go in my own clothing, as none of the Humans I'd encountered had made comment about my attire, but after looking at what they'd all been wearing, I discovered that it had the same basic design. If I walked in wearing my clothes I'd likely stick out like a Pegasus in a flock of ducks. The first pair- Can it really be called that when it does not have two places for my legs?- went on with no problem and I decided that I'd use it. I kept an extra one in case I needed to change my outfit and tossed the others on the fire. The extra shirts I cut into strips in case I needed to make a bandage and then waited for my fire to die down, and then using a bit of magic dug a hole and buried the coals and ashes in it. I returned the poles to the scrap heap and then returned to the infirmary to soak the cloths in a decontaminating liquid. They'd not had any, so I improvised once again and boiled the cloths instead. Once finished I laid them out and waited for them to dry- I should have kept that fire a while longer. Oh well.- before placing them in a separate section of my backpack.

Now ready to set out I went to Twilight Sparkle's house to ask if she knew where specifically the Human headquarters were. The Griffon nation took up a good portion of the rest of this continent, so that would be a lot of area to cover if I had to look on my own. Twilight was less reluctant to help me than that rest of Ponyville had been, but was still a far cry from the Twilight Sparkle I called my friend.

Twilight brought out a map from a cubby hole and flattened it out on a desk using several paperweights. She tapped a hoof on a spot where there appeared to be a small canyon.

“There. On both sides of that gap they are supposed to have a base. In the bottom of that gorge is where they are keeping the ponies they've taken.”

“How do you know this?”

“Not all of the Griffons are hostile toward us. Celestia has a few friends among them that leak information to us from time to time.”

“North-north east? Alright, thanks.” I turned and headed for the door. Twilight called to me before I could leave, though.

“Jacob, wait!” I paused. “Rarity was taken about a week ago. If at all possible, do you think maybe you could get her out too?”

“If she's there and still alive, I'll try.”

I left my staff in the care of Twilight, telling her that it was very important to me and that it could be considered additional incentive for me to come back. She looked at it doubtfully, but accepted it.

Now all I had to defend myself was my body, and two knives I'd taken from the dead. I also had my Twilight and Rarity's horns in my backpack, but I did not want to use them, and I had no intention of leaving them behind in case somepony got nosy. Hopefully what I had would be enough. If it wasn't...well, hopefully it would be.

Leaving Ponyville was simple enough, as was starting my hike in the correct direction because I had the constellations visible from this side of the world relatively well-memorized thanks to the efforts of my Twilight while I was still training under princess Luna.

Nothing interesting occurred during the rest of the night and first day, and I was going nuts with nothing to do but walk and stare into the distance, but unfortunately there was not much that I could do to prevent this. The second day was much the same, and I was more than regretting having left my staff behind as it would have made my trip much faster. Wanting this lonesome walk to be over I quickened my pace into a power-walk. When I stopped to rest again as the sun set below the edge of the world my legs were sore and I regretted not exercising on a daily basis like Celestia often suggested. I wasn't out of shape, really, but it had been too long since I'd gone on a trip like this. My people's technology has me spoiled! If I ever get back, I'm going to walk everywhere as long as I'm still able!

I rose again before dawn and, legs still aching and not enjoying it, started walking again. I ate while I walked, taking advantage of this time alone to eat some of my peppered deer jerky (imported from Earth of course). I doubted that the ponies would appreciate mine doing so around them, so this might be one of the few opportunities I'd get to eat meat again for awhile.

I misjudged my hunger and ate all of it instead of only half the bag like I'd intended, but had little time to worry about that. As I took a pull from my canteen I saw something in the distance moving but had no idea what it could be. I took another sip from my canteen and shoved it back into my backpack along with my trash. Ten minutes later I discovered that I'd reached the Human encampment. It did not look particularly large. It's maybe about the size of my elementary school. Or permanent, for that matter. This place looks like it could be broken down and moved in less than a day if there was need for it. This makes me wonder if they're intending on moving soon, and if so, where?

As Celestia and I had hoped I walked right into it with no one saying a word to me. They waved and I did so as well in response, but that was all. No second glance, no raised eyebrows, nothing, and I could not prevent a smile from forming. I was quick to wipe it away, though, lest one of the many serious or grumpy people around me ask what I was so pleased about.

Nearly everypon- er, everybody looked to be busy doing something, so I picked up a small crate and carried it out in front of me. This tactic worked fine for about twenty minutes, and then the person who seemed to be in charge of whatever place this crate was supposed to be delivered to yelled at me to take it to the third storage shed.

“Uh...where was that again?” I asked in an apologetic tone. The woman face-palmed and complained about being surrounded by idiots.

“Follow this row until you see the smithy, then turn left and follow that walkway until you see the pony cages. Once you see those,turn left again and follow that to its end. It's right there. Got all that?” I nodded. “Good,” She said in an indoor voice. “now move your ass!” She yelled. I stumbled back a few steps and she smirked. I quickly turned and left. I cared little if the box actually made it to its destination or not, but I'd found that quite often over the years that if you made someone (regardless of species) angry they tended to remember you even if you'd only met them once, and since this was meant as a get-in-get-out mission, I felt it best not to have anyone remember me.

Again, as I made my way through the encampment pretty much everybody ignored me other than a glance or two as I passed someone along the pathway. I passed the smithy, then briefly paused at the pony cages. There were several ponies in side of varying types, but I saw neither Rarity nor Rainbow Dash inside. It was possible that they were being held separately- Provided that they had not been for dinner one of the nights that I'd stopped to rest...No! Don't think like that! I shook my head rapidly a moment and then made myself keep walking so I could drop off the crate. Once I had I hid myself behind a stack of them and waited for nightfall in the hopes that they'd be less active like my version of their race normally were. They weren't. If anything, they were even more active now.

Crap. Maybe they're nocturnal...or maybe this is their regular daytime like night in my Mythica is day in Wales. Either way, I've wasted too much time. I squeezed through the crates in reverse manner that I'd done to get in (though at one point I needed to climb over some because more had been added rather haphazardly) and stepped out of the shed. Fortunately no one had been around at the time to see me do so, so I headed back to the pony cage. As I did so a bell was wrung several times and several Humans ran by me. While I was curious as to where everyone was going, more people being around me meant more chances someone would realize that I was not supposed to be there. More importantly, it will hopefully make finding Rainbow Dash and freeing her easier. I just hope she doesn't try to kick my head in when I do!

I stopped at the pony cage and quickly looked around. There was no one. Leaning closer to the bars, I asked in a low voice if anyone could tell me if they'd seen Rainbow Dash. Several of them looked at me, but said nothing.

“Look, I know I look like them, but I'm not. Princess Celestia sent me here to rescue Rainbow Dash. Once I get her out of here my main mission will be complete and I can come back and free you too. Now please, can anypony tell me where she is?” Their ears perked up at the mention of Celestia, but only one of them looked as if she might say anything. It was a female foal. She hesitated, looked at the rest of her group, and then back at me again.

“Prove it!” She challenged.

“How?” I asked.

“You know Celestia's name; so what? So do they. Name her personal student and the student's best friends!”

“Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkamena Diane Pie, also called Pinkie Pie for short.” The foal's mouth hung open and her eyes were big. Clearly she'd not expected me to know, or to answer without any hesitation whatsoever.

“Who are the Wonderbolts?!”

“The Wonderbolts used to be performers from Cloudsdale and are Rainbow Dash's role models. I don't know what they do now.”

“Okay...” She thought for a few seconds. “Who is the Mare in the Moon?”

“You mean who was the Mare in the Moon. Nightmare Moon, who later turned out to be princess Luna after the Elements of Harmony were used on her. Are you done asking me questions? I probably don't have much time.”

“Oh, you have plenty.” One of the other ponies, (a red Pegasus) said. “That bell is their raid signal. Every few days they go on a raid to harass our nation and take more prisoners for one reason or another. A few Humans will patrol this place, but the camp will be mostly empty for now.”

“Any idea how many?” He shrugged.

“Between ten and thirteen.”

“I was told that Rainbow Dash might be found here.”

“I heard. If you're going to find her alive, you'll need to hurry. They're going to kill her tonight for resisting them.”

“Any idea where I can find her?” He shook his head.

“We've been kept in here for the most part. Sometimes they'll take one or two of us out to try breeding us like animals, but when its done we're caged again.”

“Breeding?” He nodded.

“I'm not sure why, but I can guess.”

“Before I run, have any of you perhaps seen a white Unicorn with a purple mane and tail?” A green earth pony stood up from the huddle.

“I have. She's in the breeding pens along with several others. They're near the armory. If you should find her, tell her the green earth pony said he's sorry. She'll know who I am.” I nodded, thanked them, and started walking away, but then stopped and turned back.

“I will be coming back!” I swore, then I ran from them in search of Rainbow Dash first.

At first I simply ran, my eyes darting from one temporary structure to another, trying to picture what place they would use as an execution ground. I checked the center of the camp. It was very open compared to the rest, and a crowd could gather if a punishment was to be public, but she was not there, nor was there any form of restraints. So not here. I tried the smithy I'd passed during the daylight hours, but this also proved a waste of time and I moved on.

My stomach growled as I ran past a kitchen and two of the patrolmen, one of whom laughed when his companion said that I'd missed the raiding party's departure already.

“Besides, gramps, isn't it passed your bed time?” Wha- Gramps?! I may be old enough to be a grandparent, but I know for a fact I don't look it!

“Now look here, pal! I may be almost sixty years old, but I-” They started laughing again.

“Now I know its passed your bed time! If you were that old, you'd be dead! Anyway gramps, if you're not in the mood to go to bed yet, you should stick around the kitchen for awhile. I heard a rumor they'll be serving fresh Pegasus later for breakfast. Who knows, you just might get a taste a few hours early if you're lucky. Good night, old man.”

I watched them go, more than half tempted to brain those two with the nearest heavy object. This was the first time that anyone had ever called me old, and it bothered the heck out of me.

I probably would have sat there fuming another five minutes or more if not for a crash coming from the kitchen I'd run past a moment ago. Wait, he said they'd be serving Pegasus...Ack! She's in the kitchen! I backtracked and tried to get inside, but the door to it was locked. This entire set-up can be taken apart to be moved! Why would they bother with a door?! Recalling a thing I'd seen done in almost every action movie involving guns and explosions, I stood back a step from the door and kicked it as hard as I could. The door held up to my attack and I clutched my foot in pain while making several squeaking noises. That's not fair! I thought as I hopped a bit on one leg. A muffled scream came through the door followed by the sounds of a struggle. Not knowing what else to do I drew one of the knives I'd stolen from the dead Humans and jammed it into the space between the door and the frame and pried at the door, hoping the knife would work like a crowbar. It did not, and I only succeeded in breaking the knife. I tossed the broken blade away and tried to think of what to do try next. Only one thing came to mind, so I did it. I took off my backpack and dumped the contents out on the ground. I dug through my stuff and ripped the twine from the box and grabbed Twilight's horn.

“Thank you, Twilight! I'll put it to good use!” Channeling strength into my empty fist I punched the door with the image of a wrecking ball i my mind, and this time it shattered into toothpicks and shot backward across the small room. A man in a bloodstained apron turned just in time to get a face full of wooden shrapnel, along with the rest of his body.. His eyes were ruined and his front quickly became soaked with his own blood. So quickly did it happen that he did not even have time to scream, and he fell over backwards, dead before he struck the floor. I strode into the room, looking for Rainbow Dash. I saw blue, and headed towards, it.

“Listen, I know you don't have any reason to trust me, but-” I stopped. I turned my head away and fought the urges to both vomit from the sight, and to cry. I was too late. She was already dead. Again.

I stumbled out of the kitchen, hands trembling and arms shaking. I sank down next to my bag and reached for the damaged box that had once held both horns. Seeing the damage I removed Rarity's horn from the box and placed the other scattered objects back into my backpack. My mind was empty, and I suppose a mental expert would say that I was in shock. Perhaps I was.

I had not left the kitchen immediately. I had to know something first, and strode to her remains and placed a hand on the corpse to see if my fears were correct. They were. The sounds of struggle I'd heard just seconds before I shattered the door inward had been her fighting for her life. If I had not been so stubborn in regards to the use of Twilight and Rarity's horns, she would still be alive right now and we'd be (probably fighting one another until I subdued her) freeing the other ponies and escaping. It was my fault, and only my fault that she was dead. Rainbow Dash is dead... I thought again and once more looked back into the bloodied kitchen. Or perhaps 'butchery' would have been a better name. She's dead, but I'll not leave her body to be fed on!

I Re-entered the murder scene and looked to an oil lamp hanging from the low ceiling. I reached up and unhooked it, and then pulled out a small cork that was slightly sticking out of a hole on its top next to the glass tube that contained the flame and wick. I poured the extra oil out onto Dash's body and then pulled the flame out with magic and set it on fire. I nurtured the flame with magic, and when her body was completely engulfed I exited once more, not caring if the whole place caught fire.

My mission was a failure. Celestia had assigned me to rescue one of her scouts, one of my friends (even if Rainbow herself did not know it), and I'd failed them both. A part of me wanted to just give up and go back to Ponyville and report my failure, but a small voice in my heart that reminded me of Dash herself whispered that wallowing in guilt would help no one, and that there were still others that needed my help. With this in mind I nodded and placed my things on my back and set out to look for Rarity. I've lost one friend to these...people tonight. I'll not lose another!

__ __ __ __ __

Jackylin Darkfist was suddenly jolted awake by the sound of something exploding. She had no idea what it was, as she'd never heard one before, and she was quickly up and actively searching for the source. She grabbed one of the knives that the Royal Hunting 'company' the king ran issued to everyone that purchased permissions to hunt in the Mythica world on her way out of her tent and slid her feet into her boots outside the entrance. They were a little damp form dew, but her body heat quickly dried them as she headed in the direction she thought the sound came from.

On her way there she passed an elderly man with a grim look on his face striding with purpose. She gave him a curious glance, but was far more interested in what she was already doing to care more than to think the idle thought that this was the first time she'd seen him.

It did not take her long to find out that the noise had come from the kitchen, or more specifically, the door being destroyed by something. What, she had no idea. Inside she saw that the butcher that her grandfather had put in charge of killing the Pegasus was dead, as was the Pegasus itself, though for some reason the body of the Pegasus was in the process of being burned to ash. The Pegasus had been beheaded with a large cleaver judging from the skull being separated from the body, and judging by the cut running down the blackened, smoking chest and stopping at the belly the butcher had been about to begin gutting it when he had stopped for some reason and had gone to the door. Shortly after, the door had somehow burst inward in splinters and the pieces of wood hit him like a thousand tiny arrows raining from the sky that struck a group of unarmored people.

Quickly Jackylin looked about for something to put the flames out before they could spread, and, finding nothing ran back outside and yelled “Fire! Fire at the kitchen!” At the top of her lungs.

Having her own fair share of tracking experience, Jackylin examined the ground in front of the door for hoof prints. Only magic can have done such as this! She thought as she examined the packed dirt. To her surprise none of the impressions in the loose dried surface dirt that had a habit of clinging to just about everything before the next rain revealed no such prints, which only meant one thing: what the three men had told them had in fact been true, and that Human was here now.

This both intrigued and excited her, and scared her. If he had killed the butcher and burned the Pegasus, it meant he'd not wanted anyone to have her, which meant he felt some sort of attachment to it. This probably meant that he'd allied himself with the animals. She would have to approach him with caution. But what would he look like? All the three men had said was- wait...that old man! I've never seen him before, and we've had no visitors from Gaea for over two weeks that weren't from our town! She stamped a foot on the ground. And I just walked by him and let him go! She growled at herself and started after him, then stopped.

He had not set fire to the kitchen or any of the buildings, but only to the Pegasus. If he has allied himself with them and came to rescue them, then he won't leave without searching the rest of our base first for more of them...the prisoners! Jackylin raced to where the caged ponies were still caged and, nodding an smirking as a plan formed in her mind, she searched out the nearest patrol and told them to gather the others and stand guard at the cage with her.

“I'm expecting a little company, and I want to have a nice chat with him before he leaves.”