• Published 4th Jan 2012
  • 2,347 Views, 131 Comments

The Necro Walk - WorldWalker128

The alternate sequel involving Jacob and the main cast. Is more serious and dark than the other.

  • ...

Deleted Scenes 2

I know I'm taking forever to progress this, so here's a sort-of tide-you-over until I either finish this latest chapter or FINALLY finish the segment of Pokey Plant. I've been meaning to do that, too. I promise to have one or the other finished before New Years. Long as the planet doesn't blow up or we get invaded by aliens or something.

The Necro Walk Deleted and Rejected scenes

Deleted scene 1
I was going to say (the below) and add yet another explanational link between

Mythology and reality, but decided agianst it because it was not really relevent to

story-flow. Plus it was getting late, and I ndeeded to go to bed.

“Isn't there anything you can do to fix it?” I asked. “I'd rather not run the risk

of needing to fight a T-rex or a Velociraptor just because we don't know how far

back we've gone.”

“Oh, you needn't worry about that.” The Shield assured him. “Dinosaurs could

only be found on Earth. Most of them were Earth's 'echo' to Mythica's Dragons,

though the majority of them were much weaker and were all much less intelligent.”

“I might believe that about the T-rex and Pterodactyls, but what about the

Triceratops and or the Stegosaurus? I've not seen any Dragons that even remotely

resemble them.”

“Dinosaurs?” Ditsy asked, looking confused again. The Shield continued as if

she'd not heard Ditsy.

“Sure you have! You've seen Spike, haven't you? Twilight's baby Dragon?” I

nodded. “Spike's breed of Dragon is the original- and much larger, once he's fully

grown- version of the Stegosaurus.”

“And the Triceratops?”

“That was actually completely local and unique to Earth.


Rejected Scene 1
"If you're going to do something, do it right!" I had recently recieved a comment on

my page essentailly telling me that I was taking too long to put up another chapter.

I rushed a bit and cranked this bit out, but after re-reading it the following day I

found that Jackylin's grandfather wasn't as in-character as he should have been, so

I took this out, and rewrote it. This took place during Chapter 8.

-sparring with another elder that had recently arrived from Gaea whom had come from

their village. The rest said that they did not know.

When the two of them arrived on the selected grounds for sparring Applejack

was surprised to see that there were very few Humans watching the proceedings. A few

passing by stopped briefly to watch a few seconds, and then moved on again. Back

with the princess's forces a small crowd of ponies almost always was watching

whenever there was a sparring match occurring.

The two females watched as the elders traded several attacks, neither of

them able to get passed the others' defenses. Finally, after four more minutes

Jackylin's grandfather noticed the two of them watching and called for a break. The

other taunted him briefly, but did so with a good-natured smile and sheathed her own


“So you're back.” Jackylin's grandfather said simply, turning his back on

his sparring partner. “You missed a great show!”

“So I saw.” Jackylin pointed a finger at the other elder. “Who's she?”

“An old friend of mine. She's been sent here to check up on our progress and

was quite impressed that one of our number” he winked at her “was able to design a

plan for capturing such a large and powerful beast. She's also here to inform us

that the king is planning an exotic feast back home and has ordered that a

representative from each town and tribe that is here must attend so as to inform him

personally of the progress we are making in taking over this world. Supposedly a

Griffon ambassador will also be attending!” He finished, smiling. “There is much yet

that we have here to do that must be overseen, and I was thinking of sending you in

my stead.” He winked at her again and smiled knowingly. Jackylin was surprised at

first, and then she realized what he was getting at and also smiled and bowed.

“It would be an honor, grandfather. Shall I take along the member of the

hunting expedition that made the plan for capturing the blue bear?” Her grandfather

seemed to consider this a moment, and then nodded.

“I believe that would be a good idea, yes. No doubt the king will wish to

commend you and him for this new hunting strategy.”

“Splendid!” The female elder exclaimed. “I too would wish to meet this man!

I'm told he's a handsome one!” She chortled, smiling. She frowned shortly after,

however. “Unfortunately this event will be taking place soon, so pleasantries shall

have to wait until we arrive. We have but a month to arrive on time.” The elder's

eyes fell on Applejack, who also examined her in turn. “It seems your family's

talents with animal care extend even to these creatures if you've gotten one to

trust you enough to follow you around! Oh, how I envy you! I was never much good

with animals.”

Jackylin looked down at Applejack, who ignored her whilst frowning at the

older Human and then looked up again. “I don't know if 'trust' is the right word,

but we each have something that the other wants and can easily provide. she wants to

not get eaten, and I want to have someone around that others will underestimate in

case of a dangerous situation, and if her presence makes them underestimate me as

well, then more to my advantage.” The elder nodded her approval and expressed her

regret to Jackylin's grandfather that they would not have very much time before

she'd need to leave again.

“Think nothing of it.” He lifted his practice sword again. “Shall we

continue?” She nodded and raised her own weapon.

Now ignored by both elders and satisfied that her grandfather was confident

that her plan could succeed Jackylin left the two of them to their friendly contest

and began gathering the things she'd need for the long roundabout journey to the

Stone Arch Gateway and eventually to the king's castle.

Applejack sat on her backside and waited for Jackylin to finish stuffing

several saddlebags full of food, drink, and clothing, as well as a nasty-looking

dagger with a two-inch long spike on the bottom of its handle, which she sheathed

and hid underneath the clothes. Applejack herself had little intention of going to

Gaea but wanted to know just what it was that was on Jackylin's mind. Applejack was

no psychic, but it didn't take one to guess that there was more going on during

Jackylin's conversation with her grandfather than was said.

“So why are you filling saddlebags with yer stuff? I ain't gonna carry it

for you!”

“I never said that you would. These wouldn’t fit you, anyway. These were

made to fit a Griffon.”

Deleted Scene 2
It'd been over a month since my last chapter post, and I wanted to post another

before I went to bed. Another reason for cutting this is because it wasn't really

Pipsqueak headed first to the town blacksmith, but he was out. A note on his door

said that she was helping with the construction of the spike trench, and that that

smithy would liekly be closed for the next several days as well. Frowning, Pipsqueak

trotted around to the back side of th ebuilding where various metal scraps from

failed projects or leftover unused material had been placed. The junk was in a

careless pile and had been left to rust, whilst the extra stuff instead was stacked

(if it could be stacked. Bags were piled) and covered by a tarp. He decided first to

dig through the scrap heap.

Most of the scrap heap was completely worthless in terms of immediate use,

but he supposed that it could be melted down and reshaped if need be. The rest of it

was either misshapen, had sharp edges that he had no desire to try and pick up, or

fell apart when he tried to pull it out of the pile. Taking what he thought might be

useful and hoping he didn't cut himself Pip precariously balanced his load on his

back and

Deleted scene 3
While this didn't really bother me, I wanted to progress the story and actually work

at getting them to and into Gaea, and while I believe that cahracter build is

important, for the most part, with a few minor differences here and there, the

character personalities remained the same. Certianly much more than I'd originally

intended, but I'm okay with that.

I rejoined Applejack outside of the cafe where she was having lunch with Applebloom

and her niece. I had been going there so I could have what would probably be my last

meal of greens for awhile given that unlike Jackylin I could not survive on meat

alone for too long and it would look strange for me to be carrying veggies when

Applejack would be bringing her own food already. Juice waved me over and invited me

to sit, but due to me being far too tall to sit on a hay bale and not have my knees

level with the table I sat on the ground.

“So you and auntie Applejack are going on a dangerous mission?” Juice asked.

I nodded. “Take care of her, would'ja?” I laughed.

“Knowing Applejack, it'll be her taking care of me! After all,

she's the soldier. I'm just a mage. Without my magic, any of you could probably kick

my butt.”


“My flank.” Applejack gave me a surprised look.

“Seriously? Yer that bad a fighter?”

“I didn't use to be, but it's been years since I've had to fight using my

body and not my magic. I'm really out of practice. Hopefully it won't be an issue.”

“Well if'n it does become one, I'll watch yer back if you'll watch mine.” I

nodded. “Have ye been ta see Fluttershy yet? She asked after ya.”

“She did? What did she want?”

“She was concerned as tah whether or not you'd come back in one piece after

overhearing you'd incapacitated an Ursa Minor. I told her that yeh were fine. She

said she'd like the speak with yeh a'fore you'd be leavin', if'n it was alright with


“I don't have a problem with it.”

A server nervously approached our table and took our orders, giving me a

nervous glance as he approached and a skeptic one after I'd given my order of

vegetable soup. I'd also ordered a side of broccoli and cauliflower. When he'd left

we made small talk for until our meals came, and then ate them. When I was finished

I asked where I might be able to find Fluttershy, and then excused myself.

I knocked on Twilight's door and waited patiently. My patience was rewarded

when the top half of the door opened a crack to reveal Fluttershy peeking out from

behind the door.

Rejected scene 2
This happened after Jacob opened the Stone Arch Gateway. Or, would have happened,


“Hello everybody!” I said, still cheerful.

“Who're you?!” One of them demanded in a gruff voice. “How did you open the

Gateway?!” I dropped the smile and gave them an exasperated frown.

“The same way we always open it, you oafs!” Jackylin came through

shortly after

Rejected scene 3
I can be brutal sometimes, but I don't like directly stating that children are

getting killed. This would have taken place during the scene where Jackylin found

that kid behind the painting.

Torture was something that disgusted her, as it just meant that one's own will was

too weak to overcome their opponent's. However, sometimes the threat of it was just

enough. “Kid,” she began, holding up her knife once more. She had found it with just

a small amount of blood along one edge, which probably meant she'd only nicked their

little spy, but a cut was still a cut. “have you ever heard about the 'Death of a

Thousand Cuts'? It's nothing fancy or overly bloody

Rejected scene 4
This one would have occurred after the servant that brought the food during chapter

10 left.

After a few more minutes she spoke.

“My race is going to starve itself if it relies solely on this world for

food, but before it does that my nation will attack my home town and pillage it of

its livelihood, which would destroy it. We got into this mess due to there not being

laws of population limit and because of those that hunted for sport.” She turned

around to face us. “We cannot afford to have potential enemies listening in on us or

else we'll never get anything done."
Rejected Idea 5
I was originally going to have the confrontation between Jacob and the king consist

of three parts with the first being them going into the jungle for three days, but

decided to be lazy and go with something else instead.

Rejected scene 5
This would have happened during the Labyrinth trial against the blade-assassin.
Really Jacob could have just used magic to break every bone in the blade-fighter's

body right from the start (if he'd been in the presence of mind) but decided that

would have ended it too quickly.

I tried using what little self-defense moves I'd 'learned' from Kung-Foo

movies, but either they were simply ineffective in such a situation, or I was doing

it wrong, with the latter being far more likely. So I decided to cheat and broke

both his legs at the same time.

Rejected Scene 6
I recalled that some of my readers wanted me to have Jacob display his increased

skills with magic, but given that they were fighting beneath the castle I did not

think it a good idea to have him do something Gaea-moving lest he bring the castle

down on top of himself. Instead I wanted to drop the Sibling Assassins from a great

height, but again, they were underground.
I dropped my night-vision so I'd be able to see in color, and then cast my vision

about for them. There! They were covering their eyes with their hands and

cringing away from it. I smirked and lifted the two of them from the ground

simultaneously. Realizing they were no longer on the ground they hastily removed

their hands from their eyes, squinting at the hastily-dropping-away ground. I hailed

them and they looked at me, amazed, and rather than frightened, they seemed thilled.

“Who are you, old man?”

“I am the man who is going to kill your king! I am Jacob Pharoh Lighthand

the Ninth!” I dropped them from

Deleted Scene 4
Details are nice, but it these weren't really necessary for the progression of the

Fire-manipulation was one of the first magics I'd used, and it was also one of those

I was best with. But fire, enchanted or no, used oxygen to burn, and I had yet to

feel a single breeze whilst down here, which probably meant that if there was an

opening down here that led to the outside the only time there would be a

cross-breeze (and therefore fresh air) would be when the dungeon door was opened. If

I did not want to suffocate, this would have to be brief.

Rejected scene 7
I don't much care for villains who monologue.
This happened during the confrontation between the nameless king and Jacob after he

lifted the chunk of packed dirt up form the arena ground.
Simple, really. I can use magic because my weapon is partly made from ((At the time

I had no name for Mantle)) I knew from the first time I handled his horn that it was

special. When I first touched it I was only one of those that gather the weapons for

being brought out during a Contest. When my hand brushed it I felt a chill run up my

arm. Later after the Contest I found the spiral spike again and began asking where

it had come from.

Deleted Scene 5
It didn't feel right to just end that section of chapter-filler the way I did, so I

cut it.
This was at the end of a bit with Faltos after the king's death in chapter 14.
Lyra he had already sent back to her room to prepare for her return to Mythica. She

had already been caught once, and given that those that had caught her were still

around it would have unwise for her to stay for too much longer. Especially given

who she'd been caught by. It would be rather unfortunate if they were to

discover that it was he who had hired her.

Deleted Scene 6
I found that it saved me some effort (given that most of chapter 15 was filler for

the month (and change) that Jacob, Jackylin, Applejack, and Trixie were gone) and it

meshed better story-wise to cut and scrap his journey and encounters in the city to

simply jumping to the next section and having Celestia be finishing up a

conversation with him. It told the story of a pack of Diamond Dogs that had decided

to actually take a side as well as jumped to bringing more detail on the siege of


A week of walking and sleeping on the surface world later he stopped before

Canterlot's outer gates and seeing no Ponies standing guard outside or up on the

outer walls knocked on the ornately-carved thick oak doors, hardly making any sound

at all, and certainly not enough of one to be heard from the other side.

“Hmm...” He scratched his head (knocking several bits of dirt loose to fall

to the ground below) and looked up to the top of the doors, holding the paw he'd

used for knocking above his brow to block the sunlight from his eyes. There was

plenty of noise from the hustle and bustle of the population living inside the

walls, but no response at his attempt to convey that he was outside.

Deleted Scene 7

I was going to have most of Mythica-1 be having dreams about the universe that Jacob

was walking around in, but that would have de-railed the end I've got them

spiralling towards.
Back in the Eqestria that Jacob knew, the muscles around Trixie's eyes tightened and

she rolled over, mumbling something incomprehensible. She had been having bad dreams

for more than a month now, and she was not the only one.

Deleted Scene 8
I'd thought about having the deceased main six have a conversation regarding Jacob's

progress through the world they'd crafted as his test, but thought that by having it

that it would make the story a little less...I don't know how to put it.
In a black emptiness, several outlined figures of light conversed with one another

at the images of the world that Jacob now rested in scrolled by like an

old-fashioned projection film.

“He is injured.” Said the first figure, observing Jacob's efforts at

healign the many injuries dealt to him by the now-dead king.

“Yes he is, but hey, he won, right? That's got to count for

something!” A second voice agreed and objected.

“As you well know, winning isn't everything. We already suspected he

might get this far anyway.” The first replied to the second. A third voice

joined the conversation.

“But...um...isn't this being a little too hard on him?”

Rejected Scene 8
This would have taken place in chapter 18 when Applejack was leaving.

Er,” Rarity winced as a passing Human female raised an eyebrow at her. Rarity made

an apologetic nervous-smile. “no offense to you personally, of course!

“Regardless,” she continued as the Human left. “you've neglected to answer

my question, Applejack.”

“I've been recalled from Ponyville, and ordered to Manehatten to help clean

up and rebuild it. Given who's in charge of Gaea now and how willin' he was to throw

away a young'un's life to kill us he'll prolly be hitting us harder soon. Ya'll had

better be preparin' yerselves out here too.”
