• Published 19th Oct 2012
  • 439 Views, 11 Comments

The Super Awesome Sailor Tales of Gaws McJaws - Gaws_McJaws

Many fun and awesome adventures that Gaws McJaws and his crewmates have.

  • ...

That Night

The Super Awesome Sailor Tales of
Gaws McJaws

Chapter 2: That Night

September 28, Year: I really need a calendar.

Sooooooo... Last night was pretty darn awesome. We went to our favorite restaurant and I got the Mac and Cheese. Then we went shopping where I got the sequel to Treasure Shore. AND THEN... We went to the alcohol place. It was a pretty interesting place. Some stuff happened there that was cool and stuff.

Gaws stopped writing for a moment and thought about the night before. He sat and remembered all that had happened...

Date: September 27
Time:9:00 PM
Location: Seaside Shore Bar/Resteurant

The crew of the SSSCCSSS walked through the door, discussing and laughing about recent adventures and spoils. It was a nice place, with plenty of tables around for ponies to eat. They sat down at the table furthest from the other ponies, as they didn't want the others to overhear their plans and steal their treasures.

It was Gaws' first time in this kind of place, so he was very curious. "I'm gonna try ALL the drinks!" he stated to his crewmates.

"Not a good idea, kiddo," Mentor scolded. "Unless you wanna end up like Glasseye when he's drinking, don't even try."
Gaws chuckled at this. Glasseye became a bumbling, ranting, and hilariously stupid pony when he had too much alcohol. Then the crankiness the next day was the perfect time to prank him and set his temper off.

Gaws looked around the place. There were a decent amount of ponies sitting around at tables. Apparently waitress ponies were bringing them food and drinks. Many ponies were drinking with friends, he noticed. The pianist was getting ready for his next song. He had heard the last few seconds of the last song when they walked in and thought it was pretty good.

"Hey, guys. I think that piano pony's pretty good," Gaws whispered. "Why's he playing in a place like this?"

"Some kinda new fancy computer-y music has been coming out. I don't care for it, but apparently a lot of ponies say otherwise," McGruff snorted.

"Do you think it will get rid of..."

"Of course not. Nopony could ever get rid of them," McGreen butted in. "They're too awesome to just get tossed out by some new crazy musical stuff."

"Yeah..." Gaws looked around some more. He wanted to absorb as much as possible, as he doubted they'd be coming to shore again soon, at least based on their plans. He noticed out of all the tables there, only one had a solitary pony sitting there. In the opposite corner of the bar/restaurant, there sat a purple pony with a pink/purple striped mane. Gaws was confused.

"Why's she sitting all alone over there? Everyone's else got somepony with 'em," he remarked.

"Whell, why dontcha go talk to er then?" Glasseye mumbled. Gaws was impressed at how fast he had already gotten a drink in his hooves. "Go on, get 'er tigger!"

"Alrighty then!" And Gaws was off. He began the long and amazingly heroic treacherous journey across the room. Better watch for those tables. Oh, be careful of the occasional waitress, those could be lethal. Step by step, our hero made his way to the mostly empty table but not really because there was somepony there.

Aw, buck it. Gaws had severely overdone walking through the bar in his mind. Doubt that's going into the book... He walked over, sat down and looked at the pony. She didn't even acknowledge him, as her eyes were lost in a book. Gaws leaned over to see what she was reading...

"Hey, I know that book!" Gaws yelled in delight. He startled the owner of said book and she jumped.

"Oh! Uh, hi?" The frazzled unicorn replied. She was a bit confused as to why this young stallion had spoken to her in the first place, but it seemed he was interested in the book she was reading, so she didn't question it. "Yeah, Treasure Shore. I've been looking for this book for a while now."

"What do you mean by that? I thought everyone had that book. It's so good, y'know?" Gaws replied, surprised that she hadn't read it before. He thought everyone had read it before.

"It really is a great book, but the library in Ponyville doesn't have it, so I had to come here to pick up a copy. It seems only these port towns have it," she explained.

"So that's why you're all alone!" He exclaimed.

"Excuse me?" The unicorn asked, confused at this outburst.

Gaws began to explain. "Well, I was wonderin' why a mare like you was sitting all alone, when everypony else in the place was with some friends. But now I get it! You're not from around here, so you don't have any friends here to sit with..." He frowned. For some odd reason, he couldn't stand the idea of this mare sitting alone without any friends. "Hey, I have an idea. How about I be your friend? That way you won't have to sit alone!" He smiled and looked at her expectantly.

The mare thought for a second. She remembered her mentor's teachings about friendship, and decided that making more friends in more places could be helpful to her lessons. Maybe she could even have a penpal! She always liked the idea of having a pony to write letters back and forth with, and this could be a great opportunity. Now she just had to bring it up in the conversation without seeming awkward. "Sure!" She finally replied, with a friendly smile. "My name is Twilight Sparkle. What's your name?"

"My name is Gaws McJaws! I'm a sailor, and one day I'll be the best around. Everypony will know my name, because I'll have my own book about my adventures, just like Treasure Shore. Only it'll be about me. I just started it." He already was proud about his future book. There was no denying it would be awesome, so why wouldn't he be?

"Oh, you're writing a book? That's great!" Twilight exclaimed. She had just befriended a future author! How exciting!

"Yeah, but... I'm not really good with spelling and all that, and it's nowhere near finished. But one day, it'll be famous, and then you can read it," he proclaimed. He hoped maybe she would spread the word about it and get him some fans. Maybe he could even have his own fan club, before the book even came out! He smiled at the thought.

"Absolutely! I'm already looking forward to it. In fact, maybe we could exchange letters, so you can keep me up to date with your progress. How does that sound?," she offered. This was the perfect way to start her new penpal friendship, and keeping up to date on this book made it even better.

"That sounds great! Where should I send the letter to?" Gaws excitedly asked. He was basically jumping in his seat from excitement.

"Address it to Golden Oaks Library, in Ponyville, Equestria," she stated, with an official flair to her statement. "I assume I should send my letters to the post office here? You said you were a sailor, right? So you'd only be able to get mail when you stop here."

Gaws was impressed at how smart she was. "That's right, just send it to this port."

Twilight started to rummage through her saddlebag. "Sorry to cut this short, but I have to get going, or else I'll miss my train." As she started to get up, she pulled a hefty book from her bag. "Almost forgot this. You said you weren't good at spelling, so here's a dictionary! It's got almost every word in it, so you can use it to help your writing. Don't worry, I don't need it. I can already spell every word ever correctly," she boasted as she hoofed the text over to Gaws.

Gaws took the book. He was surprised at how ridiculously heavy it was and almost dropped it, saving it just in time. "Wow, thanks! Uh, talk to you later, then. Bye-bye."

Twilight began to walk to the exit of the bar, waving back at him and saying goodbye. She then left the place and trotted over to the town's train station. She had gotten the port-exclusive books she had come for, and had made a new friend to boot. What an amazing trip this turned out to be, she thought.

Gaws sat there, contemplating the dictionary for a moment. It was huge, and a quick peek inside revealed tons of word and definitions. He couldn't wait to use it to help write his book. He was extremely grateful to Twilight for this gift. He couldn't wait to write her letters about his adventures. Though, he felt a bit sad that she was gone, and couldn't quite place his hoof on why. He then cursed himself, remembering one of Mentor's teachings and one the most important rules of being polite to a mare at a bar: He never offered to buy her a drink.

Author's Note:

Well, it's been a loooong time, and I've still remembered this fic. I would just desert it and say it's been too long and my ideas have faded, but what the heck. It's supposed to be a fun, laid back type fic, so why would I give it up because of a time gap? This is something I'll continue to add to as a relaxing, fun thing to write when I'm bored, so don't expect consistent updates. I will, however, make sure I don't go on another two-year break.

And yes, this takes place before alicorn Twilight. After all, that's when I started the fic, right?

Comments ( 1 )

It's fun to see someone pick up a fic again, and it's encouraging when you yourself angsts about your writing to see someone do something about their own!:rainbowdetermined2:

And a dictionary seems like a good gift from Twilight to a budding author.:pinkiesmile:

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