• Published 4th Jan 2012
  • 2,359 Views, 131 Comments

The Necro Walk - WorldWalker128

The alternate sequel involving Jacob and the main cast. Is more serious and dark than the other.

  • ...

Chpater 9

Chapter 9

I awoke from my sleep in the morning with a smile on my face. If I had dreamed anything, I had no idea, but I felt more rested at this moment than I had in a long time. But I normally sleep better after a good work out! While still laying down I yawned and scratched my arms and chest, and then sat up and stretched. My back and neck made popping noises and briefly a line of pain raced up my back. I must not have been laying straight last night. Oh well. My stomach grumbled next followed by my bladder informing me it needed to be emptied and I rolled my eyes. One thing after another! I guess I may as well get up and get moving, then.

I stood and began once more pulling on my clothes and checking the boot to make sure the horn was still inside it. To my relief, it was, and I pulled the boots on my feet and laced them, and then stepped out and asked the first person that passed where I could find a toilet. The description they gave was of no use to me since I didn't know where their moonshine storage was and I had to be led there, to the annoyance of my guide. When we arrived I thanked him and waited for the occupied outhouse to become vacant and then stepped in to use it myself.

“Muuuch better!” I sighed, stepping out again once finished. Now for my stomach. A step away from the outhouse I stopped, recalling that I'd set their kitchen on fire and killed their butcher. I licked my lower lip. They probably won't be very happy to see me there...and really, would I want to risk consuming a pony? That wouldn't sit right with me after having called them friends for several decades. Though if they have pheasant or fish or Manticor I wouldn't mind so much. I wonder if they have vegetables or fruits stored as feed for their prisoners? I might be able to get something from there and I doubt they'd mind. It wasn't like they were going to eat any of it.

The next Hunter-Human I asked for directions gave me a funny look when I explained what I wanted, but gave me basic directions which were easier to follow than the first one, and I found the animal-food storage area with little difficulty. After digging through three different crates I finally found some bananas, as well as a number of other fruits. Taking a few of each and carrying them as best I could while munching on a banana I walked back into a more busy area and asked where I could find something to drink. Again, I received a stare from the Hunter-Human I questioned, this one looking a bit jealous that I could consume something she could not, and gave me directions on where to find their water barrels. I was a little surprised when she followed me, watching me eat, but didn't comment on it until she brought it up.

“So what's it taste like?” I raised and eyebrow, swallowed my mouthful, and replied

“Sweet, and mushy. Why? Want a bite?” I offered her the lower fourth of my banana. She made a face.

“I can't eat that. I'll get sick if I do.” I pulled my arm back to me, and ate the rest Done with the banana, I chose a purple fruit next and bit into it. Juice squirted my face, but other than licking the juice with my tongue I ignored it and chewed, enjoying the flavor, then swallowed.

“How about just drinking the juice of a squeezed fruit? Would that make you sick?” She considered this for a short while, then shrugged.

“No idea! Never just tried the juice.” She held out a hand and I passed her another the other purple fruit I'd taken. She pulled her own knife from its sheath and cut a deep slit into the side of the fruit, then held it over her mouth and slowly crushed it, her head tilted back and her tongue sticking up and out of her mouth a little like a child trying to catch falling snowflakes in the winter. While she sampled the juice others the passed us by stared at the odd (to them) spectacle, missing a step in their strides before continuing on.

When the fruit she held had turned to mush and her hand had become sticky where the skin of it tore in her grip she lowered it and licked her lips, smiling.

“That was tasty!” Her smile faded. “Now I just need to wait and see if it'll make me puke!”

“Hopefully not.” I spotted several wooden barrels and pointed at them. “Are those the water barrels?” She nodded.

“Yes. Help yourself, they shouldn't be completely sealed. We only do that if we're breaking the camp down to move it.”

I removed one of the lids and lifted a simple cup that had been sitting on top of another barrel next to it and dipped it in. In the meantime, the woman tossed the ruined fruit to the side of the path we'd been walking on and licked her hand clean, then said that she needed to get to doing her tasks and wished me a good morning. I replied in kind and took another drink.

Later in the day I received a notice from another stranger that Jackylin had summoned me to her tent, saying it was urgent.

“Any idea what it's about?” I asked. The messenger asked me if it mattered. I had been summoned, and so I needed to go.

When I finally found her tent she was already outside waiting for me. At a simple glance she looked her normal self, but after coming closer I saw the her fingers twitched occasionally. She's either nervous, or excited. Perhaps both.

“You called, Jackylin?” She nodded.

“Yes. I have some good news!”

“Let me guess, your grandfather approved your plan?” She nodded.

“And on top of that, I just received a golden opportunity!” She pulled a scroll from a pocket on her leg and handed it to me. I unrolled, it, briefly scanned the contents, and then frowned.

“I can't read this language.” I handed the scroll back to her.

“You and I are going on a trip into Gaea. These are a command that every hunting group needs to send a representative to attend a banquet in our nation's capital and to give a report on how well we are doing in taking over the area that we've been authorized to hunt in. You will be going along as one of my two 'bodyguards'.”

“Very well. Who else are you taking?”

“Applejack, a resident of 'Ponyville'. She volunteered for it not long after I explained my intentions to her. I was against it at first, but then she argued that there was no better way to show that we had completely subjugated Ponyville than by having one of the townsfolk as a servant.”

Applejack?! What's she doing here?”

“Oddly enough, she came to our camp looking for you with the intention of keeping an eye on you. We tried to follow you and those that had gone with you after the Ursa Minor, but you made your way back while we stopped to rest for the night.” Applejack's decision to follow me surprised me, but at the moment I was a tad more interested in knowing just what it was that Jackylin was up to, so I asked her.

“What am I planning specifically?” She smiled slyly. “It's quite simple really, Mr. Lighthand; I want you and Applejack to help me kill the king so that I can rule in his stead!”

Jackylin had not gone into details, but at the time when she'd told me her intentions I was too stunned to do much thinking anyway. I had suspected that she'd want to use my abilities to advance herself somehow, but I had no idea how far she'd wanted to take it. I wonder if she knows just how far we may need to go for that to happen? Undoubtedly when the king dies the others will fight one another for the right to rule. While I could probably kill them all rather easily, I've never had to kill a Human before, and I don't much like the idea of it even though we're not of the same breed. No doubt Jackylin was very much aware of this, as she did not strike me as being naive enough to believe that the others would simply fall in line when she declared herself their new leader. But why would Applejack volunteer to help in this scheme? She doesn't really have much to gain personally, and it was Jackylin's people that killed- A possibility hit me. She might just be going along to be able to witness the king's death! He's the one to blame for the invasion, so this could be an opportunity to see justice done for her!

Jackylin had also said that due both to time constraints and to a request made by Applejack to be allowed to report what she'd seen and learned to her village that we'd be leaving later today. I considered offering to teleport us there to save time, but even with Jackylin and most of the encampment knowing that I could be dangerous I did not feel comfortable revealing everything to them. In the end I decided to offer this option to the two of them after we'd be out of visual of the encampment, but not before. Jackylin was skeptical as to the truth of such an ability and Applejack wasn't too happy with the idea either, but both agreed that it would save us much time, and within a few seconds we'd arrived at the outskirts of town.

“Wow!” Jackylin exclaimed, her eyes wide in shock. “It's a shame that you've refused to teach any of us magic, we could definitely put an ability like that to good use!”

“Ye mean ya could use it to make yer raids go faster and get more of us!” Applejack frowned.

“Well, that too, but I meant more for traveling and for assassinations! We'd get in, do the deed, get out, and no amount of guards could stop us!” Applejack gave her a disgusted look. I could understand why Applejack would disapprove of using magic in such a way, but I had to agree that it was a good strategy. Especially in the case of there being multiple loyalty factions. Someone could teleport in, kill their victim or victims, leave signs that another house had done it, and then get out before anyone knew what had happened!

“Ah'll go and tell Twilight what's happened and where we're goin' next.”

“Make sure you pack some food too.” I suggested. “Given that the Gaeans are meat-eaters I don't see them just having hay and alfalfa lying around. From what Jackylin tells me their world is mostly jungle which means they probably won't have that stuff anyway.”

“Ah'll be sure to do that. What will you two be doin'?”

“Given your people's strong, and understandable dislike of my kind I'll just wait here on the edge of town. I've no desire to have my skull kicked in.”

“And you, Lighthand?”

“I'll drop by Pinkie's place to ask how the defense of the town is progressing, and I'll say hello to Rarity and Fluttershy before we go. Could you say hi to Applebloom for me?” Applejack nodded and we parted ways, Jackylin setting her bag on the ground and sitting on it.

The building-and-post wall that had been nearly complete when I left had been finished, as well as the spike pits. Now the ponies had seemed to have set up their own patrols. They noticed Applejack first because of her bright orange hide, and then me second. A horn was blown and a number of the town's larger ponies met us at the only open area I could see that led into the town on this side of it. All of them had some sort of weapon that ranged from a long serrated cooking knife to a table-leg club, to a pole weapon that as we came closer I identified as a pike. Their body language said they were nervous, but their faces were blank.

“Yeh got nuthin' to worry about, ya'll! It's just me an' Lighthand!” Applejack called to them. A few of the militia visibly relaxed, but none of them lowered their weapons, not that it would have made sense to, given that they held their weapons with their mouths which would have made them look at the ground.

“What news do you bring of the Humans?” One of them called back.

“Me an' Lighthand and the camp's leader are going to go to their home world but ah wanted to make a visit home again in case we don't come back again.” Applejack stopped in front of them, shortly imitated by me. “Can we come in?” The guards looked at one another, then one of them nodded and they parted to allow us a path in. For a moment as I passed them they looked as if they might try to stop me, but they decided not to and I continued following Applejack without incident.

“Alright, Lighthand, ah'm gonna go lookin' fer Twilight now. I'll meet you back by the gate in a few hours. Ah wanna visit a few other of mah friends before ah go fer the same reason I told the watchponies back there.” I nodded.

“I understand completely. I'll see you in a few hours.”

Pinkie Pie had not been at the Sugarcube Corner, but Rarity had been at home and she greeted me with some surprise on her face.

“Jacob! What brings you here?”

“Just checking on Ponyville to see how things are going here. I saw the wall was complete.” She nodded, and then turned and trotted back to her work table.

“Yes, that was completed not long after you left, and the pits were finished up a few days later. Now we're working on an idea that Pinkie Pie had.” I raised an eyebrow and she explained about Pinkie having the idea of turning Rainbow Dash's house into a floating war platform that they could attack safely from. Pinkie Pie...it seems she cooks up more thing than baked goods! “Cannons have already been installed and Pinke named it, now we're working on putting some metal plating on the outside for extra protection should outsiders try to attack it. Well, the other townsponies are. I'm busy working on another project!”

“Which is? if you don't mind my asking, that is.”

“Oh, not at all, dear! I'm making a banner for our town!”

“A banner? What for?”

“As a symbol of our town's pride, of course! All of our armies carry flags depicting images that symbolize the area that they grew up in or what their town or city specialized in. From ears of corn to a Dragon breathing fire against red-hot iron on an anvil and every color of the rainbow there are symbols of our pride an devotion. When my younger sister Sweetie Bell suggested to some of those working on Rainbow's house that we add a new flag to the pole on its outside the idea of giving the town a symbol spread like fire in dry field grass, and now here I am!”

“I see. So what symbol are you putting on the town's flag?” I followed her to the work table, looking over her shoulder with interest.

“Nothing as of yet, Jacob. Right now I'm just making the flag itself. The symbol will be made separately once the townsfolk have come to an agreement as to what it will be, and then I'll be sewing one of them onto each side of the flag.”

“That's too bad, but what can one do?”

“Keep busy. Not that we really have much time to ourselves anymore anyway. So what really brought you back? Did you already complete what that Jackylin-woman wanted you to do?”

“Actually no, but that begins as soon as we leave. Jackylin wants me to help her gain a greater position of power among her people and we'll be going into her world to do it. Her nation's king has just ordered that every hunter-group needs to send a representative to report on their progress in taking over your world, and so myself, her, and Applejack will be going to her king.” Rarity gasped.

“Applejack too?! Why is Applejack going?”

“Well, she claims that it's to make a more convincing show for the king, but I suspect she has other motives. Still, I appreciate the extra set of eyes as I don't really trust Jackylin, or the rest of her race, for that matter.”

“Nor does any other race save perhaps the Griffons, and even some of them have doubts as well! There's no better pony to have at your side than Applejack when you need someone to rely on! But then, you already know that.” I nodded.

“The Element of Honesty chose her for a reason, and more than that, even if she doesn't know me, I know her. As long as I can earn her trust, I think that we could be friends all over again. Well, maybe.”

“If it's any encouragement, I consider you a friend. You freed me, gave me my magic back, and convinced our enemies to not attack us! I will forever be in your debt!” I smiled. It felt good to hear Rarity call me a friend after all these years having to live without her, even if this wasn't my Rarity.

“In my debt, huh? Well, if you're willing, I think I might consider us even if you'd make me two new pairs of socks. Mine have worn out, and my feet have been developing blisters!”

“Only socks?” Rarity was both surprised and disappointed. “But-”

“Only socks.” I nodded. “I'm going to be going into a society where strength of mind and body is valued above most other things. If I go in there wearing a fancy suit it might make me look spoiled or soft, which could be fatal. Socks alone will be fine, but thanks.”

“Very well.” She sighed, looking disappointed. “If you'll remove your boots, I'll measure your...um...”

“Feet.” She nodded.

“Yes, your feet.” I undid the laces to my boots and then removed them one after the other and set them to the side.

“Sorry about the smell, but I haven't really had much opportunity to bathe, I'm afraid.”

“In that case, I insist that you do so before we proceed any farther! Go upstairs and enter the second door on your left. You'll find a porcelain tub and some soap on a stand next to it. Once you've washed yourself thoroughly there is a stack of towels in a closet that you can use to dry yourself off. Did you bring an additional set of clothing to change into?” I nodded. “Good.” She made a shooing motion with her hooves. “Off you go, then!”

An hour later I sighed and smiled. There was just something about a hot bath and soap that relaxed the mind and literally made it seem like all your worries were being washed away. If nothing else, mine were pushed to the back of my mind for the time being, and as I toweled my head and beard off I felt much better than I had in the last several years, even with the knowledge that I'd eventually have to once more plunge myself into this dark version of Equestria.

I refolded the drenched towel (drenched because of the difference in body size) and placed it in Rarity's laundry basket and slid on a fresh set of clothing and then even went so far as to brush my teeth.

When I was satisfied I headed back downstairs and informed Rarity that I was done.

“Well you certainly took your time! I've finished the flag's base and have also had lunch!”

“My apologies, Rarity, but like I said earlier it'd been awhile since I'd had a good bath.”

I lifted my feet one after the other and, using a tape measure, rarity took the length of my feet and then asked what type of cloth I'd like. We went through several types, and eventually settled on cotton. I took a seat on Rarity's couch and waited patiently while she cut a length of cloth, trimmed it in to the shape she wanted, and then proceeded to sew it together. Overall it didn't take more than ten minutes for her to finish the first one and she called me over to try it on to make sure it fit before progressing onto making the others. As it always had in my own dimension, it fit perfectly, and I said so.

“Excellent! I'll get right on the other three immediately! You just wait there.” So I did. Thirty minutes later, I had my other sock to the first pair, and an extra pair ready to be used when they were needed.

“Thanks again, Rarity, these are great!”

“Are you absolutely sure that socks are all you want?”

“Unless you can make chain mail that can be hidden inside a shirt, I'm sure.” Rarity stroked her chin thoughtfully, then sighed and shook her head.

“No, I'm afraid my expertise in clothing stops up short at armor.”

“That's fine; I wasn't being serious anyway.”

I left Rarity's shortly after, and began looking for Rainbow's house next, suspecting that I might be able to find Pinkie Pie near there. To my surprise Rainbow Dash's house was no longer in the sky, but was instead almost touching the ground, and had so many ponies moving in and out and above and around it that it looked like a colony of multicolored ants was crawling all over it. They briefly stopped when they saw me, but when I made no aggressive movements they returned to work again. I came closer and stood, watching them work for a few moments while trying to determine if Pinkie Pie was assisting them. Though I watched for several minutes I never saw her, and was just about to leave when and look in another place when another familiar voice called to me. It was Unicorn-Trixie.

“You there! Human!” I turned my head and observed her coming closer until she stopped and looked up at me. “The once more Great and powerful Trixie thanks you for restoring her magic to her!”

“Speaking in third-pony again, are we, Trixie? You're welcome. What can I do for you?”

“Trixie requests that you tell her whom was your teacher. Trixie spoke with the Human female outside of town and she claims that you too have defeated an Ursa Minor. Trixie wishes to know how to do the same.”

“Why? Given your nation being in a state of war, would it not be wiser to focus on how to defeat the people you are at war with?”

“Trixie has her reasons.”

“Such as showing the world that you can be just as powerful as Twilight Sparkle?” Trixie's expression went from moderately stuck-up to cold. “Trixie, Twilight Sparkle's excellence in magic isn't due only to her teacher. She is naturally very strong in magic, and has applied herself to studying magic for the majority of her life.”

“But Trixie's Cutie Mark is for magic! Twilight Sparkle's is organizational skills! Why is she so skilled?!”

“It may be because she likes to be so organized. Every detail must be 'just so', which leaves little room for errors to occur. If you knew a spell by heart, to the point where you could cast it in your sleep, do you not think that you too could make a difficult spell look simple?” Trixie didn't say anything, though she looked like she was trying to find the words. “Where you've been putting on shows to impress using simple spells and fireworks to dazzle the magically-ignorant, she's probably been working, working, working at mastering spell after spell until she can cast them with little chance of making a mistake. The same holds true for me. I didn't just become a master overnight, I had to apply myself for years before my teacher was willing to change my title of 'Magician' to 'Mage'.”

“Then you teach me!” She ordered, dropping her third-person speech. My eyes widened and my eyebrows rose. Me, teach Trixie? “If you're a master of magic, then surely you can show me a few things!”

“Show? Easily. Teach, not so much. Magic is like a picture, Trixie; looking at it is easy, but drawing it is hard. Besides, I'm going to be leaving again soon with Jackylin and Applejack, so I won't have time to teach you much of anything.”

“Then take me with you! Teach me as we go!”

“I can't do that either, Trixie. This mission calls for three attendees at the most, and we already number in three.”

I- I can make myself invisible!” I shook my head.

“The Humans of Jackylin's world are predators, Trixie. They'd probably smell you.”

“Then leave the earth pony behind! What abilities has she got that I cannot outdo?”

“She's had military training, she's disciplined, she's very strong, she's completely honest, and she'll probably know when not to try picking a fight if someone insults her. Most importantly, she'll be better able to take care of herself should we become separated.” That last one outraged Trixie, and she bared her teeth at me.

“I am a fully-grown mare, and am fully capable of defending myself!” She blasted me back onto my butt with her magic and then picked up several discarded tools and scraps left over from construction. Several ponies that had been working on the house stopped to watch as I picked myself up again and frowned and pushed all the objects she'd just picked up to the ground, save a half-empty open can of paint. This one I hurled at her and stopped half a foot from her, dousing her face and upper body in black paint. Trixie's magic aura around the objects disappeared and she spat out a glob of the paint I'd just splashed on her.

“Against an unprepared enemy, perhaps, but not against more than perhaps two or three armed Hunter-Humans who've never faced a magic-user before, and certainly not against me. You left yourself wide open to an attack, and that can get you killed in a combat situation, which I have no doubt we will be getting involved in eventually. Words to take to heart, Trixie: never throw yourself into a fight that you can't win. There may be stories about glorious deaths, but when it all comes down to it, dead is still dead. Don't throw away your life. Give it away if you have to, but only if you feel you must.” Trixie wiped her eyelids off with her unpainted forelegs and finally opened one eye to glare at me.

“You've ruined my cape and my hat!”

“Yes, but I've also proved my point. Good day, Trixie.” The other ponies that had been watching turned away and returned to their tasks, some of them chuckling at Trixie's painted predicament. Trixie glared next at them, and trotted away, I assumed to wash herself off.

I walked closer to the no-longer-a-house and asked a worker if they knew where to find Pinkie Pie.

It replied that she was gathering an arsenal of small baked goods for the purpose of hurling them from the windows as target practice.

“She's been gone for awhile now, so she should be back at any-”

“You're back!” I turned to see a mountain of baked goods with two pink legs behind me and stared at it a second before realizing it was Pinkie Pie. Only she could carry that many pies, cupcakes, muffins, and croissants on her hind legs without magic and not drop them! How she was able to see me from behind it though, I did not know, and probably never would given that I'd had over twenty years worth of time in my own world with her and hadn't completely figured her out.

“Yes I am, and I see that you've been very busy! Need some help with those?”

“Nope! I got 'em!” Pinkie waddled up to the house and then walked up a ramp that had been constructed for those without the benefit of Pegasi cloud-walking abilities and then turned sideways and squeezed through the door, again, without dropping anything. I tilted my head in bewildered amazement, and then followed her, ducking under the low-built (for Humans, anyway) door. I'd been in Rainbow Dash's home before, but back then I had been hovering so I'd not fall through her floor. This version of her house had a wooden floor and was filled almost to the brim with ponies and two large stacks of metal sheets and several types of tools and also Pinkie's different-colored party cannons. I wonder if they're colored differently for a reason? There was zero furniture, and even the kitchen sink was missing. I wonder what they did with it all? I hadn't seen a pile of furniture or junk outside, which probably meant that someone had claimed her things.

Pinkie pie had stopped periodically at each window, dropping off a pile of baked goods at each, some of which was claimed by one worker or another as they passed by. I doubted this slipped Pinkie's observation, but she didn't do anything to stop it and continued on into the next room. I snagged a vanilla and strawberry icing cupcake complete with sprinkles, and followed her, taking a bite as I too entered the next room, passing by a Pegasus, who tried very hard to ignore me.

“So what's with the confectionery goods, Pinkie Pie?” I asked ducking another Pegasus as I passed it working barring a window on the ceiling. “A snack for the ponies working here?” I'd already been told by a worker what they were for, but I wasn't sure I believed it.

“Target practice for the windows that we don't have cannons for! We'll just be throwing spears and rocks and stuff from them!”

“So then why not test-throw with spears and rocks now instead of food? They'll have different weights, you know, and you can't eat a spear.” Pinkie froze, balancing on one leg.

“Phooey! I hadn't thought of that!” She carelessly dropped the cluster of baked goods to the floor and settled down on her front hoofs again. “I'll just have to use candy canes!” Huh? Pinkie Pie reached into what had once been a closet and pulled out a pink and blue striped candy cane taller than she was standing on her hind legs and broke off the crook and licked the broken end until it had a point. Ohhh. Now I get it!

“Sweet improvising there, Pinkie pie!” She rolled her eyes.

“That was a terrible pun, Jacob! But you're right, is is tasty. Wanna lick?” She held it out to me but I declined. “There's only a few more in here, so I'll need to get some more. Wanna help?”

“I would like to, but unfortunately I don't really have much time. I'm going to be leaving again soon, as will be Applejack. Jackylin's got a plan to increase her standing with her people, and she needs me and Applejack to do it. If all goes well she'll have what she wants and we'll have one less group of Hunter-Humans to worry about on a permanent basis. As soon as Applejack is done with her business in town, we'll be setting out for Gaea, the Hunter-Human home world.” Pinkie froze, her hair going from poofy to flat and she turned and looked at me with a frightened expression.

“You're going into their...world?”

“There's no other way for her to fulfill her plans. They call for her to have 'proof' that they've already domesticated this area, and what better way to show it than to have one of your number serving her? Applejack's just for show, though. I'll be doing the real dirty work.”

“I've already lost one friend, Jacob! Please, I beg of you...” Her eyes started tearing up and I knelt down in front of her and placed a hand on her shoulder, looking directly into her eyes.

“I swear to you, Pinkie Pie, I will do everything in my power to ensure her survival. If I have to burn down the entire continent, I'll keep her alive.” Pinkie sniffed. I offered her a smile. “When I was brought here, I was given a second chance to be by the side of those I cared about the most. I'm not going to let you be taken away from me again. Not when I can prevent it. You may not know me the way I know you, but you're the only family I've got left now, and family comes first with me.”

__ __ __ __ __

Twilight watched the report that Applejack had made fly off towards the royal palace. She had a bad feeling about what was coming, but could not disagree that it was important that Jackylin have incentive to keep the truce that she had promised if Lighthand chose to work with her. She just wished that it did not involve having one of her friends walking into the Manticor's den to do it. But Applejack had made it abundantly clear that she was going, one way or another. When Twilight had tried to argue against it, saying that she herself should go, Applejack pointed out that the Hunter-Humans cut off the horns of Unicorn, and they'd likely have to do the same to her to make their lie more believable.

“Magic may not be yer special talent, but I know it'd break yer heart if'n you lost it, and besides, there ain't nopony in town same for that white muscle-headed Pegasus stronger than me or Big Mac. If'n I can't handle mahself in their world, nopony in town can!” Twilight chuckled.

“You're sounding a lot like Rainbo-” She stopped and her face fell, and Applejack's became grim.

“Sugar cube, Rainbow is part of the reason I'm doing this. If'n she'd still been here, she'd have been the first tah sign up for this crazy mission, but she's not. This has the potential tah be the biggest strike against the Humans that we've made so far. A chance to kill their king? I can't just let this pass by. I have tah do what she's no longer around to do!”

“Applejack, don't do this out of guilt, I-” Applejack cut her off.

“This isn't because of guilt, Twi. I'm doing this for the same reason she would:loyalty. I'm loyal to mah friends, and I'm loyal to Equestria. My duty as an Equestrian soldier only strengthens my resolve.”

“Is there anything I can say to change your mind?” Twilight asked, already knowing the answer. Applejack smiled.

“You already know the answer, Twi.” Applejack turned from her and headed for the door but stopped before she could exit. “Just do me a favor, would'ja?” Twilight nodded. “If I don't come back, don't blame yerself for it. You already tried to convince me to stay.” Twilight nodded and Applejack continued out again.

Twilight sighed. I have a bad feeling about this... she thought, not for the first time, and not for the last in the days to come.

* * * * *

I hate having to wait for things! True, rushing now could be fatal, and with his transport magic we're not even close to being far behind, but I'm too used to having something to do! Not to mention that being on the edge of a town that called her an enemy by herself made her a little edgy. She was a competent fighting on her own, it was true, but as any hunter knew, any fighting can be brought down if he or she had enough enemies willing to work together and no allies to back them up.

She'd already been approached by one of the bolder ponies. It had been a blue Unicorn wearing a silly hat and cape. She'd wanted to know what Jackylin and the others were up to, and how good at magic Jacob Lighthand really was. Upon learning that Jacob had captured an Ursa minor she had suddenly suddenly turned and run back into town, once more leaving Jackylin by herself and her thoughts.

There were so many things that could go wrong. So many places where one or the other of her companions could slip up and say or do something that they shouldn't, especially in Jacob's case. Him appearing to be an elder would help shield them a little, but then that would raise questions as to why she'd chosen a silly old man as a bodyguard.

Jackylin smirked Of course, Faltos, that arrogant pig, will see this as an insult to his and his bodyguard's ability in battle.

“Oh, I could beat you and yours with only a crazy old man and a pony helping me! Ha ha!” She stuck her tongue out, still smirking, imagining the look on his face, turning red with anger. Oh, that would be so satisfying! She could not do this in front of the others, of course, because knowing Faltos, he could throw the gauntlet right there and they'd have to duel, which could look bad considering that it was a summons for a report and not much else. There would be political maneuvering, of course, there always was around the king, but very little would be permitted regarding advancement unless someone wanted to challenge the king directly, which would turn into a public event. And later an overall massacre as both new and old parties make a scramble to gain favor with the winner of the confrontation. So it has always been. I just hope my town's people are smart enough to wait until there is a winner. Otherwise, should I lose, more people than just my family will die.

True friends were a rare thing in her world, so when one was made, they were valued more than gold. A true friend wasn't just someone that would fight with you against a rival or someone that would help you hunt, they weren't someone that you could have a casual fling with, and they weren't just someone to help you make a child.

A true friend was all to often what her people never bothered trying to make because there was too much risk of them backstabbing you one day in favor of gaining more standing. Or, at least, that was what all the large towns with classes of rich and poor did. But a small town like hers allowed for more social interaction because almost everyone had the same job, and if one person benefited, often it was everyone that also benefited, so there was less overall competition as far as in-town business went. There really wasn't much of anything to gain from betrayal, which is why her people got along with each other so well. And that trust is why the king will believe that we took over Ponyville as quickly as I'll say we did!

An hour later the blue Unicorn returned minus her hat and cape.

“You! Human!”

“Yes, Unicorn?” Since we're being so formal and all.

“The Great- er, I have a favor to ask.”

“A favor? That's not something to ask my kind lightly.”

“I request that you remove Applejack from your trio and replace her with me instead.”

“And why would I do that? Applejack is a soldier of your people, and one of my men can testify to the power of her kicks.” She chuckled. “He'll not be having kids for a few years! You on the other hand I've not seen or heard anything about.”

“I am a Unicorn. Need I have a reputation?” She asked, her tone arrogant.

“Among my kind, reputation can be almost everything. If you have no reputation, or worse a bad reputation, you cannot get anywhere. So show me, what can you do?” The blue Unicorn performed several demonstrations of telekinesis, slight-of-hand, and conjured a fireball which she used to set a pile of scrap branches from the tree trunks ablaze. Nice performance, but I'm not overly impressed. Jackylin said as much.

“I can also make myself invisible!” Jackylin raised an eyebrow. Seeing her interest, the blue Unicorn's horn glowed and she suddenly vanished from sight. Jackylin's eyes lit up, as did the rest of her face. Even if her talents in magic were mediocre, there was something to be said about having a hidden dagger with you in the company of your enemies.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^

I rejoined Applejack as I said I would, and then we returned to Jackylin, who rose from her seat when we came close.

“Good, you're back! We have much ground to cover, and unless you're willing to transport us most of the way with your magic, we don't have much extra time to cover it. Let us get moving!”

“If you'll tell me where it is that we are going, I may be able to shorten our journey.” I offered. I did not really feel like hiking back to and through Everfree forest, so if I was able to skip part of the journey, I was more than willing.

“We're heading to the Stone Arch Gateway. Do you know where that is?”

“I know where the Stone Arch Gateway in my world is, but its location may be different here.” I looked down at Applejack. “Do the royal sisters have a ruined castle in the Everfree forest?” She nodded. “ It's across a plank and rope bridge, yes?” She nodded again. I looked back at Jackylin. “Are the castle ruins familiar to you?”

“I've heard rumors of a ruined castle in the forest being made defensible again from several messengers coming and going from Gaea, but I've never been there myself.”

“From the forest's edge the walk to the Stone Arch Gateway in my world is about an hour's walk. From the castle it's a little longer, but the path is more open. With your Hunter-Humans roaming the woods it'll probably be safer, and we'll be able to ask directions. Any objections?” Jackylin seemed about to say something, but hesitated. “Yes?”

“Those same rumors also stated that the ones fortifying the castle were from the large town of Steelforge. They're the ones that forge weapons and armor for the king. They're also a very honor-bound society. They're very easy to offend, and they often take apologies in the form of the offender's blood.”

“So they're not very nice folk, I take it?” Applejack asked rhetorically.

“Not to outsiders, no.” Jackylin confirmed. “While I'm all for a shorter trip, and I'm confident in the abilities of everyone present, I'd rather not take unnecessary risks.”

“Then how about to the forest's edge?” I suggested. “It will still be about an hour's walk, but we'll shave off the time it'd take just to reach the forest's edge.” Both Jackylin and Applejack nodded, and I readied my magic to warp us.

That's odd...that took more energy than it should have...perhaps I'm just imagining it... I shook myself and looked around me to ensure that I'd brought everyone else. I smiled when I saw them where I expected them to be, and then pointed a hand at the trees.

“There's the forest. Behind us is Fluttershy's house, if you care to look.” Both Applejack and Jackylin looked; Jackylin laughed.

“Is that a house covered in grass, or a bush made to look like a house?”

“It's a house covered in grass.” Applejack explained. “She does that to make the animals that she takes care of more comfortable in and around it.”

“Interesting. We do something similar back home that we use for hunting. I doubt it works as well though, given that you yourselves resemble a particular animal from one of our planet's cooler regions.”

“Horses?” I asked. Jackylin nodded.

“Beautiful creatures; strong, fast, agile, and dumb as a Stump Hopper.” She chuckle-snorted. “There are almost no wild horses left on our world. Most of them have been domesticated. Not as good as deer meat, though.”

“Stump Hopper?”

“They're a large version of a frog. Their mouths are so big they can fit a child's head in their mouths. Fortunately they have no teeth. No good for eating, those.” She frowned. “Their skin secretes a toxic mucus that can kill you if one touches your skin for more than a few seconds. In small doses it's only paralytic for a few hours.”

“Are we eva gonna go inside the forest, or just stand 'round here all day chattin' bout big frogs?” Applejack complained. “The sooner we get there, the sooner we leave.” Jackylin nodded.

“Agreed. Follow me.”

Sure enough, a little less than an hour later we arrived at the Stone Arch Gateway. But a doorway of stone was not the only thing we found. We also found the dead bodies of more than twenty Hunter-Humans; all of them armed, all of them sporting several injuries other than the killing blows.

“What the heck?” I said quietly, my eyes sweeping the trees in case

“Hoooey!” Applejack exclaimed. “Somepony kicked you fanged Humans hind-ends!”

Jackylin surveyed the killing grounds, and then tilted her head back a bit and sniffed the air deeply, held it a few seconds, then exhaled. She made a face, then set to examining the bodies. Applejack and I followed. When she had checked four different bodies she frowned and rose from the ground, still looking at the body whose armor she'd removed to examine closer.

“This wasn't done by wild animals, whatever it was, and there's too little damage done to the plant life surrounding this place to have been done by Dragons or Minotaurs.” She slowly walked around the small clearing, and then examined the boots of one of the dead. “The only tracks here are of my race, which means that either they were attacked by another group of Humans, or they were attacked from the air, and again, too little damage to have been done by a Dragon.”

“It could have been done by Pegasi or by Griffons. Both of them fly.” She nodded.

“Yes, but there are no other bodies but those of my race, and no foreign blood or feathers or fur.”

“You know the scent of your kind's blood?” I asked. She nodded.

“It is not uncommon in our line of work for someone to occasionally cut themselves with a knife. I've done it a few times myself.”

“Maybe it really was yer own kind that done this. Aren't we going to yer world to kill someone?”

“Yes, but these men and women were just simple hunters. Bows and arrows, spears, and the knives that we're all given when we're given permission hunt here are the only things they were carrying. There would be no status to be gained here unless someone were jealous of another's lover, and things like that are handled in a simple duel.”

“Well, whateva it was that did it, it's none of our business.” Applejack stated. Jackylin agreed.

“No need to go looking for trouble when trouble isn't what we want. Problem is, these men and women were the ones that signaled that the gate was to be opened for those on this side. We can't get in without that really long horn being inserted into this hole.” She patted the small hollow in the center of the door that I knew all too well.

“So then what do we do now? We can't get in on our own, and the gatekeepers are dead!” I smiled secretively and reached into my boot for Twilight's horn and walked towards the door. Both Applejack and Jackylin raised an eyebrow.

“Knock knock!” I said cheerfully as I screwed Twilight's horn into the door until it could go no further, and then withdrew it. A slim shaft of light appeared as the door of stone parted and slid outward, to the astonishment of both ladies. I slid the horn back into my boot and, still smiling, strode through the passageway, and found four spears pointed at my chest from the other side. I dropped my smile and looked startled, raising both hands up, palms out in a warding motion.

Jackylin came through shortly after holding the 'invitation' to the king's banquet in one hand. Applejack had not yet fully crossed over and the gateway remained open.

“Who are you?! How did you open the doors from that side?!” Jackylin pushed me aside and scanned the group in front of us.

“What do you mean, we opened the doors?” She said snootily. “Everyone knows that the Gateway can only be opened from your side! Don't be a fool!”

“The doors opened without us doing anything.” The same guard said, suspicion in his voice.

“Well then perhaps it recognized High Blood when I came near! Now step aside! I have a royal banquet to attend!” She held out the scroll for the guards to all examine, which three of them did. The other seemed to be pretending to read it.

“Well sir, it checks out...” One of them cautiously said.

“Yes, but it still does not explain how the doors opened!!”

“Does it really matter, sir?” A female asked. “She has the invitation and she has a bodyguard, even if he is an elder, and if we delay her, it could mean our heads.”


“Then it's settled!” Jackylin abruptly interrupted.” Lighthand!” I jumped and saluted to her. She rolled her eyes and looked annoyed. “Retrieve my pony-servant, and come along. I'd like to be there before the Humidity Season comes, if at all possible!”

“Of course, milady!” I said quickly, and turned to the still-open gateway and motioned for Applejack to follow. She did, but with a stiffly-blank face. She had heard the part about being called a servant, and it had not made her happy. I wasn't very happy about it either.

“Come along, Applejack. We must hurry.” She nodded once and then turned her gaze to the ground.

The gate guards stared in disbelief at Applejack as we followed 'her ladyship' away from the Gateway.

“A pony for a servant?!” One of them whispered incredulously to the others as we trotted away from them.

“Only until this is done with!” Applejack muttered softly. “The things I have to put up with for my country!”

“At least you don't have people calling you 'old' every time they see you!” I whispered to her in a low voice. “I'm not even quite sixty yet!”

“You're older than me, 'gramps'!” She said in a teasing voice, still softly.

“Keep it up, 'whipper-snapper'! I may not have a cane, but I find that a boot to the backside works just as well!” This time Applejack laughed briefly before Jackylin looked over her shoulder at us and made a warning face and shushed us. She slowed her pace a bit and allowed us to catch up.

“You're not on Mythica anymore. Laughter amongst those you trust or in private is fine, but in front of strangers it tends to drawn unwanted attention. Mind your mouths and facial expressions, alright?” We nodded, our moods becoming more serious. “Oh, and you've probably already guessed this, but do not speak unless you are spoken to, and just to make things a little easier on you, if someone asks you a question, unless it is the king, simply say that 'The Miss has told me to keep silent during our stay.' and then say no more to them. If they insist, repeat yourself. This may seem rude, but it will be the simplest way to avoid saying something that you shouldn't. Understood?” We nodded. “Now, I do apologize for this, Applejack, but servants among my kind wear collars. There are several reasons for that, the main one being that others will be deterred from abusing you. Given that you are, in fact, a local of Mythica, you'll likely be more of a target than one of my own kind.” Jackylin pulled out a blue collar with silver side threading. “As soon as this is done with you can take it off, but until then, if you value your health and life, keep it on. Do you understand?” Applejack grudgingly nodded.

“I don't like the idea one bit, but I understand.”

“Do I have to wear one?” I asked. Jackylin shook her head.

“But you will have to wear a blue and silver armband on your left arm to mark you as serving my house. Here.” She handed one to me and I slid it on my arm. It slid right back down from my shoulder to my wrist.


“Let me.” Jackylin reached over to the band and once more raised it and spun it around to reveal an adjustable length of cord. She loosened the knot, pulled it tighter, and then retied it. “Now it should stay. If it comes loose again, though, you'll have to fix it.”

“How long do we have tah travel before we get there?” Applejack asked, pulling at her collar.

“More than a week, and no, before you ask, we can't use magic here. This world not knowing that Jacob Lighthand is the Human that uses magic is the key to the success of my plans. We'll just have to walk.” I pulled at my clothes, already feeling sticky from the jungle air, and sighed. Jackylin noted this. “You think this is bad?” She asked. “Wait until Humidity Season starts!”